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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Allison

  1. Allison

    I am scheduled for May

    Aww you're awesome!! Thats so cute!
  2. Allison

    All you people do is complain...

    Reading about people always complaining can be annoying, but also helpful for others. For a lot of people on this site, this is the only place they have to vent and sometimes it helps to get it all out when things might not be going as well as they might have hoped. I've learned a lot from other peoples "complaining," it has shown me that lap band really isn't a quick fix or an easy solution. Although I know what you mean about getting scared away, some things on here freaked/grossed me out so much I almost reconsidered going through with all of this! But all that has done is prepare me for everything that could possibly happen.
  3. Allison

    Where is everyone from????

    Congrats and welcome! I have my very first consultation on Wednesday!!
  4. Allison

    I am scheduled for May

    I agree :tt2: May flowers is especially adorable, however until I officially get a date I can only hope to be banded in May, I get out of school May 15th and start summer semester June 2nd, so the end of may is really the only free time I'll have all year... I have my first consultation Wednesday so I'm hoping everything goes well, and quick! This thread is so exciting because everyone is pretty much in the same boat, you can feel everyones excitement!! Wishing you all the best of luck! Allison :wink:
  5. Allison

    Lap Band Students!!

    Jodie, I have to go to the local community college this summer to make up some classes I failed and such, yay... I've sometimes considered just going to the communtiy college, its a pretty good school and its like, 5 mins from my house compared to the hour there and hour back I drive everyday to go to the state school. What school do you go to? And congrats on the baby! Are you gonna keep going to school after you give birth? And neveragain, thats good that you are following what you want to do even though its gonna take a while. Right now I'm in my second year, I probably have about 2 1/2 years left to get my BA and then I have to get my masters after that in order to be a teacher. Sometimes I just want to drop out and work full time in a daycare or a preschool or something. I guess I'm just anxious to get my life started...
  6. Allison

    Going through alone

    My family doesn't support me either. I brought it up about 6 months ago and their reactions were kind of mixed, however, eventually they decided that I only overeat beacause of some psychological problem that can't be fixed... I love this site!! I have found a lot of support here and I'm still pretty new. I'm sure there are a lot of people on here that have the same issues. I hope everything works out for you!
  7. Brinabrina77, I was just reading the rest of the long list you posted and one stuck out, the inner thigh of my pants ALWAYS blows out a month or so after I buy them, my favorite jeans just did yesterday and I had to go buy new ones, and of course it cost me more than $100 for two pairs of jeans at Torrid... My mom is always like, how does this happen? What are you doing to your clothes?? At least someone else understands..
  8. Oh man, this is the greatest thread, it reminds me of some of the reasons we are all going through this. I am actually getting teary eyed. -I want to be able to fit into the desks at school. Right now I have to suck in all class and my stomach still cuts into them so that there is half my stomach fat, hanging over the desk. -I want to go on a cruise. My mother is planning on taking my whole family on one after I graduate from college, but I have always sworn I would never go on a cruise unless I was slim, now maybe I might have that chance. -I want to go to Disney World again, and walk around!!! The last time I went, about three years ago, my thighs chaffed so bad and my knees and ankles were so sore my family had to rent me a wheelchair. I was 17 years old. -I want my boyfriend to pick me up when he hugs me, and if I lay on top of him, I want him to be able to breathe!! -I want my father to stop being so embarrassed by his "fat daughter" and love me as much as he loves my 16 year old, size 2 little sister. -I don't want to be always sick! My immune system sucks because I eat so bad. -I don't want to have to waste my money going to physical therapy for my back problems with a bunch of elderly people, I'm not even old enough to drink yet!!! -I want to get a lead in a play that isn't supposed to be a fat, old mother; I am just as talented if not more than all those skinny girls who always get the lead... There are so many more, I might go make a list for myself, just for some personal motivation. Thanks for the great topic OP!
  9. Allison

    Lap Band Students!!

    Yeah I know what you mean, college is pretty boring right now, I'm still in a lot of my gen eds and its all crap I learned in highschool. I take five classes and I work nights which can sometimes interfer with homework time but its not too bad. I'm still taking classes this summer beacuse I really want to graduate in four years and I had to take a couple remedial math classes (not my strong point) And haha, my sister sounds a lot like your sister actually, she goes to highschool, doesn't work, and just does cheerleading. My parents pay for EVERYTHING and now they are sending her to Europe for her spring break on some class trip, don't you love little sisters? Oh yeah, and no spring break?!?! That sucks! I just had mine and it was over way too fast.
  10. Allison

    Lap Band Students!!

    Hahaha yeah I agree I do procrastinate doing school work for pretty much any reason. I don't think anything can interfer with my job though, its pretty mindless enough lol. And all you older students, I have tons of respect for the classmates I have that can balance having "real" lives, full time jobs, families, etc, and school. I live with my parents and only work part time and school still drives me crazy...
  11. Allison

    Where is everyone from????

    I'm glad there are so many people from MA! Don't you love how even though Mass is so tiny it feels like Western MA and South Eastern MA are so far apart! My first consultation is on Wednesday and I can't wait!!!!
  12. Allison

    Where is everyone from????

