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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by neverB4

  1. neverB4

    Fill 12-1, Is this normal?

    It's all coincidental about losing your GB from the Lapband....another false tale for the insurance companies...hence not wanting to cover Lapbanders!! GB is common with actual gastric by-passers. I'm not tending to shame anyone here except the insurance "IDIOTS" who aren't knowledged about the band!! Anyways, I too am sore a day after fills...around my port area. I've had 3 diff people do my fills and it hasn't mattered.
  2. Wow!! My doc highly instructed me that the 1st few fills will give me no restriction, hence..."working the band yourself first".
  3. neverB4

    Be Honest, ARE YOU HAPPIER??

    Hey Brad. I was banded by Dr. Antonetti. Do you attend any of the support grps and/or keep in touch with Emily? I was surprised of your progress since your banding. I don't know your personal story but can say their program works!! I just had my 4th "free" fill and am at 5cc in my 10cc band. As I was told during their pre-op class and by James, I think I'm finally at my sweet spot of restriction. Have you been following their program? I just can't see how you've only lost 2lbs and have only had 3 fills after one whole yr. They keep me on track every 6wks with follow-ups and fills...may I ask why you've only had 3? They seem so stringent on their program.....
  4. neverB4

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    My mom knows I'm not supposed to drink too...but she still will ask me or comment "you're not wanting anything?" Not drinking is no biggy for me. I was always the one with only 2 sips gone anyways from my glass at the dinner table!
  5. neverB4

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Yea Michelle, that's great!! I can finally get back into mine and they ARE for wide calves! But I still know how exciting it is to be able to wear some tall black boots!!
  6. I was BMI of 40 and my doc said LB was a very good option for me...and so far, a great success!!
  7. neverB4

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    I bought a snugger pair of Lee's 14 jeans...DH told me to go get a smaller size because they were hanging off my booty. Well, I got a 12, tried them on for him, and he still said they were too big. Actually, they fit perfect, but have boot legs...he doesn't like that and told me to go buy some skinny jeans or straight legs. Why this NSV? Because he's NEVER requested me to wear one particular thing...and I like this (for now-ha!) On top of that, he ordered me a Victoria's secret catalogue...TF!!!!!
  8. neverB4

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Betty, the secret to my success is simply the Lord's doing while following my doc's instructions. I get 60-80gms protein daily, eat 3meals per day at limit of 1/2-1cup portions (tighter in am). I limit bad carbs and only eat good ones when i do (brown rice, whloe wheat brd, wheat pastas). But I still enjoy my little sweets from time-to-time! And if I snack between meals, I choose high protein, whole grain ones (love Kashi's pumkin spice granola bars). I do my 64oz of water per day, 2-3 servings of FF milk, and limit caffeine to 2cups per day (I use half-caf coffee!!) Any condiments (mayo, sour crm, cheese, etc) are LF types. I mix walk and running, 2.5-3 miles 5-6 days/wk. I also do arm strength training. Since my fill last Thursday, I've noticed a whole new feeling now when I eat. Well, I'm still in liquid stage (doc likes 2 days each of CL, FL, then soft before going back to norm). Had a cup of french onion soup last night at Applebees and the very mushy bread was not going down too well. Today, my pudding is doing the same! My doc's PA said 5-6cc ofr a 10cc band is usually the sweet spot...gosh I hope so because that was my last free fill. I go every 6wks too and the next one will be $200. My doc says to give 2wks for final fill outcome. He's only concerned for major problems...not being able to swalllow at all, nausea. As long as I can get it down, I'll hang and see what happens in 2 more wks! You're still doing great yourself!! Don't get discouraged because you know what it takes to make this happen!! Good luck to your success.
  9. neverB4

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I'm pretty proud of myself for getting thru Txsgiving. I even still enjoyed my Butterscotch pecan cake, a little sweet potatoe pie, and some choc truffles...not all in one sitting, mind you! Went for my 4th fill today. Now have 5cc in a 10. Since close to my goal weight, I'm losing 1lb per wk, not the old 2lbs...but hey, I'm feeling great and still have yet to experience PB'ing/sliming to date!!!
  10. I had to meet at distanced family member the other day. He saw me drive up, get out of my car...but thought I was somebody else. When I walked into the door, he was flabbergasted!! I was having a hard time realizing why here lately, everyone is "exagerating" my weightloss...until I found some pictures on my cellphone that my son took of me without knowing...I have to keep looking at them myself to see it's really the new me!!
  11. neverB4

    Holy Protein Cow! Cottage Cheese!

    1/2 cup LF CC straight out of the measuring cup is one of my favorite dishes, daily!!
  12. neverB4

    Thinning Hair!!!

