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Everything posted by mrsNilla

  1. I think she got it that it wasn't the brightest idea to eat that food, since she hasn't been back. I wonder what the next piece of entertainment will revolve around? Cookies, baby back ribs or deep dish pizza?!? Nilla
  2. mrsNilla

    I finally got my activity tracker!

    Hahaa!! All that aggravation had to burn some calories and I bet my BP was high or maybe up to normal, since it's been very low after surgery... The tracker wanted me to move today while I was enjoying my Soup. Not a chance if I want to eat some at least luke warm food! Nilla
  3. Yay, I have mastered chicken! I made a chicken Soup and it was the best one yet. No protests from the pouch and it was delicious. So I guess Soups will be a staple on my menu from now on. I just have to learn how to make smaller batches, my freezer is getting full and hubby can't eat it all alone. Still have to be careful with dumping, since my pouch seems overly sensitive with simple carbs. But that's a small price to pay. It seems like my stricture fix is holding well and I'm happy with the way things are progressing. Weight loss is still slow, but I'm losing, so I can't complain too much. Tomorrow will be 7 weeks post-op and I'm down 17 lbs today. So my average is better than 2 lbs / week! Wohoo!! Nilla
  4. At least the OP is getting her calories in... Nilla
  5. mrsNilla

    Feeling Discouraged - Slow Weight Loss

    You are doing great! Keep up the good work! I know it's boring to hear that it's a marathon, not a sprint, but it's so true. I also struggle with my head. I had rny a week after you and I have lost 17 lbs. I am lighter than you to start with, but I still want it to go faster. I can't see any difference in my body or face, but my clothes fit looser. My surgeon is happy and I rely on the rumour that my skin will not sag as much if I lose slower... A lady who had surgery the same day as me had a fun comment when I saw her in the isle walking after surgery. She said that it's ridiculous, but she kind of expected to wake up skinny and all the extra jiggle was still there! What a bummer!! Nilla
  6. mrsNilla

    Needing Advice

    Start practicing! When I made my decision, I put myself on a 1200 cal limit and reduced it gradually to 800 cal the month before surgery. It was a great learning curve for me! If you still have a snacking problem when you get wls, you might seriously injure yourself if you continue the behavior right out of surgery. It is also possible to eat around the wls and then you have had a big surgery for nothing. You might consider seeing a therapist before surgery. That will increase your chances of a safe wls and the result you wish for. I used an app to see how to adjust my diet towards my post-op diet and life. Myfitnesspal works well for this purpose. Hi Protein and low carb with non-calorie fluids. And quit smoking now if you are a smoker. Do your research. Watch youtube videos of both good and bad outcomes, talk to people and go to classes. You need to have a knowledge of complications so you can communicate well with your team if something should occour. Good luck to you! Nilla
  7. mrsNilla

    One week post op

    Those first 17 lbs had a lot of excess fluids in it, it's not all fat. You won't have the same results after wls. Water goes first. You gained in the hospital due to iv fluids. Also muscle weighs more than fat, but more muscle mass require more calories, either from food or fat stored in your body. To prevent loss of muscle, make sure to eat your Protein. Your body will lose weight, stall to adjust to the new calorie count, then lose again. If you put it in a graph, it will look like steps. Just follow your plan provided by your surgeon and nut, they know what they are talking about. Good luck on your journey! Nilla
  8. You can always say that you want to stay sharp and that's why you eat only a little bit. We all know how those heavy meals can make you drowsy. Also you could contact the person in charge of foods (if it's a sit down event) and let them know you have a special diet and would prefer blended Soups. That can usually be arranged if they know it in advance. Buffet breakfasts etc should have something for everyone. You could even ask for a smoothie or eat at your room (shake) before joining everyone for a decaf coffee or tea. Where there's a will, there's a way. Just make sure to get enough sleep, you will need it to heal. Nilla
  9. mrsNilla

    How Does It Work?

