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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Di4AU

  1. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I was very impatient with Neomi, too :crying:. However, I've realized you don't want someone to rush through this process. You want someone to take their time and get that insurance approval. Trust me though, once you have a surgery date, you won't believe how fast it has all happened. And then after surgery, it's like that very first seminar was yesterday! And, the office staff doesn't do the surgery, all you have to do is read more forums on LBT to realize that we have two of the best doctors and support staff. We are so educated in the whole process before we even have surgery. So many people write in after their surgery and they don't even know what or how much they're supposed to be eating. They have no idea of the consequences of eating something they shouldn't. Most don't have support groups. Our support group even supports those that aren't Miles/Schmitt patients. And NOBODY has Vernica, except us. So, who's coming to supoprt group Saturday????
  2. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    It's all one big room!
  3. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    You can read this forum for about 30 minutes and find out surgery/recovery is totally different for everybody. If you had no problem with 3 C-sections, I would think you wouldn't have any problems. I remember the bright lights in the OR, too. In fact, I even commented on them, and the kind of music Dr. Schmitt would be listening to, and I tried to help them get some arm rest out from under the table. I remember the mask coming down on my face and waking up being wheeled back to the holding room (I missed recovery). I felt my stomach to make sure there were band-aids there and I smiled. I had pain immediately after surgery (and nausea), but that evening when I got home, all I took was Tylenol. Never took any more pain medication. It hurt to get up and down, but if you use a pillow, even that is minimal. I had my second fill yesterday and I really haven't "tested" it yet, but I think I can feel something?? I sure don't seem to be able to gulp water like I usually do. We had friends over this weekend for a cookout and running around all day, getting ready and cooking, for the first time I really craved a beer. But, I got over it. Shawna, you just cured me of my craving for pizza. Thanks!
  4. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Everytime I would get mad or impatient with Neomi, I would tell myself the poor girl has to deal with insurance companies everyday. She must have the patience of a Saint!
  5. Di4AU

    Where's everyone in bama at?????

    We're still here! The most active seems to be the Miles/Schmitt thread, and you don't have to be a patient of theirs to hang around! It seems there were a group of us that were all banded at the same time and a new group is coming up in the next month or so, so it should get livlier:biggrin2:
  6. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    You are doing great Wendy! I go for my second fill on Monday, and I too hope to feel some restriction. Last week I found myself eating more than I have been, so I got back on track Monday and I've been so hungry. Last week was the first week I didn't lose an ounce (at least now I know how to maintain), but I've lost a pound this week. In some of the other groups, people are doing the 5 day pouch test to get kick started again. I may give it a go after my fill. It's basically starting over with liquids for a couple days and so on. Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test Wendy, be careful driving today, we've had some weird storms pop up in the last day or two. Maybe while you're there, you could give Neomi a swift kick to get her in gear to help these other folks out! Don't take it personally guys, I had problems with her too. I think she just has quite a bit of work and already moves at a snails pace!:biggrin:
  7. We have more energy! That's why we're not camped out in front of the computer anymore! May 22 (my surgery date) used to have a bunch of posters several times a day. After the 22nd, it all stopped. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one that survived the surgery...............:wub:
  8. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Well, I weighed this morning and I lost two pounds overnight!! I know exactly what it is, too. My husband has been out of town since Sunday, so I'm NOT eating too late at night. He's just going to have to get used to eating by himself :thumbup:.
  9. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Wow, you can really tell a difference Shawna! You other girls, EAT SLOWLY AND CHEW CHEW CHEW!! I still have a couple weeks before my second fill. I seem to get hungry now, where I never did before my first fill. But, so far I'm managing. Whenever my stomach starts growling I drink more water. Not very satisfying, but at least it stops the noises. I've been burning the candle at both ends lately, so haven't been getting my proper exercise. Things should get back to normal this weekend, so maybe I can get back in the groove.
  10. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Patricia, there is a seminar before the support group meeting if your daughter has not been to one. I'm not sure of the time, but probably 9:00.
  11. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Ewwwww!!!! I am so NOT looking forward to this happening. I chew pretty darn good, I think it's eating too fast that will get me. I eat slowly, until I'm distracted, I've noticed. I need to work on that. If I eat within an hour or so of going to bed, when I lie down, well really half sitting up reading, I have pain, that feels like I just had surgery again. I always wonder if that's the same feeling. But, when I lie down on my side or stomach, it doesn't hurt. I've been thinking it's gas, but I'm not so sure anymore. Anybody else have this?
  12. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    You know, you don't have to be a patient of Dr. Miles/Schmitt to attend the support group meeting at St. Vincent's East, third Saturday of every month, 10:30. You might want to bring your daughter, too!
  13. I honestly don't think there will be a lot of people that are having problems hanging around the forums (there is one group here, lap-band problems or complications, though). I remember you saying you had been to a support group meeting. Maybe you should come back and ask specific questions of those who have been banded. Or even try a different support group where you might find people that have been banded for varying lengths of time. I take it you're looking for people that have had their bands for more than a year or so.
  14. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    That's right, I forgot you were a stowaway!! You know, I could probably eat more than I do, but I don't. I eat portions I'm supposed to be eating. And I have eaten some pretty good stuff, even have wine with dinner on the weekends and I'm still losing weight. I stay under 1000 calories pretty much, but portion control is the real thing. And exercise. I know (as in hope) with more fills, the danger of easing back in to overeating will be impossible. Keeping a food diary keeps me honest with calories/fat/carbs/protein. That has always worked for me, but this time I'm not stopping.
  15. Well, so far so good with me, but it's only been about 7 weeks! I haven't noticed a lot of "old timers" around the Alabama board. So, you might have a problem coming up with some data. You may want to ask the question on the general boards, even though your answers wouldn't be specific to Alabama. I would think any percentage of problems would be the same everywhere.
  16. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Congrats Jason! I know you're excited and the time will fly like you can't imagine.
  17. Di4AU

