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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by GmaDiana

  1. i had my revision in November 2016. 2 weeks after surgery I got pneumonia in my right lung.,Even with that I had to help take care of my Mom who was having back issues.Not lifting though.I have lost 41 lbs and still losing.Dr said it would be slower but a loss is a loss.At my heaviest I weighted 290.I have lost 91 lbs in total.I trying to find more time to exercise regularly.I sure I would of lost more if I had. Hope this encourages you newbies on here.Ask any questions and I will try to answer them as best I can.I live near St.Louis,MO ,in a suburb of St.Charles county.Across the Missouri river from St.Louis county.

    I have the best Dr,hospital and support ever with their staff.I also have had a lot of support with friends and family.They had classes, A very informative booklet that tells you the phases of diet.What to eat how mush.Also what Vitamins and the strength on vitamins and minerals.i also have recipes they gave us when I had my sleeve done.A lot of helpful hints and how to add flavor to things so they taste better.

    I also had to have a Hiatal Hernia repair again with the revision.It was rougher recovery for the first few days.I did learn that you have to remind yourself about chewing real good and eating real slow.I would have immediate feeling of food getting stuck where my Hernia repair was.

    Best decision I ever made and wished I would of had the bypass first. Eat your Protein and drink your Water, if you don't do that after revision you really don't feel good.I drink the Premeir Protein because it tastes good and has 30 grams of protein.Made it easier to get my protein after surgery.

  2. ren0318

    I had sleeve in 2011.Then in 2015 acid reflux that kept getting worse.In Nov 2016 i had Bypass.I will never regret it.I was really concerned that if reflux kept getting worse that my esophagus would be compromised and I would have to have a feeding tube in my old age.Hope this helps.I still take 20 mg omeprozole for first 6 months then I will be fine.So far no issues.

  3. My surgeon recommended a Medical alert Bracelet.

    Mine says: Bariactric surgery

    No Blind NG tube

    Fluid capacity 60 CC

    No Nsaids

    My husband and his number for emergency contact.

    You would be surprised how many emergency room and Drs are not familiar with weight loss surgery and protocol.My Dr said always call them first then go to emergency room as needed.This office has been in business for a long time and does about 500 surgeries a year.

  4. Everyone has these fears.It is natural.You have made the decision to have the surgery now have the faith that the Dr will take care of you.You will be ok.You will be most comfortable in stretch waist pants for a while.Make sure you take that to hospital.I also took my favorite pillow,in a colored pillowcase so they know it is yours and not theirs.Make sure you have some ready made shakes like Premier Protein as well as powders if you are going to mix your own.Everyone is different what their Dr tells them.I was on liquid for 1 week then added mushies foods.Cottage cheese,greek yogurt,vegetable Soup that had been blended.

    It will take you a while to get and keep your Protein and liquids up.A portable drink cup with a lid to take with your everywhere you go.

    I was sleeved in 2011 and had revision surgery Nov 2016 due to acid reflux issues.I was very concerned about both these surgeries but everything worked out fine.I have had 14 total surgeries.But having surgery for weight loss was scary because I had a choice.I have never regretted y decision about the surgery.I have lost another 30 lbs from the last surgery.You lose slower after a revision .You will probably loose at a fasted rate.

    I will keep you in my prayers for your surgery and healing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
