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Posts posted by fumplins

  1. Hello!!

    I don't want to give out a lot of personal information but i wanted to come on here in the buddies section to hopefully find some friends around my age that are going through the same thing as me. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually an 18 year old with the mind of a 70 year old cat lady. We can chat about progress, encourage each other in like, I dunno, a group chat! (because lord have mercy on my lazy soul I NEED encouragement) I don't mind friending older people, please dont think thats how im trying to come off. I figure a lot of older people wouldn't want to hear about my ridiculous youth antics haha! I'm also seeking people on the internet because my program everyone is 30+. I do believe i'm the only one in my group without my tubes tide.

    Ya know if not, it's fine,


  2. Hello!

    I feel as if my journey is FAR from normal. I don't really know who else really has a situation like mine.

    I've had a very bumpy start in my program and I thought I got cheating, and not doing well out of my system early on. But here I just find myself falling into bad habits. I'm not sure if its because I'm stressed, or because I have a lot going on in my personal life. Basically I had my dietitian appointment mid may. After that appointment I hurt my back, really bad, pulled muscle. I wasn't allowed to do any exercise due to where I had pulled my muscle, and the 'severity' of my weight.

    Not being able to work out bummed my mood SO SO much. I wasn't able to focus, I had NO routine, I wasn't doing well on my diet, and frankly I don't think I even cared. I got into this huge funk because all I could do was sit around all day... It got to the point that I was back at my start weight after having a big loss. I figured that out June 10th, before that I stayed away from my scale like it was the plague!

    So fast forward to today, I have a dietitian appointment in two days and I'm terrified. I'm so scared of disappointing anybody. What if they tell me I won't be able to get surgery because they don't think I'm trying hard enough, is that even possible??? I haven't even opened myfitnesspal since a week after my back injury, and I just started my work outs back up last week.

    I guess I wanted to know if I'm normal in this? Did any of you ever just fall into old, bad habits and have to confront your dietitian? Should I be scared about the meeting tomorrow?

    I feel like I'm too far into this journey to be having slip ups like this. My mother says to just ignore that, today is a new day. But I can't always go by that, and when I have my surgery I cant have slip ups. I also feel like I can go to her for anything, but she also isn't constantly being monitored by what she eats so she can't relate to anything?

    I don't know how to feel, any advice would be mucho appreciated!


  3. @@QueenOfTheTamazons - Hello, thank you for responding! :) The hospital, and insurance does offer my surgery at my age thankfully. I totally I get I'm super impatient, but it's worth the 6 month wait so I'll have to put on my big girl pants :D

    @@LipstickLady - Thank you so much!

    @@ocgirl15 - Thank you! That's actually really cool, I know some family friends that wished they knew about the surgery before and got it then instead of waiting for so long. :) Thank you for the support!

    @@heidikat72 - Thank you for your response! My mom actually also agreed to counseling throughout most of the journey also! You definitely have a lot of great points, thank you so much for respondong, very informal :)

  4. @@Bufflehead Thank you so much for responding! I already talked to my insurance, I am eligible thankfully! I recently signed up for a seminar where I can meet and schedule with a surgeon, so fingers crossed! :)

    @@Inner Surfer Girl - I am totally aware I'm impatient, I get this a lot. Thank you for your response :)

    @@KristenLe - Hello thank you! In my area, there's also a pediatric surgeon. They do bariatrics on teens and even recommend it sometimes so age isn't really a bother; its just personal preference. (along the lines of dieting pre-surgery) My hospital actually has you start monitoring diets with support groups etc ( I think that's why it takes so long) so I think it should be really helpful, again thank you for your response! :)

    @@nmf0318 Thank you so much! I think I'm just an antsy person so 6 months seems so gruelingly long! I'm totally fine waiting the 6 months, but if there was ever a way for it not to take so long I wanted to know if someone did, so your response is very insightful, again thank you :D

  5. Hello!

    ( I'm placing this in different forums because I'm so new and I have no idea where is a good place for my question, apologies!)

    I'm so incredibly new to this so hopefully I'm placing this in the correct area! Anyway, I am 17 and severely overweight. I recently decided I wanted to peruse surgery. My mother is supportive, my brother wants to do it with me, and my grandmother (whom opinion mattered the most) thought it was a great idea.

    I am a in the 400 (yikes) and feel like I genuinely have no future for myself if I don't lose the weight. I want to go off to college and I want to be someone and I feel as if this weight is holding me back.

    I recently called to attend a seminar and a meeting with my pcp on oct 24th.

    I'm worried; it takes 6 months plus a wholeee bunch of tests. I never really kept up with a pcp, I was a very introverted child and pushed doctors away because I didn't want to accept my weight. So I have absolutely NO history of tracked diets. (I did them but never kept up or have evidence of them).

    So I guess my questions are;

    Do you think it will actually take 6 months?

    Will I need to track my diets with a pcp?

    Having my age AND WEIGHT in consideration is this a good idea?

    (If i fail the diets can they not let me have surgery?)

    Can they decide surgery isn't for me after 6 months?

    Sleeve or bypass

    I really want the surgery so I'm at a loss

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. Hello!

    I'm so incredibly new to this so hopefully I'm placing this in the correct area! Anyway, I am 17 and severely overweight. I recently decided I wanted to peruse surgery. My mother is supportive, my brother wants to do it with me, and my grandmother (whom opinion mattered the most) thought it was a great idea.

    I am in the 400 (yikes) and feel like I genuinely have no future for myself if I don't lose the weight. I want to go off to college and I want to be someone and I feel as if this weight is holding me back.

    I recently called to attend a seminar and a meeting with my pcp on oct 24th.

    I'm worried; it takes 6 months plus a wholeee bunch of tests. I never really kept up with a pcp, I was a very introverted child and pushed doctors away because I didn't want to accept my weight. So I have absolutely NO history of tracked diets. (I did them but never kept up or have evidence of them).

    Do you think it will actually take 6 months?

    Will I need to track my diets with a pcp? ((What if I fail them?? Can I not get my surgery then?)

    Having my age AND WEIGHT in consideration is this a good idea?

    Can they decide surgery isn't for me after 6 months?

    Sleeve or bypass?

    I really want the surgery so I'm at a loss

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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