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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by neverB4

  1. neverB4

    Hello Fabulous Fourties!!!

    I turned 40 April 5th, so this was my present to myself. Perhaps 45 will be TT and masto!! Time will tell, huh?!!
  2. neverB4

    First fill, and NSV!

    :hurray::thumbup: CONGRATS!!!
  3. neverB4

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    Well, I'm 8days post 1st fill (2cc in 10cc band) and I sure now understand what my nutritionist and folks said pre-op about "you will have to work the band first until you reach YOUR sweet spot". I'm determined not to go over my 4oz meal limit, but it's hard. I'm just so thankful I listened to them and have my mindset straight!! And someone told me I was taking the easy way out having WLS? HA!!! I'm going to be struggling next 5wks before my 2nd fill. (Part of being mindset is making myself wait it out and not call my doc to wine about needing it sooner. I have to prove to myself I can do this!)
  4. "Dear Lord, I ask that you bless auntlucy right now. Give her the encouragement and strength she needs for today and days to come. You know the challenges she faces. Give her the strength to come to you, to rely on you and to continue in faith. In your name, Amen." I had my 1st fill 8wks post-op and was hoping it would curve my appetite to 4oz each meal. It hasn't. So I ask uplifting in prayer for me to have strength until my next fill, 5wks from now.
  5. I'm 2cc's in a 10cc band. brkfst: one egg and half of whole wheat toast followed later by 1cup FF milk with protein scoop lunch: 4oz of tuna supper: 2oz of chicken or other meat and 1/4cup of veggies or baked beans bedtime snack: 1cup FF milk
  6. neverB4

    I am scheduled for May

    Allison, you are a beautiful girl with a whole new life going on right now! I know this doesn't cure the anger and disappointment, but I also know a yr from now, you'll have new friends you didn't expect! Keep your head up and focus on YOU!!
  7. neverB4

    Exersice Band Wagon

    I used to do 20mins treadmill 5x's/wk, but my PA just asked me to move it up to 45mins. I also do swimming 20mins at least 3x's/wk and can start to tell a diff with my "back flab". I like the idea of increasing the treadmill incline. I do 3 for half my time, but want a tighter rump!! Txs for that info!! A few wks ago, 3 made my port hurt and burn, but it didn't yesterday so I think I can increase it now!
  8. neverB4

    Seeking a battle buddy...

    I always get that bottomless pit week of my due "visitor". But that's not always the reason for hunger! I fight it at other times too. What helps me is to get 60-90gms of protein in each day. Since I luv milk, I'll have a glass with a scoop of whey protein. And for mind control, I often have to remind myself that my new stomach pouch is only the size of an egg. That usually scares me to not overeat to strech it out. And honestly, the more you get into an exercise rotine AND steadily lose weight, your hunger will cut back.
  9. Alicia...I agree with what LauraD replied. Be honest for yourself and you can succeed!!
  10. neverB4

    Seeking a battle buddy...

    Andrea, congrats-you're doing GREAT! I luv 1 cor 10:13 as well. It is very inspirational, esp when I face criticism or negativity from people. And about the moodiness...I too still struggle with that even after 2mos. I can't relate it to my monthly so I assume it's related to the pressure I'm under. But I'll be honest, when I look at my physical activity/exercising, I can see an improvement when I don't slack on that. I live in hot-humid SC so I also find taking a 2mile walk late in evening helps me sleep better. I need that to face my kids the next morning!!
  11. neverB4

    I am scheduled for May

    My physician's grp (his nurse, his nutritionist, him and his 2 surgeon partners) all say 60gms of protein during the 1st 6 wks then up to 90 after that. It is essential for weight loss to go after all stored fat over the yrs. They've had more documented weight loss success following these guidelines for yrs. Eating hlthy, good choices for my 3 meals a day keeps my fiber intake going. Per my nutritionist, pooping every 2-3days is what I should expect since only eating 4oz each meal. I'm not supposed to snack between meals and if I should need a bedtime snack, then a protein bar/shake is allowed. But for now, a cup of skim milk does the trick! I do love coconut so perhaps I may invest in trying some of that...may keep my kids out of it-HA!!
  12. neverB4

    I am scheduled for May

    What helps me to get my protein in is high protein meals plus I do protein with milk. 1cup already has 8gms...so adding more makes it easy! And I luv milk!!
  13. neverB4

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    Just had my 1st fill, 2cc in 10cc band. I'm satisified with 4oz each meal with no snacking. I go again in 6more wks.
  14. neverB4

    Food Mystery

    After my 1st fill today, my PA told me to enjoy pasta for now because after a couple of more fills, it won't go down as easily.
  15. Taking the Gas-x will help! Mine was excruciating left shldr pain for a good long week. Actually, gas-x didn't help me. I used MOM and then Rolaids multi symptom.
  16. neverB4

    Any nurse self filling?

