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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PhotoNut

  1. I second that Welcome and all Dawg said. Good luck in your search for answers about your weight challenges. We all know how difficult it is to carry that burden.
  2. PhotoNut

    Erosion Worry....... : - )

    Someone recently started a thread in which they asked if would we have our bands proactively removed because of the erosion fears that have spread like wildfire. That thread settled it for me. I am not going to live in fear over the chances of something going wrong in my life. From erosion to being in a horrible car wreck and being paralysed from the neck down the rest of my life, there is an un-numberable amount of things out there for us to fear. And if we let them, they will imobilize us. I am thrilled to have my band and I am coming to understand that what I choose to accomplish with the band is up to me. It is not designed to make me lose weight. It is not an overnight miracle cure. It is not going to prevent me from failing. It is however wonderfully designed to keep me from eating myself to death. 307 pounds and on the verge of diabetes IS achieved by someone who can't control themselves. That was me. Fear of PBs, erosion, slippage, etc.. those to me are all things which motivate me to make the best of this while I have it. Just like we should all make the best of the time we have with our loved ones, for who knows how long we will really have them. I plan to eat like I'm supposed to, excercise 30 mins a day, and drink a minimum of 64 oz of Water a day. I might slip, that's where you all come in.. ready to kick my arse and get me back on track. *grins* Some may say, "But I got the band so I didn't have to do anything". Well, folks.. the only option I know of for that is the bypass which leaves people looking and feeling like crap. And even they don't lose it all or keep it all off. So, no thanks. I want to lose weight so I look and feel healthy. I want a long life to spend with my family and I want to live out my dreams.. not sit in my house embarassed to go out, avoiding most activities with my family because I physically can't. I personally am going to give thanks every day for this opportunity while I have it. And I'm going to do all I can to help my band help me. I am not going to fear losing it. I am not going to fear infections or erosions. That might happen, I'll deal with that if and when I have to. You know what I fear more than erosions? Diabetes. High blood pressure. Hip replacements. Heart disease. And having to look at myself in the mirror everyday as I try to fix myself up a bit and hear those words in my head, "Why do you bother? You're still fat and ugly."
  3. PhotoNut

    Not Happy

    Vines could indeed be right. If anyone knows what it is to struggle for every ounce lost its her. I would suggest looking over the great list on this thread and if you are following all the guidelines listed there and are still unable to lose, then contact your doctor and get checked out. http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=14508 Best of luck to you.
  4. PhotoNut

    Super Bowl!!!

    Grats to all the Steeler Fans. I still love my Seahawks! The played so well, got a lot of raw deals from the ref, but hey that's the game sometimes. I'm very proud of the Seahawks and there's always next year!!
  5. PhotoNut

    My Apology to LBT

    Thanks Kathy.. I did look up the proceedures and from what I can gather the difference is where the band is located on the stomach and the names of the two proceedures are linked to the names of the sections which are cut thru in order to run the band around the stomach. This is what I found. Interesting but not quite what I was looking for.
  6. PhotoNut

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am a landscape and wildlife photographer.
  7. PhotoNut

    Friend says it's a magic pill

    Wow Tracy, have your friend come here and read the posts from the people who are struggling so hard not to 'eat around the band'. Have her look at all the support and determination it takes to eat healthily and exercise. The band does not make you lose weight. You lose the wieght. To me, the band is just there to temper me from going overboard to the point of eating myself to death.. which I easily could have done prior to the band. It is merely a tool, a reminder, a friend who "elbows you in the gut" when you eat wrong. The rest is up to me.
  8. PhotoNut

    Super Bowl!!!

    Quotes from our house during the first half: Um.. where's the unbiased crowd??? What?? That was TOO a touchdown!! So what he touched him.. the guy was all over him!!! Sweet! 10 yard penalty AND sacked behind the line.. *cackle* wait.. wha? How the hell did they get back to the 3 yard line?! No way in HELL that ball was touching the line! Looks at Roethlisberger move it up to cheat!! What??!! No turnover after review? Who's paying you ref??!! Awww.. sh*t! So what his foot just kicked the marker.. he was in as much as Roethlisberger was!! *sighs* Oh well.. the Stones are up next.
  9. PhotoNut

    Anyone use Firefox?

    Ok.. new approach Copy the URL you want for your shortcut (in the address bar) Right click on the Desktop and select New Shortcut Proceed thru the Wizard that shows up, pasting the URL in when promoted for location.
  10. PhotoNut

    Anyone use Firefox?

    First.. Are you sure you got it copied? Second.. Are you clicking on an empty space on the Desktop? Finally.. If you answered Yes to both, try Ctrl+V when on the desktop.
  11. PhotoNut

    Anyone use Firefox?

