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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ready_to_be_thin

  1. I am almost 5 months post-op now from having my sleeve, but when I first met with my doctor, I hadn't decided whether I wanted the lap-band, sleeve, or bypass. I was 99% sure that I didn't want the bypass, and almost positive I wanted the sleeve, mostly because going in like 5 times per year to have fills on the lap-band just seemed so daunting to me. I did consider it because it seemed less invasive, but after doing my research, I just thought the sleeve was the best option for me. So when I went in for my initial visit, my doctor actually told me he doesn't even do lap-bands anymore because they just don't work as well as sleeves. He said something that really stuck with me.... he said that lap-bands aren't permanent, and nobody has ever come in to his office telling him that they want to be fat again. So that definitely made up my mind! Just from my research and my personal thoughts, the sleeve seemed less invasive and had the best results for my situation.

  2. I couldn't stand Water either, until about a month ago. My first four months post-op, I just couldn't drink plain water because it would make me nauseous every time. Luckily I could drink it with flavoring like Crystal Light, etc. I can drink it now, finally. But I sure was worried there for a bit that I was never going to be able to!

  3. Before surgery, the only way I could drink a lot of Water is to use Crystal Light. Now that I am post-op, the only thing i want to drink is plain Water. It is so strange how the surgery changes your cravings and everything.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    I definitely agree that it changes things!! I was just the opposite. I used to drink water all the time, but after surgery, water just made me so nauseated! My doctor said there is actually something called "water nausea." I am 5 months post-op, and I am just now able to drink plain water again. I have been drinking Crystal Light and other flavorings like crazy!

  4. I know exactly how you feel. I am lucky if I go once a week, and I had to resort to an enema for that. I take a stool softener every day, but that just isn't enough for me. My doctor recommended Miralax, but that doesn't work for me either. I found something called ClearLax. It is just like Miralax in that its clear and unflavored, and you can add it to your drink..and its cheaper. I found it on Amazon. It took about three days to work, but after that, I have been "moving" every day for 3 days in a row. Its been the only thing that has worked for me, other than an enema...and I don't want to do that unless I just have to. :-( It says not to take it for more than 7 days, so I figure I will probably take it for about 4 days out of the week, and then take a 3 day break.

  5. The bad thing is, everybody's doctor is different on what type of plan to follow, so you're probably going to get all kinds of different answers. Some people have three weeks of liquids before moving to pureed food, and some only have one week. Just depends on their doctor. Personally, my doctor had this type of plan to be followed: one week of liquids, then one week of pureed food, then one week of soft food such as tuna or chicken salad, and then the fourth week was normal foods, as long as you tolerated them ok. So to answer your question, yes, I was on pureed foods before day 15, but that was because my doctor allowed that. But please don't feel like a failure just because you have questions. Its perfectly normal to have questions over such a life-changing decision such as this one. Hang in there, and best of luck!

  6. cheese... that is the best bet. Quest also makes small packs of Protein chips, but they are pricey and I didn't really find them to be all that great.

    I totally agree! I bought those Quest chips thinking they would be great for when I craved something like that. Nope, I was wrong. I bought the cheddar and sour cream ones. Ick. They were not good at all. I threw them in the trash. And it was like $2.50 for one of those small bags. I eat cheese probably every day. I love it!

  7. cheese cheese and more cheese! purely because of the Protein. I know this is going to sound horrible and I don't necessarily condone this but i LOVE salt & pepper Pork rinds. 80 calories for 1/2 oz and thats a great amount (about a snack bag full) and it has 8 grams of Protein. I don't do it often but they are delicious, the cut the craving and I justify it because it has more protein and less calories than chips. I love beef Jerky too but it doesn't give you the crunch satisfaction.

    Good luck!!

    I totally agree! When I am just dying for something, I eat pork skins since they have no carbs. I can only eat about 5 of them before I'm full, and it hits the spot. Its certainly a better choice than eating Lays!

