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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by astera

  1. Hello all! It has been over 2 months since I have been on here. Life happens for sure! I have been struggling with the same 3lbs for the last few months. I am not losing, but not gaining. My 4th fill in September was .5 cc and every day since then is different. Sometimes I have restriction, sometimes I dont. It seems to depend on the day or even the week of the month as to what level my restriction is.

    I have been having some pain in my right side near my gallbladder so they did an ultrasound and found nothing abnormal with the gallbladder or liver. Which at least would have been nice to explain the pain. They suggested that I go back on my acid reflux meds and see if the pain is being caused by that.

    I still have that sharp stabbing pain every once in and while but now I am having pain at my port site. Its not that bad, it just feels almost bruised under my layer of tummy fat and my scar from the port aches a bit. Has anyone else had any issues like this? I have lost enough fat in my abdomin that I can clearly feel the port now and I wounder if that has anything to do with it. I don't know but I go in today to see my surgeon for the 1st time since surgery to check me out and see whats wrong. I just feel like something is not as it should be.

    How are people doing since surgery day? I am down 27ish lbs depending on the day. :-)

  2. I hope I get more restriction with my next fill (Sept 12th). I have been stuck at the same 18lbs lost for over a month now (but at least I haven't gained any). I look forward to the "Sweet Spot" I have heard so much about.

    I hear you! In the last month I am down 3lbs which yes it is great that I am not up but geez did I need a fill. I got my 4th one today she only wanted to do .5 cc at a time now because of the amount so will see tomorrow if it did anything or not.

  3. astera, First let me say "Congratulations" and next let me ask "HOW?!" Was your highest weight on your ticker your weight at surgery? Because if it was, that means you lost about 1 lb. a day (the last person I met who had lost 1 lb. a day had had RYN bypass surgery--you had the band, right?). That's a far cry from the "1.5-2 lbs. a week" my doctor advised. What did you weigh on your surgery day?

    Thank you! No I had to lose before surgery my weight at surgery was 220. I have only lost 25 since surgery in 3 months. And yes it was the band lol. :-)

  4. Congrats on being in underland !!! I am so happy for you and it gives me motivation something I have been lacking for the past few weeks. Congrats, Congrats and I am so happy for you. What was your weight on your surgery day I am curious because I had my surgery on 6/05/09 ???

    sorry it has been a while since I have been on here. I for some reason was not receiving emails telling me there was a response to this post. At surgery I was 220lbs I am at 195 right now. And thank you and everyone for the congrats I appreciate it!

  5. Depends, What is your height to weight ratio? I would shoot for a few mini-goals to get to that suggested weight! CONGRATS TO YOU!!

    Thank You! I am 5'2 199lbs so according to bmi charts between 100-130 is what I should weigh for my height. And I do like the idea of small goals. So I think I am going for 10lbs at a time. I have never been this small as an adult so I don't have a particular size I want to get int,o or a particular weight I want to be at so I just have to go off the charts since I have no frame of reference.

    :-) Hope everyone is doing well.

  6. I am under 200lbs !!!! So happy today! And a picture to prove it! I have not weighed under 200 since 8th grade.

    I am in shock I still cannot believe it. And my mother was so nice today and came all the way to my work and brought me flowers to congratulate me on being under 200. :-) It was so sweet of her to do. She knows how much it means to me.


    Now I don't know what my next goal should be. :-) Any ideas? What is everyone doing for goals? I am thinking 10lbs at a time so maybe 190. :-) thoughts?


  7. Ifyourstomachoffendsyou - i have to restriction what so ever with meat veggies fruit I don't drink before or during meals so I am not sure what actual restriction feels like. The uncomfortable issue is with bread and cereal which I think is just due to the expanding so I have just stayed away from them. I want to know what it should feel like because I don't think the pain from bread that I get is the same as restriction at least I hope not because it hurts !

  8. OK so I had my first fill 7/13/09 1.2cc and felt no change, which was hard after struggling the 2 weeks prior with no loss and being hungry all the time. Which as I have read on here seems to be the way it goes for a lot of people. Then I had my second fill 7/27/09 + 2cc so I am at a total of 3.2cc. This fill gave me a bit of 'restriction' but only on things like bread or Cereal so far anything else goes down just fine. The "restriction" feeling that I am getting is uncomfortable. And not just a "full" feeling because I don't feel full. Just with a few foods I notice I have a band otherwise I don't. Anyone with real restriction able to describe how it should feel? I know it should not feel uncomfortable and that means you have gone to far. But I will get it after just one bite of some foods and others (mind you not liquids) I can eat 2cups of and I don't notice a thing. Its tricky. I go in for another fill on the 11th so hopefully. I will get some restriction and some sort of sign of when to stop eating without it being uncomfortable. Hope everyone is doing well.

