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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by neverB4

  1. neverB4

    May 7th is my Band-day!

    Welcome chrbrowning!! I'm the 7th also...good luck!! Enjoy this thread!!!
  2. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    To awomangodcanuse, Praying and thinking of you today! I know the Lord will see you thru today. Anxious to hear how it went for you yesterday and today, but get rest 1st of all!!
  3. neverB4

    Good Luck and Blessings!!

    May 2nders....:smile: Christal, beachbum, Kammi, Serena, tootscritter, and Cirrus...... Enjoy today, sleep well tonight, and deep breath and tap dance tomorrow!!!!!! May your next 2 days go well and look forward to hearing from each of you.
  4. neverB4

    Pre-op Diet???

    I've been on 4wks of 2 protein shakes with one "sensible" meal (per guidelines from my doc's nutritionist). I do say it's trained me to savor what food I can actually put in my mouth...AND...it's definetly got me anxious to savor broth and creamed soups for the 3wks post-op because NO MORE PROTEIN SHAKES!!!!!-ha!
  5. neverB4

    Bible devotions

    I had a tough Monday. Then sitting here at my desk, I was wondering if and how could I possibly go to church service tonight. Boy, the devil was trying to get a hold of me. I asked the Lord for strength in prayer then opened my Bible up to any Psalms to see what the Lord wanted me to read....here it is, Ps 27. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even my eneamies, my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." and I say..."THANK YOU, LORD-AMEN"
  6. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    Wlecome, Tulosmom!!! We're so glad you found this site. It is much more assuring and blessed than any other one.
  7. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    May the Lord continue to bless you and heal you, Coltorismom!! I was classroom nurse for a couple of yrs for the special needs children in our local school district. I even became a home nurse for one of them. I can imagine your challenges. Welcome and Godspeed!
  8. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    Talkinjack, Glad to hear how well you're doing. I know God will give me peace when it comes to only being able to eat 2oz's at each meal starting 2nd wk post-op. I get banded next Weds (!!!!!!). I've been on a protein shake diet for 4wks now and have been able to remain satisfied with it. I only get hungry if I stay up too late. I'm enjoying being headache free from sweets!! I'm so excited at what the Lord will enable me to do after Weds is over!
  9. neverB4

    It's OFFICIAL!

    :smile2: KUDOS!!!!!
  10. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    Talkinjack...been wondering where you've been!! Care to share how it all went for you? Glad God's keeping you on your feet!!
  11. neverB4

    I am scheduled for May

    My dear M-I-L came down this weekend. She, like me, went on WW yrs ago, lost almost 100lbs, but gained it back. I went ahead and told her I was having the LB done..she immediately replied.."WHY? YOU'LL GAIN IT ALL BACK AGAIN!!" I told her I have no problem losing the weight, it's keeping it off and that's what the LB will help me with. I went for my pre-op interview at my hosp. EKG, DVT studies, chest x-ray, bld work....Now all I have left is one last pre-op visit with doc on next Monday...then Wed's my BIG day!!!!! WHOO-HOO!!!!!!
  12. neverB4


    I needed to let this out and realized this forum is the place to do so. Like this thread title? Perhaps we can use it when we need to get something off our hearts and get encouragement as well. I'll start...... I finally have the house to myself this weekend. DH and son went to in-laws and DD went to a friend's. So I celebrated last night by eating 1/2cup more of rice than I should followed by "2" slices of Mrs. Smith deep dish apple pie. It was truely emotional eating, knowing after the 7th, I won't be able to do it again. I will admit, since this was a "planned" meal, I did better than if it was spur of the moment. But, I STILL should have grabbed my First Place weight loss devotions for this week. It's been a rough week and I haven't done them at all. I have no doubt if I'd had, I wouldn't of had this celebrating feast!! I'm still home alone today, back on tract. I divided the rest of pie up in 3rds, licked the spoon, then gave my doggies a wonderful breakfast treat. God bless!!
  13. YEA Southern MISSY!!! I'm getting nervous alittle now. They moved my date up but said someone else will call for the actual time and another pre-op visit date with my surgeon...well, that was last Thrusday. I may call Monday for peace of mind.
  14. neverB4

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    Thank you, Jessica, for changing my date for me on your list!!! HEY ALL MAY 1st'ers.......ENJOY the last weekend of your old life!!!!!! And I dont' mean "last supper" wise, but relish each moment knowing you won't be here ever again!!!! Isn't that a wonderful, motivating thought??
  15. neverB4

    Seeking a battle buddy...

