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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by neverB4

  1. Here's my update since my last entry back in June. I got back up to 185 by October. Then my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. I decided to get another fill since i was able to down 2cups with no regrets. Had total of 7.5cc in my 10cc band. Things got hectic with my dad beginning his treatments that I didn't take time to notice my band was too tight. I had hard time getting fluids down. Had lots of heartburn, chest pain, and vomitting. My dad was put in hosp last week with pneumonia and neutropenia so that made things worse. I finally went back and had .25cc remv'd last Thursday and things are MUCH better. My dad's back home starting back on his treatments and my weight's already back down to 178!!!! Do not hesitate to get a little unfill if this happens to you!

  2. Alot of wonderful advice and great success stories here to help you. We've all been where you are at right now. You have to decide if you're ready to make the changes with yes...another different kind of tool for weight loss. No matter how we decided to lose the weight, we always use a tool of some kind....but bottom line, if you're not ready to make these changes, then you will fail! I'm almost 1yr post-op and yes you can lose at first while eating junk/fast food. But eventually, with the band, it will catch up and cause weight gain.

    You're doing great research and have the right questions...now...are you ready to ACCEPT the changes and challenges? Are your current weight and feelings worth it?

    Here's my honesty. I was DETERMINED to make it work when I decided to have the band placed. Yes I was concerned of failing and gaining it back (still am), but, I NEVER once complained about what all it will take to make it happen. And doubting yourself does not help.

    I'm not "bashing" you personally. I just hear from others "whine, whine, whine because of not weight loss here..." so I don't want you to get into that frame of mind at the start. Find the peace you need before if you do get the band. You need that peace to go to when things get tough/challenging! I wish you best and like I told my neighbor the other day, MAKE this happen...don't waste time pondering or you'll never get there!

  3. I'm still struggling with my old comfy habits too!! I went ahead and got another fill and it actually caused my throat to fell as if it was closing up during the fill. I have to do a 2-2-2 day CL, FL, soft food diet afterwards and even the FL's are taking their time "going down"!! Anyways, was up to 179 at fill this past Monday, now at 167 today!!!! Also, I'm now running 1 mile each day on the treadmill. I have bad knees to wehre I can't squat or kneel so that's a big accomplishment for me!! I would love to lose 100 by May 7th, but will not be discouraged if I don't. I'ms till very happy with my outcome thus far!!

  4. That's so true! Mine sticks out like a sore thumb...and sore it gets when I hit it, lay on it the wrong way, or when I think someone is going to mash on it-ha!!

    My doc said because of how my fatty layer was to begin with, meaning not too much in that spot to begin with, he really had no other place to put it. he did tell me he could relocate if I wanted to. Not right now or anytime soon. I actually get a kick out of letting people see and touch it when they're really interested on how I have lost all my weight and the whole Lapband thingy!! Heck, it's my 14k show-and-tell anyways so why not?!!

  5. It's funny...I have friends and family who constantly still commend me, some who still make a big "KUDOS" about it, some who are NOW my friends (ha!), some who no longer talk to me...but what really disturbs me, still a sister who adores me but has yet to say anything personally to me about it all since the day I told her I was having the surgery. Then I heard her tell my mom once I left the room..."it took me 3 skirts to try on today before I found one that fits..." She's never been one in our family to voice her concerns/opinions. But I know where she puts them...in the Lord's hands, as should I with everyone else I see each day!!

  6. Tessa's mom, pls don't get too discouraged yet!! What size is your band? And what are you filled up to? I'm almost one yr myself. I have a 10cc band and am now at 5.5cc's over 4 fills, going for 5th on April 13th. I wonder if perhaps you have gotten too much per fill, too soon? I'm just beginning to have PB'in with my meats, other than that, I still eat anything with no problems. Because of my slow fills, I had the chance to restrict my portions which really helped me. I am now up to 1-2cups per meal, more in evenings. I will say my last 30lbs to go are difficult because of my sweet tooth!

    I do understand your frustration. I had to work hard over mind to allow the band to work for me. It is definetley a daily challenge for me to not give up!!

    God bless and hang in there.

  7. Honestly, I love to shop right now wherever the deals are! i find great buys at Kohls', Hamricks, Charlotte Rouse, anywhere!! And it's fun to pay less than $10 for tops. I find Walmart $15 jeans to be just as good a fit (I will say Lee's are about the only brand that I like in fit...)

    Sadly though, I owuld love to wear Buckles, but I find them to be fitted more for the juniors. Still too snug in the shldr/bust area even though I''m in a misses med/lg.

  8. Well, honestly, I put myself on a plateau since beginning of december. I basically stayed between 172-174. I even went back up to 178 during Christmas and New yrs due to too many "adult drinks"! I'm not at the least mad or upset about it all. This has really given my mind the time time to catch up with my body. But hey!! hopefully I can get and keep this going again for my last 20 or so lbs because today I'm at 169!!!!!

  9. I'm changing the subjext here from Oprah, to Ruby. Her show is really an inspriation to me! She's losing the conventional way...portion control, nutritionist, therapist, personal trainer....but KUDOS to her for putting her personal life out there for all of us to admire!! No matter how anyone choses to lose weight, she keeps the real in perspective. She openly shares what we all go thru, how we all feel, and how others look at us. I do get very tired of her 'whiney" voice...but so enjoy her emotions on her weightloss journey.

  10. well, today is my official day to weigh. Went on a cruise week of Christmas. Managed to stay same weight-ALRIGHT!!! BUT.....gained 6lbs week after-BOO!!!!

    No worries...weighed in at 174 today so 4 gone already!! I know what did it so I have no doubt I can fix it and get going again. I have no regrets and really enjoyed my Holidays. Well, ok, I do have some regrets but not enough to ruin my thoughts here! Keep up the great work everyone!!!

  11. I had my 4th fill last thursday for 5 in a 10. So far I'm loving this spot of restriction. I can't eat more than 1/2 cup each meal, but most importantly, I'm not HUNGRY between meals!! I'm not worried if this doesn't turn to be my sweet spot because I'm awefully proud of myself for making this band work for me, not vice-versa. I'm 7mos out and have already lost over 80% of my fat weight!! No, it's not luck...it's just simply following my doc's rules and sticking to it!!

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