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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by neverB4

  1. Working for BCBS myself, you have appeal rights. Follow thru with them first. Then check into your local Dept of Insurance if needed. They usually pay closer attention when they become invloved. Also, you have the right to ask for an external review outside of the BCBS dept. BCBS woon't give if it's an exclusion in your policy, but since you meet the 35 BMI with co-morbidities, they can't keep denying by law. Again, your state's dept of insurance maybe can help before you get a lawyer.
  2. neverB4

    prayer please

    I'm praying for you!
  3. neverB4

    My scale sucks!!

    I have 2 scales...mine and my docs. And my doc's is always 2lbs more than mine. That's accurate enough for me. And no guess which one I go by-HA!!
  4. neverB4

    Was it worth it?

    Andrea, I would be thinking the same thing too just from getting so close to having it done. Honestly, give yourself time to get over from feeling yucky and being on the edge of a cliff. I've been heavy my entire life. And thru all those yrs, I only attempted ONCE to lose weight..thru WW. I got off 75lbs but it lasted only 3mos! Being 40 now, I knew I had to do something and trying WW again for the last 3yrs wasn't working anymore. My mom and sis are both diabetics and I was on the verge. The best thing from being banded...only 13wks out and I'm already down 54lbs. What's exciting about that? well, only 1 fill so far so I still consider my journey JUST beginning for me! Keep the positive up. I'm not trying to say banding is the only way to go, but seriously e honest and true to yourself...what will work for you??
  5. neverB4

    Am I a pig...

    Just a little input, I watch my carbs each day too. Matter of fact, my surgeon's PA who does his fills, told me to stop eating white potatoes because I get enough daily carbs just from my veggies and brown rice, whole wheat bread. Sweet potatoes are best! My kids like for me to slice them thin, then bake for chips. YUM!!
  6. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    I just got back from my children's church camp. What a blessing! While i was there, I met another lady who was banded last Oct by my surgeon! It felt really good to actually meet someone else face-to-face, away from home, who is going thru the same thing! She knew exactly what and how much to put on my plate. I did have a thing of light tuna and crackers for a hotdog fill in. I do admit to eating one Snickers bar and a half pack of peanut M&M's. I think that was very good considering working the consession stand 3x's a day while there. For the past 3yrs, I would induldge in a snack and soda each time. One day I was famished so I ate the whole hamburger, but NO fries!! other than that, I limited myself to one pancake, one french toast, 2 cx nuggets with no mashed potatoes. I did enjoy about 1oz of mac and cheese!! God allowed me control and showed me i can do it!! PTL!!! I was also able to wake up an hr earlier than the kids to do my 2mile walk. And I'm sure walking back and forth from dorm to chapel and dinning hall, I walked 2 more each day.
  7. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    PTL Summer..God Bless!!
  8. neverB4


    Only thing said about coffee to me was no caffiene!
  9. neverB4

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    I luv all of these because I'm right there with you gals!! My collar bones are showing, I can cross BOTH my legs!! My hip bones are here after all...and I'm sleeping on my back more, not waking up to a head and neck that have fallen asleep!! But not to drudge....I am having problems with my knees being together at night, and my body aches more because of the more pronounced bones...heck, blessings to me!!
  10. neverB4

    Feeling Restriction?

    I've only had one fill so far, 2cc in a 10cc band. i go for 2nd fill on Aug. 12th. I'm still hanging in most of times at 1/2cup per meal. But not always. i was so starved last night I ended up eating a whole Sonic's burger...uggh was how I felt this am. I still lost 4lbs today on my wkly weigh-in, but that burger will catch up in about 2 more days! One good thing, I'm still very strong willed not to reach 1cup per meal until my bandiversary date. I'm feeling really good and proud of myself at present time. I go to kids camp next week and they fix all that no-no stuff so it will be interesting to see what I can end up eating.
  11. My surgeon gave me one to allow me to order of kids menu. One lady in our support grp got highly upset. Because it has our name on it, surgeon's name and what type pf surgery...she felt it was a breech of confidentiality. Give me a break, don't show it then!! But honestly, I have yet to use mine. I have no problem bringing my family home my left-pvers or I enjoy sharing a plate with my daughter!! Funny how people get so pivey about certain things!
  12. neverB4

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    "YIPPIDY YIPPIDY"!!!!! I lost 4lbs this week!!!!
  13. neverB4

    pizza and the band?