    Hey I'm from Attleboro, Massachusetts, right on the Rhode Island, Massachusetts line :embaressed_smile:
  13. Allison

    Getting & keeping a boy/girlfriend?

    Aw you are so right! I have been overweight my whole life, I was in the 200's since about 9th or 10th grade, and now at 225 I am at my highest (mind you I am only about 5'1, so I look like a ball, really short and round hahaha) I used to be so self concious (er bad speller), I wore baggy, unflattering clothes and just figured, why bother trying to look nice, I'll still just be "that fat girl." After I turned 16 I started really trying to spice things up a little, and now I really am one of the best dressers out of everyone I know. Hahaha, not to sound vain, but I think I do have to try a little bit more you know? My friends can go out looking like crap, but they are all like, oh well we still have hot bodies. I go out with my hair and makeup perfect and a good sense of humour and always end up with more guys and have a way better sex life than they do! :wink2: So be good to yourself!! I asked a really attractive, great guy with a perfect bod I was dating why he was into me when he could have had any skinny, beautiful girl he wanted. He said I had so much self confidence he sometimes forgot I was fat. People will see you however you want them to see you. You are all beautiful :wink2: Allison
  14. Allison

    Any Teens ?

    Where do you live in New Hampshire?? There are some parts of New Hampshire that are really close to MA, and there are lots of great surgeons in the Boston Area, if you have to go outta state.
  15. Allison

    Any Teens ?

    Het Katie! Thats great! What do you do?? I actually am going to school to be an art teacher for elementary school kids. I'm on my spring break right now so I'm getting in a lot of observations in the middle school, gotta love those 13 year olds Congrats on all your success!
  16. Hey everyone! I've been bouncing around this site for the past couple weeks, I have an appointment with a surgeon in 9 days and I'm super excited!! I've been reading a lot of threads and you all have inspired me so much! HOWEVER, all this talk about PBing and Sliming and Vomiting is enough to make me want to reconsider. I have a very, very weak stomach and even the sight of people vomiting or even spitting can make me feel nautious. What are your experiences like? Have they been as awful as some of them sound? Is having to deal with all of this worth it in the end?? I would love and appreciate any feedback, Thanks! Allison
  17. Allison

    Any Teens ?

    Hey everyone!!! Isabella and Purplegirl you guys are beautiful! I love the before and after pics! I just turned 20 but you all seem to be older teens, most of my friends are still teens, and I feel like I fit in more with teens, so I'll post here. I'm from Attleboro, Massachusetts, although I'm right on the Rhode Island line. I'm pretty new to all this, I've been doing a lot of research and I finally have an appointment with a surgeon in 9 days, I'm so excited but super nervous. For those of you already banded, how does being banded interfer with school? Friends? Dating? I still live with and am supported by my parents, how did yours handle all of this? Sorry I'm rambling I'm just really excited and curious. Thanks! Allison
  18. Allison

    What Can You Eat At...........

    Grace it doesn't sound like you've had much luck dining out However that might be a good thing considering how successful you have been with the band! I haven't gotten my band yet and so I'm really curious about what I can and cannot eat, especially since I love bread so much right now... ...Does sliming it up mean vomiting??
  19. Allison

    Here I go.......

    Thanks! I might be able to go! Are people pre-band encouraged to attend?
  20. Allison

    Here I go.......

    Hey guys! What are the support meetings like at Glasgow and Glawgow? How often are they/what time do they meet?? I really want to try to go to the next one! I live in Attleboro but I go to school in Bridgewater until pretty late everyday so I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it or not.
  21. Allison

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Well thats a relief, at the seminar I know Dr. Glasgow said that BCBS is pretty easy to work with. And my appointment is at 11:30! What a small world indeed... :biggrin:
  22. Allison

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    and I live in Attleboro too! hahaha
  23. Allison

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Kimberly, I have Blue Cross Blue Shield. My appointment is with Adam. How was the psych eval?? I have battled with depression and anxiety since I was about 12 and was medicated for most of the time, however I went off my meds over the summer just to see how I would be without them and I have been doing fabulously, just wondering if you had any idea if that was going to be a problem. Thanks for all the help I'm so glad to have found people that understand. Being overweight since I was 7 or 8 years old and still being only 20 most of my friends are all skinny and can eat whatever they want and hardly work out at all, so they have no idea what I'm going through. Its such a relief to find people that understand :biggrin: And from looking at your ticker it looks like we are about the same size and have about the same amount of weight to loose haha.
  24. Allison

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Sue, I'm not sure if I'll be there I go to school pretty late and I have my consultation the next morning, I'll be seeing Dr. Adam Glasgow too. Thanks so much for the story, they really do sound great. I am so excited about all of this and I really hope it works out for me. I just want the 26th to be here so I can finally get all of this started. Congratulations on all of your success!! Maybe I'll see you at another meeting sometime :biggrin: Allison
  25. Allison

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Kimberly, I haven't met with them one on one yet, my very first consultation is Wednesday the 26th, so I am brand new to all of this. I'm glad everything went good for you! I'm so excited I hope this can really happen for me, what was your first consultation like?? :biggrin: Allison

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