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Posts posted by Aggiemae

  1. My meal plan allows for 3:1 protein:carbs up to 25 mg of any carb of my choice.

    I generally stick with low calorie choices but have a bit or two of potatoes or yams and once a 1 cubic inch piece of peach pie that I ate very slowly with a baby spoon and really enjoyed.

    We at out often. I try to drink 16 oz of iced lemon Water before the food arrives then have a cup of Soup and take the 1-2 oz of food off my husband's plate. Working ok so far except he sometimes has to order gravy/sauce

  2. One of the two people I told before surgery pretty much stopped being my friend, in fact I was hospitalized for 10 days (not WLS related) and she didn't even call once. She is overweight too, I considered that she was losing her "eating buddy", but over time I see it is more than that that. She has reached out to me again but there is an underlying hostility (anger?) that I just can't seem to ignore.

    Surround yourself with positive energy and love.

  3. The NUTS in m Bariatric Center say that foodies do very well after WLS.

    We foodies love food and know it, you'd be amazed at how many overweight people deny their love of food or actually consider food their enemy.

    As for me. I am 7 weeks post sleeve. Mostly solid food but red meat still doesn't go down well. About 600 calories, 25 grams of carbs. I am not hungry so that's plenty to get a taste of everything but desert when we go out and tasty small meals at home. We eat out 3 sometimes 4 times a week.

    My surgeon said I could try alcohol and I has a sip of wine last week but seem to have no taste for it right now. I get 8 oz coffee drinks (instead of 20 oz) and drink about 4 oz before I am done. I use heavy cream in coffee at home because it is lower in carbs and I don't have a restriction on fat. I expect that at some point I will allow myself some sweets but right now I want to loose weight more that I want chocolate.

    My hope is that I will be able to decide ahead of time that I will eat a certain food instead of impulsivity eating then regretted. I took a weekly, six month "lifestyle" class before surgery that has really helped my understand my eating issues and, so far, it has really helped me choose between short term pleasure and long term gain.

  4. Does anyone know how many calories to eat after 4 months surgery... I'm not exercising and I think I'm eating too much. Please helpSent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I get 600-700 calories a day, no more that 25 grams of carbs so mostly from Protein and fat. I did have 800 calories a day while we were on vacation but I was walking at least 5 miles a day and actually lost 3 pounds in 5 days.

    There are lots of things, like current weight, age and activity level to consider so consult your NUT or PT to see what's best for you.

    I write down everything and that really helps at my WLS follow up appointments.

  5. I wasnt around for the newbie post roast...but i thought the crunchy beagle thing was hilarious and i really dont see why they arent considered Kosher

    Sent from my SM-N920T using the BariatricPal App

    Beagles aren't Kosher because they are carnivorous. Only non carnivorous animals that chew their cud AND have cloven hooves are considered Kosher. Different rules for fish... Lobster isn't Kosher because it doesn't have scales.

  6. That's what I spent on mine. And the shakes U will need after as well for a few months and they r alittle pricey. I know some insurance will cover them.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    My shakes (unjury) cost a little over a dollar a serving and they tasted pretty good too. I got the canisters instead of the packets.

    The thing that I also don't like is the fact its powder form so I have to mix them. That is so inconvenient!!

    Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App

    Not really. You have lots more control of the texture. You them with raw juice and ice instead of milk and control the sweetness. And best of all you have the option of unflavored powder that you can mix with Soup, yogurt and cottage cottage cheese to boost the Protein without changing the taste.

  7. Why do people keep coming to RANTS AND RAVES to complain about how rude we are?

    WTF are we supposed to do when just about EVERYDAY some one who knows damn well they are supposed to be on liquids goes on line hoping to get permission from non medically trained STRANGERS to eat bacon, nachos, sausage, Swedish fish, spam and God only knows what else?

    Beagles aren't Kosher. Bugles barely qualify as food.

  8. You will have to work out if your hunger is in your body or your head. When find myself wandering around the kitchen looking for something to eat I ask myself if I want 2oz of tuna salad and 4 low fat whole grain crackers...usually I don't which means that I am not hungry...

    I belch if I eat too much or to fast, but mention this to your Dr.

    If you are getting enough Protein and your plan allows you can add carbs to your meals. I do 3:1 protein:carbs most days I eat three meals but sometimes (especially if I end up being at work at my 8 hour job for 1+ hours) I have a snack.< /p>

    If you graze you are going to have an even harder time getting your clear fluids in.

  9. Canned Soup has too much sodium. You can make 4 servings of quick chicken soup in about five minutes.

    Simmer 1/4 cup of dried veggie mix ( found in bulk bins in most groceries) and one fine sliced scallion (or 3 tablespoons sliced leaks) and a few sliced mushrooms (if you like them) 1 can of low sodium chicken broth+ 4oz of Water till veggies are soft add ~5-6 oz of chicken cut into small cubes . Season to taste (I like ground sage and blackpepper)

    Makes 4-5 servings. About 20 grams Protein each.

    Soup can be frozen in 4 oz containers. I make a different soup about twice a week and freeze then in 4oz Mason jelly jars.

    You can add 1/4 scoop Protein powder before serving to boost the Protein by 5 grams. Pour off some of the broth warm it up a bit then stir in the powder then stir it back into the rest of the soup.

    As for your other questions, you can have pork and beef but it needs to be chewed and chewed and then chewed some more. Most people have a hard time getting red meat down.

  10. I agree that people should get a pass for making a mistake or three or ten. However the post operative diet is a prescription not a suggestion. If you had a friend who doubled up on their blood pressure medications or washing down a medication that has "DO NOT USE ALCOHOL WHILE TAKES NG THIS MEDICATION " written boldly that n the bottle what kind of friend would you be if you ignored it?

    Beautiful Diamond, one of the reasons that WLS has such a high "failure" rate is due to the behavior you described. Your friend needs counseling/treatment for her food issues.

    Instead of calling her out on her behavior can you meet up and talk while she isn't actively sabotaging herself. Tell her you are worried and talk to her about your concerns.

    And GOOD LUCK to you.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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