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Posts posted by rroswelltx

  1. Gosh i wish I knew how to help you. I too have struggled with the same 5lbs for the last year. However i i know if I would stop eating the things I shouldn't that i would probably drop it... But I don't.... Do you work out? If so, do u do the same thing over and over and maybe should change it up? Grasping at straws here...

  2. I went to the meet and greet on Friday nite but was unable to attend the fling. The meet in greet was ok, several of us including Alex the board owner went out to a country and western bar and rode the bull. That was fun. Wished I could have been around more...

  3. Good Morning,

    Unfortunetly I only got to attend the meet n greet friday night. I had planned to come back Saturday night but something came up. But It was so nice to meet a lot of you.. I hope the conference was fullfilling and helps with all of your journies. Cher, not everyone realizes how much work is involved in putting something like this together. You are awesome and we thank you!!!

    Now as far as the group that went out with me on Friday night, that was cool... Yes peeps there was some Texas bull riding involved.. If you want to see the pics then PM me.. Perhaps Alex can provide a sticky for them to be posted as well!!! It was fun...

  4. The heat here is usually hot and sticky. However we have moved into more fall like weather which only means that temp can fluct like 30 deg during the day. It may be 50' to 60s in morning and evening and 90 during the day. Texas weather is never predictable. layers might be advised... LOL

    Hope to see ya'll there, I am just coming to the fling (and maybe the meet n greet)

  5. Hi guys sorry I haven't checked in for a while. life has been very hectic.

    First of all happy bandaversary to everyone. I am at 170 still and haven't reached goal. However I have been working with a personal trainer and I am losing body fat.

    My soon to be EX hubby is still in a rehab center. he has lost all memories of me and his kid. And since we had many problems before the accident has chosen to just move on. Don't feel sorry for me please, it is for the best i believe. So I am starting my new life as a single parent with a new body and new outlook on life. I am actually enjoying it.

    I'll try to do better about keeping in touch!!!

  6. Hi guys, I haven't even been on to read since sometime last month. My interview did air on the 5th, and I thought I looked FAT!!! LOL the camera does add thats for sure. Things have been so hectic for me with hubby in rehab and then he got put back in the hospital for tia's and losing strength on the right side of his body. Thankfully he has gotten it back now and is back in rehab and i'm back to trying to adjust to being a single parent again. They say he will be there for another 6-9 months. I am still up in weight at 173, but I started walking last week again so I hope to continue that and start losing again. I am not eating much but of course what I am is the wrong things, I am always on the go and no time for cooking.

    So Calgal, I am so sorry for your loss. Hope you are doing better with it now. I have missed you guys. Happy St. Patties day everyone.

    Is there any way to get the emails working again, maybe I would be able to keep up more if they did??? Take care!

  7. Hey everyone, just thought i would check in. I haven't been at work in a couple of weeks. I have been getting DH settled in his brain injury rehab, he is living there for a while. So been quite busy!

    Happy Valentines to all you lovely ladies!!!

    I did 2 TV interviews in the last 2 weeks for my doctor on the lapband. The 1st one will air locally here in TX on March 8th at 5:00 on ABC, the 2nd I am not sure when the air date is, I was interviewed by Doug Louellen (used to do interviews for the peoples court). Anyway when that one airs it will be on CNN. Can you believe it CNN!!!! I just wish I was down the 15 I have gained but oh well, no time in my life to worry to much about that....

    Stress has me really tight these days, so I am eating the wrong things just to get some food in me, LOL, bad I know.

    I will check in when I can!!!

