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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lucy200283

  1. I had the same thing happen to me.. i haven't had a period on my own in forever and the say after surgery i spotted for like 3 days then had a full blown period for about 10 days.. it was horrible! good .. lol but horrible... i talked to my doctor about it and he told me that the anestisia can make that happen alot.. so i am assuming that is what it was.. b/c i didn't get anything in june... so hopefully that kinda of answered your question...

  2. So weird how each dr is different... i used a straw at the hospital and i have used one every day since.. i have had no problems.. i have very sensative teeth so i hate not using a straw... hmm.. to each their own i suppose but best adivse is to do whatever your dr tell you to do... To me that is the most important rule of all!:biggrin:

  3. hey everybody!!

    Mine is myspace.com/lucy200683

    i always welcome new friends and look forward to getting to know all of you better!!

    just say ur from LBT and i will add you as a friend!

  4. I have to have MRI scans every now and again and hadn't had one since being banded. For those that don't know, you lay on a table, are strapped down and then the table slides you into a round tight capsule where it takes very noisy (think jackhammer) scans of your body......it must be horrible for people who are claustrophobic.

    Today I noticed that when I was being slid into the capsule that I didn't need to almost dislocate my shoulders to fit my arms through the gap and also that I didn't need to take a huge breath in to stop myself from getting jammed in the gap due to the size of my tummy!!!!!! :thumbup:

    Great Job!! Keep up the good work!!

  5. i know i am only newly banded.. BUT.. one of my BF and both my mother in law and father in law.. all had the bypass and i will tell you from first hand they get sick WAY more than any banded person i know...

    i understand things don't get stuck with the bypass but if u eat anything that ur new stomach doesn't agree with it will come back up...

    my FIL can't eat hardly any meat... and my BF can't touch any sugars...

    i don't know about you but i enjoy being in control of my body.. at least with the band i am in control and if i want to eat a piece of cake at a wedding or birthday party i can.... i just know that i must be responsible for all my choices and make up for it through the rest of the day...

    Good luck on your decision!

  6. So i made this for dinner for my dh and about 5 of my close friends the other night.. i was a little worried b/c even i hadn't ever tasted it... BUT... i have to tell you it was a HIT!! everybody loved it... my hubby said it was ok.. b/c he knew there was squash in it.. but that didn't stop him from getting seconds!!:behindsofa:

    Thanks so much for this awesome recipe!

  7. i too am at that stage.. i am almost 2 weeks post op and i sometimes worry that i am eating too much b/c i am eating more then i was the first week....

    but then i stop and realize how much i am really eating compared to what i was before and realize it is probably ok. As soon as i got on mushies i think i went a lil crazy.. i was so tired of broth.. lol now I am just trying to stick to my portion size better.. even with my little crazy stent i didn't gain any of my weight back so i think it is ok.

    Hope we can all just make it until we get our fill!

    Good luck everybody!:lol:

  8. My Dr. told me that i could swim as soon as the glue was gone. I'm 14 days out and all of my glue is gone and my incisions are completely closed. It's too cold here to swim but according to my Dr. I could if I wanted to.

    just a funny tid bit.... that it is too cold to swim in PA but we are roasting down here in Texas!! lol crazy crazy crazy...:w00t:

  9. wow.. my doc didn't tell me anything about any of this.. probably cause i didn't ask.. but anyways...

    Thanks for all the advise... i will get some waterproof bandages just incase.. he is only 3 and i don't trust lifeguards to watch him completely.. but we will stay in the kiddie play area and i will keep my stomach dry..

    Thanks so much for everybodys help!!!

  10. I just had a quick question...

    I had my surgery on 5/21... and on sunday i had planned on takin my son to a swimmin party.. that would be about 10 days post op... do you think it is ok to get my scars wet yet? i know i have been gettin a lil wet in the shower but i have been tryin to keep them as dry as possible...

    my surgeon is closed on fridays..:thumbup:

    so i can't call him and i just remembered about it... any advise that yall have would be great! Thank so much!

  11. i completely know how you feel.. i am only newly banded but i can see that i am noticing the same thing...

    my hubby is a big guy and he is planning on having the surgery as well but he is just having a hard time being supportive.. i told him in a few weeks when i start my real food again that we are ALL eating healthy but he says he wants to live out his last few months that he has like i did..

    but i also gained in my last few months and i want him to have a head start at the weight loss.. and i tell him that i need his help... that i can't do it on my own... and i think he is starting to come around a lil bit.. i explain that we didn't spend all this money to have the surgery just to eat crap afterwards and i need him not to tempt me...

    so don't worry i know what you are going through... hopefully if you just breakdown and tell him how hard it is to watch him eat that stuff maybe he will lay off of it a bit...

    Good luck! and congrats on your weight loss!:)

  12. Hey everybody...

    I too was banded on the 21st.... and i am doing really well.

    The first couple of days were bad b/c i had alot of pressure in my chest... and it was really hard to breathe.. but i am doing better now...

    i have been eating 1 slimfast and some broth or Soup... today i got some of the Lipton cup o Soup and it is really good... it is the chicken flavor.. kinda like the broth but a lil thicker and much bettter tasting... not not as thick as like cream of chicken or anything so it is working well for me... i am also drinkin alot of crystalite....

    i haven't gotten on a scale yet b/c i told myslef i was going to wait at least one week... it is really killin me but i am going to do it.. lol

    I am glad to see everybody is doing so well and let all keep up the good job! :unsure:

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