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Everything posted by rroswelltx

  1. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    No I wasn't yelling, I was trying to be motivational for all of us. Was trying to use explaination points for excitment, LOL kinda like a motivational speaker. I know it gets lost in typing. Lisa I haven't replied on the friend issue because I know exactly how you feel but haven't any advice. I also have a good friend that won't SEE me anymore. She will talk to me but not see me. She had her stomache stapled about 1 1/2 years ago and hasn't done well. She has admitted to me that when she see's me she gets depressed so that is why she don't want to see me. It hurts!!!! I don't know what to do about it, I have tried talking to her, but she just cn't get past her own self conscious. Good luck with it. I know it's hard. Please don't stop posting, you need support, and we need you!!!!!!!!!!
  2. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    De-Stress in 3 Minutes or Less Stop Emotional Eating Before It Starts -- By Dean Anderson, Behavioral Psychology Expert What is the single, most common problem that most dieters face when trying to lose weight? Will power? Nah. Temptation? Sometimes. Emotional eating? Bingo! That’s why it takes so much more than good intentions and information about nutrition and exercise to be successful. The ability to manage difficult situations and feelings effectively—without turning to food and eating—is a necessary foundation for a successful weight loss plan and healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, there are many proactive steps you can take to keep functioning on all your mental cylinders during tough times. These steps range widely from basic relaxation techniques to the development of a reliable support network. Other options include: Keeping a food journal to help you identify your emotional eating triggers Cultivating mental and emotional well-being through practices like meditation, mindfulness, massage, and yoga Developing good problem solving skills Turning to the Message Boards for help and support when you need it; offering help to others as a way to get your mind off your own troubles and gain a little perspective on things But all of these things take time, and there are many instances when you need something you can do right now, to keep yourself grounded, focused and able to make good decisions. After all, you don’t always have time to take a walk, relax in a hot bath or call a friend to talk things over. That’s what we’ll be talking about here—a 3-minute trick for handling stressful situations in the moment. Minute 1: Stay Grounded Emotional eating happens when you lose your connection to your grounded self. Stress itself is not what makes you reach for something to eat. In fact, stress is often a good thing and your grounded self knows this! We need the physical stress of exercise to keep our bodies in good shape just as we need the stress of intellectual and emotional challenges to keep our minds healthy. Nine times out of ten, what really leads to emotional eating is getting caught in a "mind storm" of worst-case scenarios, projections, misinterpretations, and all the emotional overreactions that come with these thoughts. This "storm" turns a manageable challenge into something that makes you feel helpless, overwhelmed, ashamed or afraid—and sends you to the kitchen to find something to stuff those extreme feelings. When you can stay grounded in the moment of stress, you have many more options. Here are some simple ideas to keep you grounded when something (or someone) pushes your buttons and your feelings start to spiral out of control: Take a few deep breaths. (You can also count to 10, if that helps.) If the stressful situation involves someone else, take a timeout and agree to continue the discussion in a few minutes. Remind yourself where you are. Take a look around, noticing and naming the colors and shapes in the space around you. Notice the physical sensations you are experiencing. Whether it's a sinking feeling, turmoil in your stomach, tension in your hands or jaw, restricted breathing, or heat on the back of your neck, try to name the feelings that go with the sensation. Is that sinking feeling fear, or dread? Is the heat a symptom of anger? The idea here is to stay in your body and in the moment—with what’s real—instead of going inside your mind where all those unreal scenarios are just waiting to get spun out-of-control. Minute 2: Reality Check Once you’re calm enough to start thinking productively, put all those thoughts that are clamoring for attention inside your head through a quick reality check. Here are several very common thought patterns that have no place in reality. Do any of these apply to you? All or nothing thinking Example: You go over your calorie limit or eat something on your “forbidden” list, and then decide to keep eating because you’ve already “blown it” for today. Reality: Weight loss is not a one-day event. If you stop overeating now, you’ll gain less and have less to re-lose later. That’s something to feel good about! Reading your own thoughts into someone else’s words Example: Someone made a mildly critical or unsupportive remark to you, and you feel completely devastated. Reality: The more bothered you are by such remarks, the more likely it is that you are being overly critical of yourself. When you treat yourself with respect, what others say won’t matter nearly so much. Either-Or thinking Example: You make a mistake or have a bad day and feel like a complete and hopeless failure. Reality: No one does well all the time. Mistakes are a necessary and valuable opportunity to learn—if you don’t waste them by getting down on yourself. Taking care of other people’s business Example: Something is going badly for someone you care about, and you feel responsible, or pressured to fix it. Reality: People need to learn from their own problems. You aren’t doing anyone a favor by trying to fix things just to make yourself feel better. Minute 3: Putting Things in Perspective Most common problems that you face in everyday life are much easier to handle when you keep them in perspective and avoid making mountains out of molehills. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to make sure you aren’t in the mountain-making business: How big a deal is this, anyway? If I knew I was going to die in a week, would this be something I would want to spend this minute of my remaining time on? Will any bad things happen if I postpone thinking about this until I have more time to figure things out? Do I have all the information I need to decide how to respond to this? Do I really know what’s going on here, or am I making assumptions? Am I worrying about things that might not even happen? What do I need to check out before taking action? Is there anything I can do right now that will change or help this situation? Am I trying to control something I can't, like what other people think, say, or do? Have I really thought through this problem, and broken it down into manageable pieces I can handle one-at-a-time? Use this approach whenever your thoughts or situations begin to feel overwhelming, and you'll quickly find that the mountains that seem impossible at first can quickly morph into what they really are—manageable hills that you DO have the ability to climb. All it takes is three little minutes of your time.
  3. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    OK Lisa and poodles and all the rest! Lets look at what we know. When we start on the sweets and carbs, we think just a little won't hurt but guess what, it makes our bodies start to crave it. Then we start with just a little more and a little more. Lets remember what got us off of craving them to begin with, for most of us it was our pre-op diet, mine was the south beach induction phase. Maybe we all need to make a pact to stay off the sweets and BAD carbs for 2 weeks, get our body out of the craving cycle. For some the weather is getting nice lets try to move more, even if it's just a little, it's movement. I have been stuck since my Xmas goal was reached then I went down and gained back, FINALLY the scale is moving again down and I am back where I was before I started gaining again, now at least my ticker is correct again!!! But that is because I have stopped with the sweets and added more excersice. GIVING UP IS NOT AN OPTION GUYS!!!!!! Lets push ourselves, lets go back to where we began this journey, no it won't be easy but we have too!!! Lets stop our craving bodies in their tracks, we won't let food control us. We are healthier even if we only lost 20lbs we are healthier and we just have to keep going!!!! Ok off my soapbox, I am here to support all of you and will gladly give any of you my phone number if you PM me and want to talk. We all understand the struggles we are going through, we ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!! We are in this for the long haul, we just have to take a hard look at what we are really doing to ourselves.
  4. rroswelltx

