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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by YoungExec

  1. Congratulations on the journey!!! It is totally your decision on whether or not to share.

    FYI... depending on how much weight, it may become very obvious to some. For example, every time I fly TSA asks me how much weight I have lost due to my skin density setting off the alarm.

    I have also been asked by people at the gym, who are trying to lose weight as well.

    I don’t walk around with my number on my forehead, but in seemingly meaningful conversations I share.

    Congratulations on the journey!!!

  2. Thank you

    I have followed my clinicals teams dietary plan very closely. Warning Very long reply....

    Avg day I do the following:

    Water 20-30oz pre workout

    12oz of Fairlife Fat Free Milk with 2 scoops of nectar whey isolate Protein Powder. This equals 3, 4oz servings to be consumed throughout the day. One during workout. This milk has less sugar and more Protein.< br>
    Water 20-30oz

    Then egg white scramble with spinach, onion, Pico de Gallo, get free cheese, and diced homemade turkey sausage. I make and eat 4oz.

    Water 20-30oz

    4 oz Protein shake

    Water 20-30oz

    Meal Protein first - typically 3 oz grilled chicken or turkey. 1 oz of cooked veggies or Water rinsed fruit cup.

    Water 20-30oz

    4oz Protein Shake

    Water 20-30oz

    Meal Protein first - 3oz grilled fish or chicken and 1oz of veggies (riced Cauliflower)

    Water 20-30oz

    All foods are made without oil or butter.. even when eating out.

    I wait 15min in between every 1 oz portion of food. I wait 30min after my last 1oz meal portion.

    Take my Vitamins and supplements daily as prescribed.

    I started out walking the mall, then elliptical, then I started the step climber, then I started walking in the treadmill with random hill inclines. Worked my way up with time and intensity every week.

    I have been doing 30min of cardio and 30min of full body strength training. Typically 3 days per week. The other 2 days I might row, walk, or swim. Running was an accident... Treadmill setting went to high so I decided to jog so I wouldn't lose my program. I jogged for about 85seconds, then everyday I increased my length of time on the treadmill jogging. Then up to 5 min intervals. I jogged a 5k and decided I was going to finish no matter what - walk, crawl, or jog.

    Over the last month, I started doing kickboxing classes 2 days per week.

    Secret has been moderation and grsdually adding new pieces every week.

    I use sugar free BBQ Sauce, spicy mustard, yellow mustard, reduced sodium soy sauce, sugar free ketchup.< br>
    I weigh myself daily. Most importantly I decided before surgery that I was going to do all the work to make the most out of this opportunity. I cook 98% of all my meals. I measure every meal at Home and at restaurants. I carry a digital food scale at all times.

    My treats are sugar free popsicles.

    I have started trying recipes to introduce variety to my daily meal routine. I've eaten shrimp, fish, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, tuna, eggs, egg whites. Ground turkey crust veggie pizza, ground turkey meat loaf, ground Sirloin meet loaf (I get the butcher to strip the fat out basically making 98% fat free ground beef). Prep and store food.

    Our minds are the only limitation... If you can imagine a food it most likely can be made in a healthy manner.

    Hope this helps!

  3. My fellow gastric bypass patients!!! The 18th of October was my Surgerversary!!!

    From 492lbs to 233lbs!!! Down 259lbs in 15months, yes I lost 30 lbs before surgery.

    I lost 83% of my excess body weight!!!

    From a size 72L suit coat to a 46L!!!

    On 10/18, I ran 6.5 miles because I can - yes so so just ran a 10k...:. Never thought I would run again...

    BP is 110/70 routinely

    A1C is 5.0

    Total Cholesterol from 185 down to 122....

    Triglycerides from 76 to 41....

    Thank you for all the support and to this working to find success keep the faith!!!

    You can accomplish your dreams as well.

  4. Number 1 question people ask - How do you feel? It's interesting because I think it has multiple meanings. Oh and no one asked how I felt 9 months ago.....

    I was asked yesterday and yesterday's meaning was linked to are you happy "do you regret your decision."

    Other meaning do you feel sickly or unhealthy?

    For me it's hard to distinguish those that have real heart felt concern.

    I work in healthcare and my nurses all ask "how do you feel," their view is somewhat biased because they see more complicated patients than positive patient outcomes. Probably honest worry from most.

    My mother asks "Do you feel okay?". Of course she is emotionally linked and worried and happy with my progress.

    All that said our feelings are important and being in touch with our new bodies on this journey is critical. I just wish I felt more support from those that ask how do you feel "almost like I shouldn't feel great or sound like I've made the best decision of my life."

    I'm 8.5 months out and have lost 217lbs. Beautiful experience!!! I climbed 120 "flights"of stairs in 30 min last week on a stair climber... Now that's not something I've ever done before in my life... Life changing!!!

    I feel fabulous!!!!

  5. What I have learned post op is to read labels and look at how you prepare foods. Take a look at the food labels on Pasta, potatoes, rice. Hello are you making it or buying pre-made. Compare the differences.

    Are you using oil to cook or are you using broth/water, baking vs frying.

    Are you using butter or are you using "I can't believe it's not butter."

  6. It could be weight related and it takes time. Trust the process!!!

    I was 5.8 forever prior to surgery even after weight loss. After surgery it started falling. Currently 4.8 low end of the scale.< br>
    The way my Fam Practice Doc explained it to me is that it could be weight relayed, so it could take 30lbs it could take 100lbs.

    It took almost 200lbs for my change start to current.

    Keep doing what your doing!!!

  7. These comments will not stop. I've heard I'm jealous, I need to have your diet, etc. The reality is your change will more than likely spur others to make necessary changes as well.

    Most of us can only respond with respect to how it impacts us.

