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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Gucci

  1. Gucci

    Annual Christmas party

    Christmas Party 2 wks b4 surgery 2016
  2. Gucci


    From the album: Gucci

  3. Gucci


    From the album: Gucci

  4. Gucci


    From the album: Gucci

  5. I am 4 days post opp, surgery date 12/15/16, im 90% back to normal, i.e doing everything except driving, i dont plan on doing that for another week or so, i have also learned what size sipt to take and have developed a method of patting my chest, (similar to patting a babys back during feeding) when i feel pain w/ my liquids ; However, im extremely hungry & my cravings are through the roof, to the point that its making me argumentative with my loved ones! Im trying hard to stick with the liquid diet because my dr. Is in Tijuana Mexico & my life & success depends on lettin my body heal and follow the week by week meal plan! Im getting depressed, wondering why im reading post that the sleeve "supposedly " remove the part of the stomache that causes hunger.... but i feel like im dying im just going into day 5 & i have all the broths popcicle & Protein shakes & Water & juice, books to read, work to catch up on aroun the house, but all i see on tv is food commercials i never noticed before, on top of it all , the 8 lbs i lost on the pre opp diet was regained @ the hospital w/ 2 days of IV fluids & natural water retention from trauma of surgery, i know im rambling now, i just needed to vent.... im just wondering y all the successfull sleevers dont report the good bad and ugly, i never thought it was like this, i thought it was a quick fix for a few thousands... bye guys & i love each & every one of you- GN This is my pic 23 hrs post opp Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. I am 4 days post opp, surgery date 12/15/16, im 90% back to normal, i.e doing everything except driving, i dont plan on doing that for another week or so. However, im extremely hungry & my cravings are through the roof, to the point that its making me argumentative with my loved ones! Im trying hard to stick with the liquid diet because my dr. Is in Mexico & my life depends on lettin my body heal and follow the week by week meal plan! Im getting depressed, wondering why im reading post about the "supposedly " remove the part of the stomache that causes hunger.... but i feel lije im dying im just going into day 5 & i have all the broths popcicle & Protein shakes & Water but all i see on tv is food commercials i never noticed before, on top of it all , the 8 lbs i lost on the pre opp diet was regained @ the hospital w/ 2 days of IV fluids & natural water retention from trauma of surgery, i know im rambling now, i just needed to vent.... im just wondering y all the successfull sleevers dont report the good bad and ugly, i never thought it was like this, i thought it was a quick fix for a few thousands... bye guys & i love each & every one of you- GN Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Gucci

    Another loose skin thread

    There are many obstacles before you get to the loose skin stage Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Congratulations!!!! Being 4 days post opp i commend???????????? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Gucci

    100lbs lost ~ woohoo

    What an inspiration! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Gucci

    Anyone else this sore!

    Gas & swelling from surgery itself, im also 4 days post opp & pretty much back to normal, except extreme hunger Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Not sure, please consultant your physician or emergency room to omit infection or tissue inflammation Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. What is a squatty potty... im 4 days post opp & suffering from extreme constipation Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. <p>Hi guys im back & hope you all see this message! im not very familliar with the ins & outs of the site just yet.... 1st thing 1st is i am hungry ass hell I have only consumed like no more than 100 calories in the last 56 hours..... but I have nothing but positivity to rain down ​my bariatric family. 1st I was wondering if someone could tell me how to start my own forum in the Bariatric Pal website? I want to create a room or passage/forum specifically for sleevers getting done in mexico!!!! ok, I'm going to tell you guys what has happened thus far& thank you for your prayers and concerns, they really meant a lot to me!!! well as planned the driver came and picked me up from my San Diego hotel, with 2 other sleevers getting done the same day also, took us across the border and to the facility Hospital Guadalara, there I met my patient coordinator whom I had been sending my monies to and whom I had most of the contact wirh ove the last couple of months, I was surprised the facility was clean modern and the staff was exceptionally kind and knowledge , blood test came back fine & after my test results, seem like the staff kicke in to 5th gear, b4 I knew it I was in recovery safe sound and hungry!!! love you guys ill gv a more detailed description later, I'm tired an pain meds are weighing in!!!</p>
  14. Mines also! Where are you having it? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. Im glad i found this section, its more personalized than the other 38k post i seen dating bk to 2007[emoji38] Its 2am 12/14/16 and im anxiety has set in , im schedualed for surgey tomorrow 12/15/16@ Hospital Guadalajara in Tijuana Mx w/ Dr. luis Cervantes, my stuggle is the only review i see of him are from his website, not general reviews that i can just google! But everything is paid for and i flew in to san diego from dallas tx early to get my nerves together to avail[emoji30][emoji30] but jus [emoji120]???? For me and add me to this group! LETS GO DECEMBER SLEEVERS!!!!!
  16. Gucci

    started liquid diet

    My surgery is tomorrow , im just praying to God cause i was unsuccessful w/ the liquid diet
  17. Im scheduled with him tomorrow im in sandiego now, my name is Gucci my # is 2142297012, i can tell you what i know thus far

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