    For me, soon 7 weeks out, I have a lot of things reducing my eating. Here are a few of my reasons: - I'm simply not hungry and forget to eat sometimes - the restriction of my pouch makes all my meals very small - I dump on all sweet foods in tiny amounts and even all fast/simple carbs if I don't have enough Proteins with them - I have to eat enough proteins every day and I don't have room for bad choices - I drink all the time and have to plan my eating around it, so unplanned Snacks never happen - foods taste different, I don't even care for sweet foods like yogurt, I would rather have something salty I have to use an app to track my diet, otherwise I end up eating and drinking way too little. My fitness pal is a very good app for this, if you aren't using one yet. Good luck to you! Nilla
  10. Stats from my hospital bed (going home in half an hour!), had a stricture and dehydration fix. Was in the hospital since Thursday getting so many iv bags! HW 253? SW 228.8 RNY Nov 21st CW 214.5 BMI 34.9 As I finally am able to drink and eat more, I might actually reach my liquid goal one of these days. My progress has been slow, but I'm hoping it will pick up with some increase in Protein. Now that I can eat some! Nilla
  11. mrsNilla


    Monday weight 214.5 and I'm so happy! Didn't make my goal, but with all these problems, I'm good with that. Background info, this weigh in is done in the hospital after having a stricture opened and having numerous iv bags since Thursday for dehydration. Finally going home today! Thanks for hosting @@dashofpixiedust Nilla
  12. I just want to mention that I had a stricture that was taken care of on Friday, finally going home from the hospital in an hour. I can now eat and drink like a normal wls patient! It feels surreal, no more regret! Nilla
  13. Today I finally get to go home! My surgeon wants me back in a month for a new endoscopy so she can check that it's keeping open. So even if I get any problems, I have a safely net of an appointment to fix it already. Now I'm well hydrated again, since I gained 1/2 lb since Thursday. But I'm sure the extra Water weight will be gone soon. I was cleared to eat pureed food and in addition to that, to try solids as Snacks or meals. If tummy says yes, they can stay, otherwise see you in a months time for a new trial. So happy to be able to drink fairly normally again! Cheers!! Nilla
  14. My surgeon and nut would like me at 1200 cal and I have been happy if I reach half of it. Today might be the first day that I reach my 64 oz liquid goal! Nilla
  15. Cottage cheese, any cheese, baby fruit pouches (for low blood sugar), skyr, Protein bars and shakes, cashews, rye crackers (these are allowed on my food plan from week 2, but please, follow your own plan), tea with milk, protein puddings... I still rely a lot on frankenfoods for my protein, but now when my stricture is fixed, I will be more brave. Nilla
  16. When you think you are constipated and take laxatives and only get gas, because you haven't eaten anything in 5 days. (And yes, I'm in the hospital because of stricture) Nilla
  17. Quick update! Who ever thought I would be happy to know I have a stricture?!? I had the endoscopy done a few hours ago and apparently one opening was so tight that the camera didn't even fit thru. So my surgeon inserted a balloon that she filled with saline to push the hole more open. The stretching causes some bleeding, so I got some meds for that. I'm back in my room now, drinking milk. The feeling is so much different than before. Still taking small sips, but there is no pain or feeling that it gets stuck. I still have an iv for hydration and I also got a Vitamin B drip, because I haven't been eating much lately and my labs show malnutrition. But I feel so much better than before! Maybe my weight loss will start to pick up now that I can physically eat more..? One can always hope! Nilla
  18. Thanks for the replies! Sad to say I'm back at the hospital. I haven't been able to keep anything down for 24 hours, not even a half teaspoon of water! So I called in and was instructed to get to the er at once. Apparently my blood test wasn't too bad, but since I can't even stay hydrated, I'm getting an iv again and staying for at least a night. I already had an endoscopy scheduled for next Tuesday, but I really hope to have it done tomorrow. My surgeon is working in the morning, so I hope to get some answers from her. When I don't have the actual cramps or try to drink or eat I'm not too bad. Dizzy, weak and cold mostly, but that I can handle at home. The cramps on the other hand are terrible! I don't wish them on my worst enemy (if I had one)... It sounds like a month is a very good schedule for starting stricture problems. And since I'm just over 5 weeks out and had problems earlier, it seems to be a good guess of what the real problem is. The panniculitis is supposed to go away on it's own, so I hope that's not the trouble maker... A happy and healthy new year to us all! Nilla
  19. When you have been sipping on a Protein shake for 2 hours and there is no end in sight... When you think mushies is the most appetizing thing in the world... When an iv for dehydration / enema for constipation / barium swallow to check for blockages actually is on the top of your "can't wait" list... When stall today has a totally different meaning than a stall in my professional life in aviation...
  20. I'm happy so many had an easy time with their pain. I didn't. When I woke up in recovery and felt the gas pain under my ribs I had instant regret. The gas pain was really bad and it moved as I turned. I was speaking the wrong language to the staff and was totally messed up in my head. I got relief when I got up to go to the bathroom, still in recovery, the gas settled more in my shoulders and didn't bounce around anymore. The pain meds I got didn't help with my gas pain, so I didn't take them after a while. My insicions never hurt. I had and still have a hard time with drinking liquids 5 weeks out. Warm liquids go down easier and cold ones are a no-no. I was in the hospital last week for dehydration and other small complications. I'm losing weight slower than before surgery. On the fence if I did make the right desicion. For now my problems have outweighed the benefits, but I hope it will all turn around for me soon. I didn't write this to scare you, but please be prepared for complications and pain. If you don't have any problems, then it's a bonus. Good luck to you! Nilla
  21. mrsNilla


