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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Aleathia

  1. 15 minutes ago, Berry78 said:

    Yours is a very interesting story. There are people for whom surgery fails, but I hadn't run into any on the board. I'd love a bit more info.

    Stats.. height, starting weight, current weight.

    During the first weeks postop, before you could eat all those calories and bread, did you lose weight? What were you consuming at that time?

    What happened on the preop diet? (What did your preop diet look like?)

    On a personal note: the last diet I tried before deciding to get surgery was a gluten free/sugar free one. I stayed on it for 6 weeks and lost 15lbs. I didn't count calories (but they were assuredly lower than normal).

    I appreciate your help!

    HW: 276 at the start of my 6mon req program

    SW: 244

    CW: 199

    HT: 5ft1

    GW: 125-135 whatever looks good on me, lol

    My 1st pre-op diet was 2wks long. I had 2 shakes a day, broth w/very little egg noodles, sugar-free pudding and sugar-free pops. My 1st attempt at surgery failed. They couldn't get the tube down my throat. Blood started to come up, so they aborted the surgery. I was so depressed. Had to go for testing and started to eat my feelings. After not being able to eat for 2wks and know I have to do it all over again was terrible. I'm glad they stopped though, found out later they could've punctured a lung. Gained 9lbs back, but was able to lose it during my 2nd pre-op diet. My surgeon cut me a break since I had lost 30 lbs during my 6mon program and only made me do this pre-op diet for 1wk instead of 2. I had lost 28 lbs in the 1st 3mons. That's when my NUT gave me my plan. Before that, I was eating very little. I would have oatmeal with Protein mixed in, shakes, yogurt w/protein mixed in, eggs. I kept a log of my weight from the time I started my program when I went back, I noticed the weight loss stopped after she gave me that plan. I didn't realize this until I was meeting with my new NUT. My new NUT asked what I had been eating when I told her she couldn't believe it. When I cut out bread, Pasta, and rice I lost 8lbs in a week. Good luck on your journey and don't be afraid to question your doctors, they have a lot on their plate.

  2. I had gastric sleeve almost a yr ago. I didn't lose any weight for 7 months! Ppl kept telling me to hang in there and stick with my program. It's better for the weight to come off slow they said. I call BS! And I was right. My NUT had me eating Pasta and all brown of course. She had me eating 1500 cals a day which I thought was too high, but she was the Dr. I got a new NUT and she said to cut out all breads for at least the 1st year. So here I am 10 months out and starting all over. Once I cut out the breads, it was like I did a reset. I lost 16 lbs in the 6wks with my new NUT. Also you might be sabotaging yourself by not eating enough and working out too hard. I did the same thing. When the scale stopped moving I was at the gym for 3hrs straight feeling like I'm about to pass out. Did it 3xs a week and still nothing. Got depressed and started eating my feelings again. Therapy also helps. Hang in there and keep pushing.

    Sent from my LG-TP450 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I'm doing good, but losing slow, IMO. I had the staples out Tuesday, 9/27, and was only down about 6 lbs since the surgery, and the nurse said I was doing great and had an impressive loss? Um, okay. I lost -14 pre-op, 6 post, total of 21 lbs in 3 weeks of eating -1000 calories, some days post-op nothing?

    I tried to console myself with the body healing spiel; maybe bloated with IV fluids/gases, etc. -- but this Monday is 2 weeks, and I've only lost another 3 lbs.

    I'm following the plan to the T -- able to get in all my protein/fluid requirements with no issues, and I honestly feel wonderful. My complexion is RADIANT being off carbs/dairy/everything the past month, so that's a nice side effect. No more chicken skin bumps on the back of my upper arms! Maybe I had a gluten/dairy issue and never knew it?

    So, IDK. I'm certainly glad I had the surgery done, but I guess I'm not going to be one of those people who loses 45 lbs the first month, like I hoped.

    I guess, if I can lose 3 lbs a week this month, that will get me close to 20 lbs the first month, but who knows. I haven't had a second to exercise and, realistically, won't have time until December to really do anything consistent, but c'est la vie. I'm not cleared for vigorous exercise until 11/1 anyway, so not the end of the world to hold off another month. I love to walk and will try to get out as often as possible for the fresh air.

