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Everything posted by rroswelltx

  1. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    well I'll post mine for week one but there not pretty, since I fit into the Fills & Ills category cal 1200 - 7days H2O 64oz- 3 excercise- 0 on Sunday was down 1lbs The weeks starts over on Sunday or Monday? I am doing much better this week. Already down 2lbs , (even though it showed up and now has gone into hiding, I know it will be back soon)
  2. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I have read the book the 5 love languages, it is VERY good! However I couldn't get him to participate in the reading of it, or take the test with me to figure out what our language is. I know what mine is but he didn't care to know. MEN!!!!!!ARGH!
  3. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Well Laura YOU ARE BEATIFUL!!!! We all are, even if those MEN don't appreciate us enough! You guys have been my life line, even when I just read and don't post. I think every one of you are beautiful inside and out!!!!
  4. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Congrats Barbara and Terry!!!! Keep up the awesome work!!
  5. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Morning all, Thanks to all of you for the support. Hubby is really trying, yesterday he did things like clean the garage, which has been horrible for 2 yrs now, did the dishes, laundry and cooked me a steak dinner. (BTW, it was my first time eating steak and it was delicious), this morning he left me a voicemail at work and sang "You are so Beautiful to me". I want so much to believe him, but he always does so good at first then slips back into his MAN mode after a week or so. I am trying really hard to stand FIRM that words aren't going to get it this time and I am going to have to see that his actions continue before I trust him. IT IS SO HARD!!!!! I want sooo much to believe him. On another note, I was down 2lbs this morning, down to 183!!!! Thats a whopping 72lbs loss so far. I can't hardly believe it!!!!!!! I LOVE this band!!!!!!
  6. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    No the weight loss isn't playing into it, except with the fact that I am more confident in myself that I do not deserve to be treated bad. these are problems that have gone on for years, I address them with him, he makes promises does better for a very short time them goes right back to it. Don't get me wrong he loves the Lord and is a christian he just won't submit to the way the Lord says the marriage is suppose to be. The 2 BIG issue's are Respect and SEX. It just hurts to have a hubby but not have him really!!!! I know it's all kinda cryptic and hard to understand. Just too much to explain i guess.
  7. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hey guys, I didn't record anything for last week as far as the challenge, I had a fill, then I was sick, but I'll do better this week. I am feeling really down today, my hubby and I are having some BIG problems, so much that I have told him that I am done. Now I have done this before when things have gotten bad and he makes promises and then things are better for a few weeks then BAM, right back to where we were. I love him so much and we have been married for 7 years this month, but I can't take being a doormat for him anymore. I pray so much for God to work in his life, but his stubborn butt won't submit to HIM. I just need some support guys. I am hurting......
  8. rroswelltx

    Bra Sizes Before/Now

    I was a 44DD/ so far now 40D would love to see a C again!!!
  9. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    well I just thought I was weird, guess not. Leila, good luck to you, you are in my thoughts and prayers. You WILL feel better soon!!!!
  10. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    OMG Barbara, You just said something that I hadn't heard before and It happened to me as well. On the night I had my fill (Monday), I too had chills and fever, I thought I was getting sick, then the next day It was gone, but I was so sore (body), have you had this before? Is this normal after a fill?
  11. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Happy Monday guys, Well I posted for the October challenge, do have a question though, the 1200 calories, it is UNDER 1200 right? I am getting a fill today and doubt if I can get 1200 in liquids in, but I'll try. OK NSV time: I actually can get into a regular size.........14, WHAHOO!!!!! I can get into the rider's stretch jeans size......12!!!!! I bought a pair a boots this weekend, the tall cute one's, I have never been able to zip them up over my calfs, well I can now..... WHAHOO! Now confession time: How come when I am home on weekends I can't seem to make myself drink water? I either drink tea or nothing. I get busy then forget I haven't drank anything. Whats up with that?
  12. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I guess I wasn't smiling cause of the nervousness of having a pic taken of me in my underoos!!! LOL Thanks for the encouragement guys.. Happy Birthday Barbara!
  13. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Ok Junesters I am being really bold here, Here are my pics from the night b4 surgery and ones from last night.
  14. rroswelltx

    OK I need help-I finally Quit.

