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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dairymary

  1. Dairymary


    Again, that was the whole point of my first post...to provide a starting point for people wanting to do the research, some things to look for, as well as a reputable supplier that was recommended by a doctor in Colorado and an experienced buyer for a marijuana dispensary in Oregon. As for people Purchasing these products online without doing the research and not really knowing what they're getting, not my problem. Neither is the fact some people buy used cars from strangers on craigslist without getting them checked out by a mechanic first. I can't fix stupid.
  2. Unfortunately you have to follow the food "rules" forever, not just the first 1 - 1 1/2 years....even with a revision. Have you tried going back to basics? How much Protein, carbs, calories and fluids are you getting? How are these numbers different than when you were losing? You sound pretty active and that can only help. If you feel you were not losing weight, despite eating high protein/low carb and getting 100+ ounces of Water and taking all your supplements, have you been checked for metabolic or hormone related illnesses?
  3. Dairymary


    However, this is not an option in 22 states. That's why I mentioned this alternative. It's also not an option for federal employees no matter what state they live in....unless they carry completely THC free products (which means they come from the same regulated hemp plants as the products I described.)
  4. Dairymary


    I did smoke marijuana after a bad accident where I broke my pelvis and femur. It helped with the pain and I found I did not need as many narcotics. I did not like smoking, but edibles were not an option then (3 years ago and I'm not anywhere near any states where it was legal). This was a topic that did come up in my support group and there was one guy that became a fanatic about researching CBD products. A couple points that stood out to me.... 1)Be careful of the source of the hemp used. If it's cheap, it probably comes from out of the country and hemp is often grown as a "cleanup plant" in toxic and/or radioactive industrial sites. Not something I'd want to consume! US sourced hemp is VERY regulated (in order to make sure the THC level is low enough to make it legal) and usually organic. 2) look at the extraction method used. Stay away from the processes using solvents like butane or hexane (again, the cheaper way to do it.) Olive oil doesn't typically produce a full spectrum product that contains all the cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. That leaves alcohol and CO2 methods. Alcohol is the oldest plant extraction method dating back centuries. CO2 is the newest, high tech method but possibly doesn't produce a full spectrum product either. So for those of you that may be looking for a legal CBD product, this was the company this guy liked...... Www.enerhealthbotanicals.com And although a combo of THC and CBD is proven to be the best for pain, CBD alone does provide some relief, and so many other health benefits. I have a friend with MS that has greatly benefited. Google endocannabanoid system for some interesting info.
  5. You still have to take supplements with VSG. 90% of gastrectomy patients will develop deficiencies without proper vitamin/mineral supplements. In general, a good multivitamin, extra vitamin D, calcium, iron and sublingual or injectable B12 (we can no longer absorb B12 after VSG). You should be getting bloodwork done at least annually and adjust your vitamin regimen accordingly.
  6. Dairymary

    Does therapy help?

    ABSOLUTELY!! I would not have lost what I did and definitely would not be be maintaining without the help of my therapist. I went to her regularly for the first three years and now just on an "as needed " basis, maybe a couple times/year. I also attended a local WLS support group for 5 1/2 years and am delving into the work of online forums at this point. But unlike my group support, my therapist did not specialize in bariatric patients. For me, my "food addiction" was really about my emotions and ability to deal with life's stresses. No secret childhood traumas in my past, just poor coping skills in general. That's what we addressed and discovered new ways to deal with my emotions and break from destructive thought patterns. Therapy has helped me in all aspects of my life, not just food and weight-related issues.
  7. I recently posted this reply on a similar thread..... I chose sleeve six years ago when it was still considered experimental in the US. My choice was based on my daughter's advice and recommendation. She is a gastroenterologist and did not want me to risk all the long term complications and nutritional deficiencies she sees in bypass patients. Lapband was out of the question because of the damage it causes long term. I realized, of course, as a doctor, she's really only seeing the patients with problems, not the happy, healthy ones with no issues. But the fact that she was willing to send me to Mexico for a VSG rather than have bypass or Lapband paid for by insurance here in the states was a good enough reason for me. BTW, I lost and am maintaining over 100% EWL with perfect bloodwork and no negative side effects, so I guess she knew what was best for her mom. I saw successes and failures with all types of surgeries in my support group, so unless you have pre existing medical/health problems that would influence the outcome of the surgery, I don't think it matters which procedure you choose. It matters more what you do with it afterwards. Good luck!
  8. I agree with Bufflehead. I'm 6 years out and I basically eat portions that are considered normal. (Not normal by typical US standards, but normal by nutritional standards). My portions are slightly smaller than my "normal size" friends, due to my restriction, but what I lack in volume I make up in frequency, so at the end of the day I probably take in the same amount. More dramatic than my portion sizes has been the types of food I eat. WAY less non-nutritive carb heavy "wasted calories", and WAY more healthy foods that contain the nutrients my body needs, not the junk my head may want. Yes, I do sometimes indulge in what I consider my "emotional foods", but never to an extent that compromises my health or weight maintenance. You will likely experience a period of severe restriction immediately postop. The portions you eat will be scary small and your parents may freak out. But you will progress past this to a point of being able to eat more than enough to nourish your body. (If you make healthy choices)
  9. In reality MANY people regain a significant amount of the weight they lost after having bariatric surgery. Research at one north Carolina clinic found that 30% regain all the weight in 2-3 years.http://www.nawls.com/public/102.cfmhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24463895 Estimates run between 30- 60. And almost everyone weight fluctuates 3-5 throughout out the day, every day. Thanks for sharing. I think it's important for people to see these stats, but more importantly the data behind the stats....... " weight regain happens when patients eat high-calorie soft foods that easily pass through the opening to the stomach. Others gain weight because they do not change their eating habits and do not lose much weight to begin with. Successful results depend on the patients willingness to adopt a long-term plan of healthy eating and regular physical activity." Knowing this puts each of us in control of which side of the stats you end up on. Just like surgery is not the magic bullet for weightloss, statistics are not the magic formula for ultimate regain.
  10. Dairymary