    Miss Vicki, you're words are so true and encouraging!! Our Lord is our strength and our hope. I have the same calm, assurance as you do and reading what you said, that's exactly where my trust will lie after I'm banded next month on the 7th!! God bless you!!!!!!!!!!
  16. neverB4

    I am scheduled for May

    ajkamk....WOW!!! Welcome aboard to our journey together!! After I wrote to you yesterday, my phone rang. It was the surgeon's office notifying me that my date's been moved up to the 7th. But we'll still be going thru this together!! I've been on the pre-op protein shake diet for 4wks and it does get easier as the days go by. It does curve your appetite for unhlthy stuff...sweets for me!! Good luck with your banding and we'll be keeping in touch!
  17. neverB4

    Come On SC!

    My new date is on the 7th now....oh boy!!!! Lexington is right outside of Columbia. You would be coming in on 26 towards columbia, but then take 26 to Charleston. As soon as you do, the hosp exit is less than a mile. From greenville, it will take about 1 and 1/2 to 2hrs, depending on traffic. I don't know of any in Greenville.
  18. neverB4

    Come On SC!

    tskelli....I won't be at the support grp on May 7th. Riverside just called me. Now I'll be in lapband mood that day!!!! They had a cancellation so they bumped me up from the 13th. I will be there on June 4th...will check back with you then if not sooner..take care until!
  19. neverB4

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    OMG!!!!! I just got a call from the surgeon's office....due to a cancellation, they've moved me up from the 13th to the 7th!!!!!!!!!!! :redface: PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only, now I'll have to do clear liqs on Mother's day-HA!!!!
  20. neverB4

    I am scheduled for May

    On the day of graduation from nursing school, my high-school sweetheart proposed to me. But then he pulled out 3mos before our date. After 7yrs of knowing him, he still coudn't give me an honest reason why. He moved on, I moved on. Well, recently I found out that he's a 5th grade science teacher at a school in my district (he lives 45mins from the school). And I find out he's a health nut. So that alone tells me why he broke it off. Still, I lost a wonderful friend. Knowing he's so close now, because one of my BF's grandchildren go to this school and know him.....let's just say, I could be anxious for that one day..."oh hey!!!" but, I'm at peace with what happened, now. And now I'm doing this for my ONLY meant to be DH and 2 beautiful kids!!!!!! God is so good!!!
  21. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    Wendy, Have a restful and fun day today!! Will remember you in prayer thru tomorrow and the days after!!!
  22. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    For Gen.... "Dear Lord, I ask that you lift gen up right now. Wrap your loving arms tight around her. Secure her under your wings of safety. Give her joy today and strength to carry on. Bless her for her faithfulness to you. Allow her to feel your gentleness and happiness today. In Your name I ask, Amen." Gen, my monthly gave me those same feelings this past weekend!! If you like to read (and have the time-ha!) I would suggest running to closest Christian bookstore, or wal-mart, and check out the latest books. I'm reading Heaven without Her and it's really lifting my spirits up. Also, just laying all your cares and concerns in prayers and then giving God time to speak to your heart, really listening for Him....is the best cure-all!! I will continue to pray for you!
  23. My goal is to better my health so I can live a healthier life and to give God all the glory and honor from it...PTL!!!!!!!!
  24. neverB4

    Christian bandsters

    :biggrin2: Hey Gen!!! I'm still here and check daily...just seem to be in a hurry lately...go figure-LOL!!!!!! I was determined to go buy myself a $5 pizza today for my lunch while no one was home but now you've given me the encouragement to stay on tract...thank you and thank you, Lord!!!! And welcome new one~~you will truely be blessed by this forum!!!
  25. neverB4

    Bible devotions

    Thank you, Awomangodcanuse. How lovely and true!!

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