    Funny that some docs said it was NOT related to surgery....I disagree. My Center of Excellence docs and their nurse and nutritionist ALL say surgery causes it. My nutritionist said that Lapbanders are furtunate becuase ours is not encourage but malabsorption. I was assured mine would eventually stop and it did! My hair actually sheds less than before surgery now, which I attribute to vitamins. Of note, my mom had surgery a few months ago (ortho under general anesth) and she's losing right now too. Even her doc told her it was to be expected in some from the surgery and not to worry.
  13. neverB4

    Comments People Make

    It IS a support grp so I'd be honest and share exactly what you did with us!! We have a gentleman we've nick-named "slim" because he was banded a yr ago and lost over 100lbs with no fills yet. He gets the "oh, well, you're a man and your metabolism..." he is quick to speak up his defense and we all listen to what he says. It is odd though...I've been going for 7mos now and he has to do his speech every time he's there!!
  14. Is it them or you? really, my therapist made me stop and think of this. She asked if it was really me acting diff because I'm now more assertive and respectful of myself! I honestly think it goes both ways...others and myself.
  15. neverB4

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Standing beside a friend who encouraged me to have the surgery....made the comment..."I wear an adult medium". I honeslty had to replay that in my head and MAKE myself say..."ME TOO!!!"
  16. neverB4

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    It's worth the splurge sometimes...YIPPY!!!! Allison!
  17. neverB4

    soooo much money.....

    I was self-pay...14k. I work for Blue Cross, going on 13yrs, but part-time so no benefits are offered to me. I borrowed off my 401k, paying myself back. But due to money market and else...doesn't look like I can count on it for my plastic surgery cost in future! I had a choice to do Lapband or buy a car....obviously made the better choice!! Now only drawback...can't get private health insurance due to having the surgery...yet my DH can due to his "tobacco use and build"??? Hopefully his new employer will get a group policy with no riders...only the "no services for weight loss" exclusion. If it's excluded in the policy, they won't cover fills and whatever else may arise. Still...one of BEST decisions I've made money wise!!
  18. neverB4

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Way to go, Felicia!!! I discovered last night I now can sit and cross my legs to put on my socks and boots...no more funky steps to accomplish this!!!
  19. Based on my mom's menu...I'll shoot for 2-4oz turkey with tiny bit of cranberry sauce...spoonful of dressing then no bread due to that...and 2oz of rutabagos! I have no idea what her dessert plan is, but I will later that day enjoy my sliver of it!!
  20. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    Sharmom and any others fighting depression/feelings of sadness.... I hit rock-bottom a couple of wks ago. At 1st it began with my mind not being with my wieght loss. Then it really hit me when my mind caught up making me see those close to me are still FAT!! Gosh, I by all means don't mean that hatefully, but that's what depressed me. Not only did I feel ashame because I was finally realizing I'm in the "thin girl" catagory, but I felt all lost. First, my comfort of food. It was no longer my one and only security...like I killed my BF, then second, some of my close friends actually comment..."because you're not fat anymore...." I was really feeling all alone. I was unable to enjoy my progress. Then I OPENLY shared my feelings with my support grp. I got some really good feed-back and encouragemnt. I was assured it would pass. And it did..realy quick. Now I can say I'm proud of my progress, so much that I came clean and told everyone at church this past Sunday that I had the Lapband. I'm tired of people asking/questioning on my wt loss doings...proud enough to say I had it done, it wasn't easy, and I've worked hard to THIN!!! I still love my plump friends/family. I want to be an encourager to them, not depressed and discouraging. If they don't take the new me for who I am, then what did they think of me to begin with?
  21. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that God only gives us the temptations we can handle, after which, He WILL provide us a way out. If being banded is His plan for you, He will allow it to happen. As long as you fully trust Him to open the doors or shut the doors, His plan will prevail!!
  22. neverB4

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I've also made it into the 80lb lost today!!!!! Still not at my "sweet spot". Wished i went ahead and got one full cc instead of a half...now at 4.5cc in a 10cc band.
  23. This should be no surprise to me since I work for an insurance company. My DH and I applied for a major medical plan with his new job. Of course the agent wanted his cut so he assured me I would be covered since being banded....WRONG!!! Got a denial ltr today saying I was denied because of my Lapband for weight loss...but my family could still be covered...even DH with a higher premium due to his "tobacco use and build"...as stated in the ltr!! GO AMERICAN REPUBLIC....you're the best!!!!:biggrin:
  24. neverB4

    Mind games!

    I didn't go thru all these threads to find a suitable place.... I've just been so "psyched" lately that I'd like to share. 4mos now since surgery and my mind is starting to play those "your still fat" games on me. My therapist pre-warned me about this. I post-poned my mtg with her last month so next week's mtg with her should be very interesting. I want to go clothes shopping to try on new styles but for fear, I can't! I'm afraid NOTHING in the misses section will fit! Even though I'm in a misses 16, I feel I still need a 20W. I forget I can now sit comfortably at the sushi bars, making my family squeeze into a booth still. I had to move my driver's seat up a notch but in my mind, felt I would get stuck!! I just feel that my weight loss has been so rapid (68lbs in 6mos) that my mind is still trying to play catch-up!
  25. neverB4

    Mind games!

    I'm just curious.... I feel like my DH has gained weight while I'm losing...he swears he's the same weight. Then I noticed this past week, a couple of friends of mine look like they've gained....then I go to work, a few there looked to have gained...??? Surely they are not all gaining. Could it be my mind is accepting my current body size? That I'm no longer a size 22/24 like they are, being down to a size 14, I can actually feel now that I am now smaller than them? Have any of you noticed friends/acqaintences who are still overweight to seem to be gaining as you lose, when they're really not?

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