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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by M579

  1. I had to go and buy some stool softeners. Because I am with you cuteNATL. I know it is because I am not eating any Fiber. If it is something other than liquid then I am making darn sure it is a meat with a lot of Protein. Maybe when I am passed the soft food stage it will be easier to fit the veggies in to my diet. I love veggies. I think I need to get some metamucil or Fiber con. Something like that. I would love to hear what others of you have tried that have worked well.

  2. I am almost a month out and I am eating more. Soft, very well chewed foods, but I am a little worried that I can eat so much more than you. I am losing nicely and ensuring what I do eat is high in Protein. I can eat 3 oz of shrimp (well chewed of course). I feel like I am doing great, but kind of wish that I was taking it slower and able to eat only smaller portions like you. I may try to back track a bit. So anyway, my advice is don't push it if you don't feel that you have to.

    But heck, what do I know! :)

  3. They have an after taste, but Atkins and a few others make a Protein Water. If you add a couple of drops of one of those Water flavor things it helps somewhat. The Protein water has 20 g Protein which nice. You get your ounces and your P all at once.

    Oh and I also made some Soup. I used chicken flavored bone broth (9 grams of protein and I added some of the bouillon stuff that comes in a jar for extra flavor. you can even add a little milk or cream of chicken Soup to give it more texture.

    Just a few ideas. I am 3 weeks out and I got tired of the Protein shakes too.

  4. My surgeon had me on prevacid twice a day. I asked if I could go back on my Nexium which is working better for me. I had that empty burning feeling too and it was heartburn related I think. I can't say I am hungry all of the time but I do think about food more than I wish I did. I was always a grazer and I think it is just ingrained to constantly have something to eat. I am trying to work through that though and only do the mealtimes for anything other than liquid Protein type stuff.

    And while I applaud you on the only weighing once a week ( that is what I should do too), it would drive me crazy not to know what was happening day to day!

    I am three weeks out as of yesterday myself.

    Are you getting in your Water. I am making a much more concerted effort to get close to the 64 oz.

  5. My surgeon said no caffeine for a a year! But then I have seen some other posts where people are able to have coffee ( fully leaded) the first week. It is just crazy the differences in each individual surgeon's do's and don'ts. I loved my coffee too but did give it up a week before surgery to hopefully keep myself from having the headaches post op as I was trying to recover. I still kind of miss it but I am going to stay away from it for at least 3 months.

    I think part of why they say no coffee is that one it can dehydrate you and two the caffeine can be hard on your stomach.

    I have tried a cup of Decaf at work but it doesn't taste good. I was a bit of a snob though and used to grind my own Beans and make strong coffee that I could then add a lot of milk to. So either my tastes have really changed or the coffee at work is just bad!

  6. Just be careful guys. I didn't have a whole lot of pain either after the first few days and then I did too much and felt like I pulled an internal stitch out and it hurt for two days. I am three weeks out today and I was feeling good and just did too much. So even if they aren't bothering you, you should take it easy.

  7. You perfectly captured all of the reasons that I finally decided to take the drastic step and have WLS. I can relate to many if not all of your wants list. I was on 2 different cholesterol medicines and meds for diabetes. My Dr. has me off of all of them for now. You seem so very ready to do this because you already understand what I don't think I totally did going into this and that is that part of my issue is not the size of my stomach and what I can eat, but instead what is going on in my head. I am not physically hungry any more, but I still find myself looking for what can I eat.

    I am still a work in progress, but am very please to be on the right path.

    Good luck!

  8. I am 3 weeks out and can't manage 64 oz of liquid yet. I also couldn't get close to the 60 grams of Protein until I started my pureed/mushy food. At 5 days post op my goal was 30 grams. What I have figured out though is that there is a LOT of variety in the different dietary instructions. Seems to totally depend on your surgeon.

    Just keep trying on both of these. It absolutely gets easier.

