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Posts posted by Di4AU

  1. Well, I've been home from Vegas for a week now and I have just stopped the feeding frenzy I've been on for two weeks. Stay away from Las Vegas, Shawna! Unfortunately, nothing stayed in Vegas, I brought back five pounds!!! I think it was all the Margaritas......Oh well, it will come off fast, now that I'm back on the straight and narrow...

    I plan to be at the next meeting (16th right?). I've scheduled someone to work that day, so I should be good. I need to be around my "band" friends to keep me in line. :thumbdown:

    You know, in the past, at this point I would have told myself to forget it, I've gained weight, what's the use? Now I know I can get back to eating correctly so easily and I feel great because of that!

  2. I've been shopping online for the Protein Shots, and I don't see them anywhere. However, over to the right (an ad onthis page), there are some on fitnessfirstusa.com and they have some with 42 gms of Protein and they have 176 calories. Not as bad as the ones at GNC (who have this kind also) that are over 200 calories. They have a smaller size too, which has 25 gms of protein, I think. That website has them cheaper than anywhere, too, although I've never heard of them. I'll go ahead and order some and let you guys know.................

  3. Hello everybody! I have been out of the loop, I've been so busy at work, but I do keep up. I think I finally have THE fill. I got it six weeks ago and I can really feel it. I think it was my 4th or 5th. Anyway, have been really down on myself because I hadn't been losing, but maintaining. That period of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, my birthday (which conincides with Girl Scout Cookie delivery week) has always been the time period when I have given up and gone back to poor eating habits. Then I realized, I didn't do that this time. Sure I didn't really lose much, but I didn't gain either and then last week I hit "ONE"derland!!!! That has really spurred me on and I feel much better. You guys are all doing so great, you really inspire me and I'm sure a lot of people who don't even write (don't be afraid people, you can help someone whether you know it or not).

    I love the Protein Shots, too! But evidently, Jason is buying them everywhere! I had bought up all the ones in Sylacauga's Wal-Mart and now they don't even sell them anymore. Chelsea's Wal-Mart had them when I had plenty, now they don't have them. I'm going to have to find them online, I guess. The only ones I find at GNC are 42 gms of Protein, which is great, but they have twice as many calories. Guess I could just do a half at a time??

    I wish I could be at this month's meeting, but I'll be in Las Vegas!

    Thanks to all of you, love you guys!!!!

  4. Just checking in! I started reading this thread from the beginning yesterday. Ya'll should try that sometime, talk about motivational. It is amazing to see a documentation of how far we have come. I am so happy we have this board! You all are a fine bunch of people! I don't think I would be half as successful, if I didn't have ya'll to come to for support!!

    Hope everyone is having a great week!!!!



    Have you been in that wine??? Just kidding :rolleyes:

    You are right, this group is so motivational. I need to go back and read from the beginning. Great idea!

    Wendy, don't give up!! See how easy it was to lose that 5 pounds?? Keep it up.:lol:

  5. I may def consider that class maybe over the summer (once Im down to once class). So lets wait maybe until the next meeting to ask her!! Thanks Jason

    Yep, I think that's a good idea. I'm sure Veronica will help you. I keep telling everyone, I think we received such an education from our doctor's group, we could probably teach some pre-banding classes ourselves!

    I found out early on, if you keep those carbs below 15 and fat below 5, the calories pretty much take care of themselves. This is the reason most of those 100 calorie snack packs are out. The carb content. And don't cheat yourself with Atkins rules of subtracting Fiber from the carbs. Carbs are carbs on this program.

    And I finally found the Protein shots! Took grand tours of two different Wal-Marts. They're not bad at all. ......

  6. When you attend the nutrition class before the surgery, does Veronica give you all the information that you need to be successful or do you receive nutritional support after surgery?


    YES! You will find out everything you need to know. Please ask questions if you don't understand something. It's a really small class so there is a lot of discussion and you will learn a lot.

  7. Just dashing off a quick note, (it's all I seem to have time for anymore), I will see you all this morning at meeting.

    Haven't updated my ticker, but I have reached my halfway point FINALLY!

    Jason, I'm glad your Mom is doing better and I am so looking forward to FINALLY meeting you!

    I have an appointment Monday too, but it's at 9:45. Although, Ashely called me yesterday to reschedule for 9:00 but by the time I got the message it was too late. I may show up at 9:00 anyway......

    See you guys shortly....................

  8. Hi Tiana, it was great meeting you. The fill wasn't a big deal was it? Glad you made it to our little group here. If you're ever feeling down, just drop in. Everyone here is so inspirational to me. I need to drop in more often myself! I'm at a standstill. Need to exercise, need to exercise, need to exercise......

    Jason, good to know everything is OK with you!

  9. We definately missed Jason. It was a very good meeting yesterday. Sooooo many people! Great start to the new year. I was moved several times by others yesterday. What motivation.

    BTW: Di we went to see Twilight and I have decided that I need a vampire boyfriend...LOL

    Hope everyone has a nice week!!



