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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by MowryRocks

  1. MowryRocks

    Gym shoes?

    I wore New Balance for years, but I now prefer Brooks. I have a wide foot and the Brooks give me the stability without the weight of New Balance.
  2. MowryRocks

    What Do You Think about Food Ads?

    I may see something that think, "That looks good", but with me at least, it does not correlate into "I must have it."
  3. MowryRocks

    Irrational fears?

    so much this !!! But this is also why I love seeing the success stories on here. Right now I can't imagine losing over half of my body weight. It just seems so daunting that I get to wondering if such a thing is even possible. Then I see some of these success stories (like the lady who started at 450 pounds and actually ran a marathon in NYC last year!) and see that it really is possible. I just have to get off my bloomin arse and get busy losing! Not only is it possible, but you can do it!
  4. MowryRocks

    This is about me, not you.

    I once had a low BMI too. Then I didn't. Mine was high 50's at time of surgery. You do you!
  5. The time is finally here. My family and I leave for Hawaii at the beginning of the week and the panic is staring to set in. We will be flying for 10.5 (hopefully for the first time being able to use the tray table and without seatbelt extenders) I've been really concerned about Protein and traveling for so long without access to my go to foods. I am 16 weeks post op. My tentative plan is to drink a Premier Protein in the morning before our 6 am flight and I will be carrying on a cheese stick and a P3, plus some beef Jerky. I'm really not excited about any of these choices, but I feel like it is necessary to avoid the carbs and bad choices available to me in the airport and on the plane. I really do not like any Protein Bars, but I have purchased some for the flight just in case. I will also be packing shakes in my checked luggage for our stay. Any other ideas or suggestions?
  6. MowryRocks

    When is it over

    One sip at a time
  7. MowryRocks

    Stomach gurgling?!

    16 weeks out and still going. I tell my kids that its my new tummy saying "we got this"!
  8. MowryRocks

    Done.. And excited and afraid

    I tell everyone that I had no pain and everything was great. My husband disagrees and calls it selective memory. The point is, all will be good and any pain will be a distant memory. Keep looking to the future!
  9. MowryRocks

    Liquid input?

    Yes, my surgeon also states to count protein shakes in the liquid count.
  10. MowryRocks

    Busy days question

    I found my first set at Sam's, but I buy them individually at Bed Bath and Beyond
  11. MowryRocks

    Busy days question

    I only cook on Sundays and Wednesdays. I cook for the whole family, then I portion out my meals in these Sistema containers that stack very nicely. It makes it easy to grab my lunch before work and to grab something when I get home from work.
  12. MowryRocks

    Now the wait.

    I'm in Dittmer, about 2 hours East. Good Luck!
  13. MowryRocks

    Now the wait.

    Where in Missouri?
  14. MowryRocks

    Irrational fears?