    First Fill Questions?

    Right click on it and paste it in your signature.
  18. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Jason, I had the same experience with Neomie. You just have to be persistent but patient with her. Kill her with kindness! Before you know it, it will all be over. Missy, I had my first fill yesterday! What time were you there?? I got there about 1:45 and then on to Ashley for my one on one and I was out of there by 3:00! Anyone that asks for a numbing shot is just a big old baby, it was nothing. Anyway, she only gave me 2cc's in my Realize band since I seem to have some kind of restriction already. I can't tell any difference yet, but I haven't eaten anything solid yet. We shall see. I thoroughly enjoyed my first weekend of no physical restrictions. I was in the pool from Friday morning until Sunday night, with a few breaks for thunderstorms. I'm so sore from swimming like mad. Swam again yesterday morning before work, which I love to do. Shawna, I know what you mean about eating on the go. I've started carrying a Wal-Mart bag around, with things I can eat. As far as BCBS claims, they paid Schmitt first and then the hospital, just paid the anesthesia yesterday and I'll owe some on that, owe Dr. Schmitt's office $153.00. Hopefully, that's it! I wish some of you girls would come to the support group meeting. I think it really helps. Last one was my first since surgery and I can't tell you how it made me feel to have those not yet banded ask ME questions. This month's (19th), we're meeting first in the room where we had nutritional class at 10:00 before going over to the room with all the "non-banded". Good to hear from everybody!!
  19. Hey, I only have to lose the World's largest ball of tape, a chihuahua and a guinea pig. Sounds doable!
  20. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    It's going to vary depending on your BCBS plan. Mine paid 80% of the doctors fee. 100% hospital. Naomi will be able to tell you. It's usually best to email her, as it's pretty hard to get her on the phone.
  21. Clear liquids are not that bad, it's really kind of hard to get anything down anyway. Then full liquids is pretty satisfying. But, those last two or three days, all I could think of was what I was going to eat first. Those were the best grits I ever ate in my entire life. And it's mostly just craving something that's not sweet. I don't think I can ever eat Jello again. :wink_smile:
  22. They most definitely WILL NOT do your surgery if you haven't been to a support group meeting or a nutritional class.
  23. Di4AU

    BCBSAL Question

    You should be fine, as long as 3 years prior you have documentation that your BMI was greater than 35 and you had a co-morbitity. BCBSALs website actually has the stipulations for bariatric surgery, which spells everything out. https://www.bcbsal.org/health/important/bariatric.cfm#top
  24. Di4AU

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Well ladies, I think we're doing great! My first fill isn't until July 7, but I think I've fooled myself into thinking I have restriction. The only time I really feel hungry is first thing in the morning and when I get home from work. After I eat, I amy WANT more, but I'm really not hungry, so I stop. I've always been a good dieter, just a really lousy keep it offer! I know what you mean about the sweets during liquid stage, Missy. I actually started putting a little salt in my hand and licking it, I couldn't stand it! My first meal was grits with tons of pepper. I needed taste, not quantity! So, as someone who likes spicy food anyway, I've really been spicing things up and enjoying. And with my hernia gone, no heartburn, or reflux. Wendy, I'm a picky eater too, so it's always hard to make right choices. During soft food I was craving salad so much, I finally cheated and started a couple days early and things have gotten a lot easier. I only like my vegetables raw (except potatoes and corn), so that's the only way I'm going to get them in. The hard part to me, is the waste of food. My fridge has three to go boxes in it already. I'm on about 600-800 calories a day, seem to average about 25 carbs a day. If I have more one day, I cut back the next. I'm using the Realize website and from past experience, I can tell you if you write it all down, and I mean ALL of it, the weight does come off. I came up with something that was pretty good. I crumbled up my four ounces of ground beef, put in some chili powder, cumin and garlic, put it over four wheat crackers, sprinkled a little cheese over it and it was pretty good. I'm ready for jalepenos with it next time. And I confess I did something else I wasn't supposed to do. I got in the pool Sunday and sat in my float for about an hour. I'm still alive, so there. Now I can't wait until I can SWIM for exercise, 15 days and counting. And really get a workout on the Wii Fit. This walking is getting old. Missy, are we going to let Wendy beat us to ONEderland????? I think we have a challenge.
  25. Support group is in the same room, 2nd floor. Hope to see you there!

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