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Posts posted by Mariposa

  1. I got my first fill 1/10/09, I have lost 14pds, since then. I for the past few weeks, have been under a huge amount of stress and have noticed that I cant eat anything at all in the morning, barely anything if the afternoon, hardly anything by dinner and can maybe muster a later night dinner/snack. I have been throwing up I would say an average of 3-4 times a week. Not from not chewing my food well, it comes up like mush like I ate it like mush. Its aweful. I was out to dinner tonight, at 8pm. Had a drink then 2 ribs.. and about 5-10mins after eating the two small ribs, I had to run to the bathroom to throw up. I am starting to feel like a bulimic. I can barely eat and when I do its so uncomfortable, that sometimes I have to throw up. How in the world after almost 5 months after getting a fill, how am I too tight now? I thought it was suspose to get looser as I lost weight, not tighter? Plus I am hungry all the time.. of course I am, I cant eat?! ;) I dont doubt that my stress is a cause, but has anyone else experienced this? I am calling the MD tomorrow, talk with them on this. I dont want to starve myself thin, no thank you.

  2. Ok.. i just got my first fill 3 weeks ago since my surgery. Just 1cc which I feel I have great restriction, for now. I now cant eat bread, Pasta and rice with out it coming up. Learned the hard way. Sliming and puky equals yucky! Anyway one thing I have noticed is the discomfort I get for eatting foods that I should eat. Like protien. I eat anything from chicken to steak and it is so uncomfortable.. no matter how well I chew it.. that I just dont want to eat it anymore. It doesnt get stuck and it doesnt make me wanna puke it up, it just hurts going through the hole to my bigger stomach. Now what is the easist to eat, besides the soft stuff is, Soups, saleds and fruit. Which is all great for you, but can get boring after awhile. Now for the junk which is evil in my book LOL is chocolate and potato chips i can eat with no probs... I just have to use will power for that. Anyway, any advise to lower the discomfort of the meats? Any tricks anyone else experience this? Let me know thanks! :(

  3. I am getting my first fill tomorrow at 2pm, I know after ur fill 2 days liquid and then 2 days mushie then regular foods. But what about right before the fill? Should I eat or just drink liquids? They didnt mention anything to me about it.. but i want to make sure.. this fill is 2 months late. My dr. was on leave.. 2 months of no weight loss :) but no weight gain :grouphug: which is good. But want to look good for this summer! :mellow: anyway thanks!

  4. OMG!!! LOL.... I am normal.. I lost 19pds since surgery.. and I am stuck.. well not stuck.. idk.. I am up 5 pds, down 6 pds. up 5 pds down 6 pds blah blah.. I am just hovering over this 215 weight.. which has been my "normal" weight for yrs.. give or take when I would starve myself or eat to much crap.. I was suspose to get my first fill this month. But my poor Dr. was in an accident so I have to wait another month :( I am averaging 1500-1600 cals a day. I am not gaining weight other then Water blah! To hungry to eat less... especially at night. Granted I am eating 1000-1500 cals less then what I normally eat.. boy oh boy my body is stubborn. I am glad I am not alone.

  5. Ok ok.. I know I may need a fill, I am so frustrated. I know I need to talk to my Dr. about this, but wondering if anyone else has gone through this. I am 3 months post op. Lost 19pds after surgery. Before 11pds. So 30 altogether.. well thats great right? Sure in a way. I am at the "normal" weight I have been most of my adult life. I have always stayed around 215pds since I was 18 yrs old now 31. I would gain some, lose some and I always seem to get around 215 and dont budge unless I eat like crazy or starve myself like crazy. GRRR So my LB is weird, I cant eat anything before 11am, when I do eat, it has to be super soft. then at 4pm I can eat a turkey sandwhich, first few bites are uncomfortable, then i am okay. By 7-9pm.. I am sooooooooo hungry I can eat.. what i would say a normal meal. Like I had a whole chicken breast and 4 tator wedges. I am full... but golly thats a lot in my opinion. Around 10-11pm, I will get hungry again and have a snack.. I know I am eating more then what I think I should. But less then what I normally would before LB. I have had no fills and if I eat before 12pm I have PB'd.. omg thats the worst feeling.. and I havent had a fill yet!!! AWWWHHH.. any advice? I am irreglar on working out, cant afford a gym, too damn cold to walk outside I live in MN.. the Nintendo wii is my old source to work out and my weights. Maybe I outta bunker down and work out more? Sorry i am venting! :)

