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Everything posted by Aggiemae

  1. Aggiemae

    Marijuana and VSG

    I regret not doing it sooner.
  2. Aggiemae

    Marijuana and VSG

    Someone asks this question almost every day. Try the "search" feature. You were told you couldn't smoke after WLS before you had it, and if you had asked the surgeon you would have been told that this includes smoking pot. You can however use eatibles and tinctures available in dispensaries if you have a medical marijuana card or to everyone if live in a civilized and Enlightened state
  3. I want back to work Monday, I was out for exactly 3 weeks. two people stopped nd asked me what I was doing to lose weight, I probably saw 100 coworkers so that's not exactly a stamped. I've had two joint replacements in the past 18 months and peopl got pretty used to fetching and carrying for me and I got to like it a bit too muck so I made a promise to myself that I would stop asking my secretary and office mates to do tasks for me and Monday walked 1.9 miles in six hours and Tuesday I walked 1.4 miles.
  4. Aggiemae

    Food Forever Gone

    What kind of pre op education did you get that you would even have to ask this question? I'm not asking this to be nasty I am just concerned about a Dr who would perform major surgery on you without giving you this very basic information. As for the question, I hope that your surgeon's staff provided you with a post op diet and comprehensive instructions. Unless your favorite foods paper on the "allowed" list you won't be having them for the next 912 weeks at east, longer if you. are slow at tolerating solid food. At some point (soon) you will be able to eat everything you ate before, except maybe carbonated beverages, though, if you intend to keep the weight off you will still not be drinking liquids with your meals or for 1/2 hour after you eat. WLS is a TOOL, it's not magic and you (like everyone else hee) will only succeed if you work at it.
  5. Aggiemae


    If someone is getting down the 90 grams of completely fat free Protein and nothing else they are consuming 270 calories a day. This might work for a while if you don't have to do anything but sleep, eat and watch tv but after a while you will have to eat some fat and carbohydrates. I am about 3 weeks post op and still on puree, or very well mushed "mushy". No matter how well I chew chunky stuff just doesn't sit well yet but of the past week I have managed 2 3-4 oz solid food meals and three, sometimes four shakes. I think most of us consume about 700-900 calories a day once we recovered from surgery and the hang of the what and when and how of it all. I don't know where you started or how much you weigh now but at 850 calories a day you are losing FAT. In my case it took about 2,600 calories a day to maintain my starting weight. Here's a link to where you can calculate for your weight/hight/gender: http://caloriecontrol.org/healthy-weight-tool-kit/assessment-calculator/ My NUT recommends a diet of 2 parts protein to 1 part carbs for energy, especially once you return to the demands of work. I returned to work on Monday and didn't eat nearly enough but did lots better yesterday with 80 grams of protein and 20 grams of carbs. I do choose lover calorie veggies ( yams and potatoes are a treat) and just 4oz of fruit , that I make into a smoothie with unflavored protein and a cup of ice. It came to about 775 calories and I even had a tablespoon of heavy cream in my (decaf) coffee. Do you like to cook? I make a yummy COCONUT CURRY and creamy chicken soup using carrots. you can add 1/2 scoop of protein power to boost the protein. It's about 85 calories for 6- 8 oz depending on how that co you want it. I can post the recipe.
  6. Aggiemae

    Post op diet struggles- Boston MA

    Google "find an OA meeting" https://oa.org/find-a-meeting/?type=0&country=United%20States&state=MA&city=Amherst&sort=ASC&distance=75&lat=42.6057805&longit=-71.54865619999998&zip=01450&limit=100&submit=true Nearest one to you is in Amherst, that's pretty far from you but they have phone meetings where several people group chat and in someplace on line that too.
  7. Aggiemae

    Bells Palsy

    Thanks lisa merges !!! I was planning an an eye lift before 1/17 because with two joint replacements and the gastric sleeve I met my max deductions and because my heavy eye lids are interfering with my vision my insurance actually approved it. Hopefully I will be recovered enough to do this very vague n, self indulgent thing in the next 6 weeks. I was so happy to be back at work but I am trying to be happy about 4 more weeks off except I was thinking that people would notice the weight loss as much they saw me everyday. I don't like to be the center of work place gossip.
  8. Aggiemae

    Bells Palsy

    In my case it's very likely lyme disease. I had it in 1986 and was pretty sick but because I lived in N Ca it went undiagnosed for several months before I saw the small bullseye rash on my back right under my bra line. The treatment took almost 3 months. Back then they didn't do post TX titre (maybe there wasn't even a test for limes). My GP increased the prednisone to 100mg a day for ten days and if the titre comes back positive he will send me to an infectious diseases specialist because of autoimmunity issue and the blood count I had house "sticky" platelets which I have because I had malaria when I was in my 20s's so with the I increased stickiness he suspects something is brewing. Crap. There is no connection between the WLS or the cervical spine injections I just had.
  9. Aggiemae

