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Posts posted by triser72

  1. Yes, Yes, YES!!! I, too, feel like the "black cloud" of obesity is slowly easing itself away from me. My brother told me last week that I sounded happier that I have in YEARS - all from a phone msg!!! WOW! I am still considered obese, but I just feel so much lighter than I did before! All this healthy eating and living - it's all for the very best life!!!!

  2. OK - so 50 lbs lost and 1/2 a shoe size! I went to the mall today to buy 2 pairs of shoes to wear to work - cuz I've been hangin' out in flip flops and tennis shoes all summer - only to find that the reason my feet were hurting this morning is b/c they were slipping and sliding around in my shoes. Fortunately, I got one pair for 75% off!

  3. If you do have fears about the gyno - ask if they have a nurse practitioner in office who does most of the well-woman exams. I am 36 and have been going to the gyno since I was 14 - my best experiences have been with the nurse practitioner. Sometimes, I feel like a well-woman exam is the lowest priority for an ob/gyn doc. The NP is there to answer your questions, and make you feel at ease. Everyone's experience is different, but DO ask your friends or co-workers - they can tell you who is best.

  4. Ya'll are all making me laugh - because it is all soooo true - every bit of it! Leslie - I look forward to the day that my body will bend like some of those positions in books. My DH will think he's died and gone to heaven! I think that a large part of wanting sex is a state of mind and the other big part is physical. My state of mind is up b/c of the weight loss then sinks a little because the weight that I lost this week was in my boobs. I seem to lose weight in a progression - face, chest, abs, legs, hips, arms, face, chest, abs, legs, hips, arms, face.......my chests is flatter and my upper arms wave "Hello!"

  5. Yes, the operative word there is CONTROL on the birth and the process that creates it. ugh.

    I will say that most of our friends in their 30s fight so much more in their marriages than I ever noticed in my 20s. The pressures of our 30s are so intense (I'm generalizing here) - career building, children, money - our perspectives begin to shift as we try to find the glue to hold it all together. We don't have children and we have never been good at arguing with one another, but we get our share of digs in each day b/c we are both sarcastic (and I'm bossy). The last year was wonderful in that we were having sex 3-4x/wk, and the arguing seemed to disappear. Everything else in our life (careers, money, etc.) just got better and better as well.

    Yes, I think my sexual peak was the direct result of freedom from birth control. But the result of the sexual peak was intense intimacy in our marriage:wub:, and that just manifests itself once it is in motion.

    And now, that I am back on birth control.....well, I'm more....controlled.:thumbup:

  6. All through my 20s, I heard that one sexual peak begins in the early 30s, and there is another in the 50s. I had been on birth control from age 30-34, so I wasn't experiencing it. May 07 - I went off BC to try to get pregnant. I don't really think we ever tried to get pregnant (we didn't), but every day and every week - the sex just got better and better. It was like my body had been unleashed - physically, emotionally, mentally, and especially sexually! Then I decide to go for wls, and have to go back on BC - well, that sexual desire is now locked down tight as a vault. In two months, my sex life has gone from WOW to blah. I would have liked to enjoy that peak a bit longer.

  7. Banded just 2 months ago

    I thought I had a long road to hoe

    But healthy eating is the key

    On the journey to a BRAND NEW ME!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    I have been at this weight before

    But I was going in the door

    Now I'm going out, you see

    On the journey to a BRAND NEW ME!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    And if I ever get in a slump

    To LapBandTalk, I certainly jump

    But I did this for myself - yes, indeed

    On the journey to a BRAND NEW ME!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    I've lost 50 lbs!

  8. So, the last two weeks have been a transition into a new daily routine. With the transition and adjustment, exercise was that last thing to be factored into the equation. Sad, but true. But over the weekend, I read this thread from top to bottom.....and high-tailed it back to the gym! Thank you for the indirect support and inspiration, it was the kick in the butt that I needed!

    I don't know what kind of mental bridge I've crossed, but I now book hotels that have an exercise room. And maybe they all had them before and I didn't use them? But suddenly, this element has become important to me. And I enjoy it!