  9. Ok so I had my first fill this past Monday he put in about 1.2cc and well as I expected with that amount I fell no different. Still no restriction and for some reason this week I have been really really hungry all the time, maybe close to period time I guess I don’t know.

    I go back in on the 27th for my second fill and around 1cc more is what the surgeon was telling me, and I can go in about every 2 weeks until I get closer to the right fill, so that’s not so bad.. He said he wants me to get to the point where I am eating a 1/2-1/4 a cup of food and that is all I need. Well currently I am a long ways from that so I guess will see how it goes.

    It is becoming increasingly difficult to not overeat and/or indulge in things that I know I shouldn’t. Granted it is better than before surgery but still not anywhere close to where I would like to be. I just don’t like being hungry and craving all of the things that I shouldn’t eat :-(. Does it stop at some point?

    And I question to anyone who has had a few fills now and has some restriction, do you get the same feeling of satisfied that you did when eating before surgery? Or is it different? My surgeon said that some people don’t feel full or satisfied they just feel a bit of discomfort at the band site, and that if that does happen you want to stop eating before that point. I am worried that I won’t feel satisfied and I don’t want to hurt anything by accidently eating too much. I have been lucky so far. I have not vomited once or had anything feel stuck, or really feeling anything at all! I hope it changes so I can start utilizing the band because my will power only lasts so long that’s why we did this in the first place right . I know it’s a slow road and that’s ok but right now I feel like I am at a pit stop with a flat tire.


  10. I was banded June 2nd so I am 1 month and 5 days out! I never thought I would get to this point so this is great!

    I am going to respond to a few things over the past 3 or so pages on here because I haven't jumped on in a while.

    I think it was spud mama that was talking about port pain and bending over. I have noticed that when I bend over to pick something up or I am doing some stretching that I get an uncomfortable feeling at my port site like I am bending right on top of it. It does not hurt and it does not hurt after I stop bending but its kind of weird. I was wondering if anyone knows if this will continue or if the weird sensation will go away later?

    As to average loss ( cant remember who posted that one) I am 35 days out and I have lost almost 15 lbs. 12lbs of that was in the 1st 2 weeks after and then the loss died lol. I am really really hoping to get a fill at my next post opp appt on next monday the 13th.

    And as a slide into this I have absolutly no restriction right now! I can eat anything at this point including bread Pasta rice meat etc with no issues what so ever. If I did not know the band was there I would not know I had it! The first 2 weeks I had restriction because of the swelling and that went away so did my restriction! I am hoping that a fill will fix that because my loseing has died and I am having to menatly throw everything I have at food to keep on track because I can eat way more than I should at this point. Is anyone eles feeling this that is about a month out? :biggrin:

  11. I have found the what my surgeon says for post op diet and what the dietition that works in his office said are two different things. I am going with the more conservative of the two but it is very interesting that there is no really cookie cutter plan to it all for the surgeons as far as pre op, post op, or otherwise really that I have noticed. It is so nice to have a place that we can all talk about what we are being told to do and see how others are doing things as well. I hope everyone is doing well. I am post op 3 weeks now and I am doing well so far so good. How is everyone doing now?

    It is strange to me all this doctors don't have the same post op diet. Clears for 2weeks, that just doesn't seem right. Hopefully you are taking Vitamins. Yet, you need the Protein healing process. I only had clears for 2days, then liquid Protein for a week, now mushy. I fill up easy and am not that hungry. I see my doc today. Still, sore but not even as bad. I don't like tight clothing on my tummy. Can sleep in my bed, and sleep on my sides just being careful when i get to my side and have pillow in front of my tummy. I hope everyone else is feeling better too.:blushing:

  12. I had my post op appt today and asked the surgeon about this. He said he thinks is the diaphragm spasming due to the change and swelling and he thinks it will diminish or go away completly with time. So waho for that hehe. Hope all is going well with you.

    My surgeon also said I am healing well and said I could start solid foods slowly and one at a time with the exception of meat and bread still cant have those for a while. So we will see how that goes. I am nervous and excited at the same time. So far I have had no issues with anything I have eaten so I will see how things go! My scars are healing well and I cant wait for a fill next month because I dont feel I have any restriction at this point. How is everyone else doing thats around 3weeks out? I hope everyone is well!