  8. I am almost 5 months out, and I am just now getting 500-800 calories in per day, and that is only if I include a pre-made Protein shake, and a homemade Protein Drink that includes unflavored Protein, and a Protein Bar, and that is on top of my regular food. If I don't do that, I can't get in enough calories, and I won't lose. I'm still only able to eat about 2 ounces at a time, and I am so grateful for that. I know it won't stay that way forever, so I am relishing in it for now. But in the beginning, there is no way I could have done all of that. It took me quite a while before I could even get all of my liquids in. For now, just focus on sipping, sipping, sipping, and get in as much liquid as you can so that you don't get dehydrated. At the beginning, I would do that, and other than that, I probably ate a sugar free popsicle and ate some sugar free Jello. For the first week, that was about all I ate. It was hard for me to eat much at all. But it will get better. Now, I don't focus on calories or fat at all, I just watch my carbs and try to stay under 20 per day. And I focus on making sure I reach my protein goals of 80 per day. What I mean by not focusing on calories, is that I don't really worry about getting too many in. I just want to make sure my carbs stay low and my protein stays high. Its been working so far.

    Good luck and congrats on your first few days! I promise that it will get easier.

  9. I know exactly what you mean!! I think that may be part of why I allowed myself to gain so much weight to begin with. Regardless of how much weight I gained, I always saw the same person in the mirror. But when I would see a picture of myself, my mouth would just drop because I couldn't believe how big I was and how disgusting I looked. Its pretty much the same thing now. I don't see all that much of a difference when I look in the mirror, but when I look at a current picture of myself, I think, wow, that cannot be the same person! Keep up the great work!

  10. eggs never bothered me, but I definitely had issues with Protein shakes. When I first started, I just couldn't drink them period. No matter what time of the day, they would make me nauseous. As time went on, it got better. I am almost 5 months out now, and I still can't drink them in the morning. I usually drink mine at about 3pm. I use the Isopure unflavored Protein Powder and add it to my crystal light, etc.

  11. When I started my 2 week pre-op diet, I asked my nutritionist about the diet soda. She said that I could have one small soda (a can) a day, so that's what I did. I was a huge diet soda drinker for years. It was hard to cut it out, but after surgery, I don't miss it at all!

    I stopped drinking soda during my 1 week pre-op liquid diet. I was a big soda drinker too....I LOVE Dr. Pepper. I really thought it was going to be so hard on me to no longer drink it after my surgery, but shockingly, I don't miss it at all. I am so grateful because man is that a lot of sugar and empty calories! Its so strange for me to even think that I haven't had a soda in 5 months! But soooo worth it!

  12. Well if you do have to have it out, hopefully they can do it at the same time that of your WLS. I would think that would be ideal, if possible. That way you can have it all taken care of at once. I don't think it would make your pain any worse afterward. I actually had my gallbladder out almost 15 years ago. I never had "typical" gallbladder issues, I just had really bad pain in my back. It was outpatient surgery, so I went home the same day. The surgery was very similar to my WLS. They put 5 holes in me for both...so I do think its possible that they can do it together anyway..but those are just my thoughts.

    Try not to worry too much....just remember you have to do what is best for your health. Best of luck, and keep us updated. :-)

  13. I was told the same thing at my first post op appointment. I had lost 60 pounds by then but my Protein levels weren't very good. I am now adding unflavored Protein mix to two of my drinks every day, eating a Protein Bar, and a Protein shake. Not crazy about the Protein Shake but I have to do what I have to do, I don't want to get sick, and I don't want to lose any more hair. Doing those things has increased my protein amount that I get daily tremendously, so I'm finally reaching my goal.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using the BariatricPal App

  14. Plain Water made me nauseous for several months after my surgery. I had to drink tea or flavored waters. Used a lot of those little sugar free packets. I recommend that to get your liquids in. It's hard to get your liquids in at first, you just have to sip sip sip. Take a sip every two minutes or so and that will help you reach your liquid goals. It will get better in time. Sure don't want you to end up in the hospital with dehydration.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using the BariatricPal App

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