  9. I think we have all been in these shoes. There's is a great article about emotional eating in the magazine section of the this forum - it's posted on the home page at the bottom - Tackling Emotional Eating by Shifting out of Autopilot - well worth the read!

    About one month post-op, I was at a friend's house. Her husband brought home dinner - fried chicken bucket and the works - complete with fried okra, 1 gal. sweet tea and hot dinner rolls. We were all talking as he was prepping the food, but all I could do was look at the food. My brain was firing off a zillion messages "Oh, just one roll....." "Oh, I do LOVE fried okra" "You can't have this stuff anymore" "The calories and fat alone make me want to puke".

    It was in that instant that I knew I had to remove myself from the situation. So, I excused myself, said my good-byes and went home.

    Or when I was looking at my mother-in-law's new house and noticed that her kitchen island was too close to her refrigerator and she made a comment about how I would be able to fit through that space in about a year. That would be great, except she used a negative tone in her voice.

    All I could think was "I need some Pepperidge Farm Soft Baked Cookies RIGHT NOW!!!!!" It won't kill me, but I will feel better for a moment. Fortunately, her cupboards were bare.

    It is all about those situations that causes us to react negatively - not toward others, but inwardly we seek self-satisfaction for the moment to ease our emotional discomfort. How long does the satisfaction last?

    At the advice of my therapist, I remove myself from situations that may cause me to have a negative behavior. It works. And when I can't remove myself, well - I just keep my mouth shut.

  10. Thank you for all these suggestions - oh, so helpful!

    I feel myself coming out of this lull, and it is definitely a mental issue. :wink2: I went to a convention on Thurs/Fri and 2 things disappointed me: 1. the lack of fresh, healthy food, 2. none of my colleagues noticed that I have lost weight. The disappointment has given me new energy, and mentally sends the message that I need to work a little harder. At my hotel, I walked on the treadmill as part of my daily exercise, plus I got in a ton of walking at convention - so I feel good in that regard. I do love being able to control what I eat, and I didn't feel like I had that control while at convention. Convention ctr cafe food is total carbs, and the exhibitors who do have food - it's candy or high fat Desserts. And I am sure that my colleagues noticed something different about me, but didn't say anything. I tried to wear clothes that fit me, not the ones that are hanging on me. It's a good problem to have.

    So, the lull is waning.....yeah!

  11. I'm not quite 2 mos. post-op, but I have hit a lull in the past week. I'm mentally bored with eating. I can't believe I am saying that after so many years of being mentally excited to eat. The weight is still coming off about 2-3 lbs a week, so I can't complain. I am eating just to have fuel, and I am physically satisfied.

    Has anyone experienced this? Anyone got ideas about how to change it up?

    I also need ideas about what kind of healthy snack (that doesn't require a refrigeration or a microwave) to keep in my purse when I get hunger pains.

  12. NSVs.....

    1. I am able to wear some clothes that I haven't been able to wear for a year and a half.

    2. Within 2 wks, those clothes are big on me!

    3. I bought a tankini 2 mos. ago (pre-surgery) in a size 28 and now it's too big. Bought a new one-piece this week in a size 24!

    4. My husband can put his arms ALL THE WAY AROUND ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Although I do not have children, I do relate to your situation - I am a middle school teacher as well. Here's what I am doing...during the month of July, I am going to make test-runs on where the exercise fits best into my daily routine. When school starts, then (I hope) it won't be that difficult to find time to exercise.

    I think walking while your daughter is at dance class is a brilliant! Maybe there's another mom who would like to join you?

  14. Grey - I am in the Spring/Klein/Tomball area of Houston - northwest. You were not a downer, but you definitely saw a problem that I didn't see. That's what this forum is all about!

    Well, I am doing all the things that ya'll are suggesting - I'll just keep trying! Thanks so much.

  15. OK - so I talked to my nutritionist and she said that based on my H/W - yes, I do need to increase my caloric intake per day to 1000-1100 calories. So, thank you, Grey, for keeping me accountable on that one.

    My only question is HOW? I feel like I am stuffing myself as is with an average of 700 calories. So, I have find 300 more calories each day?