    Jack, Right click on the link in your favorites list you want, select Copy. Then go to your decktop and right click on an open space, select Paste Shortcut. That should do it for ya. -------------------------------------------------- Decktop? LOL Yar!!
  12. Welcome Stina :puke: Oh yes, any fear or question you have has been felt or asked by any number of us here. But noone ever seems to tire of welcoming new folks and answering the same questions again and again. I think that's because we appreciated it when it was done for us. I found this place about a month prior to my surgery date and it was an enormous comfort to me plus a wealth of information which always help calm the nerves. I did the pre-op liver-shrinking diet as well. Sounds like pretty much the same thing. I drank Protein shakes, ate all the raw veggies I wanted (oh gee thanks.. just what I die for each day.. raw veggies) and I could have some brown rice if I just couldn't stand it. I made it through but my motivator was the fear of waking up from surgery to hear my liver was too enlarged with fat to safely move so.. no band. Browse all the forums here. There is so much to learn and so many great people you'll meet and grow to love as you progress on your adventure! Get excited! You're on the right road!
  13. PhotoNut

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    Thanks Doc.. appreciate that info. Another question if you will. My surgeon tells me that there is a technique still being used in Mexico wherein the stomach is attatched to itself around the entire band including the buckle. He says that here in the states, that technique is no longer used because most of the erosions were started by the buckle (its harder and protrudes). He said that now surgeons are turning the buckle away from the stomach and only wrapping around the smooth part of the band. Is this something you are also aware of and if so, which technique do you use? Do you think this change could be the reason they are seeing fewer erosions? Thanks again for your time here. It's appreciated.
  14. PhotoNut


    Heyas Kayla, The meeting is behind the new St. Al's bulding that's being built. There is a white tent like building in the parking lot that you can see from the connector. You can get there by going into the main entrance and following it between the buildings (there's a catwalk that goes overhead) and back until you see the first street on your left (Hartman) or you can come in from the Emerald St. side on Hartman. You can't miss the white tent thing. Its shaped like a long dome. There's no bathroom in there, so go ahead of time. *laughs* Not sure what time it starts. I'm thinking 7pm but I'll call tomorrow and check on that for sure and update this post. As for me getting on my feet. I had hernia repair on my stomach at the same time, plus another "complication" that I won't go into here so I'm still not fully back on my feet. It would probably be best to ask others who just had the band surgery done. From what I've seen, it can take people from 2 days to a few weeks. Everyone's different, so it's hard to predict how you will do. See you Tuesday night. You should be able to spot us easily. Paul (dawg) is very tall, dark hair in a ponytail, beard, probably wearing a worn out cap, and I'll be the short fat woman with him. LOL!
  15. PhotoNut

    Super Bowl!!!

    :clap2: :clap2: You **should** be afraid to say that! Think how silly you will feel when you are WRONG!! :clap2: :clap2: Mmwahahah!!
  16. PhotoNut

    New to forum

    Welcome to LBT lburns! Im not in that neck of the woods, but Im sure you'll find someone here who is. Grats on your Fantastic weightloss! You must be working hard! Great job!
  17. PhotoNut

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    Dr. Pleatman, I was wondering if the statistics for erosion are comparable with bands places in Europe and Austrailia since they have about a 10 year jump on the US. Any idea? Added: I have tried to research this myself online, but it seems the only information regarding lapband statistics is about five years old. Is there a set time in the medical world when stats such as these are updated for the public?
  18. PhotoNut

    Erosion, The Real Facts

    How many sticks in a kit?? I will need a stick for everyday, sometimes two a day, seeing as I'm obsessed with my band!
  19. PhotoNut

    Another Erosion

    Thanks Topsy :puke: :D Trust me that was my last apology, and I will be approaching my bandlife with repsonsible and reasonable care. (even if some DO think its obsessive ) *big hugs*
  20. PhotoNut


    Sweet! Thanks Brad.. as soon as Im out of phase two, Im headed to the Co-op for some Bacon!! *laughs*
  21. PhotoNut

    A Message Board Pet Peeve

    Hell, I leave mine up as reminder to everyone. Watch out for her.. she's Nuts! *laughs* (although I do also try to make up for it - see my post on the "Another Erosion" thread)
  22. PhotoNut

