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Posts posted by RJrocks

  1. I am currently 11 months out from surgery. I had RNY at 211 pounds and had great loss for 8 months. In total the last 3 months I have lost only 6 (less than 2 pounds per month). My diet is still very good, however today I am up 3 pounds from my lowest. Have I got bottom only 11 months out? I still have 16 pounds to lose to reach goal.

    How many months out from surgery did you reach bottom?

  2. Hello all! My RNY is end of May. The 30th. So still a ways for me it seems. I am from Canada so the process seems slower. I was referred in March and have did all my appointments June to December. Now just a pre-op and then Surgery! I am trying to keep myself busy by getting some thing done so I can relax and focus on my recovery. I am hoping to be off work fro the month of June, however I am not sure yet.

  3. I have noticed the same and agree with all the points listed above. I also feel like it's a bit of optics. First all, most people look so unhappy in their before shots and are glowing in their after shots. Even some people's after shots who weigh more than people's before shots just look so happy and healthy:-). Secondly, I think for a good after shot you are putting on an outfit that makes you feel fabulous. You put it on and often pose your body in the most flattering way one knows how to capture the after.

    I also can not wait for my after shots!! :-)

  4. Hello!
    I use myfitnesspal to keep track of my measurements, though I do have a record of more in-depth measurements that I update once a year on my surgery date. MFP keeps track of the basics, like waist, hips, neck, and give you an option to see graphs of your records and so on. When I am asked how many inches I lost, I say "x inches around the waist, x inches around the hips" and so on.

    I have my fitness pal and can not seem to locate where to put measurements? Is it possible you paid for an extended version of the app?

  5. So I bought one of those scales from costco that is supposed to tell you your body fat %, and the thing just errored on me when I stood on it :-( My BMI is 38. I am pre surgery and hoping to be able to track my fat loss % as an additional way to see progress for the tough times when the scale is not moving.

    On Amazon I see some that are hand held for around $25. I also see calipers and they look complicated.

    What does everyone use to measure fat loss?

  6. I have tried to look this up both through Google and this forum.

    What do I need to know about a king and tracking body measurements? I gather I will measure my bust, waist, hips, arms and calfs. Where on my thigh do I measure? Did I miss anything?

    Also, when people say I lost X amount of inches, is this from all the measurements added up? How do I know what I am aiming for?

    TIA :-)

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