    I never had time to take measurements, but I am down a size, from 22 to 20. I feel my face/back bra fat/upper stomach is definitely reducing in size, so that's cool.

    I'll take my victories where I can find them!

    Hey Heather, I'm checking back in. I went for tests and everything was fine. Was sleeved on 11-11-16. I fell off the program for thanksgiving and was beating myself up over it. But got back on track and started over. I had my follow up and lost only 6lbs since surgery. I'm assuming I gained weight from the fluids in the hospital because I wasn't able to weigh myself for like a week. It hurt to bend over. My top incision is still open, ewwwww and I go back to work tonight. How's everything going with you?

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  4. I'm doing good, but losing slow, IMO. I had the staples out Tuesday, 9/27, and was only down about 6 lbs since the surgery, and the nurse said I was doing great and had an impressive loss? Um, okay. I lost -14 pre-op, 6 post, total of 21 lbs in 3 weeks of eating -1000 calories, some days post-op nothing?

    I tried to console myself with the body healing spiel; maybe bloated with IV fluids/gases, etc. -- but this Monday is 2 weeks, and I've only lost another 3 lbs.

    I'm following the plan to the T -- able to get in all my protein/fluid requirements with no issues, and I honestly feel wonderful. My complexion is RADIANT being off carbs/dairy/everything the past month, so that's a nice side effect. No more chicken skin bumps on the back of my upper arms! Maybe I had a gluten/dairy issue and never knew it?

    So, IDK. I'm certainly glad I had the surgery done, but I guess I'm not going to be one of those people who loses 45 lbs the first month, like I hoped.

    I guess, if I can lose 3 lbs a week this month, that will get me close to 20 lbs the first month, but who knows. I haven't had a second to exercise and, realistically, won't have time until December to really do anything consistent, but c'est la vie. I'm not cleared for vigorous exercise until 11/1 anyway, so not the end of the world to hold off another month. I love to walk and will try to get out as often as possible for the fresh air.

    I never had time to take measurements, but I am down a size, from 22 to 20. I feel my face/back bra fat/upper stomach is definitely reducing in size, so that's cool.

    I'll take my victories where I can find them!

    That all sounds great especially the clearer complexion, I cud use all the help I can get, lol. Just keep pushing, I read somewhere that the 1st 6mons is considered the honeymoon phase, where u can lose the most weight. So u have plenty of time. Glad to hear ur feeling great, have been seeing alot of ppl feeling terrible in my other group.

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  5. Oh, and after the 8/1 postponement, I gained 6 lbs on a pity party bender, and I don't feel bad about it AT ALL. I was so pissed!

    It was an insurance SNAFU that had nothing to do with my error. PMO!

    Girl I did too, lol. They brought me cake, CAKE & eggs for Breakfast the next morning. My throat was so sore and I hadn't eating that whole day before. I was literally about to cry. The nurse came in and told me I could eat, just take it slow. Man, it hurt like hell going down but it tasted oh so good, lol. That night wen I got home I threw a pizza party and I ate a whole med triple cheese pizza in 2 days. My surgery ATTEMPT was on Monday, I went to see my surgeon on Thursday and the nurse was like you've gained 7 lbs. Wen my surgeon came in, he said Wat have u been eating? I said FOOOOOD!!!!!! Lol. But he did say that if I don't go too crazy that I can do the liquid diet for just 5 days and not 2wks, so that's good news. How have u been doing Heather? Oh and to check in on my 9/19 surgery babies, I click PARTICIPATED at the top. So far I've participated in 3 threads, so it's easy to find yall, lol

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  6. Aleathia, I saw your surgery center, nice. I was going to stack up like that before doing my clear diet but my Dr said that he wouldn't advise me to because just because I like 1 Protein shake today, after surgery I may change my mind because my taste buds my change so he wouldn't advise me to

    Sent from my TM101A550L using the BariatricPal App

    My nutritionist said the same thing, but they were on sale for $18.99 for a 18pk. U can't beat that. I told my nutritionist that I will MAKE myself like them. I don't believe in wasting money. So I bought things to add to them and there's plenty of recipes floating around online. But I already add coffee to the vanilla and chocolate shakes. I added PB2 to the chocolate shakes and I just bought a 4pk of banana shakes to try out. I will add PB2 to one. Then blend a chocolate shake with the banana shake with ice, try one as is and I'm not sure about the last one. But I also have pumpkin spice, cinnamon, nutmeg and sum sugar free flavored syrups. So if my taste does change, I will be experimenting, lol.