    Another Erosion

    I realized after I posted it how it might to sound to some, which is why I posted an apology and tried to explain. Had I said this in a group of people they would have heard my voice and known that I was not intending to be hurtful or divisive. I was expressing my own fears and trying to understand what was happening. I just got my band and I'm new to all of this. And suddenly I'm seeing post after post about erosions. It was a frightening thing for me. Since that post I have learned so much more about the histories of the people who have faced erosions and I have taken my concerns to my surgeon and have gotten a lot of information from both which has calmed my fears. You know, I think the problem here is that those who have chosen to go to Mexico are taking the concerns expressed about the doctors there and turning them into personal attacks on their own intelligence. Noone ever meant that those who went to Mexico were stupid for doing so. Those who have posted about their erosions after getting the band there stated that they did a LOT of research and made thier decisions based on the information they were given, which indicated that these doctors were tops in their field and were extremely qualified and skilled in lapband surgeries. There is nothing wrong with looking at facts and raising an eyebrow of concern when we see so many problems coming out of one clinic. In fact, we should be doing this. Yes, I realize that there are many who still have their bands in that were put in by these very doctors. I'm sure they are very concerned about this themselves. And it was this group of people that I thought of when I posted the apology. I never meant, in any way, to seem as though I was hoping others were hurt and I wasn't. As I explained, I was only thinking about the different proceedures used in different regions. I was hoping it wasn't going to end up being this fairly new thing (the lapband) that so many of us trusted our medical community enough to rush to get the help they promised this surgery could provide, only to find that they spoke too soon and now MANY of us were going to suffer. This is exactly what I was trying to address above. This was never meant to be an attack on those who have chosen to go elsewhere. I realize that many don't have the choice because of money restrictions, or they simply have done the research and found the doctor that they feel is right for them. But I don't think it's wrong for others who have gone before and have experienced serious problems to share those with everyone so they can have ALL the facts.. both postive and negative.. before they make their final choice. I speak out when I see people trying to decide between the bypass surgery and the lapband too. I do so because I care and I'm concerned. If I were driving down a road that I knew many trusted and I came upon a bridge that had collapsed, causing many accidents and injuries already, not only would I want to try and help those who were injured but my thoughts would be on those unsuspecting drivers coming behind me.. I would get out and wave my arms and try to get their attention to warn them before they too were injured. Does that mean I think the ones who were injured and were sufferning were stupid for driving down that road? Of course not. Would it be wrong to hope that this was an isolated incident and that there weren't going to be more bridges collapsing because of faulty materials or designs that were used? Again, of course not. And that is the best I can do in trying to explain where I was coming from on this. I am sorry if it hurt anyone's feelings. Like I said, I never meant to hurt anyone. I was merely expressing my fears and hopes that more weren't going to go through the same disappointments as those who have eroded. Sincerely, Susan
  23. PhotoNut

    A Message Board Pet Peeve

    Pffftttt.. I was one of the ones getting upset on that thread, and before it was over I was PM'ing one of the folks I was upset with telling them I was sorry I lost my temper and hoped they'd stick around and yadda yadda. These observations are right. It was a short burts of emotions. Every post here is emotional, whether it be sharing losses, victories, tears or laughter. It's expected that frustration and hurt feelings will happen too. But the cool thing about this place is that everyone stays and chuckles about it when it passes. If not publically, then on a more personal level behind the scenes. And no, Im not trying to make light of any serious concerns or hurts that happened there. Im just saying that everyone seems to be mature enough to know when to calm down and make up. As for cliques. I thought I detected that as well when I arrived. But what I've found is that everyone is happy to talk and support one another. It just takes time and effort to get to know everyone here and respond to everyone quickly AND keep up personal attention for everyone. There are so many of us. Some are quieter than others. Some are more up front and vocal. And natuarlly, we will be drawn to similar personalities as our own. That's human nature. And yes, there are local groups that have met in person. Well, that doesn't mean they are a clique. It means they.. live close enough to see each other in person on occassion. I'm hoping to get a group started in Idaho soon. I would love to know some of these folks that are close by. But that doesn't mean we would see ourselves as separate from others, or a tighter knit group that would be hard to break into. Anyway, as usual, I've blabbed enough. I guess Im one of the more vocal people. Surprised by that, aren't ya? *grins* Tommy, have faith in people. Don't hang on to small amount of (what you precieved as) negative here. There is far too much good that will be overlooked if you do. *hugs* (Wow! I went to post this right after TommyO and Big Dog's and by the time I hit "Save Changes" there were 11 other posts on here! LOL)
  24. PhotoNut

    TOPLESS photo thread

    Look! She's wearing a redneck bra!
  25. PhotoNut

    Is this realistic?

    I lost 30 pounds in one month. Pre-op diet (-13) and after surgery (-17). My surgeon tells me that the average weight loss is about 8 pounds per month. I have set my goal for 2 pounds a week. You may not lose 80 pounds, but I guarantedd that if you take all of the adivce you've been given here and work your way through this summer with dedication and determination, you will be turning heads and creating smiles when you show up for that wedding in six months. Be sure to take before pics! We would love to see them next to the wedding pics in August!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
