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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by LondonGal12

  1. Hello! The questions I have...
    1. At a year out, what does your diet look like?
      1. Do you find your diet is still restricted as to certain foods? Do you still drink Protein Shakes?
    2. What about your exercise routine?
    3. Did you do anything special to minimize the possibility of excess skin?
    4. How do you feel?
    Congrats on the amazing weight loss, it's truly inspirational! I hope you are living the life you wanted and DESERVE [emoji4]

    Hi [emoji5]

    Diet: I'm vegetarian (been like this for 14 years) so tend to get most of my Protein from cheese yoghurt and Beans. I rememeber at 2 weeks out I created a spreadsheet and I had the most detailed plans of how many grams of protein, carbs and fat I would eat each day. Then I went back to real life and realised how unrealistic that really is. Well, it is in my life and will be for anybody else whose life is hectic. The truth is that the best diet is the one that uses instinct. I damn well know if I have eaten too many carbs and not enough protein during a day without needing to check a spreadsheet. It's just about using common sense to eat in a healthy and balanced manner but don't spend a week beating yourself up if there's a not so balanced day in there - everyday is a chance for a fresh start.

    Food restrictions: For some reason to this day I cannot eat Pasta or potato (unless it's in the form of chips/crisps) without throwing up an hour later so I just stay away from them as if I'm allergic now. But I think that this is specific to me as others I speak to have been eating these since 2 weeks post op. Rice tends to not cause any issues. Have recently reintroduced bread, but like 2 slices a week. My sleeve definitely still works, I very rarely even eat meals as I do not like the bloated feeling after 2 bites. Small snack size foods throughout the day has become my thing with no meals

    Shakes: Eurgh shakes! Where do I start. In the UK I have yet to find a single Protein Shake that tastes good. I literally wasted well over £100 trying out different shakes in the first 3 months post op. I even tried protein Water (Brand: Decibel if you wanna try)! THAT SUCKS AS WELL GUYS. I stick to protein from normal food now and I'm much happier for it

    Exercise: I like to use cardio so running, cycling and rowing machines are my thing as they are good for burning fat. Start off 2 days a week and build up from there, the more weight we lose the easier working out becomes. So dont try to jump into intense workouts that would suit you best say 8 months down the line instead. In terms of exercise I would say to trust the process, the time flies by!

    Loose skin: Weights will be good to prevent loose skin, I've been lucky and dont really have too much loose skin but I know that I want plastics in the future (saggy boobs lol) anyway so will find a way to get rid of it if there is any.

    Feelings: Honestly I feel great. I cannot believe that a whole year has zoomed by. It's the little things like walking to the train station, I'm no longer sweating or out of breath, my clothes fit better (until they get too loose, try to buy a couple pieces you can wear for the year btw as you lose, don't get a new wardrobe till you stop losing no matter how tempting it's a waste of money) and I generally have more confidence. I think we don't even realise how much our weight dictates all of the tiny choices that we make for things throughout the day until it is gone.

    One thing I can't stress enough is that we will all have our own journey through this thing, our bodies are unique and will react to the surgery in such a manner.

    Thankfully forums like these allow us to share our experiences and provide info/support to one another but remember to never let anybody judge you or the choices you make as you go through this (this is much more a mental journey than physical) or feel that your journey/process through this experience is inferior to somebody else's because you have different methods to them or you lose weight at a different speed/pattern.

    All in all I would do this entire year again in a heartbeat if I had to choose this surgery

  2. Yeah considering that we can't really eat that much (nor have the desire to, don't get hungry anymore) it's near impossible to get the right amount of Protein in so you have to resort to protein powder/ shakes. I hate the taste of these so eventually I found something called protein Water by a firm called decibel. 1 scoop of that has 30g protein and I'm aiming for 100g a day, mix it with a lil water and drink it quickly (Cos it tastes like cough Syrup, but more bearable than the heavy and gone off taste of other protein products). Eating is like a job now, it's something i have to set alarms for and remind myself to do, then a couple bites and you're full again so small meals like dinner are eaten over the space of a couple hours (lots of reheating). Can honesty say I've never wasted this much food before in my life - almost feel guilty about throwing it all away each day

    Sent from my SM-G935F using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. 35 minutes ago, kasemcd said:

    Hi, I'm getting the sleeve procedure done in 2 weeks (June 27th). Has anyone here under 21 gotten this done? How did it affect your drinking and going out with friends? I'm not worried about any of it, just curious for tips and such. Also looking for some support buddies as this pre-op liquid diet of Optifast is awful but I'm trying to stay positive.

    Hey kasemcd 😊

    I'm 25, I had my gastric sleeve on 6th April 2017 so about 10 weeks post op.

    Stomach restriction definitely working in full gear but as for liquids they go down pretty easy.

