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Everything posted by mrsNilla

  1. Just venting... I have been doing well and had a steady weight loss at my max 1500 cal diet with 100g proteins. Then the dreaded stall came 10 days ago... I'm so sick of waiting for it to be over. I reduced my cal intake to 1300 cal yesterday and still nothing. I know it needs to happen, but still, it has been going on long enough. I HATE IT!!!
  2. mrsNilla

    So upset... 2wks out

    I agree, 9 lbs is great! I'm 11 days out and have lost 6 lbs, so you are doing better than me. Don't stress about it or it will slow down. Weigh ins only once per week if you have a hard time mentally. And the 3 week stall is yet to come... Take your measurements if you haven't already, it will usually show a loss even when your scale doesn't. Nilla
  3. Not to be rude, but you chose to have the surgery, not them. I don't expect my hubby or family adjusting their eating habits for me. I will eat according to my plan and they can enjoy whatever they want. Nilla Everybody handles things differently, and everyone's journey will be different. She was just being truthful about how she was feeling. While in the process of losing weight, our fat cells shrink, which forces out the hormones that are stored there. This is called hormone dumping. This can explain mood swings, irritability, etc. It is perfectly normal to become upset, resentful, angry, or whatever, especially when those you love are sitting around eating whatever they want. The other day, I had to leave my parent's house when the family was gathered because I almost flew into a rage when they ordered pizza. Today, I was crying because I was overwhelmed. How about being a bit more empathetic and supportive of your fellow WLSers. Sent from my SM-T817V using the BariatricPal App Well, that was my my opinion in the matter. I don't get why you would say I lack empathy or support for others. You really don't know me. I still stand by my opinion. I had the surgery and I have to adjust my life according to my new habits required by my wls. My friends and family are making their own choices for their lives. Who am I to expect that the rest of the world has to change according to my wishes? If my friend has to have some dental work and can't drink or eat for a few hours, does that mean that I have to do the same, even though my wls requires I meet my liquid goals? Or when my dad gets his hip replaced, should I also stay at home and do exercises for my hip, instead of going shopping or out with friends? Or should I have gone to the same school as my best friend from high school? No. We all make choices only for ourselves, regarding any matter. That's what makes us individuals and the world more interesting. Sure there can be raging feelings due to hormones exiting our bodies, but again, we all made that choice to have it happen. That doesn't mean I can't be supportive, but the issue here was of expectations of the world to accomodate us and that just isn't realistic or fair to others. Nilla
  4. Gas pain when waking up in recovery... I wasn't prepared for it. I have a high tolerance for pain, but until I got up from the bed it was absolutely no fun. But it really helps to move around. Pain meds did nothing for my gas pain. Drinking Water, who knew it was so difficult? Cold beverages make me nauseous, room temp makes my tummy gurgle and burp, but warm liquids go down much easier without any problems. Nilla
  5. mrsNilla


    Nov 21st, surgery morning I was 227.3 lbs. Sorry if I forgot to update last week, I blame the anesthesia!! Nilla
  6. Not to be rude, but you chose to have the surgery, not them. I don't expect my hubby or family adjusting their eating habits for me. I will eat according to my plan and they can enjoy whatever they want. Nilla
  7. mrsNilla


    Monday Nov 28th, one week post-op my weight is 223.3 lbs. 4 lbs down in my first week!! And I expected to gain a lot with all the iv fluids! Nilla
  8. mrsNilla

    Recommended calorie intake

    With 300 calories per day for any prolonged period of time you will seriously damage your metabolic system. Not to mention that you just had an operation, your body needs fuel to heal itself. But don't take my or anyone elses word for it. Confirm with you own surgeon or nut if in doubt. The 800 cal diet that I was on is allowed for max 8 weeks if medically unsupervised and max 12 weeks even with a dr/nut supervision. So I wouldn't risk my body or health with anything less. Nilla
  9. mrsNilla

    Annoying annoying

    I hear you Dub, but still, couldn't they show some compassion to us struggling with real weight issues? My assistant ask me every day how much I've lost and it's getting old. She is a stick and complains about her weight to me every day after she is done questioning me. It gets to be a 30 minute monolog every time, since I have no more interest in answering her never ending rude invasion of my privacy. Yup. Not accountable to anyone for the exception of my surgeon, nut and myself. Nilla
  10. mrsNilla