  6. Ok.. i am frustrated. I haven't had a fill and I am a lil confused! I have good restriction in the morning, sometimes I can eat one piece of toast and a boiled egg.. very slowly. I mean slowly, sometime its uncomfortable. Then by lunch a turkey sandwich. dinner a cup of whatever for dinner, but by 9pm.. i am hungry.. and really hungry! I am really confused by this. They told me 3 meals a day but I am hungry around 9-10pm? I can barely eat during the day.. but come around late I am starved. Do I need a fill? Or just have a healthy snack? I am pretty active. I am a homemaker, I cook, clean, run a business from home, photographer and I work out. I average around 1500 cals a day. I am not gaining weight, but my weightloss has slowed alot! GRRRR Any suggestions? I am not sceduled for a fill until dec, which is fine.. thanksgiving is coming up! lol.. gobble gobble! :smile2:

  7. www.bodyforlife.com

    they go based on 5-6 meals a day.. all small meals, such protien/ carb anf veggies free foods if you can get them down after the protien/ carb combo. I am going to do that again. i failed the first time before surgury.. but now it should be alot easier. i always followed the weight training but i will do the workout plan. also a free day a week eat whatever you want. keep your body guessing. anyway good luck! :D

  8. Thank you for all your advice. I am going to switch up my eating, and start weight training and switch up my exercise. And do more of it. Honestly I only been working out 3 x a week, i will do 4x. So.. we shall see. Cuz I know I am not eating to much i cant.. yuck sickly full is no fun, done that twice one bite to many gross and hurts! lol..

    Thanks again everyone! :blink:

  9. AWWWH, yea you are right about getting into a rut with the food. I didnt think about that. I get into a habit of just eating the same thing over and over again! lol.. Yea i have food issues lack of imagination! lol I did mix it up a bit today, i had a boiled egg and 1/2 cup strawberries, lunch 1/2 ham sandwhich with out bread, and dinner chicken noodle Soup. I had a lot of restriction, of course i am retaining Water like a feen! lol

  10. Its not daily, its average, but i did mention " lean" steaks, maybe i should be more clear, 1 slice of bread for my sandwich?! Usually low fat.. everything except chocolate is usually lean, lowfat and whole this and that. I eat baked chips.. but i figured out what was causing my platue. I dont need a fill either my dr. says i am not eating to much. I been having chronic migranes and the meds cause mess with you system.

    But really, you shouldn;t deny your self from any food.. eat in small portions.. and choose always the healthest of course. If I ate low fat and diet this and that 24/7 i couldnt do it. A saled over steak? I rather have both. Sorry thats me.. I will just up my working out. But the source of food doesnt make you fat its the qaunity. And lack of activity. Anyway.. thanks for that encoruagement of whatever! Take care:sleep:

  11. i have hit a platue! I havent lost a pd in over a week! And i have gotten hungry (not mind hungry not growling hunger, more naw hunger), is it possible my body is freaking out on me. I have never ever been on 1200-1500cals a day more then a month. The last couple of days i have felt hungry, but i cant eat anymore then what my stomach will allow. I get full off of what i eat.. but i feel like i am starving yea know? This sucks. I get on the scale and nada i bounce up and down 5pds. And the thing is the weight i am at now, i been at that weight most of my adult life. 215-218pds I been at the weight since I had my first son. I only gone up higher then that 2 times in 12 yrs. once pregnancy and being married! lol And the weight fell off when i applied myself to my current weight, just like now! But now.. i been stuck at this weight for 2 weeks and nothing. Could my body be stubborn and is holding on to the weight? Will it last forever? I hope not.. I prolly either need to add some cals for a week or take away cals, but I dont know which way to go? Should I listen to my body and eat a lil extra like a Protein Shake and bring my cals to 1800? Have any advice? Or should I lower them to less the 1200 cals a day to shock my system? Its been 2 months since my surgery.. I hope I dont need a fill. This is my norm meals a day:

    b/f-cup of coffee with splenda and low fat half and half

    Lunch- 1/2 ham or turkey sandwhich w/ lettuce, Tomato, lite mayo and 1/2 american cheese, with 1/2 oz chips (lowfat or regular)

    dinner- 1 1/2 of Pasta dish or 3 oz of lean steak w. salad w/ lowfat dressing. 3 small pieces of chocolate ( dont tell me to get rid of that! lol)

    My cals range from 1200-1500 a day

    I havent had a fill yet. And yes i can tolarant that stuff! lol lucky me! :thumbs_up: Cant eat in the morning... HELP!

  12. Yea that story is similar to mine, except hiding food. I was raised too, by a single mom and there were days when they was no food in the house. So when my mom would go grocery shopping I would pig out too. I was always a lil bigger then my tall skinny sister. Everyone compared me to her. Unlike ur family 90% of the women struggle with there weight on both sides. So I had genes and the ones in my family who succeeded in losing weight or never had a weight problem thought it was a good idea to put me on a diet at age 9, not recommended by a Dr. I didnt even need it, I look at pictures of me as a kid and I wasnt even fat! At all, I just wasnt a skinny and tall like my sister (by the way is my half sister) So all of my childhood I was compared to my sister. I was a child and teenager an emotional eatter. Then as an adult I was on constant yo yo diets. Which made things worse. The remarks I got was, are you sure you wanna eat that? ARe you sure thats not to much etc. Now.. I dont get fat ass or anything like that from my husband or my over weight mom. But I will warn you, this is what I have experienced and its a lil frustrating on my part. I am almost 6 weeks out. PPl are surprised of how much I can eat and what I can eat. ( It averages 3 cups of food a day) Which is what I am suspose to have a day. Well when they see what I put on my toodler plate they are like "Are you sure you can eat that? Are you sure thats not to much?" Pisses me off, becuz they think its like gastric, where you eat next to nothing. I get that eyebrow raised look when ever I put food on my plate by my husband. Who married me fat!??! lol I dont get it, other then they are ignornant. I have lost 15pds since the surgery and lost 13pds before surgery! I eat whatever I want, but because of my taste 98% of it is healthy food, becuz it taste better then that processed high sugar high salt crap we call food. So.. expect your mom to do the same thing. Once you are eating. I think they expect u to eat like a bird and when they see how much you can eat, they are surprised and make the comments!!! GRRRR :thumbup: Anyway u r doing the right thing.. good luck :biggrin:

  13. Yea U have a point. I have lost some weight, and I feel I have pretty good restriction 5 weeks out. anymore restriction, then I will be eating like a bird instead of a toddler! lol I will see how things are next week. I know I am retaining lots of Water, my rings dont fit! But I did notice that I am in smaller jeans, so it may not be showing on the scale but its showing in my clothes!!! Anyway thanks yall for ur advice! :)

  14. I am one month out and for the last 2 weeks, I keep going up and down 5 pds in my weight. I eat less then 1500 cals a day. I work out, drink tons of Water and the weight aint moving. I am hormonal like a feen.. i hope its just my body adapting. Its very frustrating. I would of lost 10pds this month, but the up and down 5 pds if pissing me off! lol..

    also.. do any of u experience this I am tight moring and afternoon but starved by evening???

  15. Yes food does taste different. I do believe its because you have to chew it well, very well. Instead of inhaling it like we use too. I use to eat tuna with no probs. Well I hate tuna, now! lol Its nasty! Now that I have to chew it forever. Dont care for burgers either. chicken is still good, ribs still good, potato's whether fried or mashed taste good and of course chocolate taste good! lol Veggies and fruits taste good, I think some junk food taste the same, but it depends on the junk ya know? I am becoming a picky eater!!! Thats crazy! lol

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