    Yeah, I think that's what hooked my Goddaughter. She said she had trouble getting into the book, but once she saw the movie her head is buried in these books. Guess she had to get a clear picture in her head!

  10. Well, after it took a week to catch up on all the posts, I finally have a minute to post myself! For the weeks leading up to Christmas, we were working 12 hours a day and then collapsing when we got home. Then, we left Christmas morning for Disney World and got home New Year's Day. Now, we're playing catch up! I sure hope you all had a wonderful holiday, we sure did. I only gained two pounds between Thanksgiving and now, so I feel like I did pretty good (considering what I ate and drank over that period). Of course, I didn't lose anything in that period either, but it's nice to know that I can have an annual binge. As long as I keep those portions small and walk at Disney five miles a day! Exercise this time of year is the hardest for me. I need to get back on my Wii Fit.

    So, is the next meeting the 17th? It's been so long, I've forgotten which week they are. And 10:00? I have no obligations on Saturdays for a long time.

    It's good to be home......

  11. I am alive, but sooooo busy at the store. We've been putting out treats for our customers and the dang things keep jumping right up in my mouth! They won't stop! I'm home today preparing for our employees Christmas party and giving myself an attitude adjustment. We'll be in a parade Saturday (and working), so I won't make it to the meeting until January. I need it!

    Fills can be difficult when the ultrasound gal marks the wrong spot. It happened to me one time and it was the only one that was uncomfortable. Notice I still didn't say hurt, because they don't.

    I weigh every day. It really keeps me from losing control.

    Back to work......

  12. Thank you guys for the encouragement! I just got back around 10:15 from Dr. Miles' office. I have to tell you, I FREAKED OUT when I saw the needle. I also asked for the numbing medicine too. It didn't hurt, it was just really uncomfortable. He was tapping on the port trying to find the diaphragm (?) - Once he did find it - it was all over! I have to honestly say that I don't feel any difference right now ~ I came back to work and started drinking thinking I would feel something. Nope! Nothing yet....

    I told you not to look at it!!!!!

  13. Good morning guys!!

    Ok, as you are well aware, I have my first fill tomorrow. SO ~ since I am scared out of my mind...please tell me what I need to expect. I'm afraid it's going to hurt and I have been through enough pain on this trip!

    Any advice?

    First of all when they ask if you want the numbing shot, tell them no. I understand it hurts. The fill doesn't hurt at all, just a little prick at first. Like my pediatrician told me when I was a kid, if you don't look at it, it doesn't hurt.

  14. I do know that I can have a treat once in a while and I don't gain, don't lose either, but as long as I don't gain I'm happy. Not too happy this week!

    I forgot to tell y'all the most awsome thing that happened. It was supposed to be raining and in the 60's at the beach while we were there, well it wasn't. We brought nothing but jeans and long sleeves and sweaters. Well, Friday afternoon it was so hot sitting on the deck I couldn't stand it anymore and went in search for something to put on. I put on my husbands' tshirt and boxers. They're mediums!!!! The peep hole in the boxers was gapped wide open, but I didn't bust a seam when I sat down. So, I'm all set for shorts this spring!

  15. Sounds like we've all been bad except Shawna and Jason! I ate everything in sight. But, I did walk on the beach a lot! You know, "they" always say don't weigh everyday, but I do or I would gain more weight. It really helps to see what works for me and what keeps me from losing. I weigh everyday at the same time, right before I get in the shower. And you see what happens when I'm away from a scale for a few days, I go wild and gain 3 lbs. That's the most I've gained since surgery. It will be gone by Friday, I MEAN IT!

    Anyway, has anyone else noticed that the lack of fat in our diet has made our skin incredibly dry this fall? Please tell me you have and it's not oldage. The skin on my hands is like sandpaper, no matter how much lotion I use all day. With the humidity at the beach, my skin was so soft and within 24 hours of being home, I'm growing fish scales again........

  16. Diane I too will be at the beach and I am sooooo looking forward to the time away!

    As you all know I am 13 days post op, and I have been reading about band slippage. I am not eating what I shouldnt but am worried when I eat mushies and then progress onto solids that it will slip. If it does slip will you know it? Did any of you have that concern? I have read of folks who didnt follow the diet or was told by their DR that they could eat solids earlier and they seem to be doing well. Did you all stray or were you all compliant with the DR orders?

    I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!:grouphug:

    It is beautiful in Gulf Shores this morning! Happy Thanksgiving.

    I think slippage is pretty rare, actually, but from what I've learned , it's most definitely caused by misbehaving! Eating solids too soon can cause your pouch to stretch before it is fully healed from surgery. I've read alot about what other doctors suggest here, and of course they are all different, but I stuck with what our drs recommended. Seems like Veronica has said, they have only seen two slippages (or it was a very low number anyway) so I feel they are offering sound advice. I have to say it boggles my mind, so many people in other forums here don't have a clue what they are supposed to be eating, etc. Evidently our docs are very good with education, as well.

    Hope you're enjoying this beautiful day!

