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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Bea1128

  1. Hey y'all! I'm in Fort Worth. I'm on "old" bandster. I was banded in April 2008. I've done extremely well until about 6 months ago. I started a new job, stopped running and have managed to gain 20 pounds. Basically I got compliant and fell off the wagon. So I've come back to this site to remember what it is I'm supposed to be doing and get back on track. Congrats to all of you newly banded. I still consider the band the best thing I've ever done for myself and would do it again in a heartbeat!!

  2. Wow! I haven't been on here in quite a while, so imagine my surprise to check in and see so many old friends posting again! Way to go guys! This site has always been such a great source of motivation and support. I know you will all get back on track and do great! Look forward to hearing about your successes! Keep up the great work!

  3. Hey all! I hope you don't mind me posting a comment here as I'm not newly banded, but I just wanted to wish you all the best of luck. I remember very well those first few months. I was banded April 2008 and I have done very well. It's not always easy, but I have never once regretted my decision. It was the best decision and the best gift I have ever given myself.

    I know this site is a great source of support. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them. If I can figure out how to do it. :0) This site has changed dramatically since I was a regular here.

    Anyway, congrats and good luck! You can all do it!

  4. Hello all! It's been a while since I've been on this site and even longer since I've posted pics. So, I thought I'd check in and post a new pic. I had my surgery in April 2008 and the "before" pic was the day I started the pre-op diet. The new pic was two days ago. I've lost about 100 pounds. I really want to lose about 12 more pounds, but they are extremely stubborn. :) I'm a little below the weight my doc thought I'd be able to reach so I'm a happy girl. I love my life. I'm 4 weeks from graduating nursing school, I run at least 25 miles/week, and can shop anywhere I want. It doesn't get any better than this! Good luck to all who are just starting their journey, it's all worth it! And I hope all my bandster friends are doing well! Have a blessed day!



  5. In my opinion and experience, being super restrictive with my diet (and by diet I mean food intake) causes binging. Everyone is different and everyone has to figure out how to have a treat without overdoing. I pretty much eat what I want, but all in moderation. I don't necessarily do it everyday, but if I want it I have it. I'm two years out so I know what I can have and how it will affect me. I'm comfortable with it; however, there are some things I stay away from no matter what because they are trigger foods for me and I know I can't stop. That doesn't seem to bother me because when I don't eat them, I don't want them. I can't eat anything bready because it starts the binging. It is a physiological reaction akin to a drug for me. I start and I go absolutely crazy and eat everything in site. So I don't do that at all. I do allow myself chocolate or other dessert items in moderation. I consider this a lifestyle change and I don't "diet", but that works for me. I have to have treats or it drives me crazy. Besides life is just no fun without treats from time to time. :thumbup: Good luck!

  6. I'm glad I found this thread because I've been thinking about this a lot myself. I'm down to my last 20 pounds and I'm stuck. I run 20-25 miles/week. I started running again in Jan/Febish outside and slowly built up to where I am now. In the beginning, I didn't have an issue. I felt good during my runs and seemed to have plenty of energy. I lost the weight I had put back on during the holidays fairly quickly to get back down to where I am now. I can not break past 155 and it's driving me crazy. I'm toning and am looking good in my clothes which is great, but I want to break this plateau. Now I've noticed that I'm having a really hard time getting thru my runs and that I'm exhausted. I try hard to drink enough Water, so I don't think that is the issue. I don't know if I should up my caloric intake or try to get more Protein in. There is only so much I can eat in a day. Not sure what to do either. I'm going to try this week to eat a little more and see how that works for me. If you try something different, let us know. Good luck!

  7. I weigh every few weeks simply because there is such little change in my weight from day to day at this point. I'm very close to goal and am struggling to get the last few off. I run 4-5 miles a day so gaining isn't really a concern for me. I'm gaining muscle and losing inches, not necessarily pounds at this point. Besides, I don't really care about what I weigh as much as how I look and what size I can wear.

  8. I thought I would post some new pics since I'm coming up on two years. Two pics are from today and the others were taken 2 years ago almost to the day, 2 weeks before surgery.

    I'm a bonafide slow loser and I still have another 15-20 lbs to go, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm almost there and have recently increased my workouts to running 4 miles 5 days/week. It's helping and I hope to be at goal very soon. I've gone from a 24/26 to a 10. I love my band and the new life it has allowed me to lead.

    And I hope all my April Avengers are out there somewhere loving life and doing well 2 years post-op!!





  9. I'm really glad to come across this thread as I'm struggling at the moment too. Like posters before me, I too have had some issues with people commenting that I've taken the "easy way out". Emotionally speaking it's difficult for me when some of my "old" friends constantly talk about my weight loss. At some point I just want to be me not the girl who has lost a lot of weight. It gets embarrassing sometimes. And like some of you, food was my best buddy, and for a while I felt really lost. I had to find other things to fill my time. Over time it has gotten easier to do that, but it's still a day to day process for me.

    It's not easy. I'm almost 2 years out and still not at my goal. I get within 10-12 pounds and can't quite get there. It's frustrating. The last 6 weeks have been the worst as life has happened in a big way. For the first time in a long while I turned to emotional eating. I went to slider foods, plain and simple. I've gained about 10 pounds. While it's a lot less than I would have gained pre-band, it's still upsets me that I let that happen. The good news is that I want to put a stop to it right now, immediately, and am taking actions to do that. I have a foot injury that is healing so I'm not able to exercise like I once did, but there is a lot I can do with my diet to lose the pounds. I've lost my motivation, but hope to find it again.

