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Posts posted by NewChiGirl

  1. Hi All!! I was a revision from Lapband to sleeve to Rny for severe GERD and I knew going in I would lose slower since I was a third timer. I’m satisfied with my loss. Started at 251 at pre-op and now am 208. My way of losing is so odd. I drop to an all new low and then within 1-2 days I’m up 4-5 lbs and then jump up and down in those 4-5 lbs and then stall and then after another time drop to a new low. Anyone go through this as well? Diet stays same, I think it must be hormones...?

  2. Hi all!! I was revised from VSG to RNY for severe GERD on 3/18. My pre-op diet weight was 251 and today it is 216.6. Weight loss has slowed and I’ve had a few stalls. Shark week sucks because I gain despite changing nothing. Slow and steady is better for my body but my mind doesn’t agree and that is a daily struggle. How are all the other VSG to RNY revisions doing?

  3. Had my surgery 3/18. VSG to rny and hiatal hernia repair. Doc initially said up to 6 hours bc of scar tissue. Went in earlier than expected bc the first person canceled. He completed everything in 3.5 hours. He left a drain in me in case of leaks. I went home on Wednesday. Immediately gas was an issue. Felt like someone was hammering my shoulders from the inside. That first day I got up and sat and went the the bathroom. I was able to sip a lot of Water with no issue. Also no GERD at all!!! Miracle!! Following day I was still in a lot of pain but walked more and drank more sips. Same with Wednesday. I’m still in a ton of pain at home but I am drinking well getting in about 50-60 oz of water and yesterday did 40grams of Protein, today I did 50 grams. I’m on a clear liquid (broth & premier allowed) until next Friday; if I’m doing well they will advance my diet and take out my drain. The incision pain is terrible it feels like someone is throwing hot oil on my skin on one that is at my waist and the one where the drain is feels like a cramp. But I was sent home with tramadol and oxycodone and Tylenol and they help tremendously. I can’t bend at the waist and am super duper slow but I’m voiding well, and my drainage is less and less everyday. I gained 13lbs in water weight and am down 9lbs so far. Started at 241 day of surgery, when I came home I was 254, today I am 245. My protein is coming from collagen peptides dissolved in tea or Vitamin water zero, Lono Bone Broth packet and Premier. I haven’t had an bm’s yet, drank some Smooth Move tea today but nothing yet and am also taking a stool softener. I have no appetite, no desire to eat, actually kind of grossed out watching my husband eat. Hopefully I can use that to my advantage. Hope all the other 3/18ers did well!!!

  4. On 03/13/2019 at 15:23, BariatricBarb said:

    How is everyone doing post op so far. Waiting to be discharged now. Completely different experience than I had with the sleeve. And I slept last night without reflux waking me up! And no reflux at all today. That hasn’t happened in the past two years. Quite sore this morning, but I’m up and walking. I’m optimistic. Hope everyone is doing well.

    That is awesome news!!! So happy for you and the relief from reflux! Monday is my day and I can’t wait for this to be over. Good luck!!

  5. On 03/11/2019 at 09:07, Happy girl said:

    Sleeve to bypass done for acid reflux done on 03/04/2019. First 3-4 days were awful due to gas pain. I walked a ton, I prayed, I used essential oils, I laid on my left side, my right side, did Yoga poses, used a heating pad, put my knees to my chest face down and rocked back and forth & side to side, took Miralax, stopped taking my prescription pain meds and nothing seemed to help! I could burp but couldn’t pass gas. Finally by the end of day four after countless ours of praying .... it happened! I’ve never been so excited and happy to fart in my life! The surgery pain is minimal but that gas pain was wicked! Day five I felt AMAZING! I couldn’t believe the difference. No pain, I could twist, bend, and turn without any problems. I’m on day six and feel great BUT.... I got on the scale and have gained weight! I haven’t cheated! I’ve been on broth, ice chips and Crystal Light Water. How is this possible? I didn’t do this for weight loss but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t hope to lose some weight! Starting weight was 216.8. Pre-op I was 208. Post-op today I’m 213.8. WTH? My post op appointment is on the 14th. Anyone else have this issue? Interested in hearing people who have had the sleeve to RNY and how much you have lost. My doctor told me not to expect to lose a large amount of weight by having this procedure, but everyone I have known that has had it has lost at least 70 pounds or more. I’d like to think I will at least get into a healthy BMI range but feeling defeated.
    I’m having this same surgery done for reflux on 3/18. I would think this is still Fluid retention from surgery. So wonderful to hear everything went well!! Good luck and give it a few more days.

  6. On 03/11/2019 at 07:40, MomOf3+3 said:

    3 Days postop from bypass and feeling good. Got up this morning started a load of laundry and made my son and granddaughter Breakfast. I am still going to take it easy throughout the day but feel like I could do more.
    That’s awesome! So great to hear you are doing so well!! Take it as when you can so you don’t get too sore.

