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Posts posted by staceface

  1. Aetna. It sucks because I realized I wasn't really that far below the weight I need to be for them to cover it, but I can't bring myself to gain and hold there just for the surgery. I'm slowly losing just by watching my carbs - from 230 down to 223 - but obviously I'm not gonna get the results on my own that people are getting with this amazing surgery... SIGH... My doctor actually said it might be worth trying to fight them and get a waiver because I might not have their SPECIFIC comorbidities they want to see, but I DO have other issues aggravated by obesity. I'll see her again soon. We'll see what she says.

  2. Thank you guys. Yeah; I have high cholesterol but according to Aetna that's not one of the specific comorbidities that allows bariatric surgery <40 BMI. My doctor is all for it; at my last visit when she rattled off the details at the end into her little recorder she listed everything she could think of that would benefit from weight loss -

    I have high cholesterol, I've been seeing a podiatrist because my feet hurt so bad from standing and walking so much with 230lbs to carry around, I need to have back surgery but I can't imagine trying to recover at this weight...

    She'll be all for it if I tell her damn, guess I have to gain a few to lose a lot.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  3. I'm pretty sure once you're approved you're good to go but don't quote me on that cuz I've never been in your situation I've always been plenty of pounds over I'm actually getting ready to have my band taken out and have the sleeve done can't wait! I have had to many complications with the band!

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

    Wow, I'm excited for you. When my dr first told me to "go for it" she said not to let anyone try to talk me into the band. I hope the sleeve doesn't come with the same issues for you!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  4. So my insurance wants me either heavier (BMI 40) or to have very SPECIFIC comorbidities (which I don't have). My BMI is 38.8 but I don't have diabetes or heart disease. My best bet is to pay cash - $13,100. Yeah, I don't just have that kind of cash available.

    I'm so disappointed. I started to really wrap my mind around the changes you have to make beforehand, the changes afterward, and now I feel so let down. Stupid insurance. Don't they realize I'm gonna cost them more in the long run if I stay this big or get bigger!!!?

    Anyway... I wish everyone else the absolute best. Maybe I'll continue to watch everyone so I can send positive thoughts your way.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  5. Ok; I get it. Friends who have always been on the weight loss roller coaster with you, tried every fad diet, every new exercise routine, and had moderate success with you at times... they don't really like you taking this new step, do they? Sigh...I guess that means someone you've always counted on to be a cheerleader will instead be judgmental and say stupid things about this being the "easy" way even though there isn't anything easy about it!!

    I guess you can't make everyone happy...

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. I figure anyone who matters to me can know. Otherwise I will keep it quiet. As I'm divorced, so far that's been my mom, my 15 year old daughter, and my best friend (a beautiful 48 year old size 6 or so) and all have been very supportive. My mom was the most reserved just because of the fear of any dangers with a major surgery, but she quickly came around knowing this was a very important step for me.

    I feel you about that friend. If she wants to keep you as her "fat buddy", then be prepared for some disappointment. That does suck, no bones about it, because I don't like to let friends go easily...but this is about you and your health and happiness. Good luck friend.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. I feel the same way. I'm just in the beginning, no approval yet, but I'm currently at a friend's who took my 15 year old Daughter and me for pizza and wings and beer last night, we're watching a movie and drinking cocktails right now...it's gonna be hard for me too; I'm with you.

    I guess we just remind ourselves that we're doing this for US.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. @@Alex Brecher

    Thanks, yeah, there's been a lot of good feedback. And it's true that the likelihood of loose skin in the end doesn't deter me from following this path, because at least I would be healthier...I guess I'm trying to be prepared for the possible outcome (HOW bad, etc) just because I remember the disappointment after I gave birth to my first child; I was so shocked at how ...GROSS... my body was afterward. I BAWLED. I expected - naively - that the baby would be there and my body would be (at least MOSTLY) back to normal. Um, no. Big, loose, spare tire dropping around my middle. It was mortifying to see my body like that. I was just trying to think ahead.

    I don't want anyone to think I'm super shallow and this is some deciding factor. It's not. I'm

    Just scared of the unknown.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. @@iloveorganicmilk

    I think you've received a lot of good advice here. I'm super early on, just scheduled to see the Bariatric Surgeon for a consult in 2 days.

    I hope you don't feel any judgment by the feedback you've had from the group; I think it's some seriously valuable honesty. Valuable for all of us going through this!!

    Good luck and I'm interested in hearing what you decide to do!!


    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. Thank you ladies!

    @@candygirl that helps A LOT, thank you. Sometimes I don't know where to start, so I DON'T, and sometimes I am TOO enthusiastic and that's not good either.

    And @@AvaFern you're right and I completely agree that the fear of a saggy, baggy body shouldn't be a deterrent...it certainly won't be worse than the way I feel right now! And I am not against having secondary surgeries, I'd just like to do ALL that I CAN to minimize the need. ...

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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