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Posts posted by bananashake

  1. @hammerdown, this post was and continues to be immensely helpful to me. I am scheduled for 12/21/16, Dr Ortiz at ALM. Your post has put my mind at ease.

    My only worry now is the flight home-- mainly, pulmonary embolism! I only have to fly from Dallas to Houston and then to San Diego and back but this is now my one remaining pestering worry. I think it's probably the riskiest thing about flying to Mexico for surgery. I have no known family history of pulmonary embolism. I know it can happen to anyone at any time, but of course surgery and flying certainly raises that risk.

    Did you, or did anyone else who went to Mexico talk to the surgeon about this? I'm just putting my feelers out. I'm hoping someone's surgeon spoke about the risk and what measures they take to avoid it.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. I'm sorry for posting here, I don't know how else to go about this.

    Does anyone know how to join or ask to join a protected forum? I'd like to join Tijuana Sleevers, as I'm being sleeved 12/21/16 and I'm sure there's a wealth of information on the forum. I'd PM a user of TJS but I can't even see who is a member to ask.

    I know that generally, a sleeve is a sleeve, but those of us going to Mexico have different considerations-- flights, finding suitable nutrition while abroad, on and on, and it's hard to sift through all the standard threads looking for people who've gone to Tijuana.< /p>

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  3. @@dmw0621,

    I was off bariatricpal for awhile, a big congrats on your surgery. Mine is Wednesday the 21st in Tijuana. I can't believe how December has flown by.

    I love all the stuff you love at TJs. I saw the stuffed lobster but it was like $400 so I passed! The shitake green bean chicken stir fry is really, really good, too, and the chicken isn't breaded. I put a half bag of fresh, ready to eat broccoli florets in it when I make it and people always rave about it. Delicious way to get some vegetables. It's a lot like Panda's Green Bean Chicken.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. WonderWoman,

    I haven't had my surgery yet but I am scheduled for 12/21 like you. I've been on the liquid diet since last Wednesday. The first day was by far the hardest-- the following days haven't been easy, but you do get more used to it. I just got all different kinds/flavors of sugar free Water mixers to keep it interesting. I probably drink a 32 Oz bottle of flavored water 5-6 times a day. I got some great herbal teas that I make using hot Water, vanilla shake, and Splenda.

    Remember why you're doing the liquid diet, that helps me.

    As for what happens when people go off the diet, you might post that question on a post-op board. I don't think anyone posting in this thread has had their surgery yet.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. Msro, I'm very glad for your having good insurance, too! It's key to good health. My husband lived in California for a few years before we were married and says he had the best insurance there. The premium was relatively low and the benefits were excellent.

    In Texas, the insurance industry is horrible. My husband has his own business and so he buys our insurance. We pay about $1,000 a month with a $15k annual deductible EACH (and there are three of us). Other than my weight (my BMI is 39 or 40), and my hypothyroidism (all that requires is semi-annual bloodwork and an inexpensive generic prescription) there are no other outstanding health issues in my family. I feel like we're just paying off a mafia every month or something, if we paid our of pocket for all our health expenses we would come out ahead (our monthly health expenses come nowhere near 1k). And yet, here I am, going to Mexico to have surgery.

    In Texas, he who has the gold makes the rules -- in this case, the insurance companies. BCBS TX sets the precedents and all the other insurance companies follow their lead. We had hoped to change insurance plans in the new year to one that had bariatric benefits, but our insurance salesman told us that no insurance company on the open marketplace in Texas offered bariatric benefits. If the big one doesn't do it, none of the other insurance companies feel compelled to. There's zero competition.

    Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts during surgery! I'll come back to this thread and let you all know how I am doing as soon as I am able. Please do the same.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. DMW, I choked mine down. I sure wish we could talk about our TJs faves but it just seems like torture right now. Wonder if we'll still like any of it when all's said and done. Got some turkey bone broth at Super Target yesterday, haven't tried it yet.

