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Anna Livia

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    Anna Livia reacted to lisacaron in Please help me solve this very painful puzzle   
    @@happybuddy my advice would be to go and see your OB/GYN. Primary Dr. is great but what it sounds like right now is that your hormones are in a big flux. You want to check that out and make sure you aren't experiancing PCOS (Poly cystic overian syndrome) This can be the cause of your body holding on to the weight as well as Water weight gain.
    Our hormones and not just the thyroid are what make our body and our brain work to keep a balance. If any of these are out of balance they send signals to the brain that we might not want them to send and trust me I speak from personal experience here.
    Even though you see the OB/GYN the sex hormones may or may not be your issue. They are probably the issue with the periods but more than likely there are multifaceted issues going on at once as your body is undergoing major changes to the way you are eating etc.
    Keep the faith, you will get where you want to be. In the mean time be healthy and keep doing what you need to do for you. Try not to focus on the scale number and let it get you down. It's just a number, focus on how you are feeling and work from there to get your body in motion.
    Prozac can make you hungry and can also cause some weight retention, however if you have been on it for a bit and your dose sounds low it's probably not the issue. My step son is on this medication and it has worked wonders for him, don't stop any medications without checking with your doctors.
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    Anna Livia reacted to helenpgh in Bariatric weightloss medications   
    I am 61 and just had sleeve surgery in May because I want to live actively and be able to move without pain for whatever number of years that I have left. So far down over 25 pounds and feeling great. That said, Surgery is not necessarily the answer for everyone. Research all your options.
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    Anna Livia reacted to beachgal2935 in Where are all the 50 something bypass patients?   
    @@choosehope Yay - ladies my age! I'll turn 54 next month. I had bypass 4/21/15 and had my 5 month anniversary this past Monday. I took pics and will share them with y'all. As hard as it was to take those "before" pics, I'm so glad I did. I took pics in three different outfits. I took them again at 3 months and now at 5 since I hit a personal goal of "75 lbs" lost. I can't believe how that once tight 3X now hangs on me. It was my son's suggestion to hold my shirt out to show the difference. The black outfit is a size "L". Haven't been in regular size clothes in years. I have hit stalls along the way after my surgery but have upped my Protein to average an of 125 grams, keeping within my 850 calorie goal, so that seems to be doing the trick. I've been battling obesity for 30+ years so I will take my success and be happy with it as I feel blessed to have had this life changing operation. It's my second chance at life and I will NOT squander it!!!
    HW: 285 lbs
    SW: 257 lbs
    CW: 181 lbs

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    Anna Livia reacted to fairee in Where are all the 50 something bypass patients?   
    I'm 55 and am new to WLS. I have been thinking about this for quite awhile. I have my consultation on Wed.
    I have been reading many posts about bypass. I decided on this because it is the gold standard and I think it has the best results from what I have read.
    I have tried to diet and exercise but the results have been dismal. My health has been getting worse and I don't see an end in sight. In the past 18 months, I have had 8 rounds of shots in my back, and 3 radiofrequency ablations. And my pain from the osteoarthritis not only gets worse, but is spreading to my hips and knees. I can no longer walk unaided but need my cane. This has limited my activity. This summer was the worse! My 9 yr. old granddaughter, who I've practically raised from birth, came to stay with me for 7 weeks. I wasn't able to do the things that meant so much to her before.... no long walks in the woods, no hiking at our local park, no festivals and I constantly heard "Are you okay Ga?" from her when we did go out cause I was breathing so hard
    I was also diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and have a BIPAP machine, it scared the crap out of her! She actually asked me what she had to do if the mask came off and I wasn't breathing!!! Talk about a wake up call!
    The first time I saw obesity on my medical report, I was in denial...... see I haven't always been overweight. I haven't wanted to really say this on here but this is my reality. I was very thin until I was in my mid 30's. Then I started gaining and gaining. It began when I started my bipolar meds. One of the docs decided that I was too thin and put me on a med that took me from a size 7 to a size 16 in 3 months! And of course, it stayed in that range until I had my hysterectomy. Then I gained and gained.