    Fruits and Veggies?

    I never stopped eating fruits and veggies. Always got 60-80g of Protein, but I made sure I got a little something from every food group (yes, including whole grains) every day. Diluted fruit juice and V8 during liquid stage, bananas and peaches in my Protein shakes, mashed cauliflower, puréed fruit and flax seed in my Greek yogurt during puréed stage, Whole grain cereals and milk during soft food. Stayed away from veggies like peas, corn and potatoes, but ate a ton of spinach, Brussel sprouts, kale, green Beans, carrots and broccoli. Apples, blueberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple On a regular basis. I lost 160 pounds over 18 months. Would I have lost it faster without the fruits and veggies? Who knows. But I felt better giving my body the nutrition it needed.
  11. Dairymary

    How did WLS effect your marriage...

    Shedo82773 definitely get your testosterone level checked. It's something your regular doctor can do. One of the patients in my support group was an Ob/Gyn and she says low testosterone in women is more common than anyone ever new and can explain a lot of symptoms including low libido, fatigue and depression.
  12. Dairymary

    How did WLS effect your marriage...

    Losing weight definitely help improve my relationship with my husband. We started our marriage as "partners". Working together, playing together, basically best friends. As I gained weight through the years, our relationship kind if lost it's pizzaz. We still loved each other, but with my growing physical limitations and chronic pain, we quit doing a lot of things together, I also felt guilty about not being able to be as self sufficient as I once was. There were some growing feelings of regret and resentment, but mostly just disinterest in each other. When I decided to have surgery, my husband wasn't exactly a big cheerleader, but he didn't discourage or sabotage me in any way. I think he just figured this was another fad I was going through to lose weight that would have the same results as always. But as the weight came off and he saw this was for keeps, he became more and more engaging. He wasn't a fan of my new way of cooking, but has gotten used to it. I occasionally throw in some of his favorites carb laden meals and I just don't eat the carby parts. He loves my homemade bread, cakes and Cookies, so I compromise by baking his favorites, but sending them to my sons house for safe keeping. He can eat them there or bring just one serving home for dessert anytime he wants. The best part is we are a team again. We work together and play together like we did in the beginning of our relationship. Our bedroom antics are as fun as ever. Hubby likes his hot new wife. He's never had jealousy issues, we go out and socialize more and I still take week long theater trips with my girlfriends. He's just happy he doesn't have to along! I think the fate of relationships after WLS has more to do with how strong they were to start with. Honesty, trust, respect (both for yourself and your partner) and love all play a bigger role in successful marriages than how much one of you weighs.
  13. I live in a rural area but have the best sources of healthy food....I have my own garden full of veggies, I milk my own cows, we get our meat from our neighbors (chicken and beef), hunting/fishing (turkey, trout, walleye, bass and venison) and 4H auctions (pork/ham/bacon). We pick berries when they are in season and my parents have numerous apple trees on their property. The only things I'm really lacking are citrus/tropical fruits and good seafood.
  14. Dairymary

    I done screwed up ya'll

    I lost 22 pounds in 2 weeks. My preop was 3 protein shakes/day and unlimited leafy greens. 64oz water in addition to the shakes. Read labels....the shakes should have 20-30g protein and 0-5g carbs.
  15. Dairymary

    Is my goal weight achievable?

    Like others mentioned, getting to and staying at goal is pretty much up to you and the choices you make, not the type of surgery you have. In my support group, I saw just as many people struggle to lose with bypass as with sleeve. The ones struggling all had one thing in common....their eating habits. Same goes for the ones that found success.....different eating habits. I'm 5'4", started at 295, lost 160ish pounds and maintain around 135 pounds with my sleeve. There are pros and cons to all WLSs, but whether you may or may not reach a goal weight should not be a deciding factor, cause it's not. And to answer your original question, yes, your goal weight is very achievable!
  16. Dairymary

    I ate an egg

    Congrats on your first egg. That was my first non liquid postoperative food, too. Best thing I Ever ate but I could only finish 1/2 of it. I am 6 years out and the one egg thing still amazes me. A hearty weekend Breakfast used to be a three egg omelet loaded with cheese, mushrooms, ham, and onions with 1/2 plate of hash browns and 2-3 sausage links. Now I get the same satisfaction with a ONE egg omelet sprinkled with cheese, bacon bits and spinach. Anymore toppings than that and I wouldn't be able to finish it!
  17. Dairymary

    Talk about losing motivation...