    215.8 and quite happy with that, since I was in the hospital just before xmas and got a lot of iv fluids. Nilla
  22. mrsNilla


    Always sip! The gulps can be too aggressive on your new and smaller stomach. The sips also help you to recognize the full feeling easier. Nilla
  23. Complications, these dreadded problems that affects some of us... They almost made me spend Christmas in the hospital. I started having stomach cramps Tuesday evening after drinking a few sips of Water. And these were nothing to play with. It was like someone was squeezing all life out of my pouch! The worst pain was just under my breast bone with pain shooting out under my lowest ribs. I was salivating so much that I couldn't even swollow a pain pill. It finally ended with me throwing up a spoonful of liquids. Little did I know that this was going to happen again in the middle of the night and be even worse? Needless to say I was really careful on Wednesday and did a liquids only day, even though I had problems drinking. I was weak, but didn't get any cramps. Thursday was a whole new day, with new cramps in the afternoon. I was scared enough that I called the hospital and they told me get myself to the er at once. So I got into a cab and was hooked up, poked, scaned and tested at the er. My pouch and intestines were intact. No leaks or blockages. I was dehydrated and got an iv and several of its friends. Also very constipated, sorry for the tmi. Apparently you can be constipated and have small bowels movements at the same time. The blood test also showed malnourishment. They wanted me to stay over night so they could hydrated me. Finally in my room I was allowed to drink some water to get the barium taste out of my mouth and the cramps returned with new found force. Pain meds in the iv helped in 15 min, so happy to be at the hospital at that time. The next day the surgeon came to tell me that they had found panniculitis in my intestines that might be the culprit to my cramps. I had to Google it too... In short there are some lymph nodes in my small bowel lining that are mildly infected. It's so mild I don't even need meds for it, other than for the cramps. So suppository meds for home, yay... They wanted me to stay until xmas eve, but due to a family emergency I had to go home the night before and of course had another cramping episode... Luckily the new meds were effective. I'm still weak and not eating much, but I try my best. It seems like water is going down easier after the constipation was taken care of at the hospital. Xmas eve I slept until the afternoon and then went to my dads for a few hours. I even had a few spoonfuls of holiday foods and did fine. So today I have had my morning pills with water and soon some food. I just don't know what to choose. Real food or a Protein shake? I was following my food plan carefully and haven't tried that many foods yet and now I'm even more scared of new foods creating problems. Maybe a scrambled egg so I can get some much needed calories..? Take care everyone! Nilla
  24. It still says pre-op on your profile, how far out are you? You didn't specify your starting weight, but it sounds like you are on the lighter end of the spectrum? The reason why it's so important to clarify things is because there are a lot of people who just read posts and those "eat what you want" posts might be the only info they want to hear. You know, like "she eats cupcakes and pizza, so I can too". Some only choose and pick the posts they like, like an addict. They choose to ignore the fact that you barfed on certain foods when most of us would have still been on soft foods. They want permission to make bad choices, because you did also, not taking into account their personal food plan. I'm happy if it works for you forever, but keep in mind that what works for you, might be very destructive to someone else. I wouldn't want to risk my post being read like a permission to go for whatever you like, whenever you feel like it. That's why all of us have our own guidelines from our surgeons, in addition to support to making good choices. That support should be according to general food plans, just to be on the safe side. Nilla
  25. mrsNilla


    Thanks, but maybe I will keep it as a reminder of my unrealistic dreams. I will be very happy if I reach 210, pipe dream..? 2 weeks left of this challenge, right? I had rny nov 21st and it has been slow... But my surgeon is happy, so who cares! And thank you so much for hosting! Nilla

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