    I have tickets to a bunch of festivals over this summer so I'm sure I'll be drinking alcohol, shpuld be fine - I did hear from others that apparently you get drunker on less alcohol. Something to do with our bodies absorbing the alcohol into the bloodstream quicker than normal folk.

    As for liquid diet it'll get quite easy after the first couple days. I only cracked twice when visiting my mum on Sundays and ate pasta/rice. Still managed to lose 16lbs during that 2 week period amd it didn't cause any issues with the op. If you do fall off the liquid diet wagon just make sure that its further away from your op date than closer to it.

    Anyways, hope that somewhat answered your question - wishing you the best of luck with your op 🤗

  4. 23 hours ago, Welshcakes said:

    Thanks Lg.

    I've opted for the liquid diet too. Seems easier to manage. food just makes me hungry. 😀

    Yes, plus it's better prep for post-surgery when you'll be on liquids for a few weeks after the op - easy to adjust to if you're already on liquids lol

    A good time to have your 'goodbye old me' meal is 2 weeks before your op, just before you start your liquid diet

  5. Hello Londongal
    Thanks for the comforting words. :-)
    Your experience sounds great, with a bit of luck, mine will be the same.
    Can I ask what sort of pre op diet did you follow?
    Gill x

    Hi Gill

    No problem, I'm sure your experience will go just as well

    My pre op diet were a variety of shakes and Soups - I did cheat 2 days out of the 2 weeks I ate Pasta and rice on those days [emoji5] but it all went ok after. I also had the option to eat meat and veg as the pre op diet instead but I chose the liquids as I though they'd be easier to make during busy days.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask, I'd be mire than happy to answer

  6. I am 9 days away from surgery and terrified/excited. I am currently doing the 2 week liquid diet. I am on day 6 I cheated last night and had a slice of pizza cause I had been awake for 48 hours and only having Protein Shakes and Water and could barely stand or talk. I'm really worried maybe I screwed everything up. Other then last night I've been very good about my diet. I was told my doc is strict about the 14 days. But I can't afford to reschedule surgery since I already have someone flying in to take care of my kids while I recover.
    Did i totally screw everything up?

    No you didnt, I had 2 cheat days during the liquid diet where I ate rice and Pasta [emoji43] ..still managed to drop 16lbs and my surgeon had no issues. You'll be fine

    Sent from my SM-G935F using BariatricPal mobile app

  7. Hi Welshcakes

    Honestly there's nothing to be afraid of 😊

    I had my surgery at Spire Bushey in Watford on 6th April 2017 so far I've lost 35lbs since surgery and 52lbs since the start of my 2 week pre op diet

    Couldn't be happier - I'm already feeling the benefits of weightloss. For instance when walking to the tube station I'm less out of breath than before, I fit into public chairs better, I've gone down 2 dress sizes (refuse to buy new clothes for now though lol) and am feeling great.

    I was in hospital for 2 nights for my op, all of the staff and the surgeon were lovely. Anaesthetic was fine, one minute I was chuckling at the anestetists joke the next minute I was waking up and my surgeon told me it all went well, I even had a hernia that he fixed, didn't even know that was there.

    It'll be difficult tp drink much for the first few days but after that you get accustomed to not being able to gulp Water anymore (small sips all the way) - pain from incisions was barely noticable I felt more pain from gas that was stuck in my shoulder joints but even that went away after a week

    This will be something you won't regret trust me!

  8. I'm based in Reading and sleeve is on the 4th April 2017!! Omg we are so close with our surgery dates!

    Please tell me you are obsessed as I am with researching etc!


    Jadey UK

    Planned sleeve date 04/04/2017 [emoji173]

    Hey Jadey

    Yes I am! And yeah it is crazy how close the surgery dates are so close. Who are you doing it with? I chose Healthierweight at spire bushey hospital.

    Just when I think I know everything there's more I want to know feel the research never stops lol

  9. 13 hours ago, missjrluk said:

    Nyletak and evie82 would anyone be interested in starting a fb group or a WhatsApp group for us all to chat in?


    Jadey UK

    Planned sleeve date 04/04/2017 emoji173.png

    Hey missjrluk, I don't have Facebook but would definitely join a what's app group if you guys are setting one up - so nice to hear about everybody's experiences with this

    Btw great question about the nail polish, I was hoping they'd let me keep it on :(

  10. 3 hours ago, Nyletak121 said:

    I am feeling wonderful! My Dr says that I am doing great! I was off my pain meds almost completely before coming home and have not had any for since day 6. Are you getting excited for your sleeve? That surgery date will be here before you know it.

    That's really good, how long did you wait before you went back to work?

    Yes, it feels so close the days are just flying by, it'll be surgery day before I know it, definitely getting excited! More for the rest of the year post-surgery tbh, I just feel so ready to get started on my weightloss journey

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