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Everything posted by rroswelltx

  1. rroswelltx

    Negative People

    This was a battle I fought too. I told my mom and hubby and kids, but none of the rest of my family. I didn't tell anyone at work, but everyone in my church knew. Now I am 6 months out, and 85lbs lighter, I have just this week decided it's time. No one can say it's gonna fail, cause guess what it hasn't!!! It was getting too hard to remember who I had told and who I hadn't so now everyone knows. BUT, I make sure everyone knows that I have worked HARD for every single pound I have lost, and the band is what it is, only a TOOL! Follow your heart it won't steer ya wrong.
  2. rroswelltx

    Student Financial Problems!

    I have Aetna and got approved. If you meet there requirments of 40 or above BMI, and do the 6months doctor supervised diet, you should be fine!!! Good luck!
  3. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I think it was 8 or 9 months, but you have to remember those people where working out 4 to 6 hours per day!!!!
  4. rroswelltx

    The Biggest Loser Anyone?

    Got a question for everyone. Is it just me and my hubby or is everyone else that's watching this show wondering why they keep letting the host of the show get bigger and bigger when the show is about getting healthy and losing weight? It just seems odd to us? Any comments? Erik look absolutely awesome, he deserved to win!!!!!!
  5. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I agree Barabara465 you set a very agressive goal, but look at you 26lbs down since setting it, your awesome! Melissa- Your almost there too!! Congrats we are all doing so good, just think were we will all be in June!!!!
  6. rroswelltx

    All my efforts...down the tubes today...

    Perhaps there is someone nearby in another town, broaden your search. I have Aetna too but they are strict on out of network. Don't give up!!!!
  7. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I HIT CHRISTMAS GOAL THIS MORNING!!!!!! I am so excited. When we set these goals a couple of months ago, I thought it was realistic but probably not plausable, and I did it!!!!!! It is so cool! I am actually back to where I was in high school. I can't believe it!!!!! There are several of you so close also, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  8. rroswelltx

    The Biggest Loser Anyone?