  9. I am back at work. I have a desk job though so I don't move a lot. ^_^ I had the surgery on a Weds and then worked from home for a week starting the next Monday. Back at work for a little over a week now. As long as I don't move suddenly or push against something I don't hurt. I will be very curious as to what your surgeon tells you. Please share! I decided to take it easier and I didn't try to walk for 20 min at lunch time. I am going to give it another week and see if it doesn't heal a little more. If you can afford to stay off of work for a little bit longer then you should take the time to get fully healed.

  10. Congratulations on everyone sleeve in September. I'm 15days post op. I'm getting in Protein and fluids. Started purée today and it was challenging. Question- does any still have pain to their abdomen? Exercise? I sometimes feel like I should be doing more. I went walking and the following two days I was in extreme pain. Just curious

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I have been doing great also. Haven't used any pain medicine for since the very first days, but oh boy am I in pain now. I was walking at lunch time and got a very sharp pain under my left breast. It feels like muscle or like something tore/came loose, I don't know. If I sit very still I am fine. It is only if I move funny I get this very sharp pulling type pain. It is near the largest of the laprascopic incisions that my surgeon said would bother me for a while. Is that what you were experiencing BPowell? I am 2 days away from 3 weeks post surgical. This pain has just really caught me off guard.

  11. LOL I just posted almost the same thing a few minutes ago. I am almost two weeks out and was worried that I was drinking too much and stretching my sleeve. All I want is ice Water. I push myself to do the Protein shakes but I like the broth. A little sip of ice Water isn't cutting it for me. I need a few sips/swallows. I am thirsty!

    There is a Protein water that I have tried that is okay. yucky after taste, but mixed with ice I can get one down over the period of two hours out in the heat like sitting at my kid's games. The 20 grams of protein is worth a little yucky after taste.

  12. Mine was more for the surgeon to ask if I had any questions and to have his staff make sure the scheduling was set and for me to pay my portion of what would be due. They also gave me my surgical forms etc. Pretty routine. I am surprised though that they haven't told you yet if your surgery was approved. I didn't see my surgeon until after we had approval and were ready to schedule surgery.

  13. I am only a week and a half out and am doing great so far. Down 15 pounds, not really hungry and no nausea or pain. I do get thirsty though and may be taking bigger sips/swallows than I should be of Water. Is it also normal to be able to eat almost a cup of broth at a half hour meal? I know at first I was supposed to do the 30 cc of liquid every 15 minutes, but I definitely tolerated that fine after a week and still wanted more to drink. Maybe I am just too impatient, but 15 min seems like a long time between little sips.

  14. Hi everyone. Just wondered how you were all doing. I am almost two weeks out and I have lost about a pound a day. Love looking at the scale every morning. I feel almost back to normal, but am still low energy and I get a little light headed sometimes. The Water is the easiest thing for me to do. The Protein shakes not so much. I just don't like them. I am getting the 30 grams of Protein that my surgeon's information says that I need during this two week liquid phase. It will be tougher though as the requirement goes up. Just curious. What is the best tasting, high protein thing that you all have found?

  15. My surgeon said not for 6 months. :( Major bummer for me because I loved, loved, loved my coffee. I gave it up only 4 days before my surgery. I have seen another post somewhere that said we could have caffeine after 3 months. So while I plan to follow my Drs orders, it would be nice to know what everyone else has heard from their surgeons.

  16. When you wake up in recovery you will feel pretty awful. I don't remember a whole lot of it though. I did have some pain but for the first 24 hours but kept the pain meds coming and it definitely helped. What was hard for me is that I had a headache most of the first two days. Probably a result of all the meds I was getting. Anyway that bothered me more than the incisional pain. I did have nausea but it went away with the Zophran they gave me through the IV. Never threw up, just had the rush of Water in my mouth a few times that meant I was close. Once I got home I felt a lot better. Am slightly sore around my healing incisions and not yet sleeping on my stomach, but over all I feel pretty good.

    Good luck to you. You can do this.

    (I think what started to help me feel even better was seeing that I had lost 8 pounds after only 3 days :) )

    I should add that what made me nauseated in the hospital was the Clear liquids they put me on. The sugar free, clear liquid was awful. I was best when just sipping ice Water and then some regular apple juice. I guess my stomach doesn't like the fake taste of some of the sugar free things.

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