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Everything posted by rroswelltx

  1. Has nothing to do with being Bi or anything else, got one word for ya "RABBIT" best home lover in the world!!! IMHO
  2. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Avilla, welcome back. I too am struggling losing the same 5lbs back and forth so I feel your pain. It is so easy to stop excersising and so hard to start back up, I am failing there too. Hopefully we can regain our momentum soon, and jump back on losing towards our goal. Good Luck and come back and vent whenever you need too!!!
  3. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Good Luck today Poodles, let us know what happens. I don't think living with pain is good though!!! Thanks to everyone for comments on the pic. Hope everyone is doing well!
  4. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hello all, i just got back in town from vacation. I went to North Carolina. Let me try to explain briefly. I have a sister that I have not seen since she was 2 yrs old. Half sister on my father's side. I found her a few years ago and we lost touch and still had never seen eachother. After my health issue's earlier this year I had been really wanting to find her again but I couldn't find her contact info. Well out of the blue she contacted me on myspace.... Since then we have talked daily and really started to get to know eachother. My DD and I flew there to meet her, and we had an awesome time. Here is a pic of the 2 of us together. Now we have spent some time together we have really bonded and I miss her so much. But I thank God for the time we had together. I just thought I would share this with all my support people......
  5. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    SoCalGal, LOL I thought the same thing about the b4 and after. I think our buddy Pinky just likes seeing everyone... LOL I am on vacation next week, so I will set this challenge out, BUT when I get back it IS ON!!!! I JUST HAVE TO REACH GOAL B4 LOSE MY MIND!!! OOps might be too late for that!!! LOL
  6. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks for all the motivation guys. I need it, Some how I just can't seem to reach that goal. Poodles thanks for the congrats but I haven't reached goal, still looming over the same 7-10lbs, the way I'm going socalgal is gonna pass me!!! LOL I sabotage myself so bad, am i the only one who does this????
  7. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Happy B-day Barbara's (today and friday)!!!!
  8. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I'm here! Dissappointed I am not going to make my goal for next week, I am constantly sabotaging myself. I NEED TO GET WITH IT!!!!! GRRRRRR
  9. rroswelltx

    Insecure Spouse

    AMEN sista!
  10. Make sure your Pineapple juice is room temp NOT cold. It also works well during the allergy season, I found out about it when I was feeling extremely tight from mucus drainage. Doc told me to sip it and it would act like drano to unplug the hole. It worked wonders, I haven't tried it for being stuck but I will now.
  11. rroswelltx

    Insecure Spouse

    My hubby said the same thing before my surgery. "Your gonna get skinny then kick my fat butt to the curb", I used all those lines from above to try and re-assure him. I knew it had a lot to do whith his insecurities about his weight. As the weight started to drop off I was getting compliments from EVERYONE EXCEPT HIM! It really hurt me. I finally set him down and told him that "everyone in the world can tell me how great I look, but none mean as much to me as if you were saying it". He told me that he was proud of me but was afraid if he encouraged me to lose more weight it only showed him that he was a failure at his own weight issue's. Now after 1 1/2 years he is now trying to lose weight for himself, he has lost 75lbs and teases he is gonna catch up with me. Things are much better but it took a long time and he hurt me a lot by his lack of support. You just have to try and stay focused that it is not about you it's all about their insecurities and even when your hurt try to continue to re-assure them. Men can be babies we all know that. Good luck on all of your upcoming surgeries, and I wish you all much success.
  12. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Chocolate is the DEVIL!!!!!! LOL! :faint:
  13. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Ok guys I am not going to claim it yet cause it is only the first day I saw it on the scale, after another day of seeing it I will claim it and change my mini goal ticker... So happy after 4 months the scale is moving again, this morning I saw 155lbs on the scale, WHAHOO!!!! Only 5 lbs from my final goal.... I did however have to get some of my fill taken out on Tuesday but I wasn't even able to drink water some days. But that is ok, since I am still losing. But the other good news is, all the fill they had put in was still there so NO LEAK!!!! Thank GOD!!!! Congrats to everyone else on there success, quite possibly the Junebies are fighting the way out of the blue funk and are back on top again. WE ROCK!!!!
  14. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    WHAHOOOO!!!! Congrats Pinky!!!! When you coming to TX full time?
  15. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Cindy that is awesome, I so wanted to have that done until my time in the hospital a few months ago, now I am scared too. But I hate that apron of fat, and the roll above my belly button. How was the surgery was it hard, and recovery. Maybe I can live vicariously through you LOL. Thanks for being comfortable about it to share with us.
  16. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Leila- that sounds like a great idea for motivation. You have done so well and we all have to be reminded that we must keep plugging along even when it feels so much harder than when we started. So any added motivation that we add can only be positive. Welcome back to us and keep checking in...
  17. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thank youso much! I am 5'5, so not very tall. I do still have the bat wings but they have gone down, the worse think for me besides the belly skin is my legs, they are HORRIBLE. I have so much skin (fat, LOL). I was hoping for the day when my legs wouldn't rub together but that is never gonna happen unless I get something done to them. I too get the "where are you gonna lose another 15lbs from" and I go down my list, haha, people just do not understand!!!!
  18. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    SoCalgal, unfortunetly even though I am so close to goal, that feeling hasn't changed. People call me skinny all the time and I am far from that. Sometimes in my own mind I wonder is it condecending, or is that just my freakish mind feeling that way. I think a lot of it with me has to do with the loose skin I have, it still looks like nasty fat rolls to me. Thank GOD for clothes, LOL!!!
  19. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Cindy, I am so with you on that. I feel like a fat person too, and think everyone else is seeing me that way. People don't understand it when you say that they are like ,whatever your NOT fat, and that is not how I feel on the inside or even when I look at myself....
  20. I hate looking at this b4 (2005)pic along with all the other b4 pics, but I guess we have to keep them around to see the difference.
  21. rroswelltx

    What do you tell people at work

    I didn't tell anyone for the 1st 6 months except my boss, then after I was succeeding I did because I didn't want to lie when the 1st person asked me straight out if I had any type of surgery. But please people DO NOT tell them it's gallbladder surgery, sooo many of us has had to have gallbladder surgery after we have lost weight and that is not a web you wanna get into, pick something else like hernia etc.... IMHO
  22. rroswelltx

    Soft Stop Anyone???

    I need to figure out mine, because when I start to hiccup it means that it's to late, I have taken a few bites to many!!!
  23. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    SoCalgal you are doing so great, those traveling pants are probably too big now..... Pinky- I'm glad that things are progressing with the house and you are keeping your chin up through it all. I am going to North Carolina in Oct. and I have been advised to set a small goal for myself for the trip to break my stall, so I will try it. My goal will be to match my ticker by Oct 3rd.... That is only 4lbs to lose but it's that dreaded 4 lbs that I lost and found me again that I cannot seem to shake. So there it is.... I guess I should really change my ticker to reflect my current weight huh, so I guess I will, bye bye 155 for now, hope to see you again by Oct. 3rd...
  24. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Ok so officially the dallas get together is cancelled.... Because the only people I have heard from are ones that can't make it, every one else has dropped from the radar screen... Has anyone EVER heard from Lucy yet???
  25. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Aimee, remember the sugar is like a drug, once you start it you crave it more. You are going to have to force yourself not to eat it for a couple of weeks if you want to stop craving it. However in knowing this doesn't make it easier, I too have not gotten back with the program since my unfill and refill. I haven't lost a lb in 4 months. I think we both need a good kick in the pants. Good luck and fight those urges....

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