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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Treadmillwalker

  1. Treadmillwalker

    Bowel prep?

    Wow, that reads like instructions for a colonoscopy. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  2. Treadmillwalker

    Need food ideas

    Check out the World According to Eggface. She has a lot of recipes on her website. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  3. Have a great week everyone! Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  4. Treadmillwalker

    Problem with band tightness

    Gosh, it is so easy to forget given that you haven't been feeling any restriction in years. I'm newly banded and have had my first fill, but not yet in the "sweet spot." My second fill will be after Christmas. The dietician I work with has trained me to chew, chew, chew--20 to 30 chews before swallowing. After you resolve your current issue try making a game out of chewing. I know it sounds funny but it helps me if I count in my head and envision a train...chew, chew, chew. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  5. Treadmillwalker

    Best chewable and gummie vitamins?

    I agree, I gave away what I ordered. Too sweet for my taste. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  6. Treadmillwalker

    Need some advice

    Your clear liquid phase is stricter than what my surgeon required. I was allowed creamed Soups (strained). I made it with Fair Life skim milk which is high Protein. I find that hot drinks/soups make me feel fuller. High protein worked for me. I added unflavored Protein powder to my creamed soups. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  7. Treadmillwalker

    My Fingernails are Growing

    My nail did not grow fast or strong before. They would break easily. Now my hands look nicer. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  8. Treadmillwalker

    Day 2 post op

    Best wishes! Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  9. Treadmillwalker

    If you are scared, maybe my story can help.

    Congratulations! You are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  10. Giving up caffeine and being on the liquid diet made me tired and sleepy. It was about 3 weeks after surgery when I switched to soft Proteins that I started to feel better. Good luck, it will pass. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  11. Treadmillwalker


    I am limiting my alcohol consumption to holidays. Thanksgiving Day, etc. I am not drinking alcohol at football parties, etc. It has to be a "real" official holiday. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  12. Treadmillwalker

    Feeling something stuck in my throat

    Did you swallow a pill without Water? Unfortunately they can catch and stick down and it takes a week to dissolve. I have a brother-in-law who took aspirin without water and it caused an ulceration. I suggest you reach out to your doctor. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  13. Treadmillwalker

    Any headache tips?

    Do you live in a colder climate? You may need to put a humidifier in your bedroom at night and one in your main living area. When the climate cools and the air gets dry many people (including me) get headaches from the dry air. It may be coincidence that your surgery coincides with starting up your furnace. IMHO Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  14. Treadmillwalker

    And THIS is why I'm fat...

    It all about the liver. Regardless of which WLS the surgeon need to move the liver out of the way. If the liver has not shrunk due to not following the liquid diet you risk going open versus laproscopy. Bigger surgery, higher cost, more risk, etc. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  15. Treadmillwalker

    Looking for scale suggestions

    I struggle too. The floor in our bathroom is small square tiles and it must not be level because depending on the location I get a different reading. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  16. Treadmillwalker

    Water problems

    I mix bipro Protein Water or another brand in water or ice tea. 50/50. I like herbal tea (orange, peppermint, etc.) hot or cold. Again dilute with plain water if drinking cold if the flavor is too strong. I also use Crystal Light. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  17. Treadmillwalker

    Check list

    Plan what you will drink/eat the first week post surgery. Do you need to pick up some Protein shakes, creamed Soups, etc? Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  18. I really enjoy Unjury's chicken Soup flavored Protein. I dilute in 10 to 12 oz Water instead of 8 and I'm careful to let the water cool to under 140 F before I mix in the powder. 100 calories and 21 grams protein. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  19. Treadmillwalker

    Vitamin problems!

    There is a company that makes a berry flavored one that you dissolve in Water similar to Crystal Light. Sorry, can't think of the name. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  20. Treadmillwalker

    Just banded yesterday- 12/1/16

    I was uncomfortable for the first 48 hours. I made myself walk in the house to help the anesthesia get out of my system. I was careful what I lifted for about four weeks. I started a laxative (Benefiber) within a day or two post surgery and that helped. The liquid diet just didn't have enough Fiber and it added to my pain. Think positive. You got this! Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  21. Treadmillwalker

    My birthday, 16 months post op

    Congratulations and happy birthday. I find your story to be so inspiring. High Five! I went back to college as an adult and have earned a BS degree, master's degree and post master's. I won't go on for a PhD. I"m glad I made the decision to go back to school. Congratulations to you on pursuing your degree and your new healthy lifestyle! Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  22. Treadmillwalker

    New banded 2 days ago

    My lapband surgery was outpatient. I remember being tired the first couple of weeks. I missed chewing until I was allowed to eat tuna, egg salad, etc. Stay away from carbs. I read about people eating noodles and mashed potatoes. That defeats what we are trying to accomplish. Good luck! Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  23. I find that Hot drinks and Soups give me a sense of satisfaction. So when I struggle with head hunger I will make a cup of tea. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  24. Treadmillwalker

    Band vs Sleeve

    I disagree with your percentages, but respect your right to your opinion. I just don't agree with it, but wish you success in reaching your goals. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16 Here's the study where I got "In five years 40% of lap bands fail and only 43% have lost 50% of excess weight after seven years. ". Many go by opinions, I prefer facts.: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=16839478&ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum This is an abstract and only reflects a small sample set. It does not go into the causation of the failures such as non compliance with food, follow up appt., taking medications that can cause issues. Without having the full study and understanding the study criteria, rigorous of the analysis, etc this abstract is not scientifically interesting. I read a lot of success stories from people who have the band and are successful. I choose to focus on encouraging everyone to reach their goals. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  25. Treadmillwalker

    Newly banded

    You have to edit from a laptop or desktop. It doesn't show the feature on a mobile device. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