    I try to keep reminding myself than everyone is different and that I am so much better off now that pre-band. I'm healthier and happier than before, I just need to get back on the "wagon" so to speak. I'm going back to the beginning as far as "bandster rules" are concerned. It's a life long journey and there will be bumps in the road.

    And Bandpal, you crack me up. Thanks for the chuckle!

  10. Jenn - so sorry to hear of your slippage. I know that must be so frustrating and heartbreaking. Hopefully it will reverse itself and you'll back on your way again. Good luck.

    I checked my BMI today and found that I'm just one point away from normal. Wow. I don't even remember the last time I was at this weight. I have 11 more stubborn pounds for my goal. At that point my BMI will be in the normal range. I'm frustrated a little tho because it's taking me so long to get these last 20 off. I look okay and feel great so I guess I shouldn't complain. Just want to finally get there and say "yep I'm at goal". Actually I'm below the goal my doc set for me. He didn't think I'd be able to lose this much so I guess that's saying something.

    Hope everyone is having a fabulous week. Can you believe it's almost been 2 years for some of us? I can't. Time flies when you are having fun! :mad:

  11. I was bad too, but am now back on the wagon so to speak. ;) I'll still have a few pounds to re-lose after the new year, but it was worth it. Had a great holiday and I know I'll it'll come off again. Even though I was "bad" it was not even close to the old me and what I would have gained pre-band. Happy New Year everyone!!!

  12. I have to say I disagree with you being too tight. Although that might be the problem, but I have mucus issues too and it has nothing to do with how tight I am. I've been at a perfect restriction for about a year and I periodically have problems with mucus clogging up my band. For me it has to do with the weather or what kinds of foods I eat. Seasonal allergies affect me too. There are some days when I can't get anything down but warm liquids. liquid Mucinex helps during these times for me. Staying hydrated will help thin the mucus. On those days just try to eat Soup and liquids. Of course if it persists for longer than a couple of days, you might want to see your doc. Good luck.

  13. I haven't posted pics in a long time. I'm just shy of 90 pounds gone. My life is amazing and getting the band was the best thing I've ever done. I wear a size 10 now, before surgery I was a size 22/24. I would like to get off 15 more pounds. It's just coming off very slowly now. My before pic was right before surgery in March 2008. The others are from last week. Oh and I like to feel my bones too. It's the best thing ever!! LOL. :smile2:




  14. I know it's hard in the beginning. I just went cold turkey. I haven't had a soda since March 2008 and it does get easier with time. I don't miss them at all. The hardest thing for me is explaining to others that, no I don't drink soda at all, period. They are perplexed. :thumbup: Just do it. You'll be glad you did in the long run. Good luck!

  15. I live in the DFW area and the weather does affect me. More so my allergies than the actual weather probably. There are times when I have to go on liquids and liquid mucinex and/or liquid allergy meds to help with the phlem. I haven't had the extremes you have (I still have my original band), but when my allergies act up I too have night coughing etc. I am at the perfect restriction at the moment (thanks to another fill in Aug), but if the weather or my allergies get out of control, I get too tight. I try to deal with it at home, but won't hesitate to go in if I feel like it's gotten out of control. TOM also plays a big part. there are several days/month that I have to go on liquids for that reason no matter what the weather is doing. If that goes on too long you will also get inflammed which then in turn causes more swelling, etc. It can really be a viscious cycle. I keep children's Ibuprofen on hand for those times too. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I can relate and that yes the weather sucks. :tongue2: Good luck!

  16. Sorry to hear you are so frustrated. There were several good responses about this, so I won't go there. But you asked the question and my answer is no, absolutely not. Not even on my worst day have I ever wished I'd had RNY instead of the band. I know it doesn't work for everyone so there is no judgement in that comment. For me personally, when the band "stops working for me", turns out I've stopped working the band. Good luck.

  17. I too am a slow loser. I marvel at the women who have lost all of their weight, sometimes 100 lbs or more, in less than a year. But I really am happy with the journey and I try really hard not to compare myself with anyone else. My life is so much better than it was and I am doing what I want. There are times when I get frustrated because I just want to get the weight off and say "I am at goal", but I'm doing what I want. I eat whatever I want, if I can, but in moderation. I eat healthy most of the time so I can be bad some of the time. If my kids want to go for an ice cream cone, we do that. I'm not going to extremes either way. I'll get there eventually I suppose. I love my new life. We just went to a Water park this past week. There is no way I would have done that before the band. I felt comfortable in my swimsuit and I wasn't afraid I would be too big. We had a blast with our kids and it doesn't get any better than that.

  18. Hope you guys don't mind me posting, your thread caught my eye. My port isn't visible, but I can feel it very easily and I keep bumping it. I'm always bumping into the counters or whatever, but now that I've lost enough weight for my port to be palpable it really hurts when I hit it. I have several superficial veins right over my port and I hit it hard enough the other day to really bruise myself. It's sore today. I picked up my daughter and had to switch sides. It's annoying, but not enough for me to be sorry I've had it done. :-) Guess I'll just have to work on being less of a clutz!

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