    When Does the Exhausted Feeling Leave!

    Your only taking in liquids which doesn't provide much fuel for the body, it will get better. Hang in there!!!!
  5. WOW T_O_M youve been married 40yrs. What an awesome thing this day in age. Be proud!!! I have been married for 7, my relationship has gotten better in some ways and worse in other's. My hubby is self conscious about his own weight, and the more I lose the more insecure he gets, even though he doesn't have to worry. I LOVE him ONLY FOREVER!!!! and I tell him that all the time!
  6. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Evening everyone. I am really tight today and have been unable to keep anything down, guess i need to go on liquids tommorrow. This fill has been so weird. On a good note I went to a Beth Moore live telecast seminar otday and it was AWESOME. If you don't know who Beth is she is an awesome Christian teacher for women, it was sooo good and I really enjoyed it. Even though I spent most of the lunch hour sitting in my car PB'ing from trying to eat lunch. It was extremely windy here in Texas today, we had wind gust of 50 miles perhour and a dust storm like I have never seen here before, it was weird. Well hope everyone is having a great weekend. Pinky love the new vision!!!!
  7. rroswelltx


    I eat shrimp all the time and haven't had a problem, just have to chew well!!
  8. rroswelltx

    Anyone in the DFW area?

    Helenc- no I have never went to a support meetings. I know they have them in rowlett, but I have never been. I have just used the support of my friends and church a lot.
  9. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Yeah, yeah I'm here lurking too. I have been struggling with this fill. Its been 1 week now and definetly have restriction, but sometimes too much. I have to even drink real slow sometimes but other times I'm fine. I have had several PB episodes. I guess I just have to get used to what i can and can't have again after not having much restriction for such a long time. I have lost and gained the same 4lbs since before Christmas. So my hopes is this fill will knock me back down and get off of those same 4lbs. I did however start a turbo kickboxing class on Monday night, I am a little sore, but think I will go again tonight, it is definetly a workout. I'm thinking maybe I should drag Poodles with me and she can learn to kick butt and not just slap, LOL!!!!
  10. rroswelltx

    Anyone in the DFW area?

    Hello to all the newbies and everyone else. HelenC I live in Royse City, so we are neighbors. And belle, I work right down the road from the colony. Good luck on your journeys.
  11. rroswelltx

    huge lump under my port scar?

    Found this thread and thought I would chime in even though this convo took place a long time ago. I also have a huge knot under my port scar, it is about the size of a large golf ball. It came about a week after surgery and is still here 9 months later. It hasn't been a issue for me except worry some until lately. The issue is that before my port was about 1 1/2 inches below the knot, now it is RIGHT UNDER the knot. They think it's just scar tissue, but now they are having to go THROUGH it to give me fills. They say it is really difficult to push the needle through the thickness of it, and now it's like they are agitating it and it is starting to hurt. I have talked to the doctors office about it and they dont seem to be concerned, just said since I was 20lbs from goal that when i get there i would probably want to have it removed and put a low profile port in. Does scar tissue hurt? I wonder if it can cause problems for my port. I am very concerned but think i may just be over reacting? Any words of wisdom?
  12. rroswelltx

    Head issues and the Scale

    Your beautiful Poodles, and you ARE going to succeed. You do not need a scale to confirm that. Just a good friend:scared: !!! LOL:clap2:
  13. rroswelltx

    Illude - NOT a newbie!

