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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mnn2501

  1. Do I have a right to be annoyed by this?

    Yes!, thats why DW and I got banded within 2 weeks of each other, so we'd both be in the same boat. Have a talk with him and let him know this is just a tool and you need some help on this. Perhaps he could have his big meal of the day when he is at work and something smaller when he is home. Keep in mind, you shouldn't deprive him either - but for this to work you will need some consideration on his part too.

  2. Just thought I would let people know, I did have1 beer last night, sipped on it slowly over the coarse of 3 bowling games (about2 hours) went fine, I just sipped slowly and poured into a cup to cut back a little carbination, I did not have any side effects. Hope I did not hurt anything.

    I think the bowling would do more harm than the drink myself.

  3. Before surgery, this idea of a liquid diet is to shrink your liver so that the surgeon can see and work with your stomach - this is very important.

    After surgery, the liquid diet is for healing, your stomach has to churn basically to digest food, liquifying your food decreases this chruning and thus promotes healing - yes its hard but don't push it too far

  4. Hi,

    I thought the band was around your stomach, creating a smaller pouch NOT around your esophagus. Am I missing something? Mary

    Its on your upper stomach, not your esophagus, not sure why someone would post that unless they are very confused.

    I had my first fill yesterday and even though my port had flipped and they had to flip it back, there was very little pain. They numbed it first and the worst part was the numbing 'shot' after that it was a bit uncomfortable when they were flipping the port back (scale of 1 - 10 it was about a 2) the actual fill I didn't really even feel. Was a bit tender the rest of the night but I think that was the port issue rather than the fill.

  5. I was just wondering how many people had to have lovenox shots after their surgery and how long you had to take them. Thanks!


    I had them -- supposed to be for 10 days, was so black and blue and sore I gave up after 5 days. I still am black and blue (well actuall purple now) from the shots after a month. I think my body reacts poorly to it.

  6. Is there anyone out there who drinks a little Water with their meals? I'm not banded yet, but the thought of no Water with my meals just kills me.

    I try not to, but I just have to have small sips (very small) no problems with it yet. I used to down a 16 oz glass of milk or 20+ oz of soda with each meal, so my 2 or 3 very small sips of water is a big improvment and has caused no problems yet.

  7. I 'experimented' last night and am also paying the price today. My weapon was scrambled eggs which I normally despise. I was soooooo hungry I scrambled 5 eggs & added a little grated cheese. It went down really good, but when I stood up it felt like someone punched me in the gut. Still hurts today. Just really wanted to find out where the limit was - how much can you eat before it triggers that full feeling. Not doing that again! Good luck!!!:smile:

    5 eggs!!! I am a month out and only eat 1 scrambled egg at a time -- I'm suprised you didn't loose it all.

    I am eating anything I want(chicken, steak, bread, pasta), just much much much smaller portions and chew, chew, chew!

    I was told my pouch (portion of stomach above the band)was about the size of an egg - so thats about how much I try to eat at a time.

  8. After 1 week out (and going agaist doctors orders) I started adding scrambled eggs with cheese and sauted sausage, mashed potatoes with gravy and very small roast beef chunks, unblended Soups I started eating raisen bran for Breakfast about 2 weeks ago. I am now 32 days after banding, just got my first fill this afternoon, have lost 36 lbs and the doctor says I'm doing super. I've been doing real food (steak, corn, hamburger), etc for about a week, much smaller portions, chewed very well and eaten slowly and even had a chicken soft taco for lunch today . Perhaps I didn't follow instructions, but I am losing weight and doing great and don't feel deprived at all. I feel full and satisfied with about 1/4 of the calories I ate pre-banding. I am not telling you to cheat, just telling you what I did.

  9. I had a small snow crab leg, a tablespoon of mash potatoes, about 3 tablespoons of ice cream, a 2 inch square of french bread with 1/2 inch of cheese.

    It was all like a dream. When I got home I sat there in total disbelief. I definately cant trust myself in those situations. I feel soooooo guilty.


    COmpare this amount to what you would have eaten in the past -- now do you really feel that guilty?

  10. Ok I am almost 3 weeks post op, I had the normal shoulder pain due to the gas the first couple days, then it went away and did not have any more issues with it. I am slowly adding some real food back in along with my mushies. I walk daily and am back at work (a desk job). Yesterday out of nowhere after lunch (mashed potatoes, gravy and small pieces of beef - chewed very well - about 4 oz total) I got the most severe pain in my left shoulder (scale of 1 to 10 it was an 8) that I had to leave work. I took pain medication at home and put a heating pad on it and stayed in my recliner and after a couple hours it died down to about a 2 on a 1 - 10 scale and finally went away last night.

    Anyone else have this issue? any ideas what caused it? :thumbup:

  11. Some doctors may turn you down but others would take you, being self pay you don't have to worry about insurance turning you down - which most probably would at first.

    No co-morbidities - thats great, I wish I was at that point (perhaps I will be when I loose weight - only on my 3rd week with the band)

  12. Suzle. For me Lapband or Gastric sleeve were my only 2 choices. I have seen a couple friends have nutrition problems with the 2 types of bypass operations (vitamin deficenies and hair falling out due to lack of protein). With the lap band you entire stomach is still there and getting all the food you eat passed through it, so everything is still doing its job and breaking down your food into what your body can use -- but thats just me (your mileage may vary). It is true that more people lose more with RNY but look at grace's results - shes below her goal with lapband. Remember this is just a tool, you still need to work at it, just not as hard as dieting and much easier to stick with.

    One very nice aspect of the lap band to me is that if for some reason you need extra nutrition (pregnancy, chemotherapy, etc) the band can be loosened so you can eat more - theres a history of cancer in my family so I am kind of thinking ahead.

    This matters to some people (like me) but not to others.

  13. Trust me you need General Anaesthia -- have you had problems with it in the past? if so let your doctor know. I had not had G.A. since I had my tonsils out at age 4 and didn't know if I would have any problems with it -- I didn't have any issues, but there is no way this can be done without it. The Anaesthiologist will keep constant watch on you and be able to head off any issues that come up, but if you've had issues in the past let them know.

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