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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Allison

  1. Hang in there amsderb!!! Ugh I just ate a huge block of cheddar cheese. SO delicious. I'm craving candy now. I want like, sour patch watermelons. If only it was a little earlier, I would probably go out and get some. Today I was looking in the mirror and my face is getting sooooo chubby!!! I need to stop this. ALTHOUGH at my nutrition consult today I weighed 221? I haden't eaten ALL day though so maybe that had something to do with it. I just want my band already!!!! Ugh, at least I have all of you to complain to hahaha.


  2. hey everyone! Since I am only about 5'1 or 5'2 (all the doctors keep telling me one or the other) An "ideal" weight would be around 125 according to all the charts and such, but I think I would be happy with anything under about 140 in the long run. Although at this point if I lost 20 - 25 pounds and got under 200 for the first time since probably about 9th grade I think I would really feel better about myself :redface:

  3. I agree. I can't believe the bottom 3!:redface: David A. needed to be in that group! Yeap, still hoping he get's the boot SOON. Oh and he had nerve to say he is not used to performing in front of an audience. Ummm okkkk......then what was all those people called sitting in the seats watching you at Star Search. Oh and this makes me gag....

    YouTube - Happy Borthday from David Archuleta

    Hahaha oh man, I used to love david a. but now I would love to see him get punched in the face. I dunno he's just getting annoying and making excuses, but I don't HATE him like I HATE KRISTY!!!!!!!! I can't believe we have to deal with her another week. I know she was decent on tuesday but that was the first time ever! I don't think they should have country singers on Idol. Didn't they have a country idol or something? go on that Kristy! I miss michael! I would have liked to see either carly or syesha go I can't believe hes gone! lol my thoughts are all over the place, I'm gonna check out the youtube link right now...

  4. Allison, Yes she's 1/2 bichon and 1/2 maltese. She's a year old and weighs 8 pounds. My daughter has a 1/2 bichon and 1/2 shi-tzu and he is bigger. A couple days ago I saw a 8 month old bichon and he was adorable. I love dogs of all types but esp maltese and bichons. That's why I got the mix.

    Aww! I have 2 bichons, ralphie is 3 and chloe is 4. I love them so much! So much work though!!! I need to get them groomed soon lol. They are getting a little ( ok a lot ) mangey lol.

  5. Since when did watching American Idol mean going to church? This song they are singing right now is ridiculous. If this has anything to do with Idol gives back, since when do you need to be a religious person to "give back." They should just be focusing on all they have accomplished...

  6. Allison - How was your appointment?

    Mae and Crystal - I am so glad I don't have to do a liquid diet. I have a low carb diet to follow. I think I can manage to keep things under wraps following it. I have only told 5 people (including my DH) that I am getting lap band and one of them is not my dad who thinks I am supposed to go out to eat with him every Friday night.

    WELCOME to all the new May Flowers!

    It was pretty easy, I was there for about an hour. The lady was really nice and we just talked about what I normally eat and what foods I should try to eat/avoid with the lapband. I'm so excited to get all this finally going! :redface:

  7. Alright someone needs to drag me away from this thread... lol. Hahaha Rob Schnieder "I though Bono had enough money to solve all the problems in Africa, but apparently he only had half"

    Oh Rob Schnieder

  8. I thought I had heard Ann has a lapband, I remember she was smaller for a while, but it looks like she is struggling again now and gained back. So sad. Battling weight is a difficult struggle for everyone.

    Yeah in the Banded Celebrities thread someone said that she had to have it removed.

    Ugh everytime they show these clips of all these kids I start tearing up again! :thumbup:

  9. I just saw Ann Wilson on American Idol. She has gained the 60 pounds back and then some. I feel for her. I hope she can find a solution, because it is such a terrible thing to go through.

    Yeah I'm watching too. She lost her band? I thought she still had it.

  10. Jennifer:

    My band doctor gave me a 4 cc band last July. However, in support group they told everyone that they used to give most women 4 cc's and the men the larger band. However, they had three bands that were too tight on women that they had to reoperate and change to the bigger band. Since then they've only done the larger bands on everyone regardless of their size or sex. They said it is harder to manage the fills because it takes more finesse to find the sweet spot, however it's better than finding out a day after surgery that someone's band is too tight before it's even filled.

    Good luck.


    Sue, if I remember correctly you were banded by the Glasgows? I am currently undergoing all the pre-op stuff with them. I was wondering what type of band they would be using on me. Do you know if it is the 10cc or the 14cc?? Thanks for all the help, sorry to jump in on this thread lol.

  11. hey Allison,

    glad things went well with your Mom. telling family members when you can already expect opposition (or at the very least, hesitation) is really difficult - I've totally been there! I'll be threading about my experience with my sister soon.

    you hit the nail on the head, though - educating those who are unsure of what you're doing is the very best thing to do. I think people who are not sure of what you're about to do are the most reluctant to be supportive. the more they know, the more they will be able to understand. whether or not they exercise that ability is all up to them..

    anyway, just wanted to congrat you on your difficult convo. doesn't it feel better getting it off your chest? :crying:

    Thanks! Yeah it really does feel SO MUCH better now that I told her. I don't plan on telling that many people, the only one whose opinion I really care about is my mom. I'm really excited! I have my appointment with the nutritionist tomorrow. I actually have to call them now and give them some more info. :thumbup:

  12. David C. is getting too big for his britches, Simon needs to take him down a notch or two. Give back written on his hand?? PUH-LEESE...who does he think he is??

