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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RussT

  1. If something is funny, people will react with laughter. Perhaps you need to hire a new writing staff?
  2. I'm not here to explain anything to you. Your Doctor and nutritionist already did. They gave you explicit directions on how to eat and drink post surgery but you are choosing ignore their professional direction and are choosing to do what you want to do. There might not be any harm, but then again there might be next week, next month, tomorrow...who knows. You're playing with fire and you seem not to care. I still think are setting a bad example to those who come here to do things safely and per doctor's orders. You posted this thread to get opinions. You got mine...and by the way, you are a newbie.
  3. Responses like yours are dangerous. You're proud to disregard doctor’s advice. Go ahead and be proud of thinking you know better than trained surgeons and nutritionists. It’s your life. If you want to harm yourself with pigheadedness, carry on.
  4. Feel free to do what you want to do with your own body, and you are perfectly within your rights to do so, but I think you set a bad example. Even if only one person decides to disregard their doctor's orders (like your example with alcohol) and they hurt themselves or complicate their health, then you have contributed to it.
  5. RussT

    Misery loves company?

    Hi, I did not have any of your issues after my surgery, but I will tell you this: What you are feeling WILL pass. It may suck currently, but you just have to be brave and push forward. Some of what you are feeling might only last a few days. Just be sure to let your surgeon know what you are experiencing and follow their instructions to the letter. Do what you can to stay comfortable and just know that having the surgery WAS the right decision.
  6. RussT

    Keto diet

    I just had my mind blown. I looked up the carbs in the calcium supplements I’ve been taking since I was sleeved over a year ago. I’ve been taking Calcet Creamy Bites twice a day. They have 7 grams of carbs in each piece. That’s 14 grams a day just for that alone! I called Celebrate vitamins and found they have a similar calcium supplement with the same nutrients but they are 2 grams of carbs each. I ordered a 3 month supply. Glad I read the label on those calcium supplements I’d been taking daily!
  7. RussT

    Keto diet

    That's what I decided to try myself starting this week. I know I won't do high fat, but I definitely want to try to keep carbs under 20g per day. I'll check out that link you added. Thanks!
  8. Sorry but we did not all fall off the turnip truck yesterday. Too many inconsistencies in your story. Seems like fiction to me and quite a few others. I don’t enjoy telling people I don’t believe them and I’ve never done it on this site before but your story reeks of bs
  9. Sorry but your story and what you wrote doesn’t add up. Number one, anorexia nervosa is a mental condition that makes the person starve themselves because they think they are too fat even when they are thin. A doctor would not diagnose you with anorexia just because you are losing too much weight because of bariatric surgery. You haven’t posted anything regarding how you still think you are obese and you starving yourself to lose weight, so you aren’t anorexic. So your “doctor” story rings shady. Number 2. Just because you posted a before and after photo doesn’t prove that’s even you in the photo. The woman in the before photo is nowhere near 400 pounds, unless she’s 7 feet tall. Number 3. Sorry again but NOBODY can lose 280 pounds and not have any loose skin. Your story has too many holes and doesn’t seem legit.
  10. This post reeks of b.s. There's no way you lose 280 pounds and have no loose skin. Troll alert folks.
  11. As of this morning I am down -200 pounds since my sleeve surgery on November 9, 2016. That's a little shy of 15 months. Starting at 470 lbs I am 270 pounds right now and would like to lose 30 more. If anyone is on the fence about getting this surgery done, please just do it. It's been a pretty easy road for me and I'm grateful about that. Here's to the next 30 and goal weight!!!!!
  12. RussT

    -200 lbs lost!

    Something I didn't write earlier, but I remembered after I posted was that after you are given the OK to exercise you'll have to find what works for you. I thought lifting weights and cardio (treadmill and stationary bike) would be best but I found that weight loss stalled for a few months while i was doing that. For me, swimming is the only exercise I do because for my body, it kept the weight loss going. If I swim 3-5 days a week for 30-40 minutes that's what works for me. It may not work for you, but you have to keep trying things until you find what works best for you.
  13. RussT

    -200 lbs lost!

