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Everything posted by anonmom

  1. I made a gin and tonic for a guest at my house this afternoon and, not gonna lie, it was really hard to not make one for myself. I haven't had a drink since Sunday morning, January 22. It was the last day of my cruise and the deadline I set for myself to get serious about my pre-op diet. I also had done a few 2-6 day periods of sobriety/liquid diet in December/January to start practicing for the post-op period. All that to say I'm a pretty serious drinker, and this is hard for me, but I'm going to try to wait at least 12 weeks before I have a drink. I did it when I was pregnant with my daughter, I can do it again now. However, whenever you do decide to have your first post-op drink, do NOT start with a margarita. I imagine you will make yourself quite sick from all that sugar at once. Remember, we're not super prone to dumping syndrome like RNYers, but it can happen to us, too. I was doing low-carb around the holidays as part of my pre-op preparation and I had several vodka & Protein waters, which was totally drinkable. I'd start with that, since then you are just introducing one new thing, a neutral alcohol. Good luck with your choice! Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  2. anonmom

    Eat or drink....

    Have y'all tried Isopure? It is 20 ounces of liquid with 40 grams of Protein. I have the grape flavor and it is OK. No Protein Drink is ever going to be a taste sensation, but I think it is important to find one you can tolerate. I also like the Labrada Lean Body in chocolate or Cookies and cream. Caramel is OK, too, but a little sweet for me. It is 40 grams of protein with about 4 grams of carbs and 5 grams of Fiber, 280 calories. Good luck! Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  3. anonmom


    How were you feeling before you went back to work? I'm sure there will be an adjustment period, but if you were feeling good before, you should be able to get back on your feet again. Can you add some more protein and fat to your diet on the days you work to give you more energy? How many 12s do you work per week? I'm only ten days out and I've had some moments of serious regret, but it has been getting better every day. Imagine how much energy you'll have once that extra weight is gone! Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  4. You definitely should get into therapy to explore what is making you feel 'deprived' right now. Having a house fire is a huge loss, and you can't make that up to yourself with some pieces of free candy. I have lots of issues surrounding food, but 'free' food is a particularly thorny issue for me. I thought we were poor growing up (we actually weren't, that was just my parents' mentality and their issues), so I always feel like wasting food is a sin. But I've learned to distinguish between needless waste (buying so much food at one time that it rots in the fridge, overloading my plate at the buffet so that there is tons left over, etc.) and just standing up for myself and not choosing to be a human garbage can when other people buy/bring/make too much food. I used to be the girl who would go to the ice cream parlor and get a hand-packed pint instead of a cone, because it was like four times as much ice cream for only a few dollars more. And, of course, I'd tell myself I was going to eat one cone's worth and then put the rest in the freezer for three future treats. But, really, none ever made it into the freezer, or if a little did, I would finish that off later the same night. So, if the candy at the office just happens to be your absolute favorite treat, then that can be something you let yourself have once a month or something. But if it is just some gross junk that you are drawn to due to carb addiction, you'd be better off telling yourself it is strictly off limits. Then you can choose a treat that you really want and really enjoy to have once a month or whatever. Good luck! Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  5. I agree with everyone else that stalls just happen. For exercise, can you take short walks, even 5 minutes at the start of every hour? What about those exercise videos for people with mobility challenges? They have ones where you are sitting in a chair the whole time, just using hand weights and ankle weights. Or lie down on the ground and do leg lifts with ankle weights on. That's what my physical therapist had me do when I tore the meniscus in my knee and literally couldn't stand up, but had to work on keeping that leg active so the muscles didn't totally atrophy. Keep working on that liquid intake. Try Isopure instead of plain Water so that you are getting a boost of Protein at the same time! I've been reading a lot of academic articles on WLS and the one thing they mostly agree on is that more protein equals more weight loss in the first several months. It will get easier!! We're all in this for the long haul. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  6. Amazing! Can you share some tips and inspiration for those of us who are just starting this journey? About how many calories/day were you consuming the first few weeks? How about now? What do you do for exercise? Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  7. OMG, thank you for this comment! I'm 9 days out and I've been driving myself crazy because everyone says not to count calories, just try to meet liquid and Protein goals and stop when you are full. But I never feel full! I ate 900 calories yesterday and even tried some cheese (tiny bites - very well chewed - applesauce consistency) since people keep saying I'll feel full once I'm on solids. I track every single thing I eat or drink: calories, liquids, protein, fat, sugars, Fiber, other carbs; but I don't know how many calories is enough and how many is too many. My surgeon says not to count calories, but I'm going to have to set a limit somewhere or all of this pain will be for nothing. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  8. Also depends on your starting weight. Higher BMI means quicker weight loss at first. I'm one week out and only lost 8 pounds, but I was only 221 the day of my surgery Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  9. anonmom

