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Posts posted by Paulaski

  1. I had rny due to having gerd as patient above. I wanted the sleeve as well. My surgeon said the sleeve would make it worse. Surgery 1-10-17. Down 36 pounds. For me nausea and headaches plagued me. More recently much better. I am also sixty years old. The surgeon repaired my hiatal hernia along with rny. Previous abdominal surgeries were open cholecystectomy, (gall bladder), appendectomy, and c-section. Just this week, which is week six, I had two wounds that were red and festering. The inside stitches were being rejected by my body. Nothing bad, the surgeon removed the stitches in his office. Today I feel pretty good. Good luck to you. Do your research hon.

  2. I agree with Liz. I am 16 days post op. I too, had a hernia repair but with thy gastric bypass. I have 9 wounds from incisions. O am also 60 years old. I am still weak. I do some walking around the house and very minor housework. My husband has been taking good care of me. I will not be released for work until six weeks post op. Give yourself time to heal. My stomach is still tender. Paula

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  3. I have been doing some reading about the 2 surgeries VSG or RNY. With the bypass I have seen a lot of people say that they are feeling hungry more and more. I have not read this with the sleeve. I do know that the VSG they remove the portion of the stomach that has the hormone ghrelin. This hormone is what says hey your hungry and with the RNY since the stomach is still there the hormone is still produced. I have been recommended the bypass because I have been on insulin for a while and this would be the best chance for me to get off my meds. I am worried that if I have the RNY I will feel hungry all the time and screw it all up. I have will power but I do think of all aspects of this. I need help with deciding what surgery will be the best for me. UHHGGG this is frustrating. I need input from both sides. HELP!

    I also do much research prior to my rny gastric bypass on Jan. 10th. I learned I now have a pouch the size of a walnut which is stapled off from the rest of the stomach. The other portion of the stomach food does not go thru. It is still used for enzymes and other digestive juices. Most of the small intestine is cut away and then attached to the pouch. The stomach lining carries most of the grehlin with the small intestine some as well as the pancreas and a few other organs. I am sure you can ask your surgeon to explain the mechanics of one procedure vs the other. The rny is both restrictive and malabsorptive. The vsg is restrictive only. I hope this helps some. My surgeon said due to my gerd the vsg would not be a good choice. It can make the gerd worse. So I followed his expertise. He is very strict on following his recommendations. My surgery went well. But yes, I feel hungry. I believe because the first 10 days have been clear liquid diet. The last 4 days a Protein drink has been added. Tomorrow I start full liquid blenderized diet for 2 weeks. Every surgeon has their own plan to follow. My Dr. Cahill has done well over 6000 bariatric surgeries at the Midwest Center of Bariatrics. Sorry I went on so long. Like the other posts, follow your surgeons recommendation. Good luck and prayers. 23# down in 20 days. Paula

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  4. Wow! The picture on the right is in loose clothing, so it does not clearly show her shape as well as the after picture. This site is to inform and share. I do not believe the nastiness. Sometimes we just need to ignor and let things go to be the bigger person. I am 12 days post op and 23 pounds down. I commend you working out that hard. You look great. Keep up the good work.

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  5. I am sixty and married 39 years in March. Yes, you have to do this for you!!! My husband is very supportive. I had my rny gastric bypass on Jan. 10th. Hopefully you attend al anon to deal with your husband's alcoholism. I do know something about the disease. I have been a recovering alcoholic for 29 years and my husband a recovering addict for the same time. Reach out to those in your support system. Feel free too contact me if I can help. Good luck. Prayers your way. Paula

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  6. I had some anxiety the morning of surgery.. I was wondering if I was doing the right thing. I believe this is normal to feel like this. I have several years on you though. I am sixty. This was my birthday present to myself. My surgery was at 8:00 a.m. I was told it would take one and one half hours to two hours. I also had hiatal hernia repair during the rny gastric bypass. My surgery took three hours. When I awoke I was in intense pain, my stomach, chest, and shoulder. I was extremely nauseous. Pain level an eight. The anesthesiologist said I was given fentanyl and dilaudid. I am allergic to morphine. Still sensitive to that stuff. Chest pain so intense they did a stat ekg and troponin level to check for a heart attack. After some gas relief in my shoulder and soften and reglan I started feeling a bit better. That was my initial response. Surgery was the tenth. I went home the thirteenth late afternoon. It is the nausea the most that bothers me. I know it will get better. Good luck to you. Paula

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  7. Paula thanks!!! They gave me Jello at the hospital and it is normally found on a clear liquid diet so I assumed it was ok. I will say this, I'm just going to drink Water the rest of the day unless my blood sugar drops then I add a couple of grams of sugar to it to get it up. Otherwise just going to try and rest today and then back to the surgeons tomorrow.

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    Welcome Carolina. I am now home on Friday. I can not tolerate narcotics very well. Toradol helped. My biggest issue since yesterday afternoon has been non-ending nausea. Zofran no help, reglan no help. I went home with the scapolamine patch with really no relief. Every day and every person's experience is unique. But if anyone else has this issue, please share. Thanks. Paula

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  8. I do know Jello is not on the liquid diet according to my bariatric team. It has substance. My rny was Tuesday morning. My expected release is Friday. Why rush it? We worked hard to get to this point. Agreed, you need to get to your Dr. Good luck. In fact, I just had my scan to check on leakage. I was good. Just got my catherter and drain out. Just started all liquid diet. Mine is going down fine with just sips. I hope you feel better soon. Paula

    Sent from my EVO using the BariatricPal App

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