  7. On 03/11/2019 at 04:58, CR0610 said:

    I’m up eating lol drinking for the last time surgery is at 12 today 3/11 and I’m extremely nervous still u decided on which is the best option for me :( sleeve or MGB. Please keep in in your prayers my name is Crystal. God bless us all
    Many prayers for a successful surgery Crystal!

  8. On 03/08/2019 at 22:24, Recidivist said:

    Thanks to all of your for your encouraging words and support. They repaired the leak on Wednesday (at 10:00 in the evening!), took the drains out this morning, and the infection has cleared up--so I finally got to go home today! I can't tell you how wonderful it will be to take a real shower and sleep in my own bed.

    Needless to say, it has been a very rough and discouraging week. Apparently, I am today basically where I would have been last Tuesday if there had been no complications and they had discharged me the day after surgery as planned. I'm feeling surprisingly good aside from being completely wiped out--I'm napping every couple of hours. I have minimal pain and have not needed pain meds, no nausea, and I have not dumped (yet). So, I just need to pick myself up and get on with it and put this week out of my head.

    All of your posts really did help, even though I wasn't in the mood to respond during the week. Thanks again!

    That is such great news!! So happy things took a turn for the better and they got you back on track!! This was a bump in your journey but you’ll be sailing in no time. Feel better and rest up!!

  9. On 03/06/2019 at 11:54, Recidivist said:

    HI, March buddies. I had my bypass on March 3 and am still in the hospital due to complications. My surgeon told me that everything had gone beautifully. However, I was in pretty severe pain a few hours later and it just kept getting worse. I figured it was just the gas pains everyone talks about and I'm just a wimp. They did a blood test at the following day thought I had an infection, and I had tachycardia, which made them suspect a leak in the pouch. Unfortunately, both were true.

    I'm spending this entire week in the hospital. Tomorrow they will install a drain to remove as much of the infection as possible, and I'm also on liquid pain killers and antibiotics via the IV. Once the infection clears, they do a second operation to fix the leak. Two morals of the story: Leaks hurt like hell, and if you think something is not right, contact your doctor immediately!

    i'm hoping this is just a temporary setback and that I'll be back on track in no time.

    Best of luck to the rest of the February club!


    I’m so sorry you are going through this. Thankfully you advocated for yourself and they caught the leak in the hospital. I hope they get you all mended up and you can continue on your path. Good luck!!

  10. On 03/01/2019 at 09:38, DelawareWoman said:

    I'll have to look for these at mine. Were they with the Soups? I'm going on Saturday when I run my errands.. and also the cheese tortillas.. I'm curious to see the nutrition on them although I won't be able to eat them for a long time..They are supposedly gluten free. I don't know if they are literally just cheese or not. I keep thinking that I am done shopping but...

    Now I'm drinking premier instead of my robard. My dr. said ok to do half and half I just can't stomach that robard. It's got one gram of sugar in premier which he wasn't happy about but he said ok. I also switched from regular low sodium broth to Bone Broth for lunch today. But on the plus side my scale is dropping fast. It's about 2 pounds a day.

    They were in the aisle with broths. Wow, that’s great! Good luck!

  11. On 02/24/2019 at 15:56, sneezergirl said:

    Did you not have success with the sleeve? I'm scheduled for the sleeve on the 6th...

    Hi! I had the lap band and revised to sleeve 05/2017. I lost about 75lbs. I did really really well. But at almost 6 months out I developed severe Reflux. After trying every ppi and otc reflux med out there and not getting a satisfactory response from my surgeon I switched hospitals. My current surgeon believes that is it a possibility that the surgeon who did my sleeve was inexperienced with lap band to RNY and choose to go with what he could handle. I’ve regained about 25lbs because bread and nuts didn’t really agitate my reflux as much and sometimes it was easier to choose not being in pain. If you already have GERD and/or reflux be aware that it can get worse after the sleeve. A lot of ppl who have the sleeve as a virgin surgery do just fine on it and don’t have these complications. I’m just happy that the end is almost in sight! Good luck!

  12. On 02/24/2019 at 13:04, twipt said:

    So far so good but I am really weak and nauseated- is that normal?

    Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app

    You’re feeling nauseated and tired on the pre-op diet? I think that’s relatively normal if your otherwise healthy. What day are you on? It’s an adjustment from the way we use to eat to the pre-op diet way. You should feel better soon once you get into the zone and get use to the change.

  13. On 02/21/2019 at 08:57, Divadee35 said:

    How long was your approval time for the revision?

    Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

    While mine was technically medically necessary, my doctor wanted me to go through their bariatric program so I can learn what life and eating like with RNY. The program was accelerated because my GERD is severe. I began middle of November and was approved 2/1. Surgery is on 3/18. It was worth the wait and I appreciate that they wanted me to be as knowledgeable as possible.

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