    I read in a book ("The Sleeved Life") that it's not unusual to not lose weight the first week or two after surgery because of all the IV fluids you're given at the hospital. The author of the book says a lot of people are surprised when the scale shows their weight hasnt changed, and they fear that their surgery didn't work. Once that excess Fluid they gave you leaves your body, you see the number on scale go down. I'm not sure if this happens to everyone, but if it happens to anyone here, just remember that.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. PhillyAj,

    I'm in Dallas. Mexico is a long story:

    Although my health insurance doesn't cover anything bariatric, I'd planned to have my surgery here in the US and we were going to pay out of pocket. I met my surgeon and did all that, had a couple meetings with the nutritionist here, and I had my psych eval here. I was told the surgery was going to be 'around' 10k, plus a couple other things. Also, because my preop EGD was related to this bariatric surgery, we'd have to pay for that out of pocket, too (an additional few thousand dollars). We may or may not have had to pay out of pocket for the preop ekg.

    I don't know how much that would cost.

    Long story short, while the surgeon and her support team were great, the hospital she was to perform the surgery at was being a pain with a reasonable request of mine to have a 'plan of care' since I was paying out of pocket. That's a list of the procedures and professionals (anaesthesiolot, radiologist, surgeon, surgeon assistant, hospital OR fee, cost of 2-3 nights in hospital, etc) who would be involved in my surgery and about how much their fees would be. It's standard to ask for one of these when you have anything major done out of pocket, that way you can plan accordingly how many bills you'll be getting, roughly how much, and from whom. The surgery is well over ten thousand dollars when all's said and done and we didn't want any surprises. Anyway, this hospital was being very unaccomodating about that. I was told by the surgeon's billing lady that this hospital's billing department "just won't do that".

    The surgeon's billing lady told me she'd "try" to get the hospital's billing lady to write up a plan of care so we would know what we were getting into financially. Meanwhile, my surgeon's team was wanting me to get in and get that EGD & everything else done (as you all know, those preliminary tests are time bound- they have to be done no later than xyz before the surgery). So I was supposed to get scoped for a few thousand dollars, plus everything else like the ekg, before I even knew if/when the hospital was going to write up a plan of care.

    Fast forward, 20 days went by without my hearing from the hospital billing lady, or my surgeon's billing lady. The day before Thanksgiving, I'd had enough. I called them up and left a voice mail, asked to be taken off the schedule. The following Monday morning, I was getting calls from both the surgeon's billing lady, who said my surgeon was furious that this had transpired with the hospital, and the hospital of course, trying to get me back on the books for that date. The hospital had never called me at all until I called to cancel my surgery, then they called the next business day and said that this was the first they'd heard of it.

    I was so over it. As of this surgery isn't nerve wracking and stressful enough, AND paying out of pocket, without getting dicked around by the hospital. Or whoever. One billing lady or the other, I'll never know.

    To keep my enthusiasm up for surgery, after I had gotten discouraged by the hospital but before I decided to cancel altogether, I used to watch YouTube videos of people who had the sleeve or were getting the sleeve, for thinspiration. I'd lay in bed and watch them on my phone after my husband fell asleep. I kept noticing Americans without insurance or without bariatric coverage were going to Tijuana. And they'd video their experience AT the hospital and everything, and then they'd follow up week after week, getting thinner--well, you know how it goes.

    I casually mentioned to my husband I could get it done in Mexico, and he and I talked about it. We decided I should just go for it. We know exactly how much the procedure will cost without complications, plus how much it will cost if there needs to be a hernia repair or anything like that. That's all we wanted from the hospital here!

    Anyway, I'm a little nervous, but I don't have a bad vibe about it at all. I've had laproscopic gallbladder removal and it went quite well, (although I was very physically fit at the time). I don't know what it's going to be like to have my stomach cut, but I know what to expect with laproscopic surgery. It's a lot easier than a c-section. It's the 21st! Think of me! I'll be thinking of all of you on your dates

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Msro,

    I think you will definitely be able to enjoy seafood again. I think my real life diet is similar to yours -- vegetarian on & off, mostly fish when an animal Protein, chicken occasionally, although I wouldn't mind getting away from chicken altogether-- it's just so convenient and readily available.

    Anyway, back to fish, during my psych evaluation, the psychiatrist was very happy to know I loved fish, because it's very easy to digest and it's a good way for sleevers to get Protein and all the other good stuff that comes from fish. Not everyone likes fish, and other animal protein can be hard to digest. So we have that in our favor.

    Your preop diet sounds great!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. Msro, congrats and hats off to you for keeping with it so long. I haven't heard of that kind of diet before, but I'm glad you get to eat raw vegetables. I have half a bag of crinkle cut carrots in the refrigerator that Id love to finish.