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  7. Sorry everyone, I haven't really been on here. I've been having a bout of depression since I wasn't able to have my sleeve done. It didn't help that I was off my meds for a week because it hurt to swallow. But I'm back on my meds and back on track with my dieting. I have my appt with the GI specialist next week, so I'm hoping whatever the reason they couldn't get the tube down is an easy fix. So I'm a 9/19 sleeve baby in spirit, lol.

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  8. How are all my 9/19 sleevesters doing?

    I feel surprisingly wonderful. No pain really, more of a soreness as if I took a 8 hour core training class. The dilaudid is making me itchy so I got Benadryl to help. And I've been walking the corridors!

    So happy I'm in the other side and I can't wait to start this new phase.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    That's great. I had complications and the surgery was postponed. Still in the hospital, maybe leaving in the morning

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  9. Someone on here recommend an app that reminds you to take a sip. Does anyone know what it is?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Baritastic app, has a reminder for EVERYTHING, pills, Water, food and exercise. It also has a log for all of the above and connects to my fitbit. Also has a journal for daily logs, a weight and measurements tracker. The food log can scan bar codes and it will break down your food in carbs, Proteins, sugar and calories and let you know how much more you need of each. It even has a daily encouraging quote

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  10. Anyone else noticing food more only on day #2 and food is everywhere I'm being good though. I haven't come this far for nothing

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

    I know what you mean. Get a hobby if you don',t have one. Ive started knitting scraves for xmas and coloring in the adult coloring books.

    Sent from my SM-N920V using the BariatricPal App

    The adult coloring book actually makes my hand hurt I got one for jury duty and couldn't get thru one whole page, smh. Maybe I'll go to the dollar tree and get some kids coloring books and crayons

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  11. I'm a year and a half post-op and I watch the FB food videos, but I don't crave the foods. Sometimes I do watch and think how easy it would be to adapt that recipe to be healthy and something I could eat. Or I watch and think "Stuff like that is the reason people are fat!"

    If it is the same friends posting the videos you could always hide them until you are ready.

    Yea it's the same ones, lol, along with the foodie sites I follow. But even the bariatric group on there be posting their healthy food pics, smh. I was thinking about just removing the app from my phone for a while. But I guess I will just have to get use to seeing food I can't eat. My son's birthday is next week and I'm trying to think of something to do with him and my dad besides eat, smh. How much weight have you lost, if you don't mind me asking?

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  12. I come straight home from work and go to bed lol day #2 of pre op liquids.....PUKE......I had to do this with my lap band surgery.....HOW DID I EVER MAKE IT? I did have about 5 pcs of popcorn last night ???? hope that doesn't screw up surgery chances on the 14th!!!! Today I haven't had any regular food, stayed true all day down to the last choked bite of lime Jello.....good luck to everyone else who is going through this and anyone that is going to do it......just remember it does suck however, once at the hospital the struggle is gone!......well.....with the mind it is lol the end results are SO worth it!!!!

    Sent from my SM-G920V using the BariatricPal App

    Omg, sugar free Jello is the worst and I just bought more before actually trying it. I tried one last night took awhile to get the whole cup down, smh. I had broccoli yesterday, which I'm allowed for this week and tonight I have broth and noodles, I work overnight. I haven't strayed from my pre-op diet even with my sister offering me Swiss rolls and chocolate chip Cookies but I love this app, I'm glad I found it. It's nice talking to ppl going thru the same thing

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  13. OMG yes!! I'm also on day two of pre-op diet, and Facebook is full of food recipes!! Worse yet is commercials. I have to mute the tv and look away! Lol, it's torture. I want pizza so bad right now! Haha

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Yesss, was craving McDonald's as I drove by it on the way to work, lol. Is your date 9/19 also?

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

    Yes it is! I'm getting so excited!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I've decided to make this app my new fb, lol. I go thru the different threads and read the stories.