    Bells Palsy

    The tip about thickening liquids was very helpful. I think I just need a little love. I've been an RN for over 35 years (yikes!) Retired from public a health and currently work as a nurse/socialworker. I know I wasn't having stroke when I went to the ER I just wanted to start treatment ASAP to get a full recovery. I just didn't realize how sever my event was until the ER Dr explained. In the past three weeks I 've has the gastric sleeve, a steroid injection into five cervical joints, my favorite chicken died of cancer. Sometimes all the knowledge in the world isn't enough. I have multiple health issues due to an auto immune disorder and prednisone has been know to make me manic so right now, as my blood sugar is 290, I am sweating and my eye is blurry from the moisturizing gel... I'm going to my GP to get a as insulin RX and (hopefully) some adivan. I just want someone to hold my hand, stroke by brow and whisper "there there now..."
  10. I can have eggs but the NUT did say that scrabble eggs are harder to digest so around them at first. I can eat 4oz of cottage cheese but only 3oz of anything else solid or I will fell overkill and healthy. I'm allowed mushy food but almost puree still goes down better.
  11. Since they were self pay I don't know but it was at least 4 months ago that we discussed it. I am back home on sick time because one up this morning with Bell's Palsy and can't talk. But I will ask next week at my surgery f/u appointment.
  12. Aggiemae

    How did WLS effect your marriage...

    I read where your SO accused you of cheating said you are too skinny and saw that your ticker is at 242 lbs... Seems he's insecure you can't fix his self esteem problems for him. Keep SAFE.
  13. I prefer the butt wipe that contain witch hazel. Soothing but not greasy. Or just dump a bit of witch hazel into the packet of wipes you have. Use the rest of the bottle as a toner for your face.
  14. Aggiemae


    I guess the "in" is silent (and invisible) before sane. Th I g got sort of bumpy so century I posted that but overall I still stand by it. I'm going to eat some cream pie, it's not on my official plan but after I put the crust in the blender it will be pureed. A slice should be about 3 oz? I don't have a scale or a measuring cup...
  15. Aggiemae

    Bells Palsy

    I just went beck to work on Monday. up this morning with the left side of my face sagging and I couldn't move it or shut my eye. ER rd is Bell's Palsy, grade 5, which is the worst it can be. Got ex of antiviral and prednisone and "most likely" I will recover my facial movement in a few weeks to six months. Crap. Called in sick because, aside from looking hideous, my speech is very hard to understand and filed FML for four weeks. Can't swallow so back to full liquids. Did I already say crap?
  16. The calcium is decided into three doses because you can only absorb about 500 mg at a time. Take your D3 (I use liquid) with calcium because it doesn't absorb otherwise.
  17. I use the dissolving vitamins. Tasty too.
  18. My. Surgeon dose them but the NUT told me that four of the first eight patients couldn't tolerate it and had them removed. Also, in my 6 months l of pre op classes I haven't met anyone who's insurance covered it.
  19. Aggiemae

    My PCP "doesn't care about me"

    Every one makes good points but I wanted to add that I've been a nurse case manager for many years. Pretty much everyone I manage is medical high risk and if I were being perfectly honest over all compliance with treatment is low. I do care about the people in my care, they aren't just cases to me. But I pick my battles and the thought, "I don't care to engage you about (your weight, drinking, smoking, std, diabetes) because you have more pressing issues and I am not up for dealing with it right now" crosses my mind more than I'd like.
  20. Aggiemae

    My work here is done

    OK. Miss melly, I checked your thread. Just an FYI, I did post on it because the fact that so many states have medicade policies that now allow WLS but will not pay for pre op education or post op care applauds me. However my comment HERE had absolutely NOTHING to do with your thread. I am somewhat disturbed that you jumped to this conclusion and on my butt on another thread.
  21. Aggiemae

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Because she's as ignorant as a bad of rocks.
  22. Aggiemae

    UW medicine wa

    I completely agree with you. I'm in the same program you are. I got told flat out there is no fast tracking. You have to wait the 6 months and keep the weight off and do all your appointments with UW and your Molina/Medicaid required appointments.I can & I will thanks for the post. It's good to know that Medicade is making changes or maybe it's just I AM that is offering the same services to all Bariatric patients. Is the pre surgery at loss an insurance requirement? I thought my program uses the same protocol as WUM but the program doesn't h ave a pre surgery weight loss requirement. The NIH study showed that there was no long term benefit so now the surgeons just do the 2 week surgery prep diet.
  23. Aggiemae

    My work here is done

    BTW miss nelly nel if the thread that is apparently your personal property on a PUBLIC FURM is the one where you bitch that your family member on public assistance is getting fast tracked for surgery then you're the second nut from that thread to stalk me to another thread about this. Consider getting a life.
  24. Aggiemae

    My work here is done

    Actually I have read many comments where people complain that the pre surgery period is a complete waste of time and one one more than one thread However I would be thrilled to block you because I have no use of nasty bitches.
  25. Aggiemae

    Slow start after vsg?

    Um.. that's over a pound a day. NOT SLOW.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