    Seppi, I am too wanting to quit so bad, but am afraid of the weight gain. I was going to do it this week but talked myself out of it because of my lack of restriction right now. I am scheduled for a fill on Oct. 2nd, I think I will make that my quit day, therefor, I will be on liquids so I can't overeat. I am going to use the patch. I've heard that even if you don't overeat you will gain some because the nicitone in your system makes you burn more calories at night while sleeping, and if you quit you won't burn that much at night unless you take a brisk 20min walk before going to bed to release some enzyme into your body. Not sure if this is true but I know smoking does release alot of stuff in your body (mostly NOT GOOD). Anyway you are doing great and keep up the good work......
  15. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    PinkyLee you look Awesome!!! I am so proud of you!!! you even look 10 years younger!!!! Way to GO!!!:clap2:
  16. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Question... I work out 3 times a week for 1 hour, will that leave me out of the fitness part since it's not everyday?
  17. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I would love the exercise part of the challenge, but there is just no way I can get 6 meals a day in, I just don't get that hungary. But I am not losing either, I seem to be stalled. But whatever you guys decide that would be fine, if the 6 meals a day challenge is something that would help you guys then I am here for as much support as I can give. We will get there guys, but like Barbara said it is not in our time table unfortunetly. Keep your chin up and look at the big picture, thin will come is we stay dedicated and don't try and cheat the band, I have faith in you all!
  18. rroswelltx

    Arm Flab

    Has anyone been successfull in finding some weight toning excersise for those dreaded arm wings? If so please share. Also thigh flab!!! Thanks,
  19. rroswelltx

    Arm Flab

    thanks for the info guys, I have been doing dmbbells, it just doesn't seem to be working to well, I did drop tremendously fast almost 60lbs, so it might be too late, but i'll keep trying.
  20. rroswelltx

    Calorie Question...

    Personally I tend to stall in weight loss if I stay that low, if I eat higher good calories I tend to drop steadily.
  21. rroswelltx

    having the band placed tomorow!!

    Well I am older (38) and a little shorter 5'5 but i started at 255, I had my surgery on June 8th, I lost 20lbs on my pre-op diet, I am now down to 191lbs, you being younger you should bounce back quickly, it took me about 1 1/2 wks to start feeling Normal again, but was able to resume most activities after 4 or 5 days. I have 6yr old and a DH that works night so I was concerned with it too, but didn't have a problem, just remember the hardest thing is not picking them up for a couple of weeks. You and your sister will do fine, wishing you both the best of luck.
  22. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Barabara, I didn't start having the problem for almost 2 months out, the good news is, it will go away in a few days, and you might have some re-occuring flare ups but they get less each time, I too had been doing a little more stuff when mine started. Guess we are normal, it should be fine in a couple of days!!!!
  23. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Barabara, I have had some discomfort but not necessarily at my port but the area under my port scar (since my port is actually about 2in below that), I have a hard place under that scar and when I lay on it or on my side I sometimes have a burning sensation in it. The doctor told me it was normal just scar tissue and it would get less and less, in which I guess it is, but it is uncofortable at times. Is this what you are describing?
  24. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Leila, I had a hysterectomy because of a fibroid tumor 2 years ago. I had already had a child and wasn't planning on anymore so that wasn't an issue, but I have felt sooo much better since then. My back has hurt less, and I sure don't miss the TOM. I had my overies left in because at 36 I wasn't prepared for menapause ( and neither was my DH, LOL). I will be sending well wishes your way. You would be suprised of the aches pains and cramps that those tumors cause when they are in your body and you are probably like me just related it to being fat!!!! You will feel better afterwards. I'll keep you in my prayers. Let us know what happens.
  25. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Where'd our ribbons go? Everyone's is gone!!!!! <getting out inspector gadget mystery kit> Who stole the Ribbon's?!?!?! Boy you all are quite today for a friday!!!! HHHEEEEELLLLLOOOOO!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
