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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Treadmillwalker

  1. I have lost or accidentally deleted a couple friend requests that people have sent me. I generally use my cell phone and I could not figure out how to accept the requests on my phone. I took a few minutes to go onto my laptop this morning, and now I see the requests are gone. I'M SORRY. If I deleted in error, please resend. I was not ignoring you. Thank you!
  2. Treadmillwalker

    Lost or Deleted Friend Requests - SORRY

    Thank you. I thought what the heck am I doing wrong. Want to be gun toting bariatric surgery online friends? Although I chose the band, I took 6 months of classes pre-surgery with sleeve and RNY and attend in person support group with them now. I am supportive of all...but I'm a little crazy, no special. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  3. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  4. Treadmillwalker

    Need recommendations

    Mederma is one you can find in drug stores and Walmart. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  5. Treadmillwalker

    What did you replace food with?

    Santa is bringing me adult coloring books and colored pencils. A friend said whenever she is stressed or craving food she gets out her coloring book and it stops the stress and cravings. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  6. Treadmillwalker

    Sleeve Over Lap Band?

    @@jimmc77 this site started as a site for lapband patients (pre-post). Given the growth in other surgical options this site expand. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  7. Treadmillwalker

    Have you tried a Simply Fit Board

    Do you like it and feel it gives you a workout? Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  8. Treadmillwalker

    I'm starving

    The sleeve is not really tight like with lapband. You likely have swelling and internal healing going on. Focus on Protein shakes and Water while you heal and until your next doctor appt. Good luck. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  9. Treadmillwalker


    I suggest you work to retrain yourself to eat three meals and two Snacks a day. It will take work, but weigh and measure your food. Make sure you get your Water in and eat Protein first. Your mind and stomach will adjust if you work at it. Do you have a book from the surgeon's office with instructions? Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  10. Treadmillwalker

    I need a buddy

    Yes, there are several of us on the site. Reach out. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  11. Treadmillwalker

    One of the less than 5%

    Sorry you are one of the 5% to experience complications. Now you will be one of the xx% to be successful. It all up from here. Best wishes! Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  12. Treadmillwalker

    Sleeve Over Lap Band?

    All bariatric surgeons are different and what they recommend will vary. Complications can happen with any surgery, and I do believe compliance plays a part. I trust my surgeon and what I learned about the surgical options. I'm comfortable with the decision I made with my surgeon. Each person needs to decide what is best for them and their lifestyle. Good luck to you. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  13. Treadmillwalker

    Ecstatic about my support crew

    You two will be able to train together--cool. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  14. Treadmillwalker

    I did all the bad things!

    The people in my program have been real big on no liquids 30 minutes before or after eating. The rationale is that the liquid will wash the food down into your intestine before it is digested properly, and cause dumping. This seems to be a holdover from RNY practice, and a number of people here contend this is not an issue for sleeves. I am still working on that, but I did push the limit with no negative consequences.I was taught this too and I'm banded. We are told it will help us to feel full, slow digestion and not stretch out the pouch that lapband and bypass patients have. Sleeve patients don't have a pouch. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  15. Treadmillwalker

    Sleeve Over Lap Band?

    My sister was banded 12 years ago and has lost over 100 pounds without complications. I was banded in October and feel great. I believe compliance of the patient and skill of the surgeon impact the outcome. I went to a center of excellence and took 6 months of classes. I learned about the three surgical options and we evaluated my ability to be compliant, etc. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  16. Treadmillwalker

    Baby it's cold outside!

    @@genn we have owned our country home since 1993. We used to leave everything unlocked too, but now have surveillance cameras and signs up that say no trespassing. Both hubby and I carry on the farm (I don't take it to my office because of company policy) and are licensed. This reminds me we need to renew our Concealed Carry Permits. It has been 5 years since the last renewal. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  17. Treadmillwalker

    Weight loss

    Excellent! I use My Fitness Pal and track everything! My husband is super supportive and measures how much skim milk he put in my coffee. The kitchen scale, measuring spoons and cups are part of my routine. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  18. Treadmillwalker

    Food Diary

    Tuna salad, egg salad, hard boiled eggs, fat free refried Beans, FF cottage cheese, Fage yogurt, Fair Life Skim Milk, chicken thighs, turkey chili with beans, blueberries, spaghetti squash, and more. I do drink Protein shakes as I love the convenience and high protein count. I focus on small portions of high quality foods. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  19. Treadmillwalker

    soreness along right side...

    Great that you scheduled a doctor appt. I would schedule with the surgeon who did your procedure since s/he knows what they did internally. It could be a pulled muscle, scar tissue, gall bladder or your bowels not emptying completely or something/nothing. Think positive, keep a diary of what you are feeling, eating, and doing. Take with you to the doctor so he can get a full understanding. Good luck. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  20. Treadmillwalker

    Weight loss

    Don't compare yourself to others. How physically demanding our jobs are, our personal lives, what we eat and more all have an impact. Be your own person and Celebrate your accomplishments by knowing you give it 100% each day. Congratulations on your weight loss. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  21. Treadmillwalker

    Air Fryer

    Please share what you cook and what you think. I'm curious too. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  22. @@funsize.ma - I won't repeat what others said above. I do share their concern for you. Okay, plan your food. Make sure you have what you need to eat/drink for the first couple weeks. You will feel terrible and it doesn't read like you can depend on anyone. Proactively plan and write down emergency numbers for your doctor, taxi, abuse shelter, etc. Let you oldest child know what to do if you need help. Prayers for you and your children. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  23. Have you seen the fun commercial where the parents take their daughter to the zoo and then decide to order all kinds of hippopotamus gifts for her for Christmas? There is a very catchy tune that plays throughout the commercial ... I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. My husband was being playful and called me at work and was singing that song to me. I told him this year he has a hippopotamus for Christmas, but next year I will be a lot smaller and will look more like the deer. Big grin Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  24. Treadmillwalker

    More difficult than I thought

    At almost 8 weeks post op I'm feeling better and I have made changes to help with the head hunger. I change the TV or stand up and move during food comcommercials. Hubby doesn't eat in front of me until I've ate so that my pouch feels full. I've only had one 3 cc fill and don't feel restricted yet. I eat Protein first and track everything. It will get better. Stay strong. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16
  25. Treadmillwalker

    Baby it's cold outside!

    @@LittleBill - we live on a deadend. When the flooding hit the Midwest in 2011 thousands and thousands were impacted. Our whole house generator sits on a concrete pad, weighs 600 pounds and is hard wired into our home. We have a decorative fence that helps hide it. Thieves were a big issue at many homes that people boarded up and moved out temporarily. We stayed. We packed our things and put them in storage and lived with the bare minimum. The generator was a blessing. Thank God we did not flood. After 8 months we brought our furniture home. It is terrible what we have to worry about during a crisis. Had lapband surgery 10/12/16

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
