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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Melser

  1. I was discharged on puree, and if you're chewing then it's not puree. And mashed potatoes is part of puree diet not liquid. It hasn't necessarily been fun going right into puree foods. I feel I wasn't and am not healed enough, and I focus more on liquids than foods. Today was day 8 and the first day I truly felt real hunger, and was able to eat a sizable amount of creamed Soup.

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  2. This is what I'm afraid of too. But I use a lot of Advil so they say to get the sleeve. I have to discuss this more with my surgeon. Have you told them that you only want the sleeve?

    My clinic told me I could never use medicine like Advil for life. I'm having the sleeve on 19th. When I met with them I was on ibuprofen from a car accident. They told me to get a new pain management.

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  3. My surgeon said research has shown that the someone with GERD should never have the sleeve. I have a medium hitial hernia and she said she saw no signs or damage of GERD, but I did tell her I had an increase in heartburn for me since developing the hernia. She said research was iffy for individuals such as me, so she said as long as I understood the risks, but I've never had GERD or even needed medicine. Before my hernia I was someone that got heartburn like a few times a year. Since losing a little weight I don't even remember having any now. Your surgeon really is giving the best recommendation, and I don't think it has anything to do with your weight. I'm the weight that's typical of people choosing bypass, but my doctor never pushed bypass. I've seen 250lb people have bypass, and 500lb people have sleeve. Both were successful.

    I've seen people on here with GERD who had sleeve and are in pain and now on meds! I'd trust in your doctor!

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  4. Hi,

    My name is Kathy. I had my second appt with my surgeon and he gave me a surgery date...JANUARY 19th. I only have my nutrition class, my last support meeting before surgery and my endoscope to complete....then it's just my surgeon again next Friday and my Primary Drs physical to give me clearance. It's all gone pretty fast. My first appt with my Bariatric Surgeon was November 15th, 2016 and now my surgery date is almost here.

    Hi Kathy! That's my surgery date as well!

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  5. You incision is not healed and you are still recovering from surgery. The liquid diet is a prescription not a suggestion.

    Did you have any pre op education? Are you keeping a food diary? What exactly are you eating?

    I was wondering the same exact thing. My bariatric team makes you jump thru hoops preparing you for life after surgery. Sometimes I just have to shake my head and wonder what the heck? Also makes me thankful for the hoops :)

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using the BariatricPal App

    I had to jump through hoops and take two classes. I'm glad I have gone through this process as long as I have though. I know other hospitals only care about money and rush people through, and approve people clearly not ready or educated. I think it's a shame people aren't more informed and educated. This is a last resort tool. It's literally risking your life to be healthier! It's not a joke or to be taken lightly!

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  6. Surgery is never a quick fix. I haven't had mine yet, but I am going into it knowing it by no means is quick, magic pill, cure all. It's a tool. A tool to aid you. Water retention is not actual weight gain. I learned from my classes that the only cure for Water retention is by drinking enough water. Your body holds on to it when it isn't getting enough.

    I honestly would seek out a support group at nearby university hospital that does bariatric surgery. I'd also find a therapist asap for emotional support and to address the psychological reason for your weight. Your cravings sound psychological to me.

    I already go to support group, and have my own therapist who by chance had weight loss surgery and failed several years ago. The realities are 95% of all people that lose significant weight loss go on to regain if they do not stick with the program. Any attempt at weight loss especially surgery will be the most difficult journey of your life. To become a butterfly the caterpillar had to transform itself.

    Hang in there. Stick to the diet, drink water, get your Protein like you have been. Most hunger is actually thirst so always keep that in mind.

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  7. Mine took 3 hours. The initial paperwork took about 30 mins to fill out. Then I spoke to the psychologists after. She was very sweet, laid-back, but also very detail oriented regarding my mental health background. After that, I had to take a "test" that asked various questions including "Do you see people who are dead," "Do you like mowing the lawn" and "Are you scared of the dark" my favorite was "Do you believe spirits control people?" I over analyze EVERYTHING so I was anxious about her denying me based on some crazy question that I answered "wrong"

    Sent from my SM-G900P using the BariatricPal App

    Lol mine was very similar. I loved the ones asking if you believed the government monitored your phone calls or people tapped into your electronic devices or followed you. My psychologist was very nice as well.

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  8. I have Hashimoto and I'm having the sleeve on January 19th. My doctor hasn't expressed any concern. I lost nearly 100lbs 5 years ago through exercise and tracking, my TSH was actually 24 at the tine of losing which was higher than when I was originally diagnosed at 20 with like 1600 something antibodies. Now I have been losing some (around 30lb). It has taken much longer than last time I lost. I am older and also now have PCOS which I honestly feel affects my weight more than thyroid actually did.

