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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LittleLizzieLilliput

  1. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Body changes

    I plan on mortgaging my life out to my 90's in order to get the surgeries. lol! I want a full body lift. That's legs, butt, tummy, breast, arms and maybe neck. I was over 350 at my highest and I'm only 5"1'. I have a lot of saggy skin. A. Lot.
  2. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Not coping

    are you still in the hospital or home? Please know these are the worst days. Sip your water and hobble/walk. Do a lap or two around your house/room and then rest. The gas that was blown into your abdomen during the surgery is still there, your stomach is recovering from it's trauma. Are you alone or do you have someone with you? Did you go through any pre-op sessions that discuss your condition post surgery?
  3. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Drinking with meals

    I know it seems impossible but it is something you become accustomed to. It was the one aspect I didn't think I'd be able to adhere to, but I can no problem. You just have to be willing to commit to it, then it becomes quite easy. But if you aren't willing it won't work.
  4. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Someone help me.

    Each surgeon has a different protocol but, IMO, I'd stick with liquid till 2 weeks out, then mushy for 2 weeks, then soft 2 weeks, then solids. I'm stunned they have you eating solids of any kind, even mushy.
  5. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Dumb move.

    First months are difficult. We learn these hard lessons and they are scary at times. Good luck, you will be OK!
  6. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Got sleeved today....need reassurance!

    I'm not gonna lie, the first 6 weeks were a b***h, but each day was better than the next EXCEPT for allowing myself to get constipated. Then I injured myself taking care of that. So, heads up, take your miralax. lol!! I'm 8 months out and happier than I've ever been. But it takes a while to get there. This isn't an easy road. Good luck, so much love and hope I'm sending your way. You will do great. This is a momentary blip.
  7. LittleLizzieLilliput

    How much can you eat?

    I am 8 months out, I can eat about 4oz and that's it. Some days I am really really hungry and I get 6 ozs down. I always eat mainly protein. Chicken dishes.
  8. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Post Op Hell

    You said " I have the feeling they'll want me to go back in though & I can't face hospital again." well, let me ask you this, how do you feel about going to the hospital in an ambulance? lol! Here's the thing. Avoiding going to the doctors because you are afraid of going into the hospital is backwards thinking. Avoiding going to the doctors is exactly what PUTS you in the hospital. If something is wrong with your sleeve or you need medical assistance in order to improve your sleeve or health, just do it. Put on the big girl or boy undies and just do it. I know it sucks but being even more sick or dying sucks WAY worse. I say this as the person who ended up in ICU because they didn't want to go to the doctors. Well, I didn't have to go to the doctors, I went the to hospital in an ambulance.
  9. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Alcohol consumption

    I had my first drink at 7 months post op. Went fine. Didn't take much and I was nervous the whole time. Haven't had any since cause it just wasn't worth it.
  10. LittleLizzieLilliput

    If anything please WALK

    I'm seven months out and all I do is walk and then swim and then I do some arm exercises for my arms and sit ups for my tummy. But walk walk walk. That's what I do and my body is getting into shape. One of my doctors said the only difference between walking and running is the stress on your joints. You have to walk more if you walk rather than run but they're essentially equally good for your body.
  11. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Still Losing

  12. LittleLizzieLilliput

    1st bathing suit I didn't hate

    From the album: Still Losing

  13. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Do you HAVE to follow a low carb diet?

    I stay away from carbs due to diabetes. But here's a funny story. I was at my first follow-up visit with my surgeon. All was well and as I was leaving he calls out to me. I look back, he's standing up at his desk, leaning over it, yelling out his office door "And stay away from carbs!!! They'll ruin everything!". Words I live by mostly, unless I decided I want something decadent. But on MOST days I live by my Doc's final caution as I left is his office. It's STILL echoing inside my head...
  14. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Success stories, please.

    I had my surgery on 10/10/16. I am currently about to move into a size 12 pair of jeans. I fit into my junior high field hockey pullover. I haven't been this thin since I was 14. I am beginning to date again, I am running, I am walking, I am laughing, I am in the sun, I go swimming and jump and play! I DANCE!! Omg I dance so much. I'm so happy. The bottom line is that I'm so, so happy. My weight? It's slow going but I focus on my cloths size more than my weight. I stayed 188 lbs and went from a size 16 to a size 12 and THEN dropped 4 lbs over night. lol! The scale doesn't mean as much as my actual measurements and my mobility.
  15. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Has anyone NOT lost their hair?