    Super Bowl food/drink

    *the food table Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  10. anonmom

    Super Bowl food/drink

    I'm going to a super bowl party and I just told the host I am on an extremely restrictive diet for the next few weeks, so I'll be bringing my own Protein Water and sugar-free Jello. I'm sure there will be a cheese tray, so I'll let myself have a slice of cheese (chewed to the consistency of applesauce) as my treat. I specifically asked my surgeon if I could have a single shot of gin in a protein water and she said no, so I'm not going to drink any alcohol. If you really don't want anyone to know you had bariatric surgery, the easiest thing to do would be to just skip the party. You can say your stomach is feeling really delicate and that won't be a lie. The only other option is to keep moving at the party. Keep going up to the gif table and pointing something out that looks good. Ask if the person next to you had tried it and talk about how good it was. Probably no one will realize that you aren't actually eating if you keep talking about the food. Also, carry around a solo cup filled with water and say it is vodka. Follow everyone's cues as they get drunk: talk too loud, act as if it really matters who is winning the game, take lots of pee breaks, get a little obnoxious or a little weepy at some point. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  11. anonmom

    Chest pain when swallowing

    I didn't have a hernia repair, but I still had terrible esophageal spasms. A history of anxiety or panic attacks are also a risk factor. Drinking anything too cold cam bring them on for a lot of people. For the first 6 days I had to heat everything to BODY temperature. For stuff stored at room temperature, 15 secund in the microwave did the trick. Levsin, Vistaril & Klonopin also helped. I've heard Flexeril is also good, but haven't tried it. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  12. I'm usually all about the homemade stuff, but cooking with real food just makes me want to eat solids right now. I'm drinking a lot of Isopure, grape flavor. It is 20 ounces of liquid with 40 grams of Protein, 160 calories, no carbs or fat. It doesn't taste great, but it isn't bad, either. I ordered mine off Amazon Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  13. Wow, that's a great loss! How long did it take? I can't wait for solids, but I'm still almost a month away. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  14. anonmom


    I would definitely go in to urgent care. It could just be the flu, but what if it is something more serious? Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  15. Yeah, I think it is different for different people. I am only 8 days out and I ate 900 calories today and I still felt hungry all day. I didn't have any junk food. All Protein shakes and cottage cheese and protein Water and sugar-free Jello. Less than 17 grams of carbs total. I wish I would get that full feeling that everyone else is getting, but I'm not getting it. That's why I'm trying to figure out how many calories to keep myself at. I read a bunch of peer-reviewed journal articles earlier and the recommendations are all over the place. I did do an extra workout tonight to burn off some of the extra, but I think I'm going to try to keep my calories down to 500 tomorrow by going back to Clear Liquids for a day. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  16. anonmom