    Anyway, I don't want to be the fluffy Ga who can't do anything fun with her.... I want to be healthy and happy. I want to set a good example for her and my other granddaughter. I want to be there for their journey thru life.
    I want to be able to live again and enjoy life for the next 40-50 years. I don't want to be in worse health than my 83 year old Mom, like I am now!
    I'm glad I found this forum and all of you!
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    Anna Livia reacted to choosehope in Where are all the 50 something bypass patients?   
    Cheri-J. I am also 56. I'm dreaming of a world of no arthritis! While I know that won't happen, I know my
    flexibility and movement will increase and my pain level decrease.
    So, for all of you, what do you think the biggest advantage of being 50 something when you have bypass is? Biggest disadvantage? Biggest struggle?
    From my pre-op perspective, I think the biggest advantages are that I'm mature enough (theoretically) to know what I'm committing to and that while I do want to look and feel better in my body, my driving motivation is health and living the second half of my life well.
    Disadvantage - I spent so many years in physical and emotional pain and bondage- always fighting with my weight and losing. There are ways in which I've done irreparable harm to my body.
    Biggest struggle - this will probably change after surgery but right now it's probably that investigate and analyze and over-investigate and over-analyze.
    Best wishes to all you 50 and 60's wherever you are in your journey. Let's stay in touch. Sometimes I feel like the majority of people here are getting sleeves (which makes me over-analyze! Lol) or are half my age! Love learning from them but also treasure insight and support of others who are in my situation.
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    Anna Livia reacted to Travelher in mean people   
    Your sister clearly has issues and that is HER problem. Don't make it yours. I get that it is hurtful feeling betrayed by someone you trusted. I grew up with a mother who berated me for my weight from an early age. I was told things like people don't hire fat people. At my own wedding she slapped my hand away when I reached for a bun in the bread basket. I wasted a lot of years being angry at her for something that I realized was HER issue and I had made it mine. After that I realized I needed to feel sorry for her not mad at her. And it was her issue and it was there (in her case) because she grew up with a horribly abusive mother. At 110lbs she can not get skinny enough to be satisfied. When I let that go I started being happy in my own body no matter what. Now I'm doing surgery for my health not so satisfy my or anyone else's neurosis or problems...so when my mom told me my weight loss goal is not low enough..I just sigh and remind myself it is her problem raising it's ugly head and I let it go, instead of letting it derail me.
    You can do this! I believe in you. Go to a local support group. Find people who do support you and spend some time with them. If I can resist the urge to kill my hubby and steal his popcorn (my kryptonite) you can too.
    Also, call her out on her crap. Next time she does it confront her...she needs to know what she is doing is destructive for her...not just you and it is not ok for her to treat you like that.
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    Anna Livia reacted to ShelterDog64 in mean people   
    @@lau1875 I think the best thing for you to do is lose the weight and smile at her a lot You didn't take the 'wrong' or 'easy' way, you took a path that will make it possible for you to lose weight that negatively affects your health. Maybe she ought to consider it? And statistically, you'll keep the weight off and she'll gain most of what she loses back. Be proud of your choice and ignore her attempts to sabotage you!
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    Anna Livia reacted to JohnGraySmiley in Before and After- 3.5 years out   
    This is absolutely an inspiration!!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Anna Livia got a reaction from LipstickLady in I was a "super healthy" fat person until surgery changed my life. Was it worth it?   
