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The New Kel

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by The New Kel

  1. Hitting goal has been amazing. I'm still in shock and now learning how to maintain. The best thing is that I can now eat a variety of foods and incorporate new and healthy recipes into my diet. Finally, for the first time in live EVER, I feel like I am not on a "diet" per se, more like just eating sensibly. I DO on occasion indulge in chocolate or a handful of chips, but not on a regular basis, and a small bit of it satisfies cravings. For the longest time I drank wine, even after surgery (no recommended!) but I find that now the desire has sone out the window. Instead, I occasionally sip my husbands drink just for fun. At one point before surgery, I drank up to an entire bottle of red wine every evening. Imagine the calories! I just don't want it anymore. 

    I love feeling "normal". I always hated standing out due to my weight, and I always have hated "diets". Being at goal allows me to just eat sensibly and maintain. Cheers!

    1. Apple1


      Congrats on your success. How much weight did you lose?

      I hope to be in maintenance by the end of next month.

    2. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      Thanks! I lost 105 lbs. good luck to you!!

    3. TexasGirl1370


      Congratulations! Totally understand the "chips" after all this is Texas and chips and salsa is quite a staple.

  2. I'm in an interesting phase. I'm down a total of 95 lbs, happy, healthy, and majorly stalled! I mean literally no weight loss in 6 weeks. Spoke to my nutritionist who said that I have to adjust my intake for my new, smaller frame and try leaner cuts of protein to get to my goal (6 more lbs). She said that a major stall/stop at this stage is pretty normal, it's just a matter of trying something new to get over the finish line. Almost there! 

  3. My size 10s are getting loose. Size 10s!! I NEVER thought I'd be able to say that.   6 months post op, 80 lbs gone forever.    :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blizair09


      Yay! I know how hard this journey is. Keep up your amazing work!

    3. 81Kellogram


      Hey girl! I've been a bit MIA of late so just saw this update. Way to go! I bought some new clothes thinking they would last awhile but all of a sudden, the sizes are going quickly! I started at a 24 and my current 18s are pretty loose. Luckily, I kept some "skinny" clothes from way back and it sure is fun getting to wear them again!

    4. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      Congrats! I bet by today your in 16s! Sorry for the late response- just returned from two weeks in Ireland! Good to see you pop in!!!

  4. I was gone for a few days and this place has blown up! What the heck happened? Time for me to dig in a read some posts on this cold, rainy day!

    1. suzzzzz


      Yes. Many posts and status updates have been deleted. And many banned. Sad state. Start in Rants and raves on policy.

    2. LittleBill


      I sent you a PM. I'm letting you know here as some folks don't see them on their phones.

  5. Today I weigh less than the weight I lied about on my last driver's license . LOL!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. highfunctioningfatman
    3. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      LOL! You two are cracking me up ;-D

    4. suzzzzz


      My TX drivers licence doesn't have weight on it. They did away with that years ago. Guess they figured everyone lied about it anyway!

  6. Today I weigh less than the weight I lied about on my driver's license . LOL!!

    1. kell911




  7. So I got into a size 12 jeans today. OK..so I couldn't breathe and I looked like a stuffed sausage but I got into them. LOL!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. theantichick
    3. BayougirlMrsS


      good for you.... congrats....

    4. heidikat72


      that's awesome and they'll be getting looser and looser in no time at all

  8. Airline lost my luggage and the first thing that came to mind was MY NEW SMALLER JEANS I JUST BOUGHT ARE GONE!! That's what I was most upset about ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blizair09


      If the airline lost your luggage, you should get a decent settlement from them. Delta lost my friend's suitcase last year, and he got $2000. That should buy you lots of new jeans!!

    3. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      I filed for the $ to cover it. I think I will get enough $ to get a few nice pairs of jeans!! Hopefully. :-)


    4. BayougirlMrsS


      That always sucks when they lose it. i sure hope they found your luggage....

  9. Trying to embrace the stall :-/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      I am! And thats the good news. I am down a size in my shirts, despite the weight remaining the same! :-)

    3. blizair09


      I had mine, and it sucks. You are doing exactly what you need to be doing, so just power through and enjoy the NSVs of the experience.

    4. The New Kel
  10. Hit my first stall but I'll be patient. On the bright side, a shirt I loved now fits again. Yay!

  11. Just tried veggie sausage....NOPE

    1. PorkChopExpress


      Bummer, what was the reaction, did you get nausea? I wonder if it's all the spices in there.

    2. The New Kel

      The New Kel

      I think it was a combination of the texture and the seasoning, even though I crumbled it up. It just sat there in my upper stomach for hours with nausea!

  12. Just tried a (veggie) sausage patty. Nope. Not happening...if I could just rewind an hour. (ack!)

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