    I can stick anybody but myself so that takes care of the issue for me! My doc's PA does my fills and he laughs at my needle scrimish.
  17. I had my 1st fill today. 2cc in 10cc band. Mine was the "lift your legs". Then I drank about 2oz before i left to make sure all was ok. I go back for another fill eval in 6wks. The only uncomfy thing was when he pushed to insert needle into my port.
  18. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    It's never too late to get on or BACK ON the band wagon...PTL!!! I took my daughter to Savannah this weekend for her 13th b-day. We shared a one layer cake the whole weekend, my worst cheat since being banded. I don't look to lose any #'s this week, possibly even a gain. But she and I had the best time, a safe time, and God blessed our time together. Important thing is I realize what choices I was making and know the effects from it. But not at all discouraged. Still happy and satisfied with my choices. God bless all of you, esp you new ones to this thread! And txs Phyl for your kind words of encouragement, as always!!
  19. I was 255 at time of consultation at 5'6". I thought of banding for yr prior so by the time I decided to do it, I was well informed on how serious I needed to be. My nutritionist has me following the gastric-by-pass diet so that has helped me to lose 47lbs altogether so far. I'm 7wks post and am at 1/2 cup per meal, very satisfied with that again because I knew what goals I owuld have to make for myself. I get my first fill this Tuesday (8wks post) and my goal is not to go over 1cup until my bandiversary. I know there may be times I'll want a little extra food, until I reach that "sweet spot", but I have faith in God. He's got me this far and will carry me thru. I could not have done this at all without Him. No doubt you're doing what's best for you with family med history. You CAN do this because you realize the seriousness if you don't. Keep your head up and don't dwell on all the "what if's" and "can I's"...focus on how better you will be feeling each day as you lose, regardless of the time it takes you!
  20. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    Hey everyone! Well, I'm 7wks post banding and am doing great-PTL!!! I go for my 1st fill Tuesday, the 1st. My Lord has truely blessed me to this point. I have lost 47lbs (since initial consult, 31 since banding). I'm eating 1/2cup per meal, no snacks in between!! Going out to eat is a challenge. Not for self-control but for the enjoyment. It doesn't seem to matter if my company knows about my WLS or not because even my own mom will say "Gosh, Brenda, look at your plate and look at mine!" And she said it rather quite loudly at the last restaurant. My other DF's will just ask if I'm eating enough, or had enough then satet they couldn't live by what I had to eat. That really tells me they have no clue what the band is for. Tonight should be interesting. I'm going out to eat with the moms on my son's travel ball team. Only the coache's wife knows what I had done plus she's an RN herself. I won't be having a cocktail with them, then they'll see me "pick at my food"...so this should be interesting. (I say pick at my food because that's what I feel everyone thinks when they see me eat out) But I don't let that stop me because my Lord wants me to enjoy life! I pray everone else is doing good. It has been quite here lately. God bless all of you!
  21. neverB4

    Facing the Giants!

    I need to get it for my kids to watch. My mom highly recommended it.
  22. neverB4

    Portion Size

    I'm 6wks post-op, eating 2-4ozs, 3 meals/day. Protein between in drinks. My goal is not to go to 1cup until 1yr Bandiversary.
  23. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    My hair falls out regrdless-HA! But you're right, more protein, less falling out. Do you get the yawns? I get the yawnels from less protein intake, like now because I barely got 60 in yesterday.
  24. neverB4

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    My size 10 panties are too big!!!! My daughter picked out 2 shirts, the baby-doll cut ones..lots of compliments. I can get into my saved size XL's, 14-16W's An old pair of flipflops fit now, no more feet swelling!! My knees haven't hurt since surgery, nor back. NO HEADACHES from all the sweets!! My periods are regular again. and...my DH loves on me more!!!!!
  25. neverB4

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Oh, and for exercise, I either walk 20mins daily on treadmill or do 30mins pool. I still overdo my port muscles...so I keep treading on!

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