    Ilude, its been a year since you posted on this thread. Whatever happened to you and your excess skin problem. If your still around fill (pun intended) us in!!!! Hope your still doing great!!
  14. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks Barb, I am on that new pill, but still have not quit. I just got back from my fill, hopefully this one will give me restriction. I am sooo depressed!!!!
  15. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I did NOT make valentine goal, I haven't quit smoking (still at only 4 per day though) and I have actually gained. I am back at 170lbs, I am so disgusted. I am going for another fill today, Happy liquid valentine to me! And to everyone else Have a Happy Valentines day!!!
  16. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Socalgal- so glad you got the pants and can wear them. What about the jeans, any luck with them? Everyone else, it has been very hectic at work and homelife this week so haven't posted much. i miss ya'll. I haven't had time to update sig for challenge either, maybe tommorrow. g-nite all!
  17. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Lisa, I am unable to go either, but I do not believe that they have even booked everything yet, I believe there is still time for you to go if you want too. I am sorry you felt left out, I think it was more of a timing thing and no one realized that you didn't know the details or were feeling that way. We are here for support, and I hope you continue to come here and post with us. Socalgal- I am mailing those clothes today, hopefully you get some use out of them. Hope your feeling better this week!! Poodles- how are you feeling? Those darn kids you teach shouldn't bring you their nasty germs!!!! LOL
  18. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    poodles I was joking about the fill! Was just trying to give you an excuse to drink more wine!!!LOL
  19. rroswelltx

    MAX Capacity for food

    Poodles- I think you need a fill!!!! IMHO
  20. rroswelltx


    My first fill didn't do too much, but everyone is different. You look like you are continueing to lose without a being filled so maybe it will work for you. The 2nd one for me really got me going... Good Luck!
  21. rroswelltx

    Banded today! (1/31)

    Congrats on coming to the banded side!!!!!!!! You'll be feeling better in no time!!!! Remember now is the time for HEALING!!!!!
  22. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    My lump showed up within days of surgery too!!! It also seems to get harder when eat! But they insist it's scar tissue, I just don't like that the more weight i lose it my port is moving upwards underneath it!!!
  23. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hey everyone. I got my fill yesterday, and they put in .2, everything seems fine, I haven't ate anything but yogurt today and it went down fine, so I hope I have some restriction now. Ok here is what they said yesterday. As some of you may remember, I have a huge knot under my biggest scar, my doctor says it's scar tissue. Well the more weight I lose the more my port moves under that scar tissue. They told me yesterday that I would probably never be able to get a blind fill without the x-ray machine because it so hard to tell when you made it through that thick tissue and get to the port. She also said I would probably always have to be numbed because they have to push so hard to get it through that it would most likely hurt me pretty bad. I talked to the doctors office afterwards and the nurse and doc are going to discuss it. At some point i may have to have it taken out, i don't want another surgery. Ok I slipped last night and smoked a cig, I was starving on liquids, my DD was crying her ear hurt (she has an ear infection) and my teen son had a sore throat and 103 temp:sick . My hubby was crabby because of lack of sleep and I guess it just all got to me and I thought it would help me de-stress!!! So back on the wagon today starting over, now my throat hurts and I feel like crap. I think I will go to Jason's deli for lunch and get some broccoli chedder soup( don't worry I won't eat the big peices)! I love their soup. Hubby took son to the docs this morning, strep test came back negative which suprised me, but they think he might have Mono!!!! I'm in for a fun weekend.:faint: I did however get my water in yesterday, and definetly my calories since I couldn't eat! LOL Well thanks for letting me rant!!!
  24. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thats why I love sparkpeople.com, I can take my labels and put it all in under 1 shake and save it, and then I just click on it any time i wanna add it. I found it much more friendlier for me than fitday!!!
  25. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys, Ok this is my second day COMPLETELY smoke free!!! I am going in today for a .2 fill I decided. Hope that works out ok!!! Lisa- Glad your back, please use us for support when you need it. I am sorry you are going through all this but there is a reason for everything. I only have one child and then I had to have a hysterectomy so I know how you feel. But God blessed you with one healthy beautiful child so you have to concentrate on that!!!! And most importantly your health. I need to do the water challenge I have been slacking off untill the last few days. Here is my goal Water- 64oz per day Excercise- 3 X 60 per week log all food and excersise on sparkspeople.com Continue to NOT SMOKE!!!!!!! There ya go!!!! Have a great day everyone.

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