    I can't wait to see how everyone looks now, the brief glimpses on the previews they look great. I don't like Heather either, Kai has grown on me though. I did definetly notice that Matt had gained, and he even said he did but is starting back down. I think Suzi looked a little bigger too than she did in the finale last year, but not alot. It should be really good tonight!!!
  9. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Ok guys I am coming out of the closet at work! I have not told anyone at work about the surgery except my boss and the fitness trainer who measures me (she see's the scars), well now the fitness center at my work want to do a success story on me about the surgery in order to help people that are struggling and also to make people aware that it is NOT a magic wand there are many lifestyle changes and hard work that goes with it. I have struggled with this all weekend, and I have decided to do it. If I can help people that would be great, and I am so far along now in my weight loss who cares what everyone thinks. It should be interesting.
  10. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Jana, 90lbs AWESOME, sounds like you and I are right there together. I haven't noticed the strength issue, but I was sooo out of shape before I don't have much to gage it on. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
  11. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Dear Lord, I pray for the strengthening of David's body, and the gently guidiance of your hand during the surgery. Please be with Barbara and her family during this time, give them peace to know that You are in control. Amen Barbara stay strong and have faith, my family will continue to pray for David and you. Thanks for knowing you can rely on us during your time of need.
  12. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Pinky I am not hungary between meals usually, but I have found myself grazing because of all the junk food my hubby is bringing in the house. I am eating to much I think, but I am unsure if I want another fill before christmas, or if I should just try to watch it and make it through the holidays. These last 3lbs for the christmas goal will not come off, if I don't stop though!!!
  13. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Oh this last week has been so hard. My DH keeps bring sweets into the house, and I keep eating them. I need to STOP!!!! I am only 3lbs from Christmas goal, and I must be trying to sabotage myself. What's up with that!!!! I wish sweets wouldn't go down so easy! And with so much to do this season with xmas shopping and all the stuff going on, I am not working out like I should either. Thanks to you guys for posting, it helps me to feel that I am not alone in this. Some of you all are struggling too. We CAN do this, I have to keep telling myself that!!!!
  14. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Barbara465, if you remember I also get chills after a fill, I talked to my doc about it and he had never heard of the strange symptoms, anyway, before my last fill he told me to take a couple of tylenol 30 min b4 my fill and see if it helped, and guess what I had NO chills. I have heard of the thicker stuff, but it will be interesting to see what a difference it makes, good luck and keep us updated.
  15. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Congrats Cathy, and only 2lbs to reach your Christmas goal! WHAHOO!!!!!!!! Your awesome!
  16. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hey Guys, Happy Belated Thanksgiving. I didn't feel deprived, I was able to eat my meal just fine as long as I went slow and chewed to mush. However, later that evening when everyone was eating again, I wasn't hungary but ate some anyway, and guess what, here come the slime and PB. I should have known better. I did however have a couple of NSV and SV for this holiday, here they are: * Didn't gain any weight over thanksgiving, in fact I lost weight! * Hit my 80lbs weight loss mark! WHAHOO!!!!!!! * fit into a size 10 skirt!!!! I can't believe it. * Tried on my wedding dress from 7yrs ago, and not only did it fit, but it was loose!!!! * Saw my mom for the first time since surgery, and she was amazed. * only 4lbs away from my Xmas goal!!!!!! I'm gonna make it! Sounds like everyone did amazing over the holiday's and for the first time didn't all feel bloated and miserable after a meal! Thanks for posting everyone, lets keep supporting eachother!!!!
  17. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I don't know why it does make it tighter but in my case it does. I guess the stomache is a muscle and like all your muscles when your stressed they all kind of bunch up. I dunno.
  18. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Good Morning guys. I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving. It has been a really stressful 2 weeks for me. After I finally got well from all my sickness, then my DD got lice and gave it too me. Ok like I really needed to do all that lice treatment on my head with my hair falling out. Then after we got rid of that my Uncle passed away, then 2 days later the neighbor kid broke his arm on OUR trampoline. When it rains it pours! So all this stress has made me really tight at times, I have had a couple of PB episodes. Today is my last day of work then i'm off till Monday. I am cooking for thankgiving this year, something i have never done before. That should be a treat. But my mom will be here, and she hasn't seen me since b4 the surgery. I was at 175.5lbs this morning and I'm CLAIMING IT! only .5lbs to go to hit 80lbs down WHAHOO! Well you all have a great week and thanks you for letting me vent!
  19. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hey everyone, Sorry I haven't posted it has been a rough week, I had my fill on Monday 10/31, everything was fine last week, then last weekend I started getting a scratchy throat on Sat., then on sunday when I tried to eat 2 bites, whamo, it wasn't going down, it cam back up. Then later that evening i tried again and same thing would not go down. Monday came and I was so hungary, and started running a fever. still couldn't eat. Monday night throat was soooo sore I cried when I swallowed. So to my doc on Tuesday morning, found out I had the flu and a severe sinus infection. Mucus was blocking my hole making me not be able to eat. Called band doc and he told me to drink some room temp pinapple juice, it would act like drano and unblock my port from the mucus. So I did it, then I was able to eat, but still so sick. Today I came in the office for a few hours but still feeling really bad. So I just thought I would check in. Pinky- congrats on your Onderland, it's still there, claim it!!!!! Lucy- sounds like you had a wonderful time. Glad your back and with a weight loss to boot. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week. Regina
  20. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Barbara12375, I also have fought a big fight with the constipation. My doc says NO EXLAX or fiber pills, what he did have me start doing is addeding to 2tbls of Benefiber which is oderless and tasteless to my coffee or whatever I drink every morning, and that has helped tremedously. Its worth a shot. Regina p.s. November is here lets all work hard on our christmas challenge, we can do it, stay focused and fight the good fight. Lets not have food be in control of us any longer!!!!!
  21. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Just wanted to say Hi to everyone! Happy Halloween!!!!! STAY AWAY FROM THE CANDY JAR!!!!!!!
  22. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Welcome Lisa, of course you can join, we are all here to support eachother and everyone is welcome. You go to tickerfactory.com and make you ticker, then just cut and paste the BBCode into your signature, make sure you do the preview to make sure it works.
  23. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    ok Here is my update for the october challenge: 1200 Calories per day = 7 water = 4 excercise= 4 Not great but I tried..... have a good week everyone...
  24. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    the only thing with that "green" theory (LOL), is that I only have lost 10lbs since I had the fill before where i was too tight, and then they took some out. When they filled me up this time they took me to .1 under where i was too tight, and i have even less restriction. I dunno, this is such a learning thingy. I guess i just need another fill?
  25. rroswelltx

    June 2006 Band Crew

    it's weird i had my last fill on oct 2nd, and i have felt looser since i got the fill than before. Wonder why?

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