    Just saying... try to quit well before you start your pre-op diet, otherwise you have to do two battles at the same time. Twice as hard to succeed. Nilla
  11. If you just started at the gym, then that's your answer. When you start exercising, you retain fluids for some time, this is very normal. When your body gets more used to the exercise, you will lose the extra fluids. Drinking Water helps it go faster. Think of it like flushing out toxins so your body can work like it should. Good luck! Nilla
  12. mrsNilla

    November RNY Surgery Buddies 2016

    I just got my phone call from the hospital. My surgery is scheduled for 10.15, so I'm nbr 2 that day. It just got real. They told me about the preparations I need to do over the weekend and monday morning. Only 3 more nights to go! Nilla
  13. Hummm, but if the revision was made because of GERD or complications and the revision fixed these issues - isn't that a success in itself? Luckily my surgeon (she was the one recommending revision, btw) didn't insist on this after I made up my mind of actually getting the revision - might have been that I would have been admitted as an emergency during this six months period because my band was beginning to erode into the stomach when it was removed. Gastroscopy didn't show it, they only noticed it during the procedure of band removal so in the end I was lucky. I wasn't so fond of revision and between the first consultation and the second one was a time period of six months. I hoped, things might resolve on their own (kind of stupid, I know) because I didn't want to take the risk of two surgeries, even though I gained some weight back after the fill was removed from the band a year before I made the consultation at this center because I still had volume reflux and dysphagia sometimes, though removing the fill helped these issues quite a bit. I'm now back where I was before the fill was removed weight wise, a bit lower maybe. What I'm trying to bring across here is, that it depends on the reason you're getting revision if therapy or nutritional counseling makes sense to try before getting a revision. I agree it makes sense if the reason for revision is weight regain. However, no amount of therapy or nutritional counseling will free you of certain complications. It might even be dangerous to postpone revisions, depending on the reason the revision is taking place. However, in general I think most surgeons are a bit more differentiated in their opinions than it might come across on these boards sometimes. The OP wanted thoughts on someone elses post in another forum. She also added her own and they included special circumstances. I would imagine that they would be mechanical problems etc. As for my opinion, I hope everyone gets a good understanding of what they are about to do to their bodies and the requirement of their minds. The surgeon will help with the mechanics, but the mental part is totally up to each and everyone getting wls. If you're not able to change your relationship with food, any amount of surgery won't help in the long run. Well, with the exeption on having your mouth sewn shut... And again, if there is a mechanical problem (slippage, gerd...) with your first wls, I'm absolutely for revision, if it is a viable option. It's a touchy subject and I hope everyone gets surgery without complications and gather the emotional strength they need, before the surgery, to change their lives. Nilla
  14. What a fun suprise it would be if she answered that she also had wls! You can't know her reaction unless you tell her. Either way it might come up some day. Better to get it out of the way before telling her becomes a bigger hurdle. I'm sure she will share something private with you as well. Nilla
  15. mrsNilla


    Weight on Nov 14th 232.4 lbs I'm having surgery Nov 21st, would it be to much to hope for to be out of the twohundreds at the end of the challange...? Sorry for posting so late! Nilla
  16. mrsNilla

    liquid diet

    What does your food plan look like? Would your surgeon be happy with your choices? There is your answer. Nilla
  17. mrsNilla

    On the PreOp...

    Check your plan, if in doubt, call your surgeons office. Nilla
  18. mrsNilla


    Please don't take this the wrong way, but I at least don't want to go back to how I ate before, if that's what you mean with normal. That's what got me obese and having to have surgery. I fully hope and expect to have less room in my stomach so I have a back up reminder if I make an error in judgement and try to eat too much. Doggy bags are normal and if you go out in a group, maybe there is a guy who would be very happy to have your left overs? It will be an issue only if you make it one. Good luck on your journey! Nilla
  19. mrsNilla

    11/28 bypass buddies? Or close?

    Nov 21st! Join us on fb RNY November 2016 if you like. Nilla
  20. mrsNilla

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    It says,in Finland it was only a movie. Google Uuno Turhapuro for more info Nilla
  21. mrsNilla

    Lovaquan shots

    I have to do one the evening before and then ten days after. I'm not looking forward to it! Nilla
  22. Are going to be on a total liquid diet? Nilla
  23. mrsNilla

    How do you run a challenge?

    I would love to join! Nilla
  24. mrsNilla

    Surgery 11/25 any advice?!

    If we both are able to follow our drs program pre-op and post-op, we will be fine! Take care and let me know how you are doing Nilla

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