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  14. September 19th date too! 3 days into the pre op diet. Protein shakes as snack and low carb meal with Protein and veggies. Ironically my food funeral weekend did not go as planned, as I ended up with a gastrointestinal bug, so was on liquids right before starting pre op diet.

    Drinking Water and crystal light and Premier Protein. Hospital tour tonight for a pre op tour of what to expect. Have a great day 9/19's

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    Awwww sorry u got sick. Me and my family had "ours" Saturday. I'm the one that takes everyone out, so I told them this is it!!!

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  15. @@Aleathia, great job on the -4 lbs!!!!!!!

    I am taking a Tylenol PM every night to knock me out early -- by 9 p.m., 10 p.m. the latest, so I am not hungry/irritated watching hubby snack watching TV after the kids are in bed. It's not great for our couple-time, but I figure for two weeks it's a small price to pay. It helps keep me under so I can rest. Trying to guzzle a ton of Water in the morning and afternoon so I only have my last 2 shakes from 4 p.m. until bedtime so I don't have to use the bathroom a ton.

    I am using my CPAP religiously for optimal sleep and doing good with the diet, but I walked yesterday and was STARVING.

    The shakes and Water weren't cutting it, so I ate a HUGE summer squash steamed with salt and pepper -- double the 1 cup serving required, but I figured it's better than anything else I'd shove in my piehole in the past! I only lost .5 today though, so not sure if I knocked myself out of ketosis with too many veggie carbs:-(

    I'm trying to figure out this bathroom thing, lol. But yesterday I lost another 3lbs. I started lifting weights at work (overnight) like a wk before my pre-op, but I stopped the night before last because I was literally falling asleep as soon as I got to work. I think because we're taking in so few calories are bodies can't take as much. I wasn't even doing alot, but I was starving also. Had 3.5 cups of broccoli I ate in throughout the night. I will see if I stalled myself tonight before work. 11 days

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  16. @@Aleathia, well, day 1 liquids in the bank, and man, it works! LOL. -5 lbs! I'm sure it's just Water weight if I were to go back to eating "normally," but who wants to do that!

    I kept really busy yesterday and was pretty happily surprised I wasn't *too* hungry/distracted. I hear after day 3 it's much easier.

    How are you finding it?

    I haven't weighed myself yet, will weigh tonight before work. But being at work all night is a struggle. I use to eat out of boredom. So I did find myself getting a Lil hungry, but I pushed thru. Drinking my vanilla shake with a Lil coffee added so I can go home and clear my closet. I just slept after work yesterday. Congrats on the 5 lbs

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

    Hey Heather, I weighed myself before work and I'm 4lbs down but I was having trouble sleeping. Every time I started to dose off, I had to go to the freaking bathroom. As soon as I fell asleep, my alarm went off to pick my son up from school. Now I'm at work tired Are you having this problem

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  17. Oh, my gosh... I'm post-op, but yes, when I was pre-op all of a sudden all of my f'list seemed to be posting recipes and pictures of the most yummy things. It was torture.

    Though I will let you know, at least for me, once I had the surgery, it didn't matter anymore. I am not craving the same foods I was pre-op, at all. Part of my brain will see something I used to want to binge on, and think... oh, {fill in the blank} would count as soft food, let's get it. But then the part of my brain that imagines eating the food goes... eh, doesn't sound so great. And I walk away, no stress at all. I love it. Even if the effect doesn't last forever, if it lasts long enough to get some healthier eating habits in place, it'll be completely worth it!!

    Good luck!!

    Thanks for sharing and for the words of encouragement

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

  18. @@Aleathia, well, day 1 liquids in the bank, and man, it works! LOL. -5 lbs! I'm sure it's just Water weight if I were to go back to eating "normally," but who wants to do that!

    I kept really busy yesterday and was pretty happily surprised I wasn't *too* hungry/distracted. I hear after day 3 it's much easier.

    How are you finding it?

    I haven't weighed myself yet, will weigh tonight before work. But being at work all night is a struggle. I use to eat out of boredom. So I did find myself getting a Lil hungry, but I pushed thru. Drinking my vanilla shake with a Lil coffee added so I can go home and clear my closet. I just slept after work yesterday. Congrats on the 5 lbs

    Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App

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