  8. Hi guys. I am also not getting emails about post. Well I haven't lost much since last post maybe a pound or 2. My life is such a whirlwind that i find myself just going through the motions. So I decided I would go ahead and share something with all of you. I know you have been reading my negative post about how screwed up my life is right now. well one thing I haven't shared with ya'll is a good part of why it is screwed up. My husband 7 weeks ago had an accident at work and he has a severe Brain injury. We are not quite sure if he is ever going to be the same again. He is unable to work, drive or for the most part think straight. He has slurred and slow speach, his face droops, I am convinced he is having TIA's (mini strokes), he goes through bouts of total confusion. He is dizzy all the time and falls down a lot, his head hurts constantly and throws up almost on a daily basis either from the pain or dizzyness. So besides working full time and taking care of a small child, my beloved hubby is now a completely different person that I have to do everything for also. And that don't even take into the consideration the fact that we are being sued for 40thousand dollars on top of all of this. So in case any one was thinking that my negativity of my post was just due to my lack of weight loss please know it is not. BUT i still have not picked up a cigarette, and I am going to get a fill tommorrow, and I am believing that God is gonna let something good happen out of all of this. Gotta believe that or I would be posting from my padded cell right now. PLEASE keep us in your prayers.

    I am so happy all of you are doing so wonderfully, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could be online more often to support you all, but I just do not have the time anymore. Keep up the good work everyone....

  9. Hi all just checking in. I am feeling much better. I do need to share one tibit with ya'll on the weight gain though. Even though I have gained between 10-15 lbs back in the last 3 months, I HAVE KICKED THE SMOKING HABIT!!!! I have not had one in 2 months now. So now I have that gone I need to concentrate on getting my weight back down. Just for some accountability I am going to list here all the things I am doing wrong and need to change. Here it goes, boy bad habits creep in fast:

    - not taking Vitamins

    - not exercising

    - eating junk food (chips Cookies etc)

    - not drinking Water

    - not getting Protein in

    I do not have restriction but that is no excuse, so i am going to try to add stuff back in a little at a time, starting today, getting my water and moving more....

    I have been doing these bad habits for a while and since my health problems last year and my weight lost I have not gone to a doctor and had a physical or blood done or anything. I think I need to do that because my immune system sucks.

    Ok guys I know I have lost more than some but remember I haven't lost a pound in a year and I need some motivation and support from my lap band friends here!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!

  10. hi everyone. Just got back from my trip up North for Christmas. Had a great time but brought back a NASTY cold. So now I am feeling miserable. I am up to 171lbs now and I am going to make sure that 2008 is the year I GET TO GOAL!!!!!

    I have a fill scheduled for the 17th and I think I am going to ask that it be done under fluro since i cannot seem to get any restriction anymore.

    Mary Congrats on goal, you have worked hard for it. Hope everyone is having a great New year and I am off to blow my sore lil nose again......

  11. well I am 5'5 and my docs goal for me was 150, and i think i should be 145. So I think it just depends more on how you feel and how you look. I decided once i get to his goal of 150, then I would decide if I should go my last 5. However since I can't even get to his goal then i dunno.... LOL!!!

    I WILL BE THERE IN 2008!!!!!!

    You know your body and how you feel better than anyone.

    Merry Christmas to all! My family and I are leaving to go to Illinios on Friday for Christmas, hopefully the weather will be ok, they are having a blizzard right now, lol.

    So if your traveling or not be safe and God Bless!!!!

  12. Well I lost weight and my life SUCKS right now. Being lighter don't make it easier. We all have our problems whether its with the band or otherwise. This is a support board however and we should all keep that in mind! I pray that all of us find success in 2008. Cause Lord knows 2007 sure wasn't my year weight or health or stress. Thank God I lost weight in 2006 because I have not lost a lbs since Jan 2007, hows that for a plateau. Lets all just try to get along and support eachother where each of us are at, its not a competition. (if it was SoCalGal done passed me, LOL)

    Poodles you know I love and adore you and I hate that you have been through so much. I wish I could help, but I do pray for you all the time. We do however expect your support, were not asking you to feel sorry for us when we have our issue's. They are not the same as yours but VERY real to us nonetheless.

    Lets remember the REASON FOR THE SEASON GUYS!!!


    p.s. ok let the flaming begin, lol!

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