    Yes it was your post! I'm glad it's not just me. :confused: I am 100% positive about my answer that the muscles are spasming cuz it's been moved, but of course ask your doc.

    I feel better and better every day! I am so energetic I want to walk but my fam it SO supportive of helping me (note the sarcasm) that it was an overwhelming NO. So we went to the movies (and then snuck into another one :blushing:). Now it's warm and very bright outside so I will wait for a bit.

    Hey, I met one of my mini-goals!! I have a beautiful amethyst ring that my fingers got too big to where comfortably, so I told myself I can't wear it regularly until I am below 250. YEA!! I can wear it now!!

    Now I gotta think of my next mini-goal and reward. I'd like to do a 5k in a few months. But weight wise I guess 235 is a goal cuz I was that weight the longest of my adult life.

  13. I am not sure if it was my post or not but I have that same issue and its been driving me nuts! I go to my post op appt next Monday and I am going to ask about it as well. How are you doing otherwise?

    I was reading the posts earlier today and now I can't find the one I want to comment about. But someone mentioned muscle spasm around the port or incisions. That totally explains what I am feeling! I described it to my doc yesterday as feeling like Braxton Hicks (if you've been pregnant). He didn't have a clue. But muscle spasm is totally what it is!!!!!!!!! Mystery solved! Now after analyzing that thought from remembering something my chiropractor said is that the muscle (around the port area) has been moved and it knows its not where it is suppose to be so it is trying to adjust itself. That totallly make sense to me!!! Thank you whomever mentioned the muscle spam!

  14. I know it ! Susan is fantastic! I have lost 12lbs since op day on June 2nd. I was 220 surgery day I am at 208 now. How about you?

    PS: (I sent you a pm as well)

    I ate some eggs for the first today so far so good. Well I'm glad you are doing so well. Dr. Wolff was surgeon and I saw susan today. Thank god for suasn. How much weight have you lost so far?

  15. tworoger,

    Oh my goodness I did not have that kind of issue in the hospital at all. They gave me specific instructions in the binder of information they gave me a few months ago, as well as told me again pre op that when they start bringing food to you if there is anything besides broth, Jello, and juice on it don't eat it. I assumed that by having to put that in the info packet as well as tell me maybe they often have mix ups with food trays and that sort of thing? They only gave me Jello broth and Water when I was there my meal tickets said something like bariatric diet or something on them maybe they did not have that on yours? I am so sorry you had such a problem with that. I am glad you knew not to eat them :-). Although dr and nurses etc have training they all see a lot of people and I feel its really important to keep track of your medical stuff the best you can so you can be your own advocate because unfortunately things happen they are human too.

    I just started soft foods yesterday 2 weeks post op and have been doing well with those so far. It is really nice to get to chew things again.

    I understand completely about the calling thing I hate, hate, hate calling them I always feel like they don’t care and just want to get you off the phone. I however love Susan, she has been great the entire time in person, on the phone, and through mychart!

    I am doing well with the band so far no real complications. My port incision is still really tender and sore but much, much better than it was a week ago. I just took the steri strips off of it today and it is healing well. Sneezing, laughing to much, coughing that sort of thing is still a bit sore both in the port incision and my stomach around the band itself but I am sure that is just because it is not healed yet. Soft foods have been going down fine, I am eating really carefully and chewing everything well to make sure I don’t have any issues.

    The only issue I have been having and I don’t even know if its a problem is I feel like I am having spasms of my stomach or maybe diaphragm I am not sure if feels like a hiccup in my chest without the hiccup sound everything just spasms upward and that’s its. It is uncomfortable and I don’t know if it is just gas or what it doesn’t feel like a burp but maybe that band changes how that feels? I am not sure. I am going to as at my post op next Monday and find out. In the hospital I also found out that hard way that I am allergic to morphine! I swelled up and looked like someone punched me in the face a good few times that was scary but after some Benadryl for a few days it went away. Other than those 2 things, so far so good. Who is your surgeon, NP, and dietitian? How are you doing with the soft foods now? There is a support group meeting tomorrow night at the Center for Health and Healing at 630-8 just as an FYI. I have not been to one so I don’t know what they are like but they have them a few times a month there.