    This actually happened to me. I was walking in a Walgreens and at the back of the store they have the wall of security mirrors. I looked up and couldn't find me. Took me a second to remember how mirrors worked.
  15. I've been around for a bit, so I thought I would give you all a little insight into the insane inner working of my brain. I was sleeved on 10/26/2016, but in my previous incarnation, I was a nearly 300lb woman who when fed up with her situation, got her feelings hurt, and turned to the interweb of strangers to share my journey. Yes...a blogger. I blogged for years about losing the same 25-30lbs over 7 years, cried about injustices, shared my victories and my disdain for WLS. I love/loved my blog. I met amazing people and while I lost very little weight over the years, there were changes to mindset...some major, some still a work in progress. Today, I ran across an old post from 01/09/2012 called Things I HATE About People. Five years later and 59lbs down, I had a good laugh. Anyway, take a read if you're so inclined. Ok, Ok...so PEOPLE is a pretty broad term and to be honest...if this list were really about all people...it would be pretty detailed, less of a blogpost, and more of a series of blogposts. Or...a blog all in itself. This is just about people when it comes to weight loss and more specifically MY weight loss or journey thereof... To be fair, I am going to tell you straight out of the gate that I am guilty of some of these things. After all...I'm a people too! People who tell you the "BEST WAY" to lose weight. The problem I see with most of these people in my life is that they are always standing by and waiting to tell me that the best way is this new gimmick diet that someone who they know has a brother whose wife has an uncle whose cousin lost a lot of weight eating nothing but pickles and beer after 3pm. (This is not a real diet) (I hope). The fact of the matter is that we all already know the best way to lose weight is to decrease calories, make healthier choices, and work your ass off. The pickle and beer diet is only good for finding yourself drunk in an alley stinking of beer and vinegar. Not Good. People who try to push you to weight loss surgery. For those of you who are in an overweight or a "low" obese range...you may not see this one enough to get where I am coming from, but for a person who is 5'1" and 300lbs wearing her "sarcophagus" like a crown...I see this one more than I can stand. In one breath the person will be talking about my strength and determination. How they know that I am capable of soo many things and then they suggest that I lop off half my stomach if I really want a shot at losing weight. Wow....now I totally believe all the things you said about me before that (please note sarcasm). Not only do you people piss me off, but when I lose this weight through sheer will and determination...I will find you. I will have had less cookies by that time, so my mood will be questionable. People who suggest that weight loss surgery is the "easy road". Please note my above passage. I never said that I thought it was easy...I said that it is not for me and I hate when people assume that I can't do it without the help of surgeon and scalpel. I personally have checked it out. I have sat through seminars that have discussed all the options. I have talked to doctors, I have set appointments, but in the end I don't believe it is the right step for me. In fact...I think it may be harder than what I am doing now. My weight gain is a product of an emotional disorder. Creating "Frankenstomach" or naming it "Carrie Bradshaw" and dressing it in a fashionable "belt" doesn't fix that for me. I fail on this plan, but if I fail on that plan...I could die. Literally die. I refuse to let my tombstone say "Here lies Christie" followed by "Those damned mashed potatoes" If I eat them now...I regret it. I can LIVE with regret and move on. People who fail to recognize ANY obesity as an eating disorder. I believe that all eating disorders are emotional disorders. If I binge eat...its for the same reason that someone who is bulemic binge eats. I just HATE throwing up. I have the same body issues as a person who is anorexic, but starving myself to get the result they get will take time and unless you are a newcomer to this blog, you know that I have issues with follow through. (I am not condoning any of these disorders as a legitimate way of losing weight, but merely saying I can relate). I have an effed up relationship with my mom, I have an effed up relationship with my dad, I have an effed up relationship with my sisters, why should my relationship with food be any less effed up. I don't know one person who is overweight who thought, "Gee...I have nothing else to do today, why not make everything in my life HARDER" People who think they can change a person by pointing out that they are fat. They already know, thanks for pointing it out, Captain Obvious. Have you seen the sky today...its blue. People know they are fat. This is not an appropriate way to handle any situation. If you think it is, consider this is probably the reason that you do not have many friends. Pointing out someone's flaws or hurdles that they have to jump is not the best way to get them motivated to change themselves. Listen closely...you can not motivate anyone to do anything. The motivation has to come from within. If you care about someone and you have the type of relationship where you can have those kinds of conversations, then tell them that you are concerned, reassure them that you care about them and offer to support them if they decide to do something about it. Even Biggest Loser trainer, Bob Harper relayed a story about his sister and how he reaches all these people, but he just can't reach her. He can only be her brother...not her salvation. Remember, just because you are ready for them to make a change, doesn't mean they are. If you care for someone, you care for them no matter what. There is your free "Life Lesson" for the day, courtesy of me. Food and/or workout judges This is not the first time I have talked about food judges, but I find myself wanting to do this more and more. I guess it may be because I am finding success with what I am eating and I want to share my success, but being a victim of it. I know there is a right way and a definitive wrong way. I try to NEVER randomly judge food on someone else's plate, but in all honesty..it happens. Just the other day, I was in a restaurant with a friend and she had Bread...lots of bread. Cheese and Potato Soup. Chicken Tenders, a baked potato, all melty with butter and sour cream. (lo I have to admit. I saw her, I saw what she was eating and I thought, "remember when...." (mostly I was jealous...lol). I did have a twinge of sadness for her, because I was transferring feelings about myself onto her. NEVER EVER EVER, did I think about saying anything. It is not my place. If she had asked me for tips, about my weight loss journey, or to analyze her food then I would have gladly suggested swaps and told her what I find is the best way to make changes without feeling like I'm cheating myself. But she didn't so I sat silent. The point is that all people are not armed with the knowledge that you have and your knowledge is limited by your experience. If your knowledge is welcomed then share it. If you are not sure...say nothing until you are. Change is a delicate process in the fabric of one's life. Don't pull the loose string that causes it to unravel. Same for working out. Sometimes people are doing all they can do. It may be the first time they have made it to the gym. If you see them struggling and you start thinking negative thoughts, then you need to rearrange your thinking. At least they are there making an effort. The point is...become a support to those who are trying (even if you see the flaws in their thinking), life has enough road blocks that there doesn't need to be another you-shaped one in their path. Today's spark: Kicking my roadblocks in the peas!
  16. Anyone else always craving cottage cheese? Anytime I'm eating something else, I wish it were cottage cheese.