    David A., still loving him. He gave me goosebumps. I thought he was fantastic.

    Jason Castro, well, one word, HOT! Both him and the song!

    Ahhh hahaha oh jeeze I totally forgot about that whole stupid thing. He's confusing himself with another pompous, I'm the next Jesus Christ celebrity asshole who fronts U2... hahahha

  13. I absolutely LOVED Jason Castro tonight, he was my favorite tonight :redface:

    I have always been a huge Brooke fan, but for the past few weeks, she hasn't done well at all. She is picking the wrong songs and she needs to get back to her roots and use the guitar and piano. Unfortunately, she is fading. I think her "true" style is similar to that of Colbie Caillat. There voices aren't alike, but I think that style of music would really suit Brooke.

    Kristy Lee Cook did really good tonight. Although she has not been one of my favorites, she sang one of my favorite songs and she did an awesome job. Maybe her attitude will be better this week because it has been really sucking.

    I thought Carly did horrible tonight. I've never been a big fan of hers but she has had some really good performances. But as far as tonight, I didn't like it at all.

    I actually thought Syesha did a really good job. She's usually really boring to me but I thought she did the best she has ever done tonight. Good for her.

    What was David Cook thinking? I wanted to reach through the TV and thump his head! That was not a good song choice IMO. His is still my favorite, but he really messed it up tonight.

    Michael Johns did okay but he has done soooo much better in the past. I think he picked the wrong song.

    I thought David Archuletta did an okay job too. I wasn't jumping out of my chair or anything, but he did okay. I thought he sounded very nervous in the beginning because his voice was shaky but by the middle he shook it off. I'm still not feeling him though.

    I pretty much agree with all you have to say! I HATE Kristy, I want her OFF!!!! But she did do pretty good, I hate country music too so I'm probably a little biased, I had never heard the song she sang and I probably never will lol, but it definately finally suited her.

    All the people who are normally the "good ones" sucked last night! I used to love Brooke but with every episode she gets harder and harder to watch. She is starting to look like she is choking when she sings, its getting painful! I loved her but I think America is over her.

    Carly was awful, I thought she was gonna jump out of the screen and start ripping my eyes out or something, scary!! lol.

    I actually really liked Michael Johns. I've always though he was hot but have been kinda, whatever, about his singing. Maybe its just cause I love that song but I think he totally pulled it off.

    Jason was great, I'm sick of David A. David C. was a joke last night. I felt like I was at a really bad christian rock concert or something lol. Syesha was good but I've always hated that song, I think its kinda cheesy and just a spin off of the song they wrote for Kelly Clarkson when she won, check out the lyrics they are like, the same....

    All I know is that now I have no idea whose gonna win and who I want to win.... watch it be Kristy, DAMN YOU KRISTY!!!!


  14. May 6 here!!! Originally wanted to do it April 14, but I am going on a cruise the 21st, so I didn't think that would be too wise.... May is great considering I will be turning 35 on May 25!! What a present!

    Have fun on your cruise!!!! Its my dream to go on one someday!!!! I'm trying to convince my mom to take our whole family on one after I graduate college in 2(er probably 3, lol) years! :thumbs_up:

  15. hi everyone my name is lindsey!

    i am a student at West Virginia University but i am getting my surgery done in my hometown of San Diego, CA by dr. mueller.

    i just got a call from the surgeons office telling me the insurance will pay 100% and now all i have to do to get this done is the appointments!!!!! i hope to be banded by the end of may so i can be a may bandster!

    i so am ready to just get this done and start REALLY living my life.

    btw...i loooove the name!!!

    the may flowers. so cute!

    good luck everyone!

    Yay and welcome again lol!! Ugh, I have to get through all my appointments too, its taking fooorreeverr.... :lol: Hang in there!

  16. thanks allison!

    i am sooo happy to find some people around my age who are beginning the lapband journey too!

    and same with me about the 'unknown' surgery date. i dont get home to CA until may 10th. then i have all of my appointments...i just REALLY want to be a 'may flower'!!!!

    thank god for this thread!

    Haha me too! I'm done with school on the 5th, then I have finals until the 15th, although I don't know what day mine are on so maybe earlier. Then I'm taking summer courses that start on June 2nd (I commute to a state school about 45 mins from where I live) so I have a really small window of time at the end of May, I want to be a May Flower too!! Where do you live in CA? I've always wanted to go there!! I live in Attleboro, Massachusetts, about 10 minutes north of Providence, RI, and have never been off the east coast :wub: but I really want to travel more once I save some money. I'm really glad to find people my age too, especially who are in the same stages as me. Keep in touch! :lol:


  17. Good thing the OP started this thread. We have a lot to complain about.

    I will voice my complaint of the day. I have a screamin flamin UTI and I had to drink cranberry juice. It's full of sugar!

    I am sticking to Water today.

    They make pill form cranberry suppliment pills with no or little sugar and only maybe 5 calories for 2 pills? They are specifically made for UTI prevention/treatment. They are in the same section that midol and other "femine medicines and products" are found in a drugstore. They also have these tablets that get rid of the uncomfortable-ness (ok thats not a word but moving on...) and such, I swear by them when I have a UTI and are made by the same company that makes the cranberry stuff, I think its called AZO or something like that? Its great to use before the perscription kicks in. Feel better!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
