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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OhHeyMarina

  1. OhHeyMarina

    Cellucor COR-performance protein

    @@ppressey24 @@Suaniya i have tried premier protein! the problem is though my doctor only wants me to have 2 "milk" servings a day and that is skim milk no other milk by the way and besides having 4 Protein shakes a day which i need i am allowed 2 light yogurts and i know Premier Protein says made with milk so thats why i bought my own to be able to mix with Water it says after mixing 2 of your protein shakes with milk you are not allowed any more milk for the rest of the day so i do need to clarify on that but that is why like i said before i went and bought ones that you personally mix so i can mix with water... this is my exact diet plan am-protien drink and 1 cup of skim milk or light yogurt mid morning- Fiber supplement noon- Protein Drink, fiber supplement afternoon-1 cup raw vegtables dinner-protein drink and fiber supplement evening-protein drink and 1 cup of skim milk or light yogurt and i need to get 100 ounces a day in which include the diet plan and then am allowed water, crystal lights, decaf coffee and tea, broth, sugar free Jello and popsicles so thats why I'm not doing premier protein shakes, this is for my pre op to shrink my liver and i know every doctor has their own kinda way but i deff wanna follow what my doctor says so if he says only 2 servings of milk thats what i gotta do! I'm not worried about protein after i know i can use premier protein and any protein probably by then but this is for the pre op so even the protein i can use is strick
  2. @@Kristen_vsg welcome! @@thereselynne feel free to join our december 2016 sleevers group! you can only find it on a desk top version though app doesn't show groups
  3. @@saravan really? That's weird! Okay just search December 2016 sleevers in the search bar and make sure your under the group tab not the forums tab and it will be the only group and click join. Idk why for some people my invite isn't working but I don't want that to stop people from joining! Would love everyone to! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App @@saravan really? That's weird! Okay just search December 2016 sleevers in the search bar and make sure your under the group tab not the forums tab and it will be the only group and click join. Idk why for some people my invite isn't working but I don't want that to stop people from joining! Would love everyone to! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. OhHeyMarina

    Fitbit users?

    I love the aria scale to! And the Fitbit charge 2 would be my favorite but I personally love wearing watches so that and a watch is to much for me so that's why I go with the Alta Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Awesome if you go on the desktop version and search december 2016 sleevers and make sure your under the group tab and not the forums you can join! A lot of people aren't finding it cause you can't through the app unfortunately Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. How many of us have had food funerals? My pre op diet starts December 2nd so I have about 2 weeks left and mentally I'm like oh no I need to eat all my favorite foods! Chinese, Chipotle, Pizza etc.... but my gut is telling me don't do it! So I'm curious how many people felt that way before that they needed to get all their favorites in before pre op and before this life change, and how many people actually gave in and ate those foods? Like yesterday I wasn't even hungry but I passed a chipotle and was like should I go in and get some?! I might never be able to again! and then I was like that is pathetic Marina don't think like that, your not even hungry, so don't eat! so I didn't go but it made me realize my relationship with food and that I'm literally almost scared of that fact that I won't be able to eat this stuff anymore, so I decided that instead of spending money on food, every time I wanna go buy and eat food I shouldn't instead of doing so I'm gonna stand my ground and put that money I would of spent on that food to the side and I'm gonna save up that money and set goals for myself of none relation food items I want and when I save enough money for that item I'm gonna reward myself for not giving into my head hunger, I know to some that might sound dumb but I personally know that will help this food addict over here, anyone else have tips on what helped them? Thanks everyone!
  7. OhHeyMarina

    fitbit users?

    @@ladygg1967 @@jesse10616 @@#BirdDog @@MarcyDarcy adding you all
  8. OhHeyMarina

    Dates here!

    December 16th
  9. OhHeyMarina

    Fitbit users?

    @@Redmaxx the fitbit charge hr, fitbit blaze and fitbit surge does the exact same thing as as well has even more features like checking email and other notifications and gps built in to track your walks, running and bike riding, and so many other things every fitness tracker kinda does the exact same thing now, but i personally think the fitbit app is better and that they look better overall personally
  10. OhHeyMarina

    Fitbit users?