    This is not a secret nor something to be ashamed. You can't hide 100lb or more weight loss. I've lost 200+ in 8 months and people struggle to recognize me. We have to take it all in stride and know that we are perfecting Gods Temple to do His Will.

    Reality is that you will change your life and because of the changes you make it will positively change many others. As a leader you will need to request special dietary needs, which will more than likely improve the nutrition of others.

    God is using you to move his people. Example my wife now orders food the same way as me. My team at work is more conscious of choices and as a mentor I give better advice about managing work life balance.

  8. Nhope,

    I am not clergy, however I am a spiritual believer. I am also a community leader that is almost 8 months post gastric bypass surgery. When I woke up in recovery, I knew then that God was not done with me.

    Prior to surgery, I had decided I was going to private and reserved about thisnjourney. However, something changed along the way. I decided to accept my journey. Own every ounce of this reality.

    As you decide to own your journey towards improved health, I believe that God will give you the words to speak to move others.

    Religious texts are wide reaching in the subject of life transformation. You will find your voice. Keep reflecting and praying. No man or woman is on an island all alone.

    This journey has impacted others around me in many ways.

  9. I agree with you 1000%. It has to be a personal commitment. We got ourselves where we're at. So it's up to ourselves to work hard and get where we want. I'm currently on a liquid diet and my husband wanted to go out to eat. I told him to not feel bad. I made this choice myself and I need to have to stay strong and not give in to temptations if I want to be successful. I sipped on broth as they ate food. I was ok. It did smell good though. lol but I was just fine. Good luck on your journey!

    It is a balanced approach. Earlier I took my family out to eat. I had my food scale on the table, broiled fish, broccoli, salad... To those at the beginning - you will eat out again, however it must be clean eating (no oil, no butter, etc). My family is ready to go way before me, but we are in this together. So the kids get to color and I get to finish my meal.

    The time will come for you to try new things. Stay strong as you are... [emoji122][emoji122][emoji122]

  10. Very true - this is a tool. You still have to learn what to eat, how to prepare it, when to eat it, the right combinations, etc.

    Anybody that says this is the easy way out is not connected. Anybody that says it's all about the surgery needs more education.

    My perspective do this for you and you alone. No kids, no spouse, no family or friends. Now if they all support you that is great but this has to be a personal commitment to change your life. "SAVE YOUR LIFE"

    Tell or don't tell - but get thick skin so the comments of others become irrelevant because you are changing your life!!! For the better!!

  11. Very true - this is a tool. You still have to learn what to eat, how to prepare it, when to eat it, the right combinations, etc.

    Anybody that says this is the easy way out is not connected. Anybody that says it's all about the surgery needs more education.

    My perspective do this for you and you alone. No kids, no spouse, no family or friends. Now if they all support you that is great but this has to be a personal commitment to change your life. "SAVE YOUR LIFE"

    Tell or don't tell - but get thick skin so the comments of others become irrelevant because you are changing your life!!! For the better!!

  12. I too was worried about what people would think as well, however I decided I was done hiding my feelings and my truth.

    I was blessed to tell a few people who had either had the surgery or knew someone that had the surgery. People will always judge, however no one is walking in my shoes, but me.

    It is so freeing to just speak my truth. That said, I tell people the truth 95% of time and most people are supportive. I also set ground rules with others, keep your opinion to yourself and I will as well - however if you don't, I won't.

    Going to support group has helped me tell my story. This is an amazing change that is life transforming. I'm not hiding this blessing...

    Oh by the way.... I've lost 135lbs in 5.5months. This is not a secret method of gall bladder surgery or carb limitations. Own your story.

    Then, be ready to help the next person. Your favorite store for clothes will notice you buying clothes, dropping sizes, etc....

    If you must keep the silence, at least create an environment somewhere that you can be free. How long have we all been hiding our pain ice cream, Cookies, big clothes, bad attitudes, tears, etc....

  13. No regrets!! I have awakened my true self. The person I was and the RNY was the tool that has changed my life.

    Things will change, but life is full of changes. Healthy change is a blessing.

    Just wait until you can do the intimidating machines in the gym. For me this is the step mill in the gym. If been using it for 1 Month and I now hate the elliptical.

    Review the accommodations you make in your life today. For me I always looked at the chairs, 2 airline seats, picky with car rentals, personal hygiene was more challenging. Seriously look at every aspect of your life.

  14. My suggestion is to stay focused on what brought you this far in the process. Have you looked at how you feel now? Have you looked at the accommodations that you make in life at your current weight? Are you happy now?

    I had the same feelings and they even surfaced the morning of surgery as well. While driving to the hospital I thought to myself, I can't believe I'm driving myself to this procedure. Reality is God has been with me every step of the way and it has been life changing.

    Keep the focus and remember we have to accept all the positives and all the potential negatices.

    Cheers to you!!

  15. Congratulations for taking on this journey!!!

    I'm 39, 6'2" highest was 492 lbs. I am down to 339lbs. My surgery was on Oct 18, 2016.

    Never been told I was losing too much too fast. Told I was right on track.

    No regrets. The weight loss is so inspiring and encouraging after years of limited weight loss.

    My biggest change has been my commitment to success and focus on me. I plan my meals, I've started cooking again and I'm learning on a regular basis.

    No personality changes. I am happier and people tell me I smile more often. I am more into my appearance and I am slower getting dressed. I enjoy wearing clothes again!!!

    Manhood is about the rest of you getting smaller, thus you appear larger. Bottom line is more enjoyment.

    Make sure that you are doing this for you and not for others.

    Stay focused on your goals and the rest will follow. Enjoy the process!! This is life changing and very much about the transformation that many people reference.

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