    Me, I didn't lose hair. I'm at 7 almost 8 months now. But I was fanatical about getting in my protein, water and vitamins. But I feel like it's kind of a case by case basis. Lots of people here did the same thing I did and kept protein and everything else a priority and still lost their hair.
  16. LittleLizzieLilliput

    How do you deal with hormonal imbalance?

    I walk. Walk walk walk. I put on bouncy music and walk. The endorphins really counteract the hormonal ups and downs for me. However, I'd say I probably have a very minor case of hormone overload. The issue for me is that it's sparked probably the biggest crush of my life and at 42 I'm like a teenager. Good news is I think he reciprocates but it's been a nightmare of feelings. I sometimes just want to slap myself and tell myself to get ahold of my hormones. Doesn't work. Good luck, I've realized I have gotten out of this really lucky with my hormone issues.
  17. LittleLizzieLilliput

    13 Hours After Surgery

    Yay! That's wonderful!
  18. You could be right! lol! I'm no doctor and all of this is just what I tried to gleen while very sick. I think that there are two types of Gallstones. Cholesterol and bilirubin. I believed the cholesterol, or fat, was filtered through the gallbladder but who knows. lol! I just know that everything I ate anything remotely fatty I was getting violently ill. The exact mechanism of that process was less of a priority. lol
  19. LittleLizzieLilliput

    1 Year Post-op Slow andSteady

    I don't lose weight rapidly but my body keeps getting slimmer. I'm in a size 12 now and haven't lost a single lb yet I was a size 14 2 weeks ago. lol! Mine is slow and steady but my body is changing more rapidly.
  20. Good question. I'm not a doctor but my understanding is this: The gallbladder works like soap making it easier for your body to move and digest fats. The more fat you eat the more cholesterol and liver bile goes through the gallbladder which can collect and form gallstones. But gallstones are only a symptom of a diseased gallbladder that is overworked. When we lose weight rapidly it functions the same as a high fat diet because now all the fat your are losing is entering the bloodstream, being directed through the gallbladder thus putting MORE strain on an already possibly poorly functioning organ. Remember, a high fat diet will put major strain on the gallbladder, so most obese people have a diseased or partially diseased gallbladder already before going through rapid weight loss.
  21. LittleLizzieLilliput


    Nope, I just started with low dosage low-sugar options. I like this sugar free tea I get from my dispensary. I'll try to remember the name. I found no issues with getting high post recovery. But it's important to be aware of munchies and prep yourself. I always eat before I smoke a doob or take an edible. I also constantly drink water so I don't feel hungry. I think your tolerance and years of use matter as well. If you didn't use it much before hand, go even lighter now. If you were a heavy user before you will probably have no issues getting back into the game. Just go for the strains that are geared to happiness/anti-depression. Cause, you know, it's just more fun. hahaha
  22. My gallbladder tried to kill me for about a year. I had it taken out with the VGS. Also had a very large hiatal hernia repaired. Good luck! I'm glad you didn't get sick for long. My gallbladder threw a stone, caused pancreatitis, I'm now diabetic, my liver and kidneys were affected and I was in ICU for 7 days at one point and a separate 7 day hospital stay. All because they couldn't figure out what was making me so sick and they had to deal with the primary side effects of my pancreas, kidneys and liver. The sooner you have this done the better. And be careful with your diet till the surgery to avoid another attack. I was vomiting at least 3 times a day and was dying till I had it taken out.
  23. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Update, Post Vacation, Pics

    OMG how wonderful!! I'm so jealous of your trip and I hope to be doing that stuff soon as well!
  24. LittleLizzieLilliput

    Those of you 5 months post op...

    At 5 months you should be all set. You won't be able to eat much but you will be able to be so active and feeling wonderful. Congratulations!!
  25. LittleLizzieLilliput


    Are you talking about THC Edibles? If so I waited till I was on full food. And then took it slowly.

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