    Severely Missing Food

    I'm 8 days out and I'm not even too bothered by all the sugars and carbs I can never have again, but I dream of the proteins! Sushi, steak, hard-boiled eggs, salmon, tilapia, pork chops... I could go on and on. And salads! I want a big, crunchy salad with mixed greens and cheese and olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Maybe some nuts or chicken on it, too. It is killing me that I'm dreaming of healthy things that I just can't have because I'm still stuck in the liquids phase. :'( Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  17. Isn't not even thinking about how many calories I'm consuming what got me to morbid obesity in the first place? I'm just worried that I'm going to gain back the 7 pounds I lost last week and then never lose more. I did leave a message for the registered dietician at my bariatric practice. Maybe she can clear things up for me. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  18. I'm only a week out and the first few days everything hurt to drink even a few sips, so I didn't feel hungry at all. By now, day 8, I'm eating about 550 calories/day and I'm *starving* I have been walking more each day and did start working out yesterday, so maybe that is why my body suddenly feels hungry again? The first few days I was sleeping 20 hours/day. Then about 16 hours/day, now closer to 10 hours/day. So I must be burning more calories there, too. I just don't want to mess this up. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  19. I know, it seemed weird to me. But it wasn't my nutritionist. It was my actual surgeon. Maybe I should leave a message for the dietician? I stayed 2 nights in the hospital and could not eat or drink almost anything on days 1 and 2. Zero protein, and just a couple ounces of Water. I got 60-70 grams of protein on days 3-4. Days 5-7, I got between 95 and 105. I have been hitting my water target of 64 oz every day since day 3. Calories have been between 330 and 570. Net carbs have been between 3 and 15 grams per day. I am just so hungry, and with no set limits on calories, I really don't know how much to be taking in. Maybe I should go back to lots of Isopure and not much else, but that will put me way over the 60 grams of protein my surgeon wants me on. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  20. I'm getting sleeved today and I want to start everything off on the right foot. I see a lot of posts from people who aren't hitting their Water or Protein targets and then are disappointed that they aren't losing as much weight as they hoped. So, I'm hoping for some thinspiration from those of you who 1. Had surgery at an accredited Bariatric Center of Excellence 2. Got clear, detailed post-op instructions on diet, hydration, exercise, etc. 3. Are hitting your water target every day 4. Are hitting your protein target every day 5. Are walking or exercising every day. Tell me about how you have been knocking it out of the park! What have you done right? Do you have any other tips that have really helped you stay on track? How much have you lost? Feel free to post before & after pics! Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  21. Did everything right from the beginning. Hit top end of my goal last January. Hit bottom end of it last April (1 year from surgery). I am well below that now. I was like JamieLogical. 3 weeks after surgery I was doing zumba, water aerobics, body pump, and walking. Now, I run, do zumba, body pump, and yoga. Again, I agree with JamieLogical, it's about making wise choices 80 to 80% of the time.I want to get back to body pump (used to go 1-3x/week) and yoga (used to go about 2x/week). All our snow has melted here, so I might as well get my bike out, too, so I can stop driving everywhere. I have thought about trying water aerobics, but haven't ever actually taken the plunge. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  22. The frustrating part is that she isn't really giving me any guidance on the weight loss part. At our 1-week post-op appointment, she just told me I was doing great on liquids and should cut back my Protein so that I don't take in too many calories. But when I asked about a calorie goal she said she didn't set a calorie goal for her patients, that we don't need to count calories. She was happy with the 7.8 pounds I lost in a week, says that I was right on track, losing a tiny bit more than she expected me to lose. I am cleared for exercise now, so I'm going to be doing some mini-workouts and one longer walk during the day and then trying to get to the gym at least twice per week. I did forget to ask if I can swim, though. :/ Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  23. That makes me feel better. I've been between 330 and 570 during days 3-7 and it seemed like a big variation, but maybe that's OK. My surgeon kind of freaked me out at my 1-week post-op appointment today when she told me to cut back on Protein (I've been getting between 60 and 100 grams) but she didn't exactly give a reason. She said that too much protein adds up to too many calories. So I asked what a reasonable number of calories would be and she said I don't need to count calories. It was weird. Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  24. Beautiful! Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App
  25. I'm so glad to hear this! I really wasn't hungry the first few days post-op, but today is day 7, I have 2 weeks of full liquids left before I get to purees, and I am so hungry all the time again. I hope I start feeling full again after I get on purees Sent from my Nexus 5X using the BariatricPal App

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