    @@mixhelle @@Ag3ntCoop @@Dreland I personally have the fitbit alta, it has a screen so you can see your stats plus it shows time and you also can see who is calling and texting you, it tracks your step, your sleep, calories, minutes of activity, miles walked, and after 15 minutes of either, walking, running, elliptical, biking etc it will automatically recognize it and since, what i like about this one is that even with all that and screen it is the thinnest one they have "with a screen" available then my next personal favorite that someone in my family has so i see how it works on the daily is the fitbit charge 2, that does everything the fit alta does but it is a bit bigger and it will also track stairs and weight lifting and working out, i would personally get that one if you don't mind the bulkness but i like the thinner one and just track my weight lifting and work outs myself and input them on the app that doesn't bother me so if your the same the alta is great, also you can track your food and Water intake on the app and you can add friends to do challenges with and it keeps you motivated!
  11. @@mooseprejean awesome! I invited you to join our December group if you'd like! But it has to be done on a desktop not the app FYI
  12. @@Mimiof3 were you able to figure it out?
  13. OhHeyMarina

    food funerals?

    thats crazy! pfft i wish i could but I'm not bettering myself by waiting and pushing it off to be able to eat whatever i want for the holidays
  14. awesome! would you like an invite to the december sleevers group?
  15. yeah thats why i think everyone is having a hard time groups only really show on the web the phone apps don't really have everything @@Mimiof3 even on your phone if you just go to bariatricpal.com in google and scroll all the way down and click full site you should be able to do it from your phone!
  16. OhHeyMarina

    What are 'sliders' that ppl refer to

    its food that your able to eat a bigger portion of then what you'd expect you could, almost as if your not getting full off of it like your suppose to its basically like having no restrictions, for a lot of people that food is chips, popcorn, Cookies, etc, they are mostly high carb and high calorie and like ice cream which turns into a liquid or say a chip that if you smash turns into super tiny little pieces, so its stuff that isn't gonna take up as much room as say if you ate a piece of meat so your able to eat more of them cause more is gonna fit even though its not good for you to do so cause they aren't good foods for you
  17. @@Mimiof3 it didn't come up in notifications?
  18. OhHeyMarina

    food funerals?

    You all are so right, my surgery is December 16th and a part of me is like how can you do this to yourself around the holidays! especially since in my family Christmas dinner is the best haha but then another part of me is like this shows how much you want it you could of asked for a different date but no you choose that one cause your sick of your weight and don't wanna wait anymore and your doing something about it so don't do anything to mess it up! my pre op diet starts December 2nd so i guess thanksgiving will technically be my last meal but in my head I'm already like don't be a pig have little portions of stuff and just one plate try to take control don't ruin it when your so close, i wasn't told i had to lose anything before surgery they did give me a phase one diet which was to help shrink the liver even more over these past couple months did i really follow that diet eh lol but i know the pre op diet will definitely be important to shrink my liver so i am definitely gonna follow that and not cheat but i don't wanna gain before then either by having "last suppers" all the time even though i really want them haha
  19. OhHeyMarina

    Channel that energy somewhere!

    Binge watch my favorite holiday movies and sleep a lot haha but in all seriousness I agree with @sleevesia the focus on my journey and that I'm gonna be having this new amazing life, healthy skinny life! haha is enough to push me through the holidays and think by next holiday we will probably be close or at goal and we will be able to enjoy it but by then we are gonna know our portions and our limits and will get to enjoy all that yummy food and stuff again but in a more better way then just eating everything in site like I'm assuming some of us like myself do especially for the holidays
  20. OhHeyMarina

    whose ready?!

    When do you start pre op? I start December 2nd so I get to enjoy thanksgiving to but a part of me is like still take it easy i have my blood work scheduled for 2 days after thanksgiving so don't want that coming back horrible haha
  21. @@hthomas86 @@saravan @@itsmytimetoshine @@Mimiof3 @@taras i've sent you all an invite to the december 2016 sleevers group, would love for you all to join
  22. OhHeyMarina

    whose ready?!

    @@jackieemac same!!!!! as I'm eating a piece of pizza, whoops!
  23. @@sunsetsue so i figured it out! everyone is saying it is easier on desk top you just search december 2016 sleevers and on the right hand side click group and it will be the only one that pops up, people aren't finding it because they are staying under the forums tab and its not a forum its a group
  24. yay!!! so i was right about desktop being easier? i think on phone app its hard to find anything but the forums it obviously doesn't have all the features, so groups don't even pop up, the whole needing a password must be a different thing those people are probably on phones and not even going to the right place haha, hopefully we figure it out cause there are only 7 members at the moment that have been able to figure it out and i would like to get us all!!! lol

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