    I was banded on June 11th. When I came out of recovery the nurse cave me crackers and juice. I asked him, i dont think I'm soposoe to have this. Know one really knew what to do with me in the hospital. They all had diffrent story's on what I needed to do. I went back today to meet with a nutrisnet. That was help full. I was having alot of problems doing the Protein shakes. She told me I could eat eggs,turkey chilie, she told me to try some cheese. I really hope this works. When I called to leave a message with someone they told me it would 24 to 48 hrs. That pissed me off, when your willing to pay them money they will make you an appt. I hope our luck is better from hear out. How are you doing whith the band and what complications have you had?

  16. baylakeaverys,

    From most of the things I have read on here and from what my dr said to me they are not as concerned about loss the first 2 weeks as you are healing. I am using the unjury unflavored Protein powder. Its great because you can mix it in just about anything without changing the flavor and it gets the extra Protein in there. I made Jello and pudding with it mixed in and it works well. My dietitian at the hospital gave me samples of Unjury protein powders before surgery and I ordered the container of unflavored from them after I tried the samples. You can buy samples from them so you don’t have to get a big container only to find out you don’t like it. They have all different flavors to but as I said the unflavored has been great just because you can put it in just about anything you are making. Also GNC is a good place to get protein powders but so far Unjury is the only place I have found that has unflavored as an option. I hope that helps you get some extra protein in! Here is a link to the Unjury site. http://www.unjury.com

    What kind of protein powder do you use? I am alittle concerned. My doc asks for pure liquid diet for 2 weeks, but I am so exhausted I have just started eating ittybitty pieces of fish and Soups for the fuel. I had to stay in the hospital and gained 7 pounds OVERNIGHT from hospital fluids. I have lost that and 4 additional pounds and am really worried that my doctor will be disappointed next week, but I swear I don't have the energy to do what I do on the liquid diet. I wonder how much the doctors expect you to lose the first two weeks afterwards?

  17. Thanks! I finally got my NP to call back to answer that question for me and she said about sipping 4oz at a time of liquids is fine as long as I wasn't having any discomfort and it was not during a meal 30min before one or 30min after one. I still have not found a full trigger for me yet :-/ but I am hoping one comes soon :-) Hope all is well with you thanks again!

    Astera, you are welcome! If you are doing Protein shakes I would definitely limit it to 1/4 cup. The 1/4 cup I swear by. my doctor does not allow Protein Shakes. What i did was I blended clam chowder Soup. It actually tasted good for a week or so and I was done with it lol. I hate mushies but unfortunately I have to follow the plan. When i get full I feel pains in my shoulder and that's the sign for me to quit. Best wishes Heather!

  18. Waho post op 1 day shy of 2 weeks now and things are starting to kick back to normal.

    I started soft foods yesterday and have been doing just fine with them so far. I am still having some weird spasmish pains from my stomach almost like I am hicuping with no hicup sound so thats an odd one I wil ask about at my post op appt.

    My post op is not until next monday 3weeks post op which I thought was a bit od since most peoples were 2 weeks out but anyways. I am looking forward to getting to ask some questions I have come up with since.

    I also took my steri strips off my port site today so that was nice to see the huge scar that is going to leave me as a reminder :-) It is still sore for sure but getting better every day.

    I lost almost 12lbs the 1st week post op and this last week I lost nothing so I am not sure why that is since I was on liquids both weeks but ah well 12lbs is a crazy amount so I am still very happy.

    How are all the other people that are a week or 2 out now doing?

  19. I was banded 2 weeks ago at ohsu and I feel you on that one. It has not been all bad by any means but I do get the feeling sometime from some of the staff that they allways have better things to do than to answer my questions or help me with somthing. How long ago were you banded?

    I got my band at OHSU. I'm not happy with the support I have been getting. I feel like I have been banded and throwen to the wolves. Good luck

  20. Just tossing in my 2 cents I had Protein powder to everything for the most part, Soup milk drinks pudding Jello all of it just to get to the required 70-80g a day I was banded on June 2nd and have been doing that since day 2.

    lizzyann - I was glad to read your post. I was banded June 4th - and have worked from home but went into the office today for a few hours. The more I am sitting up, the bigger my stomach swells. I am on liquid diet for 2 weeks, but have been cheating and sucking on about 2 crackers a day. I read about other exercising etc, right now - but how do they have the energy. I am exhausted from not eating. I know when I work my normal hours next week it will be even worse. It appears your ate some on your second week - right? Should I add protein powder to my milk in the morning even now?

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