    I'm going back to the store today, it's the first day since day one of the liquid diet. I need to restock on teas I liked and Crystal Light flavors. I've been dreading going back to the store.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. Oh, another thing, the seafood stock wasn't in the broth section. The stock section was in the same aisle as the broth section but it was several feet away from the broth section. Don't know why, they're virtually the same, but just a heads-up.

    I also heard Bone Broth is good. I saw some at Walmart but I didn't pick it up at the time and I haven't seen it anywhere else since.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. I'm down five pounds since starting the liquid diet. I started Tuesday. When I wake up in the morning, I have to remind myself that I can't go have three cups of coffee and eat something tasty -- but I'm learning to look forward to seeing the number on the scale go down every morning. That feels better than anything. And omg guys, it's just going to keep going down! (Stalls aside, naturally.)

    PhillyAj, I wish I had some recipes that taste just like what we'd all rather be eating, but the best we can hope for is just to keep it interesting. I have some butter flavoring (not actual butter, not made with butter, just an artificial extract) and some maple flavoring (again, just a bottle of flavor extract from the baking aisle) and I put in a vanilla shake. I enjoyed it, I'll do it again. I've never been a big pancake eater, but it was nice to have a maple and butter flavored shake for a change.

    Also, orange extract in a vanilla shake for a creamsicle flavor... Peppermint extract in a chocolate shake blended with ice for a change in texture (or not). I've read you can make a coffee flavored one with a single serve packet of Decaf instant coffee granules dissolved in a tablespoon of hot Water and added to a vanilla or chocolate shake. I've read that a sugar free lemonade packet in a strawberry or vanilla shake is good.

    I use the McCormick Italian herb grinder to give my broth a nice flavor.

    Nothing too exciting given the strict parameters of the diet, but it helps.

    (BTW PhillyAj, try the Premier Protein shakes if you haven't already-- they're actually good and I think they meet your doctors criteria based on the other brands he suggested).

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. PhillyAj, exactly! You're totally on the right track. And yes, God, is it ever a mental challenge.

    I just read a book about the sleeve and the author said that most sleevers find this preop diet to be the hardest part of the entire sleeving process.

    We both started at about the same time, so we're almost 1/3 through anyway-- we don't have two weeks to go anymore.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. For crying out loud, what a thread.

    Put me in the 'no soda' basket. Everyone knows regular soda is bad, but diet soda is increasingly being linked to metabolic problems. I've heard more than once from people in bariatrics say that not everyone who drinks soda (diet or otherwise, and many/most who have had WLS drink diet) re-gains weight, but almost everyone who regains weight is a soda drinker. Also, the phosphorus in soda displaces the Calcium in your bones and teeth, increasing your already-increased risk for osteoporosis.

    I had a baaaaad Diet Pepsi habit from age 10-33 or so. I was able to quit it by drinking Lacroix soda Water, then I quit drinking that, too. It helped.

    I'm not saying I'd never, ever have another drink of soda, but I wouldn't ever purchase more than a single unit. I'm not chancing my health or my weight for pop. That's just my two cents.

    From the looks of this thread, it's a highly personal decision that people base on their own reasons, and people have strong opinions about it- both the sleevers and their bariatric teams. It's ultimately up to you. I will say, I was very hardcore about my Diet Pepsi back in the day. I really don't miss it. Once in awhile (I haven't had surgery yet) I would get a diet pop just because it sounded good, after I kicked the habit. It was never that good, certainly not so refreshing.

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  14. My friends and family know, and I stay at home with my toddler son, so I don't have coworkers to contend with. My husband hasn't told anyone in his family-- most of them live abroad and my husband keeps everything in his life under wraps until it's a sure thing, anyway.

    I know it's going to get annoying with my neighbors and my son's preschooler friends' moms, 90% of whom are dressed in expensive yoga pants and sports bras with tiny, designer off-shoulder gym tees asking how I've lost weight -- (these are people who have never given me the time of day).

    But I must say, I actually once asked a woman about her weight loss and I honestly wasn't trying to "out" her for surgery or anything. I Was just so stunned by her weight loss, and so freaking desperate for my own. It was my dogs'veterinary technician. I've gone to this vet for ten years, and this tech worked there the whole time. I love this vet clinic and their staff and I've always been very friendly with them all.