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  9. I just scheduled my surgery and met with my surgeon earlier today. Mine is January 19th! I am feeling all sorts of emotions, and worried about my hair as well. I'm prone to losing during weight loss or when my thyroid is low. I've already lost some, but it stopped so I'm hoping it reacts similar with the surgery. Good luck!

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  10. I just received the call my insurance approved me for sleeve surgery. My pre-op appointment is Monday, December 12th. Everything seems to be happening so fast, I'm experiencing many emotions right now. I've had unexpected changes in the last few days that's adding to my options. People that have been here for the journey up until now may not be there with me for these appointments, surgery, and post life. It's been a long road even though things are moving so quick now. I first applied for my program in September 2015. My surgery will likely late January 2017. I'll know for sure this Monday.

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  11. If you have problems with really bad GERD and acid reflux I would go with the bypass. Also I know quite of few people with sleeve who have gained all there weight back, however I also know quite a few people who have gained weight with the bypass but only 15-30lbs back which is not much compare to the sleeve!! And I have seen sleepers revise to the RNY bypass. I just had RNY bypass done yesterday! It's painful but well worth it!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Originally, the intention of the sleeve was to go on to have bypass it was seen as part 1 in the process. It was called the first part for people that weren't candidates for bypass, so that might be why you've seen them later have bypass. Now some choose to just go with sleeve alone. Honestly, there is only a 5% success in terms of long-term maintaining weight loss regardless of how you lose your weight with or without surgery. I've seen where people do not even lose weight initially after bypass, and I mean within first 3 months, because they never adhere to the diet changes or get up and move. Or after a year or two go back to old habits and end up back to their old weight. My program required us to take a life after surgery, and talked about the honeymoon period for all surgery candidates, and how most end up back at their starting weight. They stressed the importance of exercise with strength training to maintain or increase your RMR (resting metabolic rate), which is the only way to burn more calories to maintain or lose weight long-term. As everyone has mentioned this is a tool to retrain yourself and to be more active. It is not a quick fix or magic pill in the least. I've done a lot of reading on both surgeries for years, and as I said my program put me through a 12 week wellness course and 4 week course regarding life after surgery to give the best and latest research currently available.

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  12. I chose the sleeve, because the complications and malabsorption with bypass always bothered me. When I heard the sleeve was proven effective I knew it was the one for me if I was going surgery route. I first attempted to lose on my own a few years back. I also have hormonal conditions such as autoimmune thyroid and PCOS, which lead me to believed I had malabsorption issues just from things I noticed with how I felt. They did confirm when they did Vitamin levels that I was deficient in several and close to being deficient in one. I feel more comfortable giving my body the change to absorb as much as it can by still having my stomach and not re-routing GI tract and lose/maintain healthy weight at the same time. Plus, I've never been fixated on being an unrealistic weight goal or loss. I am very realistic - my goal was in line with the weight range my dietitian gave me which will still have me in the obese category technically for my height... I'm looking to be healthier, more mobile, and have more strength not to be thin per se or a certain pant size. Lastly, I had hoped to avoid as much distress of loose skin, and thought I'd be better with sleeve since my end goal after surgery would still be quite overweight. I've lost around 7% so far of my body weight at a normal, healthy rate, and honestly I've already started noticing changes with my skin. When I lost significant weight (almost 100lbs) a few years back I had virtually no loose skin except an unnoticeable to others amount on my stomach. As I lose now I am coming to terms with the likelihood I will require some skin removal, and should start savings now. I had hoped I could just be okay with it and wear it proudly, but I'm actually having skin irritation already just from around 25lb loss. Each weight loss journey a person has is different. This experience is so much different from my last one just a few years ago. And as everyone pointed out you can gain with either option which is often shown on weight loss documentaries. I was told by my program's psychologist to prepare for a 10-20lb weight gain after you hit your goal weight, and to set a limit you will not allow yourself to go over i.e. 200lbs, so if you reach that point you reevaluate yourself and get back on track, because weight will always be an issue for each of us, and everyone that loses through whatever means has to stay on top of it or it'll become uncontrollable.

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

  13. My insurance required 6 months medically supervised weight loss with a doctor, or a 12 week multidisciplinary wellness course. I first started with the 6 months last November, but car accident changed my priorities temporarily. my insurance changed so my previous visits with the doctor didn't count, i had completed 3 appointments. I had to start over with 12 week wellness course which I just completed my last class tonight. The class was a much better experience than going to the doctor once a month. I haven't been allowed to have an appointment with the surgeon until insurance approves surgery. They hope to have me scheduled for pre-op in mid-December, and then surgery would possibly be in late January or early February. I also was required to lose 18-36lbs before surgery would ever happen. I applied for my bariatric program in September 2015, so it's been a long journey to say the least. I've completed all requirements including required weight loss though so the light is beginning to shine.

    Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App

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