    I just posted on another thread yesterday about pizza. I luv pizza but am happily limiting myself to it now. I do enjoy one slice of cheese once in a while. No harm, crust and all!! No reason for people to think you're failing yourself just because you questioned eating it. Heck, I had a chocolate chip/peanut butter cookie yesterday. ONE vs FOUR...and check my weight-loss ticker below!! And I know how to be since banded...so don't judge me!!
  14. neverB4

    Deviled Eggs

    Why not just egg salad? A little light mayo, sugar-free relish, dab of mustard...YUMMY!!
  15. neverB4


    I love pizza and used to eat 4-6 slices each time (depending on size). Well, I still enjoy, only 1 slice and no more pepperoni or sausage. I do either cheese or veggies, yum and no set backs!
  16. neverB4

    who counting carbs & cal

    Jack's right. What about your daily protein intake? And portion sizes?
  17. EB, I was also banded by Dr. Anotnetti. Luv that grp! Had my 1st fill of 2cc's in a 10cc band by James, the PA. Went really good but waiting longer than expected. That grp seems to be very busy! I go for 2nd fill on Aug 12th.
  18. I just got done replacing my big sizes (22-24W) with my stored old sizes (16-20's) in my closet. It was fun to get into the old things and find the ones snug at day of surgery, falling off! I may take them to my next support grp mtg and see if anyone can use them. If not, off to Goodwill they'll go.
  19. neverB4

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am staying on plan today because I've hit a 3wk plateau at 208lbs!
  20. neverB4

    Friends?! :-(

    My closest friend supports me 100%. She even sends me cards on the mail to congratulate and encourgae me. My second closest friend didn't say much when I told her I was getting the band. And here 10wks after, she still doesn't say much to me. I see her twice a wk and maybe once in a while she'll say "you're looking good". It could be the personalities, but to me, complete 180's between the both. So I keep #1 updated even when she doesn't ask, and #2 only when she does. No biggy but a surprise! I do have 2 friends who keep drilling me about my weight loss but til yet, I don't care to tell them. They're the "hey my friend" in your face until you turn your back....I just don't want to hear about their snickering, at least not right now. I image though, they keep drilling, they'll find out eventually, from me or someone else...who cares!
  21. When I'm standing, mine buldges out like a hernia right under my right rib cage. You can't see it (yet) but can feel it. When I lie down, it disappears to under my big incision, about 3inches lower down on belly. I then have to press really hard to feel it. It's about the size of a golf ball.
  22. neverB4

    swimming pool restriction

    Two most important things: 1. Make sure your incisions are healed and not infected. 2. Don't overdue the swimming. Listen to your body. I started about 5wks based on my incisions. No problems. LUV my pool!!
  23. neverB4

    That CAN NOT be enough food!!

    I'm no more than 4oz each meal too. I was so ready to do this that I'm not struglling "too" bad with each meal. There are times I eat too fast and then there are times 4oz isn't enough. But I'm also only 2cc's in a 10cc band so I know in my mind I still have to work the band until 2 or 3 more fills. But overall, I'm satisfied with my 4oz as long as most of it is protein. And doing a protein milkshake once a day helps.
  24. neverB4

    Low Weight Loss?

    Darie, I am an RN. You can still be retaining fluids from surgery. But it should start coming off within next week. Make sure you drink at least 64ozs of water each day, even a little more if possible. That will help flush it out. Congrats on staying with your meal plan!! How much protein are you getting in each day? Do at least 60gms. And the cream soups you are doing, watch the sodium because this too will retain fluid. As far as exercise, nothing drastic since you're still in the 6wk post-op phase. But do keep the walking up. This too will also help with fluid retention. Keep your chin and spirits up!!
  25. neverB4

    Hair loss???????

    I talked to my nutritionist yesterday because I too have lost about a 3rd of my hair's worth. She reminded me it will get better since I don't have the malabsorption problem by-passers do. She said my 90gms protein intake per day is wonderful. To help ease my mind though, she told me to go to Sally's and get their oral hair vitamin. She said for me to take my usual vit in the am, then one of those in the pm.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