  16. I guess since I am only 3 weeks out from surgery, I wasn't thinking about the calories were as big of a deal as the Protein and the H2O intake. I'm eating such small amounts of food - how would it be possible to get 1000-1500 calories. Since I am finished with the puree stage - I will probably see an increase in calories as I move on to soft foods in larger amounts than 1-2oz.

    Thanks for seeing something that I should be concerned about, I'll email my nutritionist and see what she says - it's her food plan.

  17. Or a new contract? I definitely feel like I have signed a life-changing contract of my life by being banded (second only to my marriage). This is great! I am 26lbs down since surgery on 6/11, and I feel just fine. All of my foods go down very well, my body definitely tells me when to stop eating. Intaking 500-800 calories each day, I am striving for 60g of Protein each day, it's not easy and most days I get to 45-55g. I can honestly say that I hate tuna even though it has tons of Protein. I will eat it, but I definitely don't like it. I have learned to remove myself from situations where the food is tempting - it was difficult last night visiting friends and they brought home a fried chicken dinner complete with rolls. I excused myself and went home.

    I have been working out 45-60 minutes each day - WOW! What a difference exercise does to the body! Today, I went to Water aerobics - it was hard work, but seriously the most fun I have ever had exercising! I am looking forward to adding strength training to my routine once I have clearance from the surgeon.

    I am glad I waited to find the right doctor to do this - he and his staff have made this a wonderful experience.

    I know the hard part will come when school starts back up and my routine shifts, but that's okay! I am ready for the challenge.

  18. It took me about 3 days as well for a b.m., and then it was diarrhea for 3 days. With liquids and pain meds, it's normal. I ate about 4 oz. of SF Jello during the course of my 5th or 6th day, and then it was 3 more days before I had another b.m. Then it finally came in solid form. Just be patient with your body. Being so overweight, I was used to having 3-4 bm's a day, so I kind of appreciate the respite from all that stuff during the first few weeks after surgery.

  19. Not to worry, the pain is still here on the 3rd/4th day. The nurse said it's b/c of the cutting into the muscle. Well, my abdominal muscle feels like someone's punching bag. The liquid Loratab works for a couple of hours, but now that I am out of the hospital, I only take it at night. The liquid Tylenol during the day helps me forget that I have scars. As a singer, I really miss being able to take really deep breaths. While in the hospital with that left shoulder pain and not taking good breaths - omg, I thought I was going to scream bloody murder! But I couldn't - b/c that would hurt, too! The lady who waxes my eyebrows says "You big baby!" cuz I cry when she rips off theat tiny strip of fabric. Uh, yeh, pain is pain and it's relative.

  20. Good morning to all! It's 3 days post-op for me and I am feeling fine. I stayed overnight in the hospital - I was glad cuz I have never had surgery and I would not have known what to do with all the pains - gotta love a morphine drip! 4 outta 5 of my incisions are pretty small (less than 1/2 inch), so there's pain but minimal. The morning after my bariatric nurse, the surgeon, and bariatric nutritionist all checked in on me - at that point the pain had subsided and I was ready to go home. I was tired of pulling myself in/out of that hospital bed.

    I am on a full liquids, of course. My nutritionist's diet is 1 oz of liquid every 15 min. for 2 wks - so I am never far from the kitchen. I took four 10 min. walks yesterday - which was nice. I have been peeing like a madman, but yesterday the diarrhea came in. I'm not far from the kitchen or the bathroom now. Everything gurgles in my body now - I can't figure out if that is all the liquids talkin' or if I am actually hungry. I did figure out yesterday that "full" doesn't feel the same anymore. Before surgery, "full" mean a bloated feeling, now it means a tightness.

    My DH and I got out and about last night for a few little shopping trips. I am going to short concert this afternoon, so I shouldn't have cabin fever too bad. Just keepin' the Water bottle handy and staying close to the bathroom. So far, so good.:P

  21. I have had chronic lower back pain for about 10 yrs now, and surgery didn't help it. It was the lying flat in hospital that did me in, then in the hospital bed that raises/lowers - it's divided exactly where my lower back is - not good. Now that I am home, it's trying to find the right way to sit or lay down. But a 10 minute walk seems to work the kinks out.

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