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Navigating the Wilderness

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Navigating the Wilderness

  1. Navigating the Wilderness

    Relationship changes

    It had no impact on my life. I coached my wife up very well on what to expect and made sure she was fully into it before I went under the knife. She has been awesome about it and has never once complained about the changes that had to be made post-op. In the rare event that she wants to eat something that I can't/won't she goes out and eats it without me, which I am totally fine with. We have never had a single argument over the surgery.
  2. Navigating the Wilderness

    Wife was sleeved yesterday

    You will find almost everyone has buyers remorse after surgery. Mine didn't come until a month out, but it passes and things get better. I promise both of you it does get better!
  3. Navigating the Wilderness

    A whole meal...

    This is exactly what I was going to say. The first was the worst. I can tell you my new 'normal' now feels as comfortable as my old normal did pre-surgery.
  4. Navigating the Wilderness

    Home from DS Surgery!!

    Agree 100% with @James Marusek, it is dam near impossible to sleep comfortably for the first few days. Luckily it gets better quick. Best of luck with everything and congrats on the surgery!!
  5. Navigating the Wilderness

    Anybody have a problem eating fruit?

    Watermelon is pretty darn high in carbs. If you haven't been eating many carbs, this could have spiked and crashed your blood sugar, and thus the nausea. It could also have been dumping which some sleeve patients get from time to time. Has it ever happened with any other high carb foods?
  6. Navigating the Wilderness

    Not losing consistently

    I think that is perfectly normal. I certainly had all three emotions at times post-op.
  7. Navigating the Wilderness


    Here is a wish that you get better much quicker than you anticipate! To answer your question about cancellation, it would most likely be determined during your pre-op hospital visit. They will run a bunch of tests to determine if it is safe for surgery.
  8. Navigating the Wilderness

    How has your life changed for the better?

    The previous posters have it pretty much covered for me, but I will add one more: Finding Bariatric Pal and connecting with awesome people who have gone through the same thing I have!
  9. Navigating the Wilderness

    Not losing consistently

    Yessssss. I really wish more surgeons would get this point across to their patients. This goes for my surgeon too. They tell you that you will lose x amount of weight, but rarely say it is at varying speeds!
  10. Navigating the Wilderness

    Protein Problems

    Unjury has just come out with a planted line which is vegan and does not use whey. You may want to give that a try: https://www.unjury.com/products/planted-protein.html
  11. Navigating the Wilderness

    I joined a gang...

  12. Navigating the Wilderness


    No necessarily just adrenal glands as the culprit. My wife had a tumor on her pituitary gland which was causing Cushing's disease-like symptoms. Removal of the tumor cured the issue and she lost over 50 pounds in 2 months. I only point this out because it took over 2 years to diagnose this issue.
  13. Navigating the Wilderness


    My opinion is there are 2 types of shakes commonly used. Unjury which is the better for you calorie and sugar-wise and Premier protein which tastes better, but is higher in calories and sugar. If it were me I would choose the Unjury Chocolate splendor or Chicken broth. Also, Unjury now seems to have a 'Planted' version for vegans. I must admit though, that the Premier protein caramel is one of the best tasting shakes out there.
  14. Navigating the Wilderness

    4/16/16 Sleeved in Mexico

    Well done!
  15. Navigating the Wilderness

    2 months and 38 pounds

    Agreed 100% with @Introversion. I weighed quite a bit more than you when I had surgery and I lost 45 lbs in 2 months, so I think you are doing fantastic.
  16. Hoooorayyyy! Go kick ass!!!!
  17. Navigating the Wilderness

    Newbie! Going from band to sleeve UK

    Best of luck! I converted from band to sleeve in February. My only regret is that I wasted time with a band to begin with.
  18. Navigating the Wilderness


    What worries you about eating?
  19. Navigating the Wilderness

    Pre op diets

    Yes, I do believe it is very common. Some people look at it like a BS hurdle to overcome (AKA me), some people look at it like an opportunity to lose weight in advance of surgery, see @blizair09. Now, I don't regret not using that time to actually, ya know, lose weight, but I would highly recommend using that time to get off as much weight as you can BEFORE surgery. If I could go back in time I would probably kick myself in the ballz for not doing that. Best of luck!!
  20. Navigating the Wilderness

    Revision APPROVED!

    Excellent news! I went from band to sleeve and have had fantastic results. Band to DS should yield even greater results. Best of luck on your journey to being the you that you deserve!!
  21. Navigating the Wilderness

    diabetes meds after surgery?

    My A1C was 7.6 right before surgery, and a 5.1 three months later. Wishing you the same type of results!!
  22. Awesome news! You are getting closer to your goal, keep kicking ass!!
  23. Navigating the Wilderness

    No Longer "Obese"

    Congrats on leaving the obese ranks! I feel that I look the same as well, but I can definitely tell when I need to fit into certain areas, like a small chair, that I have drastically changed. Keep up the good work!!
  24. Navigating the Wilderness

    Did anyone HATE water post op?

    I hated water post-op, it made me feel sick. It took about six weeks of pushing through to get to the point where it did not bother me anymore and has been fine since.
  25. Navigating the Wilderness

    Diabetes and liquid diet

    I think this is a very valid question to ask your surgeon. My guess is every surgeon has a different plan for their patients.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