    Is there a public pool or recreation center or YMCA in your area? How about any rehab facilities that utilize aquatics? Water excercises can be very effective and something your back may be able to tolerate. And speaking of water, it is imperative to stay very well hydrated. Water is required for the metabolism of fat. Without enough water, the fat isn't going anywhere. You should be shooting for 150+ ounces/day.
  18. Dairymary

    Do you miss food?

    AMEN! This should be printed on T shirts and given to every WLS patient. Actually, this statement expands far beyond just weight loss success....it goes for everything in life. Love it.
  19. Sounds like you're trading one eating disorder for another. And your coordinator likely has exactly zero medical training and should not be giving out medical advice. You should talk directly with your surgeon if you have questions. And yes, we all had urges...that's why it's called an addiction....and no, we did not all give in to them. I was on liquids for 5 weeks and never once veered off plan. If you are having a hard time with your addiction at this point, please seek professional counseling/therapy. It only gets harder the farther out you get. Maintenance will be impossible if you haven't faced your demons, figured out why you got obese in the first place and developed new behaviors to keep from going back to where you started. The three years I spent with my therapist is far more valuable than the hour I spent on the operating table.
  20. I honestly don't remember if I had a goal weight. I just wanted to be able to be active, healthy and pain free. I decided to lose to a point that accomplished those things but was still easy to maintain while eating and living in a way I could commit to forever. Didn't care if my BMI was 20 or 30. I wasn't willing to make myself miserable trying to "lose that last 20 pounds" just to reach some arbitrary number. So in a way, I let my body pick my goal weight. Started at 295 and lost 160 pounds over about 18 months.
  21. Dairymary

    Hello Vet's

    My life is as normal as can be. I'm just a regular housewife/retired nurse who works on our dairy farm, babysits my grandkids, goes on date nights with my husband (whether he wants yo or not ) and takes theater trips with my girlfriends. I barely think about being a WLS patient during my day to day routine. My previous support group and now this forum are really my only connection to my surgery. I quit measuring and tracking my food almost 3 years ago....I'd been living and eating "right" for so long it's just became second nature. I also don't see my therapist regularly anymore. I never did go to the gym or add any extra exercise. I'm just really active and walk as much as possible. Probably 5+ miles every day. But in general, my life is basically the same as it was before surgery. I'm just thinner and healthier (both mentally and physically) which makes all that everyday stuff easier.
  22. Dairymary

    Do you miss food?

    I actually like the way I eat now better than before surgery. I learned to savor and appreciate every bite, rather than shovel it in and barely chewing before swallowing. I am pickier than I used to be because I want what little I do eat to be the best. No sense wasting limited sleeve space and calories on something that isn't delicious! Eating out is great, too. Now, instead of being done after just one meal, I get to enjoy whatever yummy thing I ordered 3-4 more times. And there's nothing I miss because there's nothing I don't eat.
  23. Dairymary

    Feeling Discouraged

    Depend on your surgeon's specific postop instructions. Mine said no nuts, seeds or anything crunchy until 3 months to make sure there is no trauma to the staple line before it's healed. I think some nutritionists suggest minimizing nuts because they are high in fat and calories. I ate tons of them once I was allowed, so I guess it's an individual thing.
  24. I'm 4 days out and having trouble keeping it down. My plan was to have 2 Premier Protein shakes a day, I can barely finish half on 1! I know that's not good but it's making feel like phlegmy and full really fast that I don't want anymore for the day. Any suggestions? Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App Dilute them 1/2 and 1/2 with milk to cut the thickness and sweetness. You need the fluids anyways and milk adds even more protein. You may also try other brands that aren't so thick. Syntrax nectar makes many flavors you can mix with Water to get more of a koolaid consistency.
  25. I chose sleeve over bypass six years ago when it was still considered experimental in the US. My choice was based on my daughter's advice and recommendation. She is a gastroenterologist and did not want me to risk all the long term complications and nutritional deficiencies she sees in bypass patients. I Realized, of course, as a doctor, she's really only seeing the patients with problems, not the happy, healthy ones with no issues. But the fact that she was willing to send me to Mexico for a VSG rather than have bypass paid for by insurance here in the states was a good enough reason for me. BTW, I lost and am maintaining over 100% WLS with perfect bloodwork and no negative side effects, so I guess she knew what was best for her mom. I saw successes and failures with both surgeries in my support group, so unless you have pre existing medical/health problems that would influence the outcome of the surgery, I don't think it matters which procedure you choose. It matters more what you do with it afterwards. Good luck!

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