    This photo is from when I was down -190 pounds from my starting weight of 470 a couple of months ago.
  14. In one month I will be 1 year post-op. I can't believe it's been that long! I was 470 at the end of October 2016 and today I was 287. If anyone reading this is on the fence about getting the sleeve, jump off the fence. This surgery is life changing. I haven't felt this good physically in years. What else can I say? It works.
  15. Hi Brock, Big Star Wars nerd here myself! I was in your shoes in late October last year when I started my 2 week pre-op diet. You will be able to eat mostly anything again, but for the first few months you won't be able to. You know what? We've eaten so much of all the foods we like that we got ourselves up to the size that we need bariatric surgery. We've had plenty of delicious goodies. You'll have to take a break from them for a while. You'll survive. In fact, after surgery you don't even get that hungry and when you do eat you get full after only a few ounces. I've found that even when I could again eat a fast food burger or fries, that the grease did not sit well with me so I don't even want that type of thing anymore. I'll tell you what the big payoff is. Today I stepped on the scale and it said I was 298 pounds. Last October I was 470. You can have very similar results yourself. Just do what the doctor says, follow the dietary guidelines they give you and listen to your body. Just think where you'll be this December when you go see The Last Jedi. You'll fit in the theater seat better and you'll be able to walk around easier. Life will improve greatly! Good luck!!!
  16. Around the time of my 6 month surgery anniversary, I was getting sloppy with weighing what I ate. I was down to 316 pounds ( pre surgery weight was 470 in Nov 2016) but I stayed 316 for a few weeks. I had stopped weighing all my food on my digital kitchen scale. I would "eye" all my portions. Finally, I decided to get back to weighing and measuring everything. That did the trick. As soon as I started weighing everything, I noticed that the portions I had been giving myself were a little too big. The number on the scale soon began to go down again and as of today I'm 310 (that's 160 pounds lost in 7 months). So, it looks like I'm going to keep weighing and measuring all my food because I need to. I still have BIG EYES and cannot trust my brain to know what the right portion size is.
  17. I'm 5 months post-op and I'm down 131 pounds. Starting at 470 and now 339. For those who are on the fence about getting the surgery, or have just gotten it and are hoping it works for them, let me tell you, if you follow your doctor's advice, it will work. I hardly get hungry anymore and when I do and eat, I get full almost instantly. As soon as I do feel satisfied, I feel that I can't eat another bite, which is something I never experienced before having this surgery. In the past, even if I was full, I could keep eating and stuff myself. I know now, that if I did that I'd get nauseous so I STOP when my body tells me to. I have very few cravings too. This surgery has been a miracle to me. Weight loss isn't as fast as it was in the first month or so, but I do tend to lose around 3-4 pounds a week and I'll gladly take that. At this rate I'll be in the high 200s by Summer and to see my weight start with the number 2 will be amazing.
  18. October 28, 2016 I was 470 pounds and started my 2 week pre-op diet. Surgery was Nov 9th. Today is April 29, 2017 and I was 320 pounds today. 150 pounds gone. Another 70 or so left to lose. Surgery was the best decision I've made in years. My life has improved in so many ways.
  19. Oh yeah! Everything is so much better and more enjoyable.
  20. I started swimming in November. I go before work 5 days a week for about 30 minutes. I was going to add weightlifting but I pulled a muscle in my arm a month ago moving in to my new house so I'm sticking with just cardio for a while.
  21. Goal weight I would like is 240-250. My surgeon never gave me a goal weight.
  22. Did they change something, because when I go to edit my profile, it doesn't give you a space to update your weight....
  23. RussT

    Am I losing too quickly?

    Doesn't sound too fast to me. You are exercising daily, like I am and that's surely helping. I'm 5 months post op and am down 141 pounds. (Started at 470)

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