    1. blizair09


      I eat cottage cheese twice a day. I'd love to have it a third time, but I keep my carbs below 20 per day, so 2 is my limit.

    2. Malin


      I used to hate Cottage Cheese. Now I crave it too!!!

  17. MowryRocks

    Changing personality

    I'm not saying this is the same thing as what you are experiencing at all, but this is my experience. As I am losing weight there are a good many people who would say that I have changed for the worse because I no longer tolerate the way they treat me. I will not allow people to marginalize me or make me feel a certain kind of way because they have bad attitudes. I have mouth shut for many years about rude things that people have said to me or implied because I "didn't want to rock the boat". With those people...I have changed into a total monster. With all the others, quite the opposite. I'm more outgoing. I've always been friendly, but I'm not as apprehensive about asking them about their lives and experiences. I'm less shy and I am always up for a fun time. I am different, but I like this different.
  18. I wouldn't be weirded out by it. I thought this was going to be a huge issue for me as well. I wanted to remember all the people who didn't accept me before so that I wouldn't be taken in by them once I lost weight. Let's face it, fat is uncomfortable for everyone and now that I have less of it, I'm less uncomfortable than I was in MANY ways. I'm more forward. I project more of an optimism on life than I did before, so people do react differently because I am different. I am extroverted in certain situations and I have always been considered "fun", but people pick up on the "happy" more now than before. Happy is attractive. I always say question everything, but base your answers on more than one experience.
  19. MowryRocks


    I know it's discouraging, but it should also be encouraging to know that your surgery team cares enough about you to be sure that you are prepared and ready for what comes after. Good Luck moving forward!
  20. I actually have a friend that had a total fail. She lost about 50lbs straight out of the gate, but within 6 months of the surgery, she had gained it all back plus. I do know that had a lot of other medical issues including some neurological that they now believe played a role in the regain and lack of further weight loss. After the weight gain post surgery, she just kind of gave up and ate what she wanted when she wanted , so that hasn't helped either.
  21. My nut actually had me increase my calories to 1000, so that doesn't feel way off base to me.
  22. At 7 weeks my nut cleared me for between 800-1000 calories per day because I was stalled out for nearly 3 weeks and we added calories to jump start my weight loss, so 1100 doesn't seem all that crazy to me. It sounds like everything you are doing is right.
  23. MowryRocks

    Barium Swallow After Surgery

    I had one. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't my favorite thing either. It wasn't as bad as a normal barium swallow. It was in real time and it was a very small amount. It was also the gateway to other liquids. It was so not a big deal.
  24. Happy Birthday and Congratulations!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