    OMG you look AMAZING! Congratulations on your journey
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Anna Livia got a reaction from MelMac72 in Shame   
    Thank you so much for your support. I hate being so disabled and in constant pain. Being able to stay working full time is what keeps my mind busy but I miss not being able to walk, shop, sightsee, things that I used to enjoy because of pain or fatigue and really believe this surgery will make those things easier to do
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Like
    Anna Livia got a reaction from MelMac72 in Shame   
    Thanks for your positive comments. "Fat shaming" seems to me to be one of the last "acceptable" forms of prejudice. It makes me very upset & annoyed.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Anna Livia reacted to MelMac72 in Shame   
    I also have osteoarthritis plus I have fibro myalgia. I felt like I was cheating going to ask my GP for a referral. She said no worries I may see you there sometime, I had it done 2 weeks ago. My surgeon also had it done this year. There is nothing to be ashamed of because if you are like me, I put on more weight because of the side effects of my medication. I sat in my GP's office in tears because no matter what diet, shake or pills I took just didn't work for me. I don't know if it's the same in your country, but in Australia we have to have a session with a psychologist before we are accepted for the surgery. I found my session really helpful. I hope all goes well for you and remember that you are doing this to give you a second chance to change your life and make living with your ilnesses more bearable. Sent from my SM-T350 using the BariatricPal App
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    Anna Livia reacted to shellyd88 in Shame   
    I say please don't be shamed by your own mind or anyone else's comments do what you need to do to make your life better your health improve and your mobility no one else has to agree or like your decision it's your life and if you had any other illness or a disease would you not seek treatment?
  14. Like
    Anna Livia got a reaction from _Kate_ in Shame   
    Thanks for your reply. I admire your attitude.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Anna Livia reacted to Treadmillwalker in Shame   
    Yes, I felt shame. I had lapband surgery and my doctor requires all weightloss patients to go through 6 months of classes pre-surgery. I also joined the monthly post surgery support group led by a dietician in my surgeon's office. This has helped me. I realize I'm not alone in my shame and embarrassment. I've tried every diet, meal plan, shots, etc. only to regain the weight. I think I've spent $15,000 US dollars through the years and numerous attempts. You are not alone. Big hug.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
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    Anna Livia reacted to blizair09 in Shame   
    I admire your courage. Stay the course and you will find the success you are looking for.
    All my best!
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    Anna Livia reacted to Treadmillwalker in Shame   
    I want to share I don't tell people I had lapband surgery. I tell people when we are out to eat if they ask that I'm focused on eating healthier and losing weight. This is all true. Post surgery you have a tool, but you still have to make the changes. Every magazine talks about chew food thoroughly. Eat small portions. High Protein and low carb. Exercise. Watch portions. These are all things a person should do if they want to lose weight regardless of having surgery or not.
    Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    Anna Livia reacted to cbradley in Shame   
    Anna, don't feel shame. I've decided on gastric bypass surgery. My surgery is scheduled for Dec 26th. I'm praying that you have the strength to make the best decision.
    Sent from my VS985 4G using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    Anna Livia reacted to Vinasu in Shame   
    Yes. I was ashamed of myself for letting it get so bad. I was ashamed that I couldn't just "stop eating." No one outside my immediate family knows about the surgery, but the surgery has really helped me deal with the shame. I look and feel normal. I am so happy and active now, but having done this I know beyond any doubt it would not have been possible without surgery. I have stopped reproaching myself for being unable to lose the weight before because now it's clear it simply wasn't possible. I might as well be ashamed that I can't fly.
    Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App
  20. Like
    Anna Livia got a reaction from Treadmillwalker in Shame   
    Thanks Treadmillwalker, finding this app and its community has made a huge difference to me, I have learnt so much in just a few days and it's great to get feedback (pardon the pun) and make contact with other people going through this surgery
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    Anna Livia got a reaction from _Kate_ in Shame   
    Thanks _Kate_ unfortunately I haven't found my GP to be very approachable before. His attitude in the past has been "well just stop eating! As there there is only one bariatric surgeon practising in public health here in Ireland the wait can be 4 or so years. I'm hoping I will get approval from my insurance company because of my arthritis even though my BMI is just below 40. I know this surgery will be the tool I need to become mobile again
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    Anna Livia got a reaction from _Kate_ in Shame   
    Thanks for your reply. I admire your attitude.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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