  17. Mornin' guys!

    I have a question...this is something I have been battling with for the past 2 weeks ~ does anyone here have a problem with Constipation? Yes I know....bad subject...but I have been eating extra Fiber in my diet and nothing seems to be helping. So, I was just wondering if you guys experenced this in the beginning or you still do...just need to advise! :)

    It's the protein! Ashely suggested an apple a day. I can't remember that, so I get those Fiber Choice sugar free tablets. They work.

  18. For the first time in my life, I'm not doing all the cooking and cleaning for Thanksgiving. For everybody, that is. Hubby and I are leaving for the beach tomorrow and I'm planning a new traditional seafood feast for two!

    It's amazing, when I stay on my "program", I lose weight. Another 1.5 gone this morning. I must behave, I must behave.......

  19. Hi everyone, I am so glad to hear that all of you who had surgery are doing well. I remember my surgery all too well so I know what you are going through. Everyday it gets better. I have been doing ok, I've lost another couple pounds but I am still having episodes where I end up vomiting after getting stuck. I am starting to get discouraged. I know no one told me it would be easy but I thought it should be a little easier than this. I feel like I can still eat as much as I want as long as I chew well and I am having a hard time controlling that. I guess it boils down to being really stressed out right now with school and work and I guess food has always been that comfort for me. I have been so busy I havn't been to the gym in about two weeks and I am very disapointed about that. I really wish I could have made it to support group this month cause I really need some encouragement. I did get my new school schedule and I don't have a Saturday class next quarter so I will be able to come to support group, thank God.

    Jason- I can totally relate to the crankiness, I am so there also but I am really just super emotional about everthing.

    I'm glad everyone else is doing so good...keep up the good work!

    Don't get discouraged! You just need to sit yourself down and have a serious talk with yourself. You've worked so hard to get this far, and was it really that hard? No! I really think you need to address the vomiting issue. You are either eating way too fast or too much. If not, then you are too tight and you should have a little unfill. I had a fill yesterday and for the first time Dr. Schmitt did it. We had a nice little chat about what you're saying. He was a little concerned that I was getting another fill (I'm up to 5.75 in a 9cc). But, I've never gotten stuck or PB'd. So, he told me to be very careful. Anyway, he said if you're vomitting, it's too tight. And when that happens, people tend to eat slider foods. And of course weight loss stops then. Geez, I sound like I'm scolding you, I'm not!!!! Just off on a tangent. :)

    So, girlfriend, find another stress reliever other than food. You can do this. You have been, don't stop now!

  20. Hey yall,,

    Back home and walking around, trying to move the gas and I feel better standing. The surgery went well and I was kept in recovery an hour. I was up and walking within 20 minutes of being in recovery and when the nurse came back with Water for me to drink I had changed into my "normal" clothes.

    So Far so good, If things stay this way this will be a very positive experience for me and I hope that this post helps encourage those that have surgery coming up.


    Susan, keep a pillow handy. If you hold it against your stomach when you get up and down it will help. You'll probably be more sore today. But keep walking, you're doing great!

  21. Okay I just wanted to ask where is the weirdest place that you noticed losing?

    Me - My earlobes....LOL - I had these weird earrings that I couldnt wear before cuz my earlobes were to fat and the post wouldnt go all the way through. Guess what! Now I wear them all the time...

    Just thought it was neat!

    That is funny, but true. I can tell a difference in my earlobes. Every time my husband puts his hand on my shoulder, he says "wow i can really feel you've lost a lot".

    I've always put my big clothes away for future use, but not any more. Every time I put something on that's too big, it immediately goes in the give away bag. I've bought a few things, but not too much. Pretty soon what I do have is going to fall apart from being washed so much! As an added bonus, my closets and drawers are getting cleaned out and now I have tons of room:smile:

    I thought I could make the December meeting, but I'll be in the Chelsea Christmas parade that day. Oh well, starting in January, y'all will see me there every month!

    Hey, I hit the 50 lb. mark this morning. Seven more pounds and I'll be half way there!!! Nine more pounds and I'll be in "onederland"! You are all doing so great and for our newbies, the time has flown and it's been so much easier than I imagined. You'll fall off the wagon occasionally, but don't beat yourself up about it. Just climb back on and the pounds will start dropping off again.

    Congrats on the new job, Shawna. I'm having a ball in my new career and keeping VERY busy. That's why I haven't been around much, but I am keeping tabs on all of you:sneaky:

  22. OH Shawna I wish we could meet up and walk! It would take me awhile to get there. We might can meet in the middle!!

    I have a question for you guys - I am running into a problem trying to find Snacks. I have been eating light string cheese, but that can only take you so far. Any suggestions would be great!

    I'm so glad to see that you got a new job Shawna, what are you doing at UAB?

    Talk to you guys soon!


    For my morning snack, I have a few almonds and a string cheese. In the afternoon, I have a fat free pudding, which for some reason fills me up more than anything I eat. Maybe it's the time of day, I don't know. And I try to have about 4 ounces of Isopure a couple of times a day too for the Protein. I notice I lose faster when I get that extra protein in.

    But, it is important to snack (carefully), so you're not so hungry and overeat at meal times.

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