    Anyway, about two and a half years ago, I had recently had my baby and I stopped into the vet clinic to pick up a prescription. I had just gotten out if an intense personal training session at the gym and I was hot sweaty and embarrassed to be seen in public, but you gotta do what you gotta do for an old dog.

    Anyway, I was floored when I saw the vet tech. She was probably down 50 pounds from the last time I saw her. I mean here I was, really struggling at my weight and getting nowhere and here was someone standing before me who quite obviously was getting it right! I didn't for a second think about what she may have done to lose weight, I just blurted out "Omg, you look amazing. what are you doing?" I sincerely wanted to know because I wanted to do it, too! I wasn't fishing around, I hadn't even had time to process what she may have done. It honestly just came out of me like an uncontrollable sneeze.

    She said she was "just eating right and exercising." I knew immediately that I shouldn't have asked. She has continued to lose at least another 50+ and is now quite thin (maybe a size 4 or 6).

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  15. PhillyAj,

    No, no I wasn't sharing that for sympathy, I was trying to help you, or others, who are struggling with this liquid diet, to help you keep it in perspective. I'm having this done and I am not looking back. There's nothing that tastes good enough for me to say "You know I was wrong, this is totally worth being fat for the rest of my life."

    I hasten to add, any of you on liquids who truly feel like you just cannot do the liquid diet -- CALL your DOCTOR. They *might* permit you to have a small bit of something, but I guarantee it isn't going to be something very exciting. You -might-be allowed, once, a piece of plain, lean chicken breast prepared at home, or poached fish with no oil or anything like that. You are not going to be permitted to have bread, breading, or a fry from someone else's plate, or sweets or pizza or something. It can't hurt to ask. But it can hurt not to ask.

    The right way to do it is to call and tell them you are struggling with the diet. They may say just tough it out, or drink more Water, or they may say you can have a few steamed carrots. They might give you the number of a support person.

    I personally cannot imagine living with myself if I flubbed this diet. I have to have this surgery.

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  16. I gained 70 pounds in about a year and half with undiagnosed hypothyroidism. After it was diagnosed and I started treatment, I thought the pounds would melt off. Wrong!

    I've been trying for nearly ten years now to lose this weight. I did four months of boot camp, two years of personal training including a year and half of private personal training four months out from a rough c-section. My trainers were young and hot and I was sleep deprived (baby), sore, sweaty and fat and embarrassed, but I soldiered on three times a week, 60 minutes, for 18months. And I went to all my sessions (too expensive not to)!

    I've skipped social events at my son's preschool, avoided my extroverted husband's dinners with friends, avoided fun, big city goings-ons, I don't even like to walk around my own neighborhood like this. The people in my life love me as I am, but I do not, and my weight has impacted those relationships because it bothers me. My size is never not on my mind. I could go on and on, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but if your weight is holding you back, I probably don't have to. Anyway, my world is very, very small now, and it's because of my weight.

    I figure I've gone through ten years of hell already, another two weeks isn't going to kill me.

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  17. I started my preop diet yesterday (getting sleeved in Mexico 12/21).

    I purchased every flavor of broth and several different flavors of Crystal Light type packets. I have vanilla, chocolate, banana and caramel shakes, and I have those bottles flavor extracts from the baking aisle (peppermint, cherry, orange, lemon, maple, etc.) to add to my shakes for different flavors. I haven't actually used those for shakes (I bake a lot) but I know it's a legal way to jazz up the shakes when I get to that point.

    Get a VARIETY of flavors of everything that you are allowed. Don't just stock up on one type of broth and one type of drink powder and one flavor of shake.

    I like novelty, it's why I'm fat. If I didn't have half dozen broth options, a number of sugar free drink flavors, and infinite shake flavor possibilities, I would lose my mind.

    Also, don't allow yourself to run completely out of broth, shakes, or drink stuff. Don't put yourself in a vulnerable situation, it's hard enough as it is.

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  18. My sleeve is scheduled for the 21st, like several others. I was wondering how other 21sters are holding up with the preop diet. Today was my first day.

    I know different surgeons use different diets, but the one I am following calls for three Protein shakes a day (30g protein/1g sugar) and unlimited broth and Crystal Light type drinks, and Decaf teas. I do have a cup of coffee in the morning with a splash of vanilla Protein shake and Splenda.

    I followed it to a T today, but it was hard when I made dinner for my husband. I went in the other room and